Great Basin College/Winnemucca Branch

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Great Basin College/Winnemucca Branch

AM 145 American Sign Language I 4 credits Thursday 7:00-9:45 PM Great Basin College/Winnemucca Branch Fall 2010 IAV

Development of American Sign Language and its application within the deaf community. Based on the functional, national approach to learning sign language and organizes language around communicative purpose of everyday interaction. Aspects of the course include cultural awareness, grammatical features, vocabulary development and conversational skills.

Instructor: Juanita Pardovich Phone: 775-421-1745 cell e-mail: [email protected] To contact me: You may reach me by phone, email or at the GBC Winnemucca campus

Required Text: Humphries, T., Padden, C., O’Rourke, Terrence J. (2007). A Basic Course in American Sign Language (2nd Edition). Carrollton, TX: TJ Publishers.

Humphries, T., Padden, C., O’Rourke, Terrence J. (2007). A Basic Course in American Sign Language Student Study Guide. Carrollton, TX: TJ Publishers.

Course description and goals/objectives: This class will provide an introduction to the development of American Sign Language and its place within the Deaf community. Various articles and topics will be discussed to further student knowledge regarding aspects of deaf culture. Students will learn approximately 500 signs/concepts.

1. To learn the visual language of American Sign Language 2. To begin an understanding of the Deaf Culture 3. To learn facial expressions that enhance ASL 4. To understand the grammatical structure and syntax of ASL

1 Expected learner outcomes:

LEARNER OUTCOMES MEASUREMENTS Students will be able to demonstrate Students will be required to understand and knowledge of the manual alphabet, use the manual alphabet, numbers and numbers, and beginning vocabulary and vocabulary through classroom how it is used in ASL. participation. They will demonstrate this knowledge through dialogues, quizzes, and a final project. Students will be able to understand and use Students will be required to perform in grammatical features including non-manual front of the class demonstrating various markers and classifiers in ASL sentence sentence structures: questions, negation structure such as: topic-comment, and topic-comment. questions, negation a spatial agreement. Students will demonstrate knowledge of Students will be required to interpret what receptive ASL through writing what the the instructor is signing through quizzes. instructor signs. Students will demonstrate knowledge of Students will be required to research topics, Deaf Culture/community. read provided excerpts and respond online (Web Campus).

Learner outcome measurements: Attendance/participation Quizzes and midterm Short answer responses Dialogues Final project

Method of instruction: Demonstrations Lecture Independent study Course readings In-class practice

Grading/testing policy: Attendance/in-class participation 20 points per session On-line responses 10 points each Dialogue (3 total) 20 points each Midterm 60 points

2 Quizzes (2 total) 20 points each Final project 100 points

A—603-670 points B—536-602 points C—469-535 points D—402-468 points F—0-401 points

GBC grade values and definitions: A Superior 4.0 A- 3.7 B+ Above average 3.3 B 3.0 B- 2.7 C+ 2.3 C Average 2.0 C- 1.7 D+ 1.3 D Below average 1.0 D- 0.7 F Failure 0.0

Attendance policy: Learning a visual language requires your participation and attendance. Please be on time to class and stay for the duration of the class period (20 points per session). For each early out or late arrival, students will lose 5 points. Participation points are earned through in-class activities and expressive presentations from text.

Late assignments: All Web Campus assignments will be discussed in class. All on-line responses are due on or before the Wednesday after they are assigned. Late assignments will receive half credit. No on-line responses will be accepted after December 15, 2010.

Exams: Make-up exams will be allowed only in the event of an emergency. Please contact instructor as soon as possible.

Classroom decorum: The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) has established behavioral guidelines and expectations for its students to follow while on or off campus, and while in class. These expectations include behavior within online class communications as well. Please be aware that in accordance with NSHE Code Title 2, Chapter 6, Section 2.2.2, all forms

3 of student misconduct will be reported to GBC’s administrative officer. “Student misconduct” includes cheating, plagiarism, disorderly conduct, abusive language, or anything that interferes with the personal or academic freedom of another. .

Course outline:

September 2  Introductions  Lesson #1  Activity  Homework—Read pages 6-13 and write 5 facts/ideas from the reading that are new to you.

September 9  Expressive presentation  Lesson #2  Activity  Homework—Synonym/concept lists

September 16  Expressive presentation  Lesson #3  Activity  Homework—concepts of “have”

September 23  Expressive presentation  Lesson #4  Begin dialogue #1  Homework—ASL translation

September 30  Expressive presentation  Quiz #1—lessons 1-4  Lesson #5  Activity  Assign times for expressive portion of the midterm  Homework—ASL translation

October 7  Expressive presentation  Present dialogue #1  Lesson #6  Activity

4  Homework—study and prepare for midterm

October 14  Midterm  Homework—Discuss your feeling regarding expressive and receptive signing.

October 21  Lesson #7  Begin dialogue #2  Activity  Homework—What will your final project be? How will you change it to ASL?

October 28  Expressive presentation  Lesson #8  Activity  Homework—TBA

November 4  Expressive presentation  Present dialogue #2  Lesson #9  Activity  Homework—TBA

November 11  No school

November 18  Expressive presentation  Lesson #10  Begin dialogue #3  Activity  Homework—TBA

November 25  No school

December 2  Expressive presentation  Quiz #2—lessons 1-10  Activity  Homework—Prepare and turn in final copy of final presentation.

5 December 9  “Play it by ear”  Activity  Begin final project presentations  Homework—Discuss your feelings regarding this class.

December 16  Final project presentations

ADA statement:

“Qualified students with physical or documented learning disabilities have the right to free accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities at Great Basin College.” For assistance and clarification of services provided under the ADA, contact Great Basin College.

Instructor reserves the right to change the schedule.


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