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You Must Include Main Ideas and Details in Each Category s1

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MI: Survival in the economic were depended on dairy products and everyday life.  Survival depended on Herds of goats and sheep  Staple foods were meat and milk products ~ provide by herds  Dressed in sheepskins, made boots from tanned sheep hides E  Lived in round felt tents that made of wool sheared from animals  Rode on little ponies to round up herds, hunt wild animals, make war essential to the way of life~ Mongols boys and girls are able to ride when they are able to walk and warriors could ride for days and sleeping, eating in the saddle  Homes, palaces, mosques, and temples were reduced to rubble by the Mongols  1227, the year of Chinggis Khan death the Mongols has ruled an empire that stretched from eastern Persia to North China Sea  Created the capital, Karakorum MI: Groups such as confederations, baibars, and women were able to do different things among each other in the society.  Tribe~ divided into kin-related clans that camped and herded together on regular basis S  Clans and tribes are able to be combined due preparing for battle or going against the enemy~ great confederations  Confederations was held by great leaders ~ elected by free men of the group  Women roles was inside the family and right to be heard in tribal councils, but not allow to take a position  Mongol tribes (warriors) were trained when they were young by riding, hunting, and fighting~ consider to be tough, mobile, and accustom to killing and death  Mongols spared lives of scholars and townspeople were slaughtered or sold to slavery  Mongols were viewed as “barbarian” ~ violence and destruction  Baibars~ enslaved by the Mongols and sold in Egypt where they rose power in military services  Russian peasantry~ give crops and labor to both princes and Mongol overlords they were consider to be serfs in return for protection  Moscow benefit from Mongol ~1328- profit from its status as tribute collector for Khans  Moscow ~ strength ~ Golden Horde declined  1380- Moscow prince went from being tribute collectors to defenders of Russia~ raised army with other Russian vassals to defeat the Golden Horde at Battle of Rulikova MI: Warfare and leaders were the ones that runs the government.  Courage in battle~ evidence by bravery in hunt and ability  Strong leader are able to build up large follow chiefs from clans and tribal groups  Weak leaders are abandoned P  After the death of Kabul, his successors are not able to defeat the nomadic enemies nor holding the Mongols alliance together~ Mongols divided and beaten  Temujin(Chinggis Khan) was put into power after the poison of his father, but chiefs refuse to allow a boy to take the position  1182, Temujin was put into jail and led in humiliation to the camp of his enemies, but escape and rejoin his mother and brothers  1206, during the kuriltai , he rename himself Chinggis Khan and was elected as the khagan  Clans and tribes were loyal to the khagan  Mongols forces~ divided into tumens~ each commanders of each level were in charge of training, arming, and disciplining cavalrymen  Towns surrendered without fight ~ spared, but was required to pay tribute to the Mongol conquerors as the price of deliverance  The controlled of Chinggis Khan was divided up for his three remaining sons and Batu, a grandson  Ogedei, his third son is elected as khagan.  Golden Horde ~Russia and Europe was being after  Golden Horde territories are divided into four great Khanates  Russia divided in different kingdoms centering on trading cities, Novgorod and Kiev  MI: Mongols interactions among other countries were through conquests and trades.  Vegetables and grains were trade with farming people  Hides and dairy products were traded for jewelry, weapons, cloth in urban cities  Early 12th century~ Kabul Khan (grandfather of Chinggis Khan) led the Mongol I alliance to a victory against Qin kingdom of north China  1206, Chinggis Khan was the ruler of nearly one-half million Mongols and overlord of 1-2 million nomads  Conquer the Tangut kingdom of Xi Xia in northwest China  Mongol armies attack the Jin Empire, which the Manchu-related Jurchens was created in the north of China  1219, Chinggis Khan led his army at the conquest of the Khwarazm Empire  Tens of thousands of Turkic horsemen were brought into Chinggis Khan army  Tangut army was fought on frozen waters of the Yellow River  China and parts of Persia was consider to be the common property of the Mongol ruling family  At the Battle of Kulikova, the Russian has defeated the Golden Horde~ broke the Mongol hold over Russia The Mongol Empire form with the conquests in China and trades with others.  Began invasion of Russia under Beta in 1236  Defeated Russia ~ Ryazan, Moscow, and Vladimir that surrender to them  Mongols fought Russia during winter time-> frozen gave good footing for horses and rivers gave access to enemies.  Mongols were defeated @ 1960 by the mamluk

MI: Religion didn’t really exist in the Mongols, besides that Chinggis Khan follow the shamanistic.  Followed Shamanistic (focused on nature spirits), beliefs of his ancestors, immortal ~ Chinggis Khan R  MI: Cultural and intellectual begins to influence into the Mongols. I  Bureaucrats was created with the advice and talents of the Muslim and Chinese MI: Weapons begins to developed into the Mongols and made the Mongols to be more powerful than it was before.  Weapons such as lances, hatchets, iron maces, short bows were used during battles  Metal armors T  Bows and arrows  Leather helmets  Flags and special signal fires was used to keep main force inform of enemy’s movements  Maps of areas  Variety of flaming and exploding arrows, gunpowder projectiles, bronze cannons were brought into the Mongols forces  With the help of Chinese artisans and military commanders they created siege weapons such as the battering rams, catapults that hurled rocks, explosive balls, bamboo rockets 

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