2017 Departmental Report Evaluation Period: January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017

1. Chair Name: Click here to enter text.

2. Department: Click here to enter text.

3. How many departmental meetings do you hold per year? Click here to enter text.

4. Please describe your achievements as a chair in the last calendar year. What successes has your department seen? What progress has your department made on the goals set in 2016? Please limit to one paragraph. Click here to enter text. 5. Section 1: Faculty

6. Are there any areas where you lack sufficient faculty to achieve core missions for your department? What are your specific needs for faculty recruitment currently and for Academic Year 2018-19? Click here to enter text.

7. Please complete the tables below.

Attrition (Please note if faculty member is retiring): 2018 2019 2020 Expected departures Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter (ACADEMIC faculty) text. text. text. Expected departures Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter (ADMINISTRATIVE faculty) text. text. text. Other expected departures Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text. text. text. Total Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text. text. text.

Hires: 2018 2019 2020 Expected hires Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter (ACADEMIC faculty) text. text. text. Expected hires Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter (ADMINISTRATIVE faculty) text. text. text. Other expected hires Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text. text. text. Total Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text. text. text.

8. How have you engaged with your department’s community faculty in 2017? Plans for 2018? Click here to enter text. 9. Section 2: Research and Scholarship (Administrative, Research, and Academic Faculty)

10. Please describe in one paragraph the scholarly productivity of your department, including numbers and types of publications during calendar year 2017, grant success, and particularly notable presentations or awards. Click here to enter text.

11. Please complete table below regarding scholarly productivity. Provide the total number of each type of scholarly work from your department for the calendar year 2017. Articles in Faculty co- Other (please define) Published books/ peer-reviewed investigators or PI’s peer-reviewed book chapters journals on extramural grants scholarship Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text. text. text. text.

12. Please complete table below regarding research opportunities for medical students and residents in your department. Provide the total number of medical students and residents involved in each type of research opportunity for the indicated academic years. AY 2016-17 AY 2017-18 MD/PhD program Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Student summer research program Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Student year-out for research Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 4th year student research elective Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Other (describe) Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Resident research Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 13. Section 3: Institutional Climate

14. Please describe in one paragraph specific programs and actions taken to promote a supportive, diverse and inclusive department culture. Please include your assessment of the current staff and faculty morale in your department. Click here to enter text. 15. Section 4: Education

16. Are there any instructors among the faculty, graduate students and residents in your department who need teaching remediation or support due to low teaching evaluations? If so, please explain. Click here to enter text.

17. What resources does your department offer to support the quality of teaching and advising in your department? Click here to enter text.

A. CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS ONLY – (Clinical departments with residency programs) Please describe your residency match success including:

1) Number of applications from U.S. graduates and the number of international applicants Click here to enter text.

2) Number of interviews with applicants Click here to enter text.

3) Number of applicants ranked Click here to enter text.

4) Rank order of last matched applicant (e.g. 12 of 40 ranked) Click here to enter text. 18. Section 5: Succession Planning

19. Who is your delegate assigned to act in administrative roles on your behalf in your absence? What functions are they capable of and empowered to fulfill?

Click here to enter text.

20. Please identify three high potential individuals in your department who have the ability to learn and train for expanded leadership roles. What do these individuals need to develop their leadership skills?

Click here to enter text. 21. Section 6: Budget and Finance

22. What are three areas in which your department can be more entrepreneurial (repurposing or sharing of resources, generation of additional revenue, reduction of costs, etc.)? Please be specific and explain your rationale. a. Area #1 (Please explain)

Click here to enter text.

b. Area #2 (Please explain)

Click here to enter text.

c. Area #3 (Please explain)

Click here to enter text.

23. What are three areas in which you could use additional resources (space, equipment, people, money, etc.) to accomplish your goals? Please be specific and explain your rationale. a. Area #1 (Please explain) Click here to enter text.

b. Area #2 (Please explain) Click here to enter text.

c. Area #3 (Please explain) Click here to enter text.

24. How can you and your faculty be more engaged in building philanthropic relationships?

Click here to enter text. 25. Section 7: Departmental Goals for 2018 (Do not complete. To be set in discussion with the Dean)

26. What are your top three goals for 2018? Click here to enter text.

27. What are your top three challenges for 2018? Click here to enter text.