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This document outlines practices and procedures, to train employees in all aspects of the Back to Nature account. To provide direction and structure, allowing associates to perform tasks in a consistent manner.
WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Receiving p. 2-10 2. Damages p. 9-10 3. Cycle Count p. 11 4. Picking p. 12-20 5. Errors p. 28 6. Shipping p. 20-30 7. Billing p. 31-35 8. Kitting p. 36-38 9. Contacts p. 39
2WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 RECEIVING
. Driver checks in with receiving clerk . Receiving clerk finds appointment on CHR daily inbound report. . Sharepoint Access, URL below. https://backtonaturefoods.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx? guestaccesstoken=KvKd6n70p2LOjRLQDOO%2bRsYBrvgCPNBworlM8je%2fbTM %3d&docid=12348def932e34ad5a20a93bdb08a3cff&action=view
. Clerk checks in driver by PO# and appointment time, and assigns dock door. . Clerk tells driver to back up to door but not to pull in, forklift driver has to verify seal is intact upon arrival. . Clerk records trailer#, dock#, and gives them to forklift driver along with BOL/paperwork. Forklift driver verifies seal # and trailer# on paperwork and watches driver break seal. Driver pulls into assigned door.
Unload & Freight Check-In
3WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Trailer is unloaded and separated by date code in receiving lanes. . Forklift driver inspects freight and takes pictures of any damages. Any damages that are found during unloading are notated on BOL before signing. . Damages are removed from skids and placed in receiving damage bin on dock. . All partials of same item/date are rebuilt to full pallets so there is only one partial pallet per item/date. . An inbound check-in sheet is filled out by forklift driver, detailing carton counts by item# and date code. Any damaged cartons are notated on this paperwork as well. . Check-in sheet and BOL are brought to office to be double checked. . A member of the office staff will review check-in sheet and BOL. Counts and calculations will be double checked. If there is any discrepancy between check-in sheet and BOL a physical audit is performed by office staff before signing paperwork for driver. . Physical audits are also randomly performed on 10% of all inbound loads per week. . When all counts have been verified forklift driver and office staff sign off on BOL and give to driver.
Inbound Check-in Sheet
4WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 Inbound BOL
5WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 Putting away Inbound
6WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Put away forklift driver counts all freight by item# and date code. . Counts are brought to office staff to confirm it matches inbound check-in before putting freight up. . Locations for items/dates being received are looked up in system by office staff, sheet with existing dates and locations is given to put away forklift driver. . Driver attempts to consolidate new freight with existing freight if date codes match. . If same date cannot be found, a new lane is started so FIFO procedures are followed. . Forklift driver completes put away and all paperwork, and returns paperwork to office to be received into system.
Put Away Sheet
7WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 Receiving into WMS (Accellos)
. Purchase order is created in accellos
o Log onFilter to BTNReportsOrder EntryPurchase order Entry.
. Fill in PO# off BOL. Fill in vendor # (always= BTN) . Fill in item# and QTY and click submit
. Receive into system using Telnet.
8WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 o In start menu, click on command prompt.
o Type in : open telnet
. Select option# 2 for receiving, then option # 1 for regular receiving.
. Type in PO# and hit enter. Click Y to confirm, and F2 to start receiving. . Click enter to confirm default receiving date is correct. . Click enter to show products on PO.
. Select product you would like to receive, type 1 and enter.
9WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Type in qty to be received for first date code/location and hit enter. . You will be prompted for expiration date, enter in format MMDDYYYY and hit enter. It will prompt you a 2nd time, enter in format MMDDYYYY and hit enter. . It will ask Q per label (default: 1) hit enter . It will ask # of case labels, leave blank and hit enter.
. It will ask what bin to put away, enter bin on put away sheet and hit enter. . It will ask # of packs , type in # of cartons and hit enter. . Follow same procedure for rest of receipt, make sure to receive damages and different date codes separately. . When you have completed all items from the main screen hit enter, and if you are finished the screen should read “none left”.
10WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . To complete PO hit F9 and then enter.
. Receiving damage bin is checked daily, damage report form is filled out and turned in to office. . Clerk makes stock moves from receiving damage bin (1Quar50) to damage specific bin. . Damage categories consist of: Repack, Donate, Expired/Aged, and Scrap.
SCRAP= 1PR01 . Damage from pick lanes are also checked and reported daily. . All items that are classified as scrap are to be blocked in the system “B” . All items that are classified as any other type of damage/age are to be held for inspection in the system “I”.
11WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . After damages have been reconciled for the day, all damage pictures are saved, labeled by PO and sent to Back to Nature by dropbox link.
Damage Report
. Damage report is filled out for any damage that occurs, whether it is on and inbound load, or damages found in pick lanes. . First the type of damage is identified, Picking or Receiving. . Second, the category of damage is identified and the damage bin is selected. . Additional information is filled in on spreadsheet above, including UPC, date code, item#, description, and whether or not pictures have been taken.
12WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 CYCLE COUNT SOP
Cycle Counts
. Cycle counts are conducted once a week. . We will get ahead on orders early in the week so we can suspend picking and receiving to get counts done. . We try to cycle count 1 full category of items in a shift. Cookies, Crackers, Nuts, etc
. Items to be counted are looked up one by one in accellos under reportsInventoryproduct report. . Items are sorted by bin and exported to excel. Sheet above is an example of what is needed on cycle count sheet. . All columns above are added and formulas are created, then before printing count sheet, QTY is deleted so counter is doing counts blind. . After count sheet printed QTY can be filled back in so when entering counts office staff can see plus/minus counts (P/M) to determine what adjustments need made.
13WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Items are pulled out of picking lanes and down stacked. Counts are made and turned in. If there are any large discrepancies, a 2nd count is made to confirm 1st count. . If there are discrepancies both counter and auditor agree on final number. . After item has been double checked it is restacked and put back into pick lane. . A final count is turned into office and adjustments are made in accellos. . After all counts are done, and all adjustments have been made, all cycle count files are sent to Back to Nature by dropbox link and Back to Nature makes adjustments on their end.
. Orders are dropped into Accellos WMS System by Back to Nature (EDI) . Order priority is determined by pickup dates and times that come across on CHR daily outbound sheet.
14WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Orders are allocated based on minimum days to expiry as laid out in routing guides and/or communication with Back to Nature. . Minimum days to expiry requirements per customer can be found under: CustomBTN Customer Requirements Report. . Minimum days to expiry function ensures that date codes falling under minimum requirements will not be allocated to orders. . If date code does not meet requirement entered, system will skip to next available date.
Order Allocation
. Order screen is opened up. Orders can be found by SO#: Reports PickingPackslip Report. Or You can go to sales order screen, pivot by handle, and find ship date you are looking for and find order there.
15WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . To allocate order click on allocate in top left of screen.
16WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Select zones to include/exclude (usually include A, exclude C) . Select minimum days to expiry (based on customer requirement report, default=65 days) and click submit. . If order goes into held short check stock of item that is short, if Back to Nature approves we will ship without that item. . If order goes into held format there may be a date code issue, click on item to get more info. . If order goes into “ready to wave” it is ready to send labels to printer and “wave” order. . Before we wave we need to figure out pallet count estimate of order to determine how many labels to create. . Click on reportsCustomPallet Count Reporttype in BTN for client name and enter SO# (must have –BTN after SO# or a % sign.
17WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . You will want to round pallet count up to the next full pallet. Now that you have pallet count you can wave the order. . Go back into order screen in “ready to wave”, and at top of the page click on “wave”.
. For regular orders you want Carton Type= Pallet
18WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Customer label = FAROUCC . The only box you want checked for labels is “pick tickets” box . Make sure under “labels per order” box the “Start with N Label” bubble is filled in. . Then you enter # of labels you got from pallet count report, select printer you want, and click submit to wave order. . This will print you out one pick ticket, and in the system will create however many labels you filled in # of labels slot. . Now you have to go get a pallet pick ticket to go along with label pick ticket. . Go back into: ReportsCustomPallet Pick TicketEnter SO# (must have – BTN on the end of SO# or a % sign)
. Print pallet pick ticket, pair up with label pick ticket, tag top of paper with ship date, appointment time, and carrier, order is ready to be picked.
Order Picking
. Order picker fills out pick sheet as they go around picking order. . Picker fills in Pallet#, UPC#, # of cartons, code date, and item #. . Clerk assigns Pallet/label ID (created during waving process) for every pallet picked.
19WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Clerk opens telnet to begin pick. . Option #4 is selected for Picking. . Option # 2 is selected for Product Picking
. Type in Zone pick locations are located (usually Zone A)
o Quarantine product in Zone B
o Wal-Mart in Zone M
o Damage in Zone W
o Overstock in Zone C
o Nuked in Zone N
20WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Telnet prompts for Starting and ending bin, leave blank and hit enter for both.
. Open order up in Accellos. Go to bottom left of screen to section called Shipping information. Copy first “Totlabel” Number, and paste into telnet and hit enter.
. Click F2 to begin pick
21WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Type in item# and hit enter.
. Select date code.
22WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Select Pallet(label)ID based on totlabel assigned on pick sheet to each pallet.
. Type in QTY on that pallet and hit enter.
. This will set you back to first screen, and repeat same process until full QTY of each item has been assigned to pallets, and all pallet ID’s have been used.
. When pick is complete you will see this screen.
23WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 Shipping
Outbound Paperwork (shipping packet)
. Clerk will prepare shipping packet for the order. . Shipping packet consists of a FARO Copy and a Driver Copy . FARO Copy consists of:
N/M Labels
Bill of Lading (BOL)
Packslips (2 copies)
o 1 copy in packing window on freight, 2nd copy stapled to BOL.
Pick ticket and pick sheet (what picker turns in for order) . Driver copy consists of:
Bill of Lading (2 copies) . 1 copy for driver, 1 copy for consignee
24WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 Pallet Labels (N/M Labels)
. After order has been picked, pallet labels must be printed. . Open telnet, click enter to go to 2nd page. On 2nd page select option #1 for label printing.
. Select option # 5 for N-M Content Labels.
. Open order up in Accellos. At bottom left of sales order screen in “shipping information” section. Copy “Totlabel” #.
25WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Paste “Totlabel” # into telnet under N/M Contents. Labels will print out to selected printer. . Labels are attached to shipping packet, for order auditor to label pallets as they are checked.
Bill of Lading
26WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Open order in Accellos. . Click on “ship” button on top of the screen
. Fill in carrier SCAC code under “carrier service” . Fill in 3rd party (or requested freight terms) for billing under “change payment method” . Enter Seal# if it is TL . Click Submit
27WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 28WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Click on “Create Bill of Lading” on top right corner of sales order screen
. Enter Total Pallets on bottom middle of page, click submit. . On far right of screen under “3rd party bill to” click drop box next to name. Select billing method (usually CHRLTL), click submit. . Click on “Calculate” (BOL # turns from blue to red) . Change “tare type” to Cartons or Pallets depending on what numbers represent. . Click Submit. (BOL# turns from red to blue)
29WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Click on adobe logo on top left to print bill of lading. (3 copies)
. Open up SO in accellos . Click on adobe logo in top left. . Print 3 copies.
30WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 Staging and Checking
. After order is picked it is staged in a numbered shipping lane. Lane # is recorded on pick sheet. . Shipping packet is put together by clerk. It includes BOL’s, packslips, labels, seal, etc… . After shipping packet has been prepared, the order auditor takes packet out to shipping lanes. . Auditor checks off each item on packslip (checking item#, UPC#, QTY, and Date), and labels each pallet as order is audited. . If an item is missing from order, auditor looks up location item should have been picked from and sends picker back to location to pick missed item. Item is checked and added to complete order. . If an item is over picked, auditor looks up location and has picker return product to location. . If a date code is wrong, auditor gets with office staff to determine location where correct date code can be pulled from. . If date code on order is not available, office staff adjusts order to reflect new date code picked, this way data sent to BTN matches what has been shipped. . If damages are found during auditing. Auditor will look up location where same item and date code can be found. Damaged product is moved to picking damage bin and good product replaces damages. . Damages are adjusted out of the system and reported to Back to Nature daily. . All errors on picks are recorded on error log. This can be anything from picking wrong date code, leaving an item off a pallet, over picking, or picking damaged goods. . Error log is analyzed to determine if certain employees are showing a pattern of errors. If multiple errors are made in a specific period of time by the same employee, disciplinary action will be taken. Disciplinary action will range from verbal warning to termination.
31WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 PICKING ERRORS
Error log will be filled out for any of the following infractions.
Picking wrong item
Picking wrong date code
Over/Under picking an item
Picking damaged goods If you have damages on skid you are picking they should be replaced with good cartons before staging. If they are on bottom layer pull damaged cartons and replace with good cartons (rebuild skid). All damaged cartons need location marked on box and put in pick damage bin.
Auditor is responsible for filling out error log, and having order picker initial, supervisor will sign off on error log after picker and auditor have signed.
. 1st offense= Verbal Warning . 2nd offense= Written Warning . 3rd offense= Suspended one day . 4th offense= Suspended two days . 5th offense= Termination
32WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 Outbound Driver Check-In and Loading
. Driver checks in at shipping office, they provide clerk with SO#. . Clerk references CHR Daily Outbound Sheet to find SO# and appointment time.
. Clerk assigns dock door to driver and records trailer# and dock door on BOL. . Clerk gives Forklift driver shipping packet, including BOL’s packslips, pick sheet, and seal. . Driver is informed they are required to be on the dock and to perform a carton count of all freight. If driver refuses to sign for carton count Kristen at CHR is contacted immediately to resolve issue.
33WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Forklift driver gives driver a copy of packslip to review as shipment is being loaded. . Forklift driver reviews each skid that is loaded with driver so counts can be verified. . When load is complete, driver signs off on BOL and lists carton count. . After forklift driver and driver have signed off on BOL, paperwork is brought in to shipping office. . A member of office staff is required to walk the dock, check lanes where shipment was staged, as well as check the dock to make sure there are no pallets left behind. . After this check is complete, office staff signs off on BOL, also confirming that BOL was signed properly by forklift driver and truck driver. . BOL’s with SLC (shipper load and count) or STC (subject to count) will not be permitted. . After office staff, forklift driver, and truck driver have all signed off, driver pulls out of dock, and forklift driver seals load. . Paperwork is turned in to shipping office for processing.
34WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 BILLING
. Open up Back to Nature folder on common drive . Open Billing folder, open receiving folder, open 2014 folder. . Open the last file used, delete all PO and QTY info and fill in new PO’s and quantities for current week.
. All weekly receiving info can be found in receiving folder with all BOL’s and receiving paperwork.
35WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 SHIPPING
. Open up Back to Nature folder on common drive. . Open billing folder, open shipping folder, open 2014 folder. . Open the last file used. Delete all SO and shipment info. . In Accellos, go to Reports, Custom, Pallet / Carton Picking Billing Report. . Enter Client Name: BTN Location: 01 . Then enter the date range for the week you are billing.
36WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 DISPLAYS
. Open up Back to Nature Folder on common drive. . Open up BillingDisplays 2014 open most recent file and delete info. . Add in current weeks display jobs and save under new week ending date.
37WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Open up Back to Nature Folder on common drive. . Open up BillingProjects/Reworks 2014 open most recent file and delete info. . Add in current weeks special projects or reworks and save under new week ending date.
. Open up Back to Nature folder on common drive . Open up Supplies/Reimbursement folderFind correct week ending date and open file. . Look up invoices and enter all purchases made for customer +15%, scan all invoices and fill in spreadsheet send to accounting.
38WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 STORAGE
. Open up Back to Nature Folder in common drive. . Open up billingstorageinventory reports2014find previous weeks file and open. . Storage report is run once a week on Monday’s . In Accellos go to custom client inventory summarytype BTN . Export Pallet pallet count report to excel and overwrite previous week.
. Totals need to be added to monthly summary sheet every week. . BillingStorage2014Open current monthly file and add in totals from weekly inventory reports.
39WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 KITTING
. Open TelnetHit enter to go to 2nd pageOption 3. Work ordersOption 1. Write Orders.
40WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Type in workorder# (usually item#-PO# use date if PO unavailable)
. Type in kit#, has to be exact item# that needs to be in system.
. Select date code, has to be a blank date code. (option 1 below)
. Type in workarea (where product is located).
. If product is not in workarea you will have to do stock moves to get it there.
41WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Type in build quantity and hit enter
. “Created pops up on bottom of screen, hit enter again.
. Login to accellos, click on sales order screen. Kit will be under “Assmbl- unallocate” category. Click to open assembly.
. “Can pull” column must be equal to or higher than “ordered” column. If it is not, you need to do stock moves to workarea location.
42WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Allocate assembly, 1OSZ10=ZONE C, assembly goes into assembl-being built status.
. Go back into telnet. 2nd page, option 3. work orders, option 2. pull kitting.
. Copy and paste workorder# and hit enter.
. Confirm qty, type in bin#, type in expiry date.
. Hit enter until you get back to work orders screen (4 options)
. Click option 4, finish kitting.
. Copy and paste workorder# and hit enter until you get back to work orders screen.
. Go back into accellos, go to reports, custom, update kit expiry date from attribute.
. Fill in client name, product #, and expiry date in format yyyy-mm-dd.
43WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Click go, it goes to blank screen.
. Go to product report and look up item, make sure extended and date created match.
. Mark Kavanaugh—VP of Operations
o Office-239-260-3213 Cell-612-296-4670
. Jeannie Peters—Supply Chain Manager
o Office-239-260-3217 Cell- 239-738-5257
44WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015 . Kim McKenzie—Controller (Inventory)
o Office-239-260-3203 Cell-239-292-5458
. Ramon Gomez—Demand Planning Manager
o Office- 239-260-3209
. Erin McKone—CFO
o Office- 239-260-3206 Cell- 239-272-6895
. Melissa Morris—Customer Service
o Office- 239-260-3211
. Alyssa Savoie—Customer Service
o Office- 239-260-3208 CH ROBINSON
. Kristen Monteodorisio—Account Supervisor
o Office- 800-220-6036 Cell- 973-525-7809
. Zach Watson—Customer Service
o Office-800-220-6036 Cell-856-430-1299
45WHSE-104 Rev. 3/17/2015