Advanced Placement United States History Vocabulary Terms

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Advanced Placement United States History Vocabulary Terms

Advanced Placement United States History Vocabulary Terms (taken from multiple choice exams)

1607 ~ 1763

 indentured servant  proprietary, royal, and charter  Puritans  Trade and Navigation Acts colonies  Pilgrims/Separatists  Mayflower Compact  Peter Zenger trial  House of Burgesses  Roger Williams  King Philip’s War  Anne Hutchinson  Great Puritan Migration  George Whitefield  William Bradford  New England Confederation  Great Awakening  French and Indian War  freedom of consciences  Thomas Hobbes  John Locke  Jonathan Edwards  mercantilism  Iroquois Confederacy  Halfway Covenant  Bacon’s Rebellion  headright system  Salem Witch Trials  Harvard College  Salutary Neglect  “city upon a hill”  Middle Passage  Albany Plan of Union  William Penn  Phyllis Wheatly  James Oglethorpe

1763 ~ 1775

 Proclamation of 1763  Coercive/Intolerable Acts  Stamp Act  Thomas Paine  Loyalists/Tories  virtual representation  Common Sense/Crisis Papers  Sons of Liberty  Gaspée Affair  Stamp Act Congress  First/Second Continental  Sugar Act 1764  Olive Branch Petition Congress  Paxton Boys  Pontiac’s Rebellion  Boston Massacre  Tea Act  Quartering Act  “no taxation without  Battle of Saratoga  Townshend Acts representation”  Yorktown  Boston Tea Party  non-importation agreements 

1775 ~ 1825

 Monroe Doctrine  republicanism/democracy  loose/strict construction  Embargo Act of 1807  interchangeable parts  Lewis and Clark  Louisiana Purchase  Henry Clay  Gibbons v. Ogden  Tecumseh  Washington’s Farewell Address  Treaty of Ghent  Jay Treaty  Connecticut Compromise  Land Ordinance of 1785  Whiskey Rebellion  Barbary Pirates  Critical Period  Gabriel Prosser’s Rebellion  undeclared naval war  XYZ Affair  Annapolis Convention  Treaty of Alliance 1778  War Hawks  Orders in Council  Treaty of Paris 1763  Eli Whitney/cotton gin  Hartford Convention  Republican Motherhood  Articles of Confederation  American Colonization Society  corrupt bargain  Three-fifths Compromise  deism  First Bank of the United States  Missouri Compromise  Revolution of 1800  yeomen farmers  Adams ~ Onis Treaty  full funding/assumption  Virginia ~ Kentucky Resolutions  American System  Virginia Plan/New Jersey Plan  Shays’ Rebellion  Bill of Rights  Samuel Slater  Northwest Ordinance  judicial review  Federalist/First American Party  Lowell/Waltham System/Lowell  Era of Good Feelings System girls  Citizen Genêt  Benjamin Banneker  Erie Canal  Alien and Sedition Acts  Haitian Rebellion  impressment  Pinckney Treaty  Marbury. v. Madison  Declaration of Independence  National Republicans

1825 ~ 1865

 Seneca Falls Convention  Trail of Tears  Compromise of 1850  Dorothea Dix  Emancipation Proclamation  nullification  John C. Calhoun  Hinton Helper/Impending Crisis  William Lloyd  Oregon Territory  Dred Scott v. Sanford Garrison/Liberator  Stephen Douglas  bank war  spoils system/rotation in office  Wilmot Proviso  Mexican Cession  popular sovereignty  John Deere  Cyrus McCormick  Gadsden Purchase  Maine Laws  Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo  American Anti ~ Slavery Society  Mexican~American War  John Slidell  Irish immigration  abolitionists  free soilers  Trent Affair  “Bleeding Kansas”  Second Great Awakening  Know Nothing/American Party  Horace Mann  Worcester v. Georgia  Mormons  Commonwealth v. Hunt  Charles River Bridge case  Prigg v. Pennsylvania  transcendentalism  cult of domesticity/true  Kansas ~ Nebraska Act  Webster ~ Ashburton Treaty womanhood  Manifest Destiny  Whigs/Second American Party  Clayton ~ Bulwer Treaty  Republican Party/Third System  gag rule American Party System  Freeport Doctrine  De Tocqueville/Democracy in  Lincoln ~ Douglas Debates  James K. Polk America  Tariff of Abominations  Apologist’s view of slavery  William Seward  Ostend Manifesto  Force Act  Fugitive slave Law  antebellum  Homestead Act  removal of deposits  Battle of Antietam  Lucretia Mott  Harriet Beecher Stowe  Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Independent Treasury  Brigham Young  Neal Dow  Nashville Convention  Specie Circular  Sumner ~ Brooks Affair  Morrill Land Grant Act  Crittenden Compromise  Underground Railroad  compact theory  Lecompton Constitution  National Banking Act  Frederick Douglass  perpetual union  nature of the union 1865 ~ 1900

 new immigrants  Women’s Christian Temperance  Interstate Commerce Act  black codes Union  Populist (People’s) Party  Louis Sullivan  Molly McGuires  old immigrants  long drives  American Federation of Labor  13th, 14th, 15th Amendments  sharecropping  John Peter Altgeld  Booker T. Washington  bread and butter unionism  Dawes Act  J.P. Morgan  Sherman Anti-Trust Act  Spanish ~ American War  settlement house movement  Chief Joseph  William Jennings Bryan  National Labor Union  Cross of Gold Speech  Battle of Little Bighorn  Helen Hunt Jackson  Turner (Frontier) Thesis  Ida B. Wells  pragmatism (William James)  social Gospel  Tenure of Office Act  radical reconstruction  William Randolph Hearst  jingoism  Granger Laws  Plessy v. Ferguson  Alfred Thayer Mahan  Henry George (Progress and  Joseph Pulitzer Poverty)  horizontal integration  Knights of Labor  Bland ~ Allison Act  Freedmen’s Bureau  crop lien system

 Edwin Stanton  Sioux Wars  A century of Dishonor

 The Grange  Gilded Age  Gospel of Wealth

 Young Men’s Christian  Haymarket (Riot) Incident  yellow journalism Association  scalawags  Social Darwinism  open range  compromise of 1877  vertical integration  Pullman Strike  Atlanta compromise  cult of domesticity  Frederick Olmstead  John Dewey  boxer rebellion  injunction  Thomas Nast  Samuel Gompers  “Crime of ‘73”  Sherman Silver Purchase Act  Civil Rights Act of 1866  Horatio Alger  Pendleton (Civil Service) Act  Farmer’s Alliances  Platt Amendment  Salvation Army  Jim Crow Laws  John D. Rockefeller  Munn v. Illinois  redemption (redeemers)  “waving the bloody shirt”  “forty acres and a mule”  Teller Amendment

 Seward’s Folly  Coxey’s Army  Wounded Knee

 Edward Bellamy (Looking  Chinese Exclusion Act  Anti ~ Saloon League Backward)  Andrew Carnegie  Jacob Riis (How the Other Half  Boss Tweed Lives)  Crédit Mobilier Scandal  Chataugua Movement

1900 ~ 1918

 Treaty of Versailles  Underwood ~ Simmons Tariff  Lusitania

 League of Nations  Bull Moose Party  Muller v. Oregon

 Committee on Public  Panama Canal  triple wall of privilege Information  Federal Trade Commission  insurgent’s revolt  muckrakers  Creel Committee  Robert La Follette  Russo-Japanese War  International Workers of the  Hay ~ Bunau ~ Varilla Treaty  Henry Cabot Lodge World  Woodrow Wilson  Open Door Policy  Federal Reserve System  Progressive Movement  Fourteen Points  irreconcilables  Wobblies  16th, 17th Amendments  Dollar Diplomacy  Article X  Upton Sinclair (The Jungle)  W.E.B. DuBois ( Niagara Movement)  reservationists  Volstead Act  Theodore Roosevelt  spheres of influence  Mann-Elkins Act  Gentlemen’s Agreement  Ballinger ~ Pinchot Affair  Sussex/Arabic Pledges  Birth of a Nation / D.W.  Bick Stick Policy  Charles and Mary Beard Griffith  Square Deal  Anthracite Coal Strike  “good and bad” trusts  Roosevelt Corollary  Zimmerman Note (Telegram)  Emilio Aguinaldo  Keating ~ Owen Child Labor Act  Eugene V. Debs  “Black Jack” John Pershing  Food Administration  Samuel “Golden Rule” Jones  Jacob Riis  Insular Cases  New Nationalism  Lochner v. New York  Great White Fleet

 Pure Food and Drug Act  Clayton Anti-Trust Act

 Northern Securities Case  New Freedom

1918 ~ 1941

 Harlem Renaissance  Lend ~ Lease Act  New Deal

 National Origins Act  court packing scheme  Calvin Coolidge

 cultural isolation  Indian Reorganization Act  Social Security Act

 18th, 19th. 20th, 21st Amendments  Works Progress Administration  Fair Labor Standards Act (WPA)  Andrew Mellon  Federal Deposit Insurance  Agricultural Adjustment Company (FDIC)  Albert Fall Administration (AAA)  “share the wealth”  John L. Lewis  Prohibition  Thomas Hart Benton  Hoovervilles  Reconstruction Finance Corporation  H.L. Menken  “Back to Africa Movement”  Langston Hughes  normalcy  Spirit of St. Louis  quota system  cash and carry  Palmer Raids  NAACP  Congress of Industrial  “lost generation” Organization  Bonus March  Keynesian economics  Securities and Exchange  Schenck v. U.S. Commission  Warren G. Harding  Sacco and Vanzetti  phony war  F. Scott Fitzgerald  Tennessee Valley Authority  flappers  National Labor Relations Act (TVA)  Washington Naval Conference  National Industrial Recovery  Henry Ford Act  Ku Klux Klan  Universal Negro Improvement  Huey Long (Kingfish) Association  Scottsboro boys  Georgia O’Keefe  America First Committee  Scopes Trial  John Steinbeck (The Grapes of  Kellogg ~ Briand Pact  Schechter v. U.S. (sick chicken Wrath) case)  hundred days  Herbert Hoover  Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)  Ernest Hemingway

 dole  Sinclair Lewis  destroyer deal

 Marcus Garvey  Wagner Act  bank holiday

 Charles Lindbergh  sit ~ down strike  National Recovery Administration  Elijah Mohammad (Black  Frank Lloyd Wright Muslims)  Neutrality Acts  Teapot Dome/Elk Hills Scandals  Stimson Doctrine  Margaret Sanger  Edward Hopper  brain trust  Francis Townsend

1941 ~ 1960

 Japanese internment  Montgomery Bus boycott  Employment Act of 1946  Greensboro sit ~ ins  McCarthyism  Brown v. Board of Education  Julius and Ethel Rosenberg  Harry S Truman  Fair Deal  U-2 incident  Truman Doctrine  containment  Marshall Plan  Teheran Conference  Yalta Conference  Casablanca Conference  Sand Francisco Conference  United Nations  Dumbarton Oaks Conference  NSC 68  Berlin Airlift  Alger Hiss  Youngstown Sheet and Tube v.  George Kennan  “long hot summers” Sawyer  Korean War  Henry Wallace  Douglas MacArthur  NATO  baby boomers  Sputnik  Taft ~ Hartley Act  Jack Kerouac (On the Road)  beat generation  National Defense Education Act  Little Rock school crisis  Eisenhower Doctrine  Ralph Bunche  GI Bill of Rights  Servicemen’s Readjustment Act  dynamic conservatism  Jackie Robinson  New Frontier  Civil Rights Commission  David Riesman  Dixiecrats   Korematsu v. U.S.  Federal Highway Act  National Aeronautics and (NASA) Space Administration

1960 to Present

 Miranda v. Arizona  SALT I Treaty  OPEC  Huey Newton (Black Panthers)  Mayaguez Incident  Tet Offensive  Jimmy Carter  Gerald Ford  Southern Christian Leadership  Washington outsiders  Reaganomics Conference  Bay of Pigs  Voting Rights Act of 1965  Cuban Missile Crisis  Economic Opportunity Act  Rachel Carson (Silent Spring)  Stokely Carmichael (Black  Malcolm X  War Power Act Power)  Vietnamization (Guam/Nixon  Ralph Nader (Unsafe at any  Lee Harvey Oswald Doctrine) Speed)  Camp David Accords  George Wallace  Equal Rights Amendment  affirmative action  Roe v. Wade  Helsinki Accords  supply-side economics  War on Poverty  SNCC  Civil Rights Act of 1964  Warren Commission  Lyndon B. Johnson  hippies  John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK)  Kent State  Bakke v. Board of Regents  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution  Betty Friedan (The Feminine  Michael Harrington (The Other  Ronald Reagan Mystique) America)  Martin Luther King, Jr.  Peace Corps  stagflation  Gideon v. Wainwright  Black Panthers  Barry Goldwater  Great Society

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