The United States Since 1865 Syllabus and Survival Guide

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The United States Since 1865 Syllabus and Survival Guide

The United States Since 1865 – Syllabus and Survival Guide

History 271 – Spring 2013

TuTh 12:30 – 1:45 pm, Chaparral Hall 5122

History, as nearly no one seems to know, is not merely something to be read. And it does not refer merely, or even principally, to the past. On the contrary, the great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally present in all that we do. It could scarcely be otherwise, since it is to history that we owe our frames of reference, our identities, and our aspirations.



Dr. Thomas W. Devine Office Hours: Sierra Tower 624, Tu,Th 2:30-3:30 pm and by appointment gladly given. Email: [email protected] Phone: (818) 677-3550

Teaching Assistant: Chris Docter Email: [email protected] Supplemental Instructor: Matt Sorrenti Email: [email protected]


The following books are in stock at the Matador Bookstore.

• Mark Twain, Pudd’nhead Wilson • Kevin Boyle, Arc of Justice • Russell Baker, Growing Up • Sloan Wilson, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit • Michael Patrick MacDonald, All Souls: A Family Story from Southie

To subvert the system and save yourself some money, you should consider buying used copies of the books. You are likely to find used or discounted copies at the following web sites:;;

Requirements & Grading

Class Participation, Quizzes, and Short Writing Assignments 20% First Paper 15% Second Paper 15% Midterm Examination [March 14] 25% Final Examination 25% • Any assignment not turned in will be counted as a ZERO in calculating the final grade.

Spirit of the Course

Someone, probably a frustrated student, once complained, “History is just one damn thing after another.” Unfortunately, many history courses are taught in such a way that one can easily reach this grim conclusion. In this class, however, you will not simply be memorizing a series of facts and regurgitating them for exams. There is no text book to bore you – the readings range from novels, to a murder mystery, to memoirs, to short stories. This class is specifically designed for the non-History major in an effort to persuade you that a history course, if well taught, can actually be interesting. I will not be lecturing at you. Most of the time, I’ll be asking you questions, or, more precisely, asking you to think. Thinking can be hard work, which explains why most people never bother, but as college students, you should consider giving it a try. I will give you the opportunity to do so.

Although we will be learning a good deal about what happened in the United States between 1865 and the present, more importantly, we will be trying to make sense of what happened and determine how, in James Baldwin’s words, history creates our frames of reference, our identities, and our aspirations. Why did events unfold in the manner in which they did? What forces have been significant in shaping the course of recent American history? What can studying the past tell us about how we came to be the nation and the individuals we are today and where we might be headed?

In addition, the course will provide you with ample opportunities to improve your writing and analytical skills. Throughout the semester you will be critically examining historical sources – both primary (produced at the time of the historical event in question) and secondary (produced after the fact). Using evidence presented in these sources, you will be formulating arguments for a particular position (and evaluating the strength of others’ arguments based on the same evidence). We will also work on how to write a coherent, logical essay that takes a particular point of view and makes a persuasive case for it. These skills are invaluable if you are to succeed in any number of career paths and will serve you well in the world beyond History 271. In fact, it is no coincidence that many employers now say they like to hire History majors in fields such as finance, marketing, management, advertising, journalism, public relations, insurance, even sales. They know that History students have been trained to think critically, analyze data effectively, argue persuasively, and write clearly – all skills in high demand (and very low supply) in today’s job market.

Finally, as someone who believes an informed citizenry is vital to sustaining the health of a democracy, I hope that by studying the unfolding of American history since the Civil War, you will leave this course a more informed citizen than when you entered. Today, Americans are seen by others as astonishingly ignorant of their own nation’s history and even more clueless about the world around them. This is not only embarrassing but unfortunate, for as George Orwell reminds us in his novel1984, those who have no knowledge of the past are not only powerless, they inevitably are dominated by those who do possess such knowledge – something to think about as we begin the semester.


One way of making sense of a large amount of material is to identify major themes that recur throughout this period of our country’s history. Looking at a series of events through the lens of a theme, it becomes easier to see how these events are linked. A coherent “big picture” begins to emerge. Moreover, this process can reveal connections between the past and the present that we might not have seen otherwise. Though there are obviously many themes from which one could choose, I have structured the course around four in particular:

1. The expanding role of government in citizens’ lives. 2. The persistence of tensions between the various groups that make up American society. 3. The United States’ increasing involvement in the international arena and the ramifications this brought. 4. The continuing conflict over what constitutes a “good society.”

These themes will be running through the lectures, the class discussions, the readings, and the various audio-visuals we will be using. They will provide a framework for your understanding of the material and will be the focus around which exam questions are based.

Explanation of Requirements

Class Participation and Quizzes Though this course will include some lectures, it is not exclusively a “lecture course.” Even though we are a large group, the emphasis will still be on discussion and classroom interaction rather than sitting passively and listening to the professor (or daydreaming, or multi-tasking, or sleeping). Have the reading done BEFORE you come to class and be ready to comment on it – the class will be far more enjoyable for you and your classmates if we can sustain a good discussion. Since not everyone is comfortable speaking in front of others, your performance on the quizzes and other short writing assignments will also be considered in calculating your participation grade. A missed quiz will count as a zero. There will be no make-up quizzes, but I will allow you one drop quiz, so a missed quiz can be your drop quiz.

Midterm and Final Examinations The Midterm and Final Examinations will consist of 5-7 short essay questions and one long essay. You will have a choice of topics for the long essay. A week or so before each exam, I will distribute review questions that will help you study for the short and long essay questions. You are responsible for bringing an unmarked blue book to the midterm and the final.

Paper Assignments The two paper assignments will focus on the assigned books. There will be a choice of paper topics, which will be handed out well before the due date. You will write your first paper based on either Pudd’nhead Wilson or Arc of Justice. You will write your second paper based on either Growing Up, Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, or All Souls. If you wish, you may do both first paper options and I will count the higher grade. Likewise, you may do any one of the second paper options and I will again count the higher grade. Each paper must be a minimum of 1500 words.

Surviving History 271…

Doing Well You have chosen to pursue a college degree, and therefore – at least in this course – you will have to do college level work if you expect to pass. That said, History 271 is a lower division GE course, it isn’t Rocket Science. As one student evaluation put it, “If you do the reading, study for the tests, and pay attention in class, it’s pretty easy to do well. On the other hand, if you don’t do the reading, don’t come to class, and don’t study, you’ll probably fail.” That pretty much sums it up.

Writing Tutorials Most CSUN students lack college level writing skills. In fact, the latest data indicate that most students enter CSUN writing at a 6th grade level. To help address this serious problem, I will schedule several hour-long writing tutorials over the course of the semester to help prepare you for the paper assignments. I urge you to attend one of them, and, as an incentive, will give you extra credit for doing so. The History Department also has a writing center. You can make an appointment with one of the writing tutors by calling the History Department at 818 677-3566 or you can talk to me about setting up an appointment. If you graduate still only writing at a 6th grade level, beyond being tragically embarrassing, it will be very difficult for you to advance very far in your career of choice. Make an effort to improve your writing. I will make every effort to help you do so.

Problems If you are feeling overwhelmed, find yourself falling behind, or are having any problems outside of class that are adversely affecting your performance in class, be sure to let me know. Do not wait until the end of the semester when it will be too late. I am more than willing to work with you to insure you “survive,” but I need to know you are having difficulties. Come to see me or send an email as soon as a problem arises and we can work something out. If you are struggling academically, I will gladly give you extra help.

Attention Freshmen… Contrary to what you may have heard about professors in large state universities, I go out of my way to be available for students on a one-on-one basis, so if you need advice or help – even if your problem is not directly related to this course – do not hesitate to email me, come to my office hours, or set up an appointment. Students who make the effort to get to know their professors end up getting far more from their college education than those who don’t.

Attendance Since active student participation is crucial to the class’s success, you are expected to be at every meeting. If you are receiving tax payer dollars in the form of grants and/or subsidized loans to fund your education and you do not attend class, you are engaging in fraud. If you are paying your own way and you don’t attend class, you are simply throwing your money away (about $50-$60 a class, but who’s counting?) If you are a person who rarely attends class and relies on copying notes from a friend, you would be best served by registering for another section of History 271. Or, perhaps more to the point, you might reconsider why you are in college in the first place.

Laptops Since “multi-tasking” is a constant temptation, laptops end up being more of a distraction than an aid. I do not allow you to use a laptop in my classroom unless you have a medical note stating that you must have one.

Common Courtesy or “How not to be Rude” You are at a university among professional people. Act like you belong here. Do not embarrass yourself by acting rudely. Please turn off and put away all cell phones and other electronic gadgets while you are in class. Texting during class is rude and people who do it are advertising to those around them that they don’t know how to behave in a professional environment. Please arrive on time and do not walk out in the middle of class unless it is an emergency or you have spoken to me about it ahead of time. Do not talk, listen to music, or surf the internet in class. Do not begin gathering up your things before the end of the class period. This kind of rude and disruptive behavior reflects poorly on you and leaves the impression that you are not the kind of person who belongs on a university campus. It also distracts your classmates who are paying good money to be here. If someone around you is acting rudely, call my attention to them and I will ask them to leave the room. If you are acting rudely and distracting me, don’t be surprised if I ask you to leave the room. Save yourself the embarrassment – act courteously and professionally. Try to show some class. It’s part of being an educated person.

Academic Honesty Do not lie to me about why you missed class or failed to turn in an assignment. It is unnecessary and it insults my intelligence. Do not cheat on quizzes or tests. I will catch you and you will receive an automatic zero for the assignment. Do not plagiarize from written sources or from the web. Since plagiarism is always obvious and easily caught (I know how to use google too), it is better to hand in your own work and get a C- than someone else’s and get an F. (Follow the example of a former student who once told me, “I may not be that smart, but at least I have integrity.”) If you have plagiarized in the past and gotten away with it, it was not because the professor didn’t know what you were doing. Rather, the professor did not think you were worth the effort of pursuing it. Be advised: I do think you are worth the effort. Any and all plagiarized assignments will receive a grade of zero and put you in jeopardy of failing the course. Your name will be reported to the Office of Student Affairs and will also be circulated among other faculty as someone who lacks integrity. Good luck getting a reference or letter of recommendation if you are on this list. If you are unsure what plagiarism is, please consult with me or the teaching assistant BEFORE you hand in an assignment.

Schedule of Topics and Assignments

Unit One: 1865-1896 “Building the Foundation of Modern America”

Major Topics 1. The legacy of Reconstruction on race relations. 2. The settlement of the West and the expansion of the American economy. 3. The significance of growing divisions between capital, laborers, and farmers and the government’s response to these divisions. 4. Defining “progress” and determining who benefits and who suffers from “progress.”

Questions 1. To what extent did Reconstruction change the lives of both black and white southerners? Why have people (both at the time and in hindsight) been so critical of Reconstruction? 2. How did the process of westward expansion and the development of the railroads affect the American economy and Americans’ daily lives? 3. Why did relations between businessmen. laborers, and farmers grow increasingly strained during the late 19th century? What did the government do to ease or worsen these tensions? 4. How did industrialists such as Vanderbilt and Carnegie define “progress?” What did Native Americans, workers, and Populists think of this definition of “progress?” How did the various notions of what constituted the “good society” differ?

The reading listed for each day should be completed BEFORE you arrive at class.

Tues. 22 Jan. Introduction: An explanation of course objectives, mechanics, and procedures. Reading: History 271 Syllabus

Thurs. 24 Jan. “Restoring the Union: Reconstruction in the North and South” Reading:

Tues. 29 Jan. “The Iron Horse:” Railroads as the Herald of the Industrial Age Reading: William Cronon, “Railroads and the Reorganization of Nature and Time” Burton W. Folsom, Jr., “James J. Hill and the Transcontinental Railroads”


Thurs. 31 Jan. “Let us Prey:” Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, and the Rise of Big Business Reading:

Tues. 5 Feb. “Worse Than Slavery?” – Black Poverty, the Plantation Economy, and the Rural South Reading: excerpts from Jay Mandle, Not Slave, Not Free

Thurs. 7 Feb. “Fire on the Prairie” – Populism and the Farmer’s Revolt Reading:

Tues. 12 Feb. “Separate but Equal?” – Mark Twain and the Irony of American Race Relations Reading: Twain, Pudd’nhead Wilson

Unit Two: 1896-1945 “War, Reform, and the Rise of Mass Culture”

Major Topics 1. The United States’ increasing stature as a world power. 2. The rise of the modern American city. 3. The expanding role of government (primarily the federal government) in people’s everyday lives. 4. The development of “mass culture” and its effects on American society.

Questions 1. Did the United States make an active push to become a world power or was this a responsibility thrust on the country as a result of outside forces? 2. In what ways are advances in industrial technology, immigration, and urbanization linked? How did each help bring about the other? 3. What did reformers during the Progressive and New Deal eras hope to accomplish, and how were their strategies for achieving their goals similar or different? How did each group envision the role of government and what constituted a good society? 4. What do we mean by “mass culture”? Did the rise of a new mass culture break down divisions of class, race, region, and gender? Or were there ways it enhanced these divisions? Did mass culture create a generation gap?

Thurs. 14 Feb. “The Four D’s: Duty, Destiny, Defense, Dollars: Explaining American Imperialism” Reading:

Tues. 19 Feb. “That’s Life in the Big City: City Bosses and the Challenges of Urbanization and Immigration” Reading:

Thurs. 21 Feb. “Rebellion Against Victorianism: The Rise of a New Mass Culture” Reading: “Summer Amusement Parks” Film: “Coney Island”

Tues. 26 Feb. “The Search for Order: The Progressives’ Response to Industrialism” Reading:

Thurs. 28 Feb. “Over There” – The Catastrophe of World War I

Tues. 5 Mar. “Flaming Youth” – Flappers, Shieks, and the Roaring Twenties Reading: F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Bernice Bobs Her Hair”

Thurs. 7 Mar. “The Other Twenties” – The Tragedy of Ossian Sweet Reading: Boyle, Arc of Justice

Tues. 12 Mar. Continue Discussion of Arc of Justice


Tues. 19 Mar. “From Harding to Hard Times: Boom and Bust in the 1920s” Reading:

Tues. 21 Mar. “Happy Days Are Here Again? – Assessing FDR’s New Deal” Reading: McMillen, Chapter 25

Thurs. 26 Mar. “Something will come Along – One Boy’s view of the Depression” Reading: Baker, Growing Up


**Begin reading Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi**

Tues. 31 Mar. NO CLASS

Thurs. 2 Apr. “The World at War: World War II at Home and Abroad” Reading: McMillen, Chapters 26, 27

Unit Three: 1945-2009 “Cold War, Social Change, and New Challenges”

Major Topics 1. The significance of anti-communism not only as a guiding force in the formulation of American foreign policy but also as a central element of postwar American culture. 2. The rise and decline of postwar liberalism and its accompanying view that an activist federal government can and should solve the nation’s problems. 3. The impact of poverty and prejudice on people’s lives and aspirations. 4. The new challenges facing the United States at home and abroad in the post-cold war era.

Questions 1. How did tensions between the US and USSR in the international arena shape the development of American postwar society? Did US foreign and domestic policies share common assumptions? 2. If you were a “liberal” in postwar America, what basic ideas and ideals did you believe? What basic ideas and ideals did you believe in if you were a “conservative?” 3. How did poverty and prejudice affect Anne Moody and Michael Patrick MacDonald? How did they both try to overcome these obstacles? 4. How has the end of the cold war and the aftereffects of the 9/11 attacks affected the United States’ position in the world?


Thurs. 9 Apr. SPRING BREAK

Tues. 14 Apr. “The Four A’s: Anxiety, Anti-communism, Affluence, and Alienation: America in the 1950s” Reading: McMillen, Chapters 28, 29

Films: “Elvis 1956” “Rebel Without a Cause”

Thurs. 16 Apr. “That Bitch of a War: The American Experience in Vietnam, 1945-1975” Reading: To be announced

Tues. 21 Apr. “A Life in the Movement” Reading: Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi, Chapters 1-4, 10-12, 18- end WRITING ASSIGNMENT


QUIZ #4 on Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi

Thurs. 23 Apr. “The Rise and Fall of Postwar Liberalism: 1960-1980” Reading: McMillen, Chapters 30, 31

Tues. 28 Apr. “The Age of Reagan: American Politics and Diplomacy in the ‘80s” Reading: McMillen, Chapter 32

Thurs. 30 Apr. “Prurience and Prosperity: The Clinton ‘90s” Reading: McMillen, Chapter 33

Tues. 5 May “Here We Go, Southie, Here We Go: Busing, Gangs, and Urban Poverty” Reading: MacDonald, All Souls


QUIZ #5 on MacDonald, All Souls

Thurs. 7 May “A Whole New Ball Game: The Post 9/11 World”

FINAL EXAMINATION 10:15 am – 12:15 pm Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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