The Iceberg Hermit FINAL STUDY GUIDE NAME:______

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The Iceberg Hermit FINAL STUDY GUIDE NAME:______

The Iceberg Hermit—FINAL STUDY GUIDE NAME:______

Read the question carefully. Fill in the blanks and use complete sentences where needed.

1. Who is the main character in this story and how old is he at the beginning?______

2. Where did this person work when the main conflict started?______

3. What was his job?______

4. What is the name of the country that is he from? ______

5. What was Allan supposed to read each day? He promised his mother he would read this: ______

6. What Year did this story begin? ______

7. Why did Allan leave Scotland (and Nancy) to go whaling on the Anne Forbes?

8. Describe at least 2 things that caused Allan to end up on the ice?

9. How did Allan find “water” to drink?

10. How did Allan find the window to the captain’s quarters? How did Allan get into the ship? (you need 2 answers)

11. Why was it helpful that Allan slept inside the closet?

12. Why was it important that Allan NOT eat the ice around him?

13. The incident with the bear in the cabin caused Allan’s attitude to change. How did he change?

14. During his time between the wreck and his return home, why did it benefit Allan that he disliked Master Duff so much? 15. Why was it such a benefit to Allan that he kept his memories of Nancy?

16. Allan fed, cared for and kept the bear cub. Why did it benefit him? Why did it benefit the cub?

17. Was it good or bad that Allan gave the bear cub the same name as his girlfriend at home? WHY?

18. What food and beverages did Allan survive on mostly while he lived in the Anne Forbes for a year and a half? (2 answers)

19. How did the sun impact Allan’s life on the ice during the different seasons? (2 answers)

20. Name 3 of the predictions that the fortune teller made for Allan back at home.

21. Was Allan easily recognizing the predictions from the fortune teller or not? EXPLAIN. (2 answers)

22. Describe 2 ways that Nancy saved Allan’s life.

23. Why did Allan spend so much time close to the iceberg, mostly choosing to NOT venture far away? 24. Eventually Allan decided to leave for good. Why?

25. Should Allan have introduced items to the Eskimos from the Anne Forbes that weren’t part of their culture? Why?

26. How was Nancy, the bear, good for Allan? How was Allan good for Nancy? (2 answers)

27. Name 3 things that Allan did right during his survival time away from Scotland and describe WHY each was a good idea. (6 answers)

28. Name AND describe the one main mistake that Allan made during his stay early in the Anne Forbes. (2 answers)

29. Explain why Allan was able to fit in with the Eskimo tribe? (2 examples)

30. Explain how Allan was having a hard time fitting in with the Eskimo tribe. (2 examples)

31. Why did Old Herard have a beard?

32. Why do you think it took 7 full years after the ship wreck before Allan found a whaling ship to ride home with? 33. Twice during his ordeal, Allan yelled out “Jesus Christ” to people and it saved his life. Why did that work?

34. Why did Allan consider returning to the Eskimo tribe instead of chasing down a whaling boat?

35. How did Allan change as a person while he was gone from Scotland for 7½ years? (2 examples)

36. When Allan returned home and saw Master Duff & learned Nancy had not waited for him, why was it no longer important to him to have that anger and love for those two people. (2 answers)

37. Describe the significance of the golden earring and the parrot on Allan’s shoulder.

38. You must explain 3 reasons why you would disbelieve Allan’s story. 39. On the backside, Draw and label a complete story map of The Iceberg Hermit. Use 3 parts of the Exposition, 4 main Rising Actions, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.

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