Far SW Neighborhood Association
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Far SW Neighborhood Association Minutes March 25, 2014
Marcia Leslie called the meeting to order. Neighbors in attendance introduced themselves and provided information about how long they had lived in the area, and some fun things they did during the snow storm. Neighbors who signed in: Virginia Hendrickson, Martha Campbell, Dave Ereth, Bob Weber, James Freed, Bud & Denise Jeffords, Steve Beining, John Sullivan, Lisa Ward, Melissa Shah, Sheila Logan, Nicholas Lapp, Wes McMullen, Marcia Leslie. Guests: Rep. Margaret Doherty, Eric Sorenson (Arnold Creek NA).
Committee Reports: SWNI Board: Marcia suggested that members check the SWNI website for minutes of recent meetings.
Public Safety: Marcia reports that the Community Policing reception held in October was very successful. The November meeting focused on developing plans for outreach on emergency preparedness to community businesses. In December the committee took a field trip to the Police Historical Museum.
Communications: Melissa Shah was not present to give a report. Marcia reports that there have been some software modifications to the SWNI website.
Land Use: Nick Merrill was not present to give a report.
Parks: Virginia Hendrickson. The Parks Committee was involved in discussions about priorities for SDC (System Development Charges) for parks in the SW area, submitting recommendations for funding to Portland Parks and Recreation. The majority of the SDC funding will go to development of east side parks, but there will be some money available for SW parks. The committee set the following priorities for spending on SW Parks: April Hill, De Witt, Eagle Point, and Woods Memorial. Other issues that have been brought to the Parks committee are the Freeman Water Tank sale by the Portland Water Bureau and the Riverview Natural Area development.
Transportation: Chuck Radosta was not present to give a report.
Old Business: Haines lot Subdivision: An injunction has been filed against the developer, Eugene Lubunsky to halt the division of the lot into three or four lots. There is not a final determination at this time. The CC&Rs and the Southwest Design Review guidelines that are in existence will play a significant part in the final decisions.
SWCP: The list of proposed Southwest Corridor Projects was made available for review. Those in attendance were asked to vote for their choice of the top three projects by placing dots on the posted list. Criteria to consider in voting should include the following: safety for peds/bikes; no harm to any mode of transportation; access to destinations; cost effectiveness of invest- ments; equity; health benefits by reducing traffic; and lack of safe alternatives in neighbor- hoods. The possible routes to PCC have been increased by the proposed addition of a tunnel for LRT from Barbur to PCC on 53rd or 51st streets. Poster size maps of the proposed tunnels were posted in the meeting room for review. The Haines Street BRT alternative has been recommended for early removal from consideration. For further information refer to the SWCP website, PCC area.
Bylaws revision: The template for revisions has not yet been provided by SWNI.
New Business: Questions for Political Candidates: SWNI will not hold a Candidates Forum this year. Questions can be submitted by email to Marcia at [email protected] or Lynda Troutman of SWNI at [email protected]. Questions need to be in by March 30th. Save the SWNI Watershed Resource Center: The SW WRC is scheduled to be closed by the Bureau of Environmental Services at the end of the fiscal year, in July. BES has determined that it cannot support a service for the SW that is not also provided for the east side of the city. For more information about the WRC, go to www.SWNI.org/WRC . If you have comments please submit them by May 15th, by sending an email to [email protected]. Indicate this is official testimony to the City Council on the BES recommended FY 2014-15 budget, and include your name and address (required when testifying).
Change from two meetings per year to four per year: A motion was made and seconded to change the meeting schedule to four times a year. The motion was approved. Steve Beining has requested a volunteer to take over his duty of posting the meeting signs prior to each meeting. Martha Campell has agreed to take on this task. There was agreement that Far SW would not plan a National Night Out event this year.
Nominations for officers for FSW Board::
o Chair, Marcia Leslie
o Co-Chair, George Vranas
o Secretary, Virginia Hendrickson
Election of officers: The nominated officers were elected to serve a two-year term.
Committee representatives: o Communications: Melissa Shah
o Parks: Nick Merrill
o Parks: Virginia Hendrickson
o Public Safety: Marcia Leslie
o Schools: vacant
o Transportation: George Vranas
o SWNI Board: Marcia Leslie, alternate Wes McMullen
Meeting adjourned