Cooking Video Project

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Cooking Video Project

Français 8 Cooking Video Project

Due Dates: Parent signature due: Tuesday, February 10th Recipe (in English) and sources due: Wednesday, February 11th First draft of script due: Friday, February 13th Food, Video and final written script due: Monday, March 2th

In order to participate, each student must be available to meet group members outside of school to work on the video (class time will be given to work on the script). Otherwise, an alternative project can be assigned. Please have a parent sign off on this:

Parent Signature: ______

Goals: To research typical foods and recipes from Côte d’Ivoire To practice and use vocabulary from chapter 8 To create a 3-5 minute video cooking show in French To introduce you and your family to African foods

Preparation: Names of students in group:


Sources used:


Name of main meal or dessert you are going to cook or bake (hand in hard copy of the recipe in English ): ______


Criteria:  Type-written script of everything spoken on video  List of ingredients with their quantities in French  Each group member must be seen speaking on video – no reading  Show index cards (with French word) in front of each ingredient  Equal parts for each group member  Use of chapter 8 vocabulary, accurate language, grammatically correct sentences  3-5 minute video of your group preparing food  One person in group has video camera to use  One person in group has house available to use  Bring video and food to class on due date

Extra credit if member of family is shown eating prepared recipe and commenting in French (+5 points) Rubric Possible Points Your points Recipe from Côte d’Ivoire (authentic) 10

Written dialogue (equal speaking parts for partners, 40 grammar, spelling, verb forms, adjective agreement)

Video/food (comprehension, creativity, use of verbs, 50 varied vocabulary)

Total 100 Worth one test grade **5 points off each day late

Research Google: “Ivory Coast Recipes”

Steps for Food Video Project 1. Translate ingredients of recipe and indicate quantity Ex. Une livre d’oignons, une cuillère à café de sucre

2. Dialogue a) Greetings, names, how are you b) I/we are making “______” c) I/we need… Ex. Nous avons besoin de pommes. OR Il nous faut des pommes. Show index card labels with food on video d) Instructions using the following steps. Illustrate on video. D’abord First Ensuite Next Puis Then Après ça After Enfin Finally e) Make, accept, refuse a request (p. 240). Ex. Tu peux me rapporter…? f) Offer, accept, refuse food (p. 247) Ex. Tu prends du poulet? g) Use of “en” as some h) Asking/answering what someone thinks of food i) Family member tasting and commenting on food in French (extra credit) j) Goodbye

Each group member must submit his or her own copy of the written script ORAL PRESENTATION RUBRIC

Exceeds Meets Approaches Does Not Meet Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations 10-8 7-6 5-3 2-0 PRONUNCIATION Pronounces Pronounces most of Speaks clearly Difficult to majority of words the words correctly understand correctly and and speaks clearly Mispronounces speaks clearly some words Struggles or mispronounces No major errors most words with pronunciation (more than 5 serious errors) VOCABULARY Uses varied, Appropriately uses Sometimes Rarely uses or creative and rich correct vocabulary appropriately uses doesn't vocabulary correct appropriately use vocabulary correct vocabulary

GRAMMAR Appropriately Appropriately uses Sometimes Rarely uses or uses correct correct grammar appropriately uses doesn't grammar most of the time grammar appropriately use (adjective correct grammar agreement, verb conjugations, etc.)

FLUENCY Uses few to no Hesitations break There are various Choppy because of hesitations that the flow at times, hesitations that frequent pauses in break the flow of but do not interfere distract from the speech and/or the dialogue with dialogue incomplete thoughts comprehension. Most sentences are Uses more Most sentences are Some sentences fragmented. complex complete, but they are complete, sentences. are not as varied. whereas others Sentences are not are short and choppy. incomplete

REQUIREMENTS Meets all Meets most of Meets some of Meets few of the requirements of the requirements of the requirements requirements of the the assignment the assignment of the assignment assignment Some common French cooking vocabulary:

Une recette a recipe Une cuillère à café a teaspoon Une cuillère à soupe a tablespoon Une tasse a cup Une demi-tasse ½ cup Une pincée a pinch Une cocotte a casserole dish Un bol a bowl Une casserole a pot Une poêle a pan

Préchauffer to preheat Chauffer to heat Laver to wash Ajouter to add Mesurer to measure Réduire to reduce Piler to crush Casser to break Fouetter to beat Remuer to stir Mélanger to mix Peler to peel Couper to cut, cut up Trancher to slice Hacher to chop Verser to pour Étaler spread Faire bouiller to boil Cuisiner to cook Mettre to put Mettre au four to put in the oven Faire cuire to bake

L’émission de cuisine cooking show Le four oven Le four à micro-ondes microwave oven La cuisinière stove Le frigo/le réfrigérateur fridge/refrigerator Le congélateur freezer Rubric Possible Points Your points

Recipe from Côte d’Ivoire (authentic) 10

Written dialogue (equal speaking parts for partners, 40 grammar, spelling, verb forms, adjective agreement)

Video/food (comprehension, creativity, use of verbs, 50 varied vocabulary)

Total 100

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