ISSN 0739-4934 NEWSLETTER I {!STORY OF SCIENCE VOLUME 28 NUMBER 4 October 1999 SOCIETY History of Science at the 16th International Botanical Congress

he 1999 International Botanical Congress in St. Louis, Missouri T received widespread news coverage, in part, for reports on the "Deep Green" project, which calls for a thorough revision of plant nomenclature. The St. Louis Congress, which was held under the auspices of the International Union ofBiological Sciences (IUBS), will be the so urce ofmuch debate among future historians, and, fortunately, was well attended by current historians ofscience. At the request of Dr. Peter Hoch, the Secretary-General of the 16'h International Botanical Congress, the History ofScience Sociery put our a call for symposia on the history of botany, resulting in the presentation of two historical sessions that were organized by HSS members. HSS member Karen Reeds, along with Staffan Muller-Wille, The Recent History of Botanical Science urator, Deursches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden organized the panel, Speakers and Organizers (I to r): Josef D. Ackerman, V. Betty "Fin de Siecle Botany." Seven historians of botany from the USA, Smocovitis, Nancy Slack, Kim Kleinman, Douglas Holland, Susan Canada, and Germany discussed the state of the discipline at the turn Pinar, Mark S. Lesney, and Ronald L. Stuckey. Photograph courtesy of past centuries before an audience of more than 100 plant scientists. of Ronald L. Stuckey The speakers included: John Riddle on medicinal botany at 100 CE; Karen Reeds on Leonardo, priming, and botany in 1500; Brian Introgressive Hybridization, and Evolutionary Theory in the 1940s," Ogilvie on changing methods and aims in descriptive botany ca. Mark Lesney, "Plants in Peril: Plant Protection and the Rise of 1600; Susan McMahon on the disciplinary transformation ofEnglish Biotechnology," Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis, "Botany at Harvard, botany ca. 1700; Staffan Muller-Wille on the pace and organization 1918-1950," Susan Pinar, "Hybrids for Hope: Cruz Gallastegui and of research afrer Linnaeus ca. 1800; and Mark Madison on the the Double Hybrids in Maize in Spain," and Doug Holland, "A Short incursion of evolution, genetics and ecology into the plant sciences History of Botany in ca. 1900. The seventh speaker, Sergio T oresella, who was to speak on the United States­ alchemical herbals ca. 1400, could not attend and was replaced by Thirty Years Longer." CONTENTS Frederick G. Meyer- the author of a newly published commentary HSS members October 1999 and facsimile reprint of the great sixteenth-century herbal ofLeonhart will have a chance to Fuchs- who spoke extemporaneously about the continuing value of visit St. Louis in 2000 when the fourth Fuchs's wo rk to botanists. News of the Society 2- 6 A second symposium, 'The Recent HistoryofBotanical Science," quadrennial British­ was organized by HSS member V. Betry Smocovitis andJosefDaniel N orth American News & Inquiries 8-10 Ackerman. This session examined the recent history of botany from a meeting convenes number of different directions in order to gain an appreciation of there 3-6 August. The Awards, Honors, & general trends in twentieth-century botanical research. It included conference will be Appointments 11 contributions from botanists and historians who explored the role of held in the beautiful individuals, institutions, organisms, and choice of research problems Hyatt Regency Union Jobs, Fellowships, Grants & Prizes various subdisciplines and fields of the botanical sciences. Speakers, Station and excursions 12- 18 nd the titles of their papers, included Ronald Stuckey "Botanical to the world-famous Future Meetings 18-19 History of North America: Important Contributions Chronicled for Missouri Botanical the Twentieth Century," Nancy Slack, "Life After Clements: Do Gardens will be on the ISIS Books Received 19-24 Plant Communities Still Exist?" Kim Kleinman, "Edgar Anderson, agenda. 2 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

News from the Executive Director History of Science Society Executive Office

The 1999 annual meeting promises some special memories. In University of Washington addition to organizing a wonderful program, program chairs Edith Box 351330 Sylla and Frederick Gregory have suggested some unusual twists, such Seattle, Washington 98195-1330 as the "Historians' Predictions" board. Delegates will be encouraged to write down what they predict science, medicine, and HSS will look Phone: 206/543-9366 like in 25 years (when HSS will be celebrating its centennial), as well Fax: 206/685-9544 as in the next 100 years. A sample of these predictions will be printed e-mail: [email protected] in the Newsletter and posted on the Web site. In another unique Web site: http:lldepts. washington.edulhssexecl offering, a limited edition, 75 ch-anniversary poster will be available for purchase. The price for the poster will be kept low, to offset Physical address (Fed-Ex, UPS): production costs, so that every member will have the opportuniry to Johnson Hall, Room 226 own this meeting memento. Finally, a special dinner is being held for University of Washington current and past members of the HSS Executive Committee. This Seattle, Washington 98195-1330 event is being held to thank these members who have selflessly Subscription Inquiries: ISIS andHSS Newsletter furthered the interests of the History of Science Sociery. Please contact the University of Chicago Press directly, at: In the midst of our semisesquicentennial celebration, changes in [email protected], (fax) 773/753-0811, or write the HSS Newsletterare on the horizon. Members will have noticed that Universiry of Chicago Press, Subscription Fulfillment Manager, the "Isis books received" list has been posted on the HSS Web site over P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, IL 60637. the past year. This archived list offers members search abilities not available in the Newsletter. We will be redesigning the Newsletter and Moving? because the "Isis books received" section is expensive to produce, we Please notify both the HSS Executive Office and the University are considering eliminating this list from the Newsletter and carrying of Chicago Press at the above addresses. it only on the HSS Web site. However, the Newsletter is produced for HSS Newsletter Editorial Policies, Advertising, and Submissions the membership and the Isis list will not be removed if there is an The History ofScience Society Newsletter is published in January, outcry. Please let us know your thoughts on this matter. An exciting April, July, and October, and sent to all individual members of the addition to the Newsletter will be a new Education Column. This Sociery; those who reside outside ofNorthAmerica pay an additional column, developed by the HSS Committee on Education, will discuss resources and strategies for educational issues, thus strengthening our $5 annually to cover a portion of first-class airmail charges. The commitment to education at all levels as it relates to the history of Newsletter is available to nonmembers and institutions for $25 a science. The CoE believes that a regular intellectual space to discuss year. such issues will foster positive experiences in education and raise the The Newsletter is edited and desktop published by Melissa profile ofHSS in the world of education. We are fortunate that Paul Oliver in the Executive Office on an Apple Power Macintosh system Farber has agreed to serve as column editor. using Microsoft Word and Adobe PageMaker.The format and editorial policies are determined by the Executive Director in HST Database Changes consultation with the HSS Executive Committee. All advertising copy must be submitted camera-ready. Advertisements are accepted RLG is updating the Eureka interface that accesses the online on a space-available basis only, and the Sociery reserves the right not History ofScience , Technology and Medicine Database. This to accept a submission. The rates are as follows: new version of Eureka requires: Netscape Navigator 3 or 4, or Full page (9 x 7.5"), $350; Half page (4.5 x 7.5"), $200; Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or 5 and JavaScript enabled in Quarter page (3 x 5"), $100. The deadline for insertion orders and your web browser. The new Eureka version service cannot be camera-ready copy is six weeks prior to the month of publication used with Windows 3.x because oflimitations in 16-bit W eb browsers, but the old interface will remain active for Windows (e. g., November 15 for the January Newsletter) and should be sent 3.x users for one year. The 32-bit Windows systems to the attention of the HSS Executive Office at the above address. (Windows95, Windows98, WindowsNT) can be used, as well HSS recommends that all camera-ready ads be sent via overnight or as the Macintosh and Unix operating systems, and do not have 2-day mail to the physical address above. this system limitation. The deadline for news, announcements, and job/fellowship/ REMINDER- The Isis Bibliography from 1975 to the prize listings is fi rm: The first of the month prior to the month present is ava il able online with the Research Libraries Group ofpublication. Long items (feature stories) should be submitted six (RLG). Members of the Sociery may access the RLG Web site, weeks prior to the month of publication as e-mail file attachments and the H istory of Science and Technology Database (HST) or on a 3.5"disk (along with a hard copy) . Please send all material thro ugh the HSS homepage to the attention ofMelissa Oliver at the HSS address above (e-mail hssexec/. RLG has ass igned us "Y6.G 19" as a "User Name" and or disk appreciated). "HSSDEMO" as a "Password." AMS Histories and Biographies The AMS continues to publish and distribute books of notable historical and biographical significance. These recently published titles represent several AMS book series, including History of Mathematics, AMS Chelsea Publishing, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, and Mathematica/ World. Many of the books have received outstanding reviews from peer-review journals, such as Zentralbatt fur Mathematik, Bulletin of the AMS, American Mathematical Monthly, and The Mathematics Teacher. For more titles of historical and biographical interest, search the AMS Bookstore at A History of Mathematics Famous Problems and Other Fifth Edition Monographs Florian Cajori Second Edition In one concise volume this unique book presents an interesting and Felix Klein, W. F. Sheppard, P. A. MacMahon, reliable account of mathematics history for those who cannot devote and J. L. Mordell themselves to an intensive study. The book is a must for personal and A fascinating, simple, easily understandable account of the famous prob­ departmental libraries alike. lems of Geometry-The Duplication of the Cube, Trisection of the Angle, AMS Chelsea Publishing; 1991 ; 524 pages; Hardcover; ISBN 0-8284-1303- Squaring of the Circle-and the proofs that these cannot be solved by ruler 7; List $30; All AMS members $27; Order code CHEU303HS99 and compass. Suitably presented to undergraduates, with no calculus required. Rings and Things and a Fine Array of AMS Chelsea Publishing; 1962; 321 pages; Hardcover; ISBN 0-8284-0108-X; Twentieth Century Associative List $24; All AMS members $22; Order code CHEU108HS99 Algebra Jacques Hadamard,A Universal Carl Faith, Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Mathematician This book surveys more than 125 years of aspects of associative Vladimir Maz'ya and Tatyana Shaposhnikova, algebras, especially ring and module theory. It is the first to probe so Link6ping University, Sweden extensively such a wealth of historical development. This book presents a fascinating story of the long life and great Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 65; 1999; 422 pages; accomplishments of Jacques Hadamard (1865-1963), who was once Hardcover; ISBN 0-8218-0993-8; List $99; Individual member $59; Order code called "the living legend of mathematics". As one of the last universal SURV/65HS99 mathematicians, Hadamard's contributions to mathematics are land­ marks in various fields.

Supplementary Reading Co-published with the London Mathematical Society. Members of the LMS may order direcHy from the AMS at the AMS member price. The LMS is registered Some Points of Analysis and Their with the Charity Commissioners. History History of Mathematics, Volume 14; 1998; 57 4 pages; Softcover; ISBN 0- Lars Garding, Lund University, Sweden 8218-1923-2; List $49; All AMS members $39; Order code HMATH/14.SHS99 This book is a collection of small essays containing the history and the proofs of some important and interesting theorems of analysis and Supplementary Reading partial differential operators in this century. Independent Study This book is co-published with Higher Education Press (Beijing) and is distrib­ Algebra in Ancient and Modern Times uted worldwide, except in the PRC, by the American Mathematical Society. V. S. Varadarajan, University of California, Los Angeles University Lecture Series, Volume 11 ; 1997; 88 pages; Softcover; ISBN 0- 8218-0757-9; List $16; All AMS members $13; Order code ULECT/1 1HS99 The volume traces the historical development of algebra and the theory of equations from ancient times to the beginning of modern algebra, outlining some modern themes such as the fundamental I Have a Photographic Memory theorem of algebra, Clifford algebras, and quarternions. It is geared Paul R. Halmos, Santa Clara University, CA toward undergraduates who have no background in calculus. This book is co-published with the Hindustan Book AgeroJ (New Delhi) and is This delightful collection of mathematical memorabilia has become a distributed worldwide, except in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal favorite browsing book as well as a valuable historical record . It is now by the American Mathematical Society. available in a paperback edition. Mathematical World, Volume 12; 1998; 142 pages; Softcover; ISBN 0-8218- 1988; 326 pages; Softcover; ISBN 0-8218-1 939-9; List $39; All AMS members 0989-X; List $25; All AMS members $20; Order code MAWRLD/12HS99 $31 ; Order code PHOMEM .SHS99

All prices subject to change. Charges for delivery are $3.00 per order. For optional air delivery outside of the continental U. S. , please include $6.50 per item. Prepayment required. Order from: American Mathematical Society, P. 0. Box 5904, Boston, MA 02206-5904, USA. For credit card orders, fax 1-401-455-4046 or call toll free 1-800-321-4AMS (4267) in the U. S. and Canada, 1-401-455-4000 worldwide. Or 1 place your order through the AMS bookstore at Residents of Canada, please include 7% GST. ~ AMS

This report covers searches made during the 1998-1999 academic year for positions beginning in or about the fall of 1999. HSS sent out a total of 103 questionnaires; of those, we received forty-two completed, usable responses from institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Seventeen graduate students and other job-seekers also responded to a questionnaire posted on the HSS Web site. We greatly appreciate the time and effort all these people devoted to completing this material. The table below summarizes the information derived from this year's completed surveys. Good conclusions depend on the number and quality ofinput data. Our information is constrained both by the possibility ofour missing some searches in the survey process and by the number of institutions that either provide incomplete information or fail to return the survey at all. Numbers involved here are small enough that minor errors or uncertainties may cause great differences in results. Out ofa total offorty-two positions covered in this survey, eight jobs were either not yet filled or had been withdrawn due to budget problems or other factors. Thus, this survey covers a total of thirty-four completed searches. Survey results have been categorized to show whether 1) History (and/or Philosophy) ofScience, Technology, and/or Medicine (HP/STM) represented the primary area of expertise desired; 2) HP/STM as a desired secondary or supporting area of expertise; or 3) one of several possible areas of expertise. Of the nineteen job searches announced in category 1 (HP/STM primary interest), eleven were permanent, seven temporary, and one other. The eleven permanent positions actually filled went to seven male candidates (63.6% of the total number ofsuccessful applicants) and four female candidates (36.4%). Of the seven temporary positions filled, two males (40%) and three females (60%) received jobs (two surveys failed to indicate this information). Of the nineteen posts filled, at least nine of the successful applicants held a Ph.D. in HP/STM; others had earned doctoral degrees in anthropology, philosophy, history, or alternate fields. (continuted on page 6)


Job Description Rank Total # applicants: Successful Offered male, female Candidate Field Back­ Advertising Gender, Ground Media "protected class," Degree: date, field

PERMANENT: Univ. of Notre Dame S, T , M,PS T 1,4,6 Asst. Prof. 59: 44m, 15f M, no, ABD, HP/STM Univ. of Penn. T NR 1,4,5,6, Asst. or Assoc. NR M, no, NR, HP/STM Iowa State Univ. S, T ,M D,T 1,2,3,4,5,6 Asst. Prof. 56: 29m, 27f M, no, PhD: 1999, HP/STM Rensselaer Poly. Inst. S, T NR 7 Asst. Prof. NR M, no, R, History Univ. Rhode Island S, M D,T 1,2,4,6,7 Asst. Prof. 23: 9m, 14f F, no, R, History Rice Univ. PS D 7 Asst. Prof. 92: 73m, 19f F, no, R, Philosophy Univ. of Minnesota T D 1,2,4,5,6 Asst. or Assoc. 32: 19m, 13f F, no, PhD:l996, HP/STM Univ. ofWinnipeg s D 4,6,7 Asst. Prof. 21: 15m, 6f M,no, PhD: 1998,HP/STM Natl Tsing-Hua U. Taiwan S,T, M D 6,7 NR 3: 2m, lf M,NR,PhD:l999,HP/STM Univ. North Carolina S,T D 7, NR 82: 49m, 33f M, no, R, Anthropology MIT Museum S,T M 5,6,7 Curator 15: 7m, Bf F, no, R, HP/STM

TEMPORARY: Univ. Oklahoma s D 4,6,7 Visiting fac. 18: 13m, Sf M,no, PhD: 1999,HP/STM Wisconsin, Madison M NR 6,7 Visiting 6: 2m, 4f F, no, R, HP/STM Wisconsin, Madison M D 6,7 Visiting/lecturer NR F, no, NR, HP/STM U. Minnesota T NR 4,5,6 Visiting 1: Om, lf F, no, NR, HP/STM Max Planck Inst. Berlin S,PS D 4, 6 research fellow NR , R Max Planck Inst. Berlin S,PS D 4, 6 research R • TR Einstein Papers Project S,PS D 4,6,7 asst/assoc editor 13: lOm, 3f M, no,PhD: 1997, HP/ST!'v

OTHER: Hist. Sci. Soc. s D 4,6 exec. director 8: - m,lf M,no, PhD: 1996,HP/STM News of the Society 5


Job Description Rank Total# applicants: Successful Offered male, female Candidate Field Back- Advertising Gender, Ground Media " protected class", Degree: date, field PERMANENT: U. Minnes. Rhetoric NR NR 2 NR 94: NR M, yes, NR: Rhetorical Theory Manhattan Coll. History NR D,T 1,2,6,7 Asst. Prof. 130: NR M, no, NR: History Cal State Chico History S,T,M D,T 1,6 NR 73:44m, 29f F, no, PhD: 1997, HP/STM NY Acad. of Med. NR library 3,6,7 Ref. Librarian 35:15m, 20f F, yes, NR: MLS/MA

TEMPORARY: Vanderbilt Univ. S,M D 1,2 lect.lasst 10: NR M, no, NR: HP/STM Rens. Poly. Inst., STS T NR 2,5,6,7 visiting NR M, no, NR: HP/STM NASA Ames History Proj. S,T PH 6,7 research assoc 21: NR F, no, PhD:l997, History Charles Babbage Inst, Minn T D,PH 4,5 assoc director 4: lm, 3f M, no, NR: HP/STM


Job Description Rank Total # applicants: Successful Offered male, female Candidate Field Back- Advertising Gender, Ground Media " protected class", Degree: date, field 'ERMANENT: Ill. Inst Tech humanities NR D 1,2,3,5,7 Asst. Prof. 122: 82m, 40f F, NR, NR: Lit./Amhro. U. Wash., envir hist. NR NR 1,6 Asst. Prof. 80:60m, 20f F, no, PhD: 1999, History W. Mich U. science stud. S,PS NR 2,7 Asst.I Assoc 27:2lm,6f M, no, PhD; 1996, HP/STM Henry Ford Museum S,T PH 1,5,6,7 curator NR M, no, NR: History Univ. of Liverpool hist. NR D,A NR faculty NR M, no, PhD: HP/STM U. Edinburgh sociology NR NR 7 lecturer NR M, no, PhD: 1998, Socio!.

TEMPORARY: Sarah Lawrence envir stud. NR D 2,4,6 visiting 26: 17m, 9f F, no, PhD: 1983, Philosophy


FIELD: BACKGROUND: ADVERTISING MEDIA: s History of Science D Ph.D. Required AHA Perspectives T History of Technology A Archival Training, Experience 2 Chronicle of Higher Education M History of Medicine M Museum Training, Experience 3 AAHM Newsletter PS Philosophy of Science PH Public History 4 HSS Newsletter STS Sci, Tech, and Society T Teach American or Western History Survey 5 SHOT Newsletter 6 H-Net, HSS Web site, other electronic media 7 Other

NR: No (clear) Reply 6 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

HSS Employment Survey Report, 1998-1999 employment process; a significant number of institutions advertised (continued from page 4) their openings extensively or even primarily through electronic media. Of the seventeen responses from graduate students and other job­ seekers to the questionnaire on the HSS Web site, fifteen gave enough Of the eight searches in category 2 (HP /STM desired secondary), information to analyze and to indicate that they had been looking the four permanent positions went to two male (50%) and two female seriously for employment. This group on average applied for twenty­ candidates (50%). The four temporary posts went to three male (75%) four jobs during the past year, though some people applied for just one and one female candidate (25%). With seven searches in category 3 and others for as many as fifty positions. Of the fifteen, two reported (HP/STM possible), six were permanent, one temporary. The six success in landing opportunities (one with a "dream job"), seven permanent positions actually filled went to four male candidates found more-or-less acceptable temporary, adjunct, or postdoc posts; (66.6%) and two female candidates (33.3%); the temporary slot went two made an "interview list," one declined a job offer, and three to a female candidate. reported "no success." (Again, it is worth noting the limits ofdrawing Regarding concerns of the HSS Women's Caucus, the tables conclusions from such a small and self-selected pool of respondents.) indicate total size and gender distribution of the applicant pools for at Two individuals specifically mentioned that the ongoing frustration least some positions. Of a total thirty-four permanent and temporary created by "too many Ph.D.s chasing too few jobs" has made them positions filled this year (at least as documented in survey returns), decide to leave the profession (despite a love of teaching and research). thirteen went to women (40.6% of posts for which the gender of the Nine job-seekers expressed fundamental complaints about a successful candidate was recorded). Out of the thirry-four responses, "flagrant disregard for civility" in the job-seeking process, especially two places indicated that their hires were "members of a 'minority' citing the frustration of dealing with institutions that fail to give class as defined by your institution." prompt (or indeed any) feedback to applicants. "Many institutions When asked for comments on current employment conditions, are very slow to inform candidates that they are no longer under one search committee representative noted, "In history departments consideration, although one soon finds out through word ofmouth .... people trained in history of science must pass muster with historians In one case, I received formal notification that the job was filled a full who will have other training of interests. Ir is extraordinarily difficult YEAR after the application deadline ... how difficult is it to mail out to hire in this area, no matter what the applicant has achieved in history a form letter to those not on the short list?" Regarding search of science." Three institutional representatives praised the generally mechanics, one wrote, "Staggering interviews in hotel rooms create high quality of their applicant pools (though another one called the innumerable awkward moments for candidates. Indeed, just having preparation of candidates "considerably less impressive than in earlier interviews in hotel rooms is itself inherently awkward!" years"). Among other trends worth noting, this year's survey underlines We hope to continue refining the survey process to increase the the increasing importance of Web sites and newsgroups in the usefulness of information collected next year. If any readers have suggestions on how to improve this effort, please send them to: Amy Bix, 633 Ross Hall, History, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 or, vi:i e-mail: [email protected]. I would like to express my gratitude to Melissa Special offer for HSS members! Oliver, Neocles Serafimidis, Robert]. Malone, and others at the HSS Executive Office for maintaining the Web site, assembling the list of Social Studies ofScience positions, and sending out questionnaires. Thanks also to the HSS An International Review ofResearch in the Social Dimensions Women's Caucus for its promotion of the annual survey project. ofScience and Technology

The leading journal dealing with the crucial issues in the The Executive Office wishes to thank Amy Bix for her hard relationship between science and society ... a vital responsive work on this important annual survey. and continuing resource for all academics in the field, and for all readers interested in the analysis of modern science. Six times a year: February, April, June, August, October, Back issues of sought December (ISSN:0306-3127) Isis Edited by David Edge University of Edinburgh, UK The Universitas Pelita Harapan, a university in Indonesia, is seeking Save 20% on a Subscription to SSS back issues of Isis, (coverage 1942-1983), for their physics library. If you are interested in donatinayour unwanted journals, please contact Special rate for HSS members £39/US$62 (Save fl O/US$16) Yahones Surya; Director of Incemational Center for Physics and Mathematics; Uni\·ersicas Pelica Harapan; Lippo Village, Karawac1 For further details please contact: SAGE Publications Tangerang; Jawa Barac - Indonesia 15810. E-mail: Non-US orders: 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU, UK [email protected]. Professor Surya scares rhar he can provide US orders: PO Box 5096, Thousand Oaks, CA91359, USA reimbursement for shipping costs (M-bag or surface mail). 7


• "A-OK" to Y2K: Technological Confidence and History at MUSEUMS OF MODERN SCIENCE - the End of the Twentieth Century-Professor Robert Friedel, SVANTE LINDQVIST, EDITOR Department of History, University of Maryland • Marika Hedin, UlfLarsson, Associate Editors Communication and Communities: Changing Paradigms-Dr. Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, Department of Museum Studies, The Issues: How to Explain Modern Science and How to Reach the University of Leicester• Concluding remarks-Professor john L. Indifferent. Heilbron, Senior Research Fellow Worcester College, Oxford, Museums in the New Millennium-Sir Neil Cossons, Director, former Vice Chancellor University of California, Berkeley Science Museum, London • Communication of Science in the 2000, ISBN 0-88135-299-3, illustrated (Nobel Symposium 112) Deutsches Museum: In Search of the Right Formula-Prof Dr. Wolf Peter Fehlhammer, Generaldirektor, Deutsches Museum, Isis CUMUIATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY (1986-1995) Miinchen • The Musee des Arts et Metiers: Renovation Issues­ Mme Dominique Ferriot, Director, Musee des arts et metiers, JOHN NEU, EDITOR Paris • Museums, Communities, and Contemporary Science The third supplement to the Isis Cumulative Bibliography, 1913-1965, - Dr. Alan J Friedman, Director, New York Hall of Science, edited by Magda Whitrow cumulates the annual bibliographies pub­ New York lished in the History of Science Society's journal Isis in the years 1986 through 1995. The increase in the literature during the last decade necessi­ The Level of Complexity: The Middle Way Between the Superficial tates publication in four volumes: Volume One (496pp.), Persons: A- L; and the Repellent. Volume Two (480pp.), Persons M-Z, Institutions; Volume Three Beyond Understanding: Curatorship and Access in Science (640pp.), Subjects, Time Periods: Antiquity-18th Century; Volume Museums- Dr. James A. Bennett, Director, Museum of the Four (739pp.), Time Periods: 19th-20th Centuries, Book Reviews. History of Science, Oxford • Object Lessons: Some En­ tanglements of Science Museums- Dr. Simon Schaffer, Reader LC 4 299 95 th in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge Last chance! The special prepaid/postpaid prke of $199, 95 • "The Physical Laboratory in Modern Education": Late 19th J.\'ailable to HSS members expires on November !st t999. and 20th Century Perspectives-Dr. Otto Sibum, Research Director, Max Planck Institut fiir Wissenschaftsgeschichte, THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE AS THE HISTORY OF Berlin • Fact and Fancy: Art in the Presentation of Science- Dr. Ken Arnold, Wellcome Institute for the CMLIZATION History of Medicine, London Essays on and around George Sarton

Virtual Museums: The Challenges of New Technology. TORE FRANGSMYR AND JOHN L. HEILBRON George Sanon (1884- 1956) the Belgian polymath who did more than New Technologies and the Objects of Science: Reflections on the anyone else to establish the history of science as a respectable academic Use of Multimedia-Professor Paolo Galluzzi, Director, Istituto e discipline, drew his energy from a generous vision of the subject. To him Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze • From Hands-On to Minds­ the history of science amounted to the history of civilization. This ec­ On: A Step Forward For Social Transformation Through Science static vision, incongruously positivistic and romantic, is the organizing Museums-Dr. Saroj Chose, past President National Council of them of this collection of new and old essays by Tore Frangsmyr and J. Science Museums oflndia, past President ICOM, Calcutta• New L. Heilbron. They describe Sarton's ideas, his attempts to implement Trends in Scientific Museology (Or How to Change the Visitor's theme, and the context that gave them plausibility. They contrast Sarton's Life)-Professor Jorge Wagensberg, Director, Museu de la Cienca de inclusive program with the divisive approach of his immediate predeces­ la Fundacio "la Caixa'', Barcelona • Virtual Objects: Threat or sors, who saw science at war with the old order, and with the heterogene­ Salvation?"-Dr. Doron Swade, Head of Collections, Science ity of contemporary writing, which fractures the history of science into Museum, London many different types and degrees of social constructionism .... Controversial Science Issues: Neither Apologetic Glorification nor "the Science War." 2000, ISBN 0-88135-298-5 Uppsala Studies in History ofScience, Volume 29 Controversy and Context: How did we get here?-Dr. Bernard S. Finn, Curator, National Museum of American History, SCI ENCE HISTORY PUBLICATIONS/USA Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. • Changing the l~O. Box 4'>3, Cinton, l\!A 0202 I. U.S.A. Museum-Visitor Relationship Through Discussion-Based kl (-8 I) 828-8·1)() • bx. (-81) 828-8') I) • I· -m.111 .1c.1d\\cV1 .wl mm Exhibits-Dr. Xerxes Mazda, Curator, Science Museum, London l\l.istl'r( :.1rd/V1,.1 .lLlc'pkcl. 8 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

Gordon N. Fleming (Pennsylvania State) spoke on "Conceptual The Seven Pines Symposium Issues in Quantum Field Theory." Robert M. Wald (Chicago) and Roger H Stuewer, University ofMinnesota John Earman (Pittsburgh) spoke on "Quantum Field Theory in V Curved Spacetime." Roberto Torretti (Chile) spoke on "Why Gravity he Seven Pines Symposium is dedicated to bringing historians, Should be Thought of as Curved Spacetime." Robert P. Geroch philosophers, and physicists together for several days in a T (Chicago) spoke on "Unsolved Problems in Classical General collaborative effort to probe and clarify significant foundational issues Relativity." Roger H. Stuewer (Minnesota) chairedaclosingroundtable in physics, as they have arisen in the past and continue to challenge discussion. Unlike the typical conference, twice as much time was our understanding today. devoted to discussions following the talks than to the talks themselves, The symposium takes its name from Seven Pines Lodge, located and long mid-day breaks permitted small groups to assemble at will. near Lewis, Wisconsin, which was built in 1903 as a trout- fishing As preparation for the talks and discussions, the speakers prepared camp and since 1978 has been on the National Register of Historic summarizing statements and selected appropriate background reading Sites. In the past, President Calvin Coolidge and other notables materials, which were distributed in advance to all of the participants. vacationed there. Today, its idyllic setting and superb cuisine make Lee Gohlike, the founder of the Seven Pines Symposium, has had it an ideal location for small informal meetings. a life-long interest in the history and philosophy of physics, which he The third annual Seven Pines Symposium was held from May 5- has furthered through graduate studies at the Universities ofMinnesota 9, 1999, on the subject, "The Field Concept in Physics." Twenty­ and Chicago. To plan the symposia, which will be held annually, he seven historians, philosophers, and physicists were invited to participate established an advisory board consisting of Roger H . Sruewer in it. (Minnesota), Chair, Jed Z. Buchwald (MIT), John Earman Each day four speakers set the stage for discussion by addressing (Pittsburgh), Geoffrey Hellman (Minnesota), Erwin N . Hiebert major aspects of the field concept in physics. Ernan McMullin (Notre (Harvard), Don Howard (Notre Dame), and Alan E. Shapiro Dame) and Friedrich Steinle (Gottingen) spoke on "The Origins of (Minnesota). Also participating in the third annual Seven Pines the Field Concept." Daniel M. Siegel (Wisconsin) and Jed Z. Symposium were Moritz Epple (Mainz), Joseph D . Harris Buchwald (MIT) spoke on "The Physical Reality of the Field." Jam es (Dartmouth), Anne J. Kox (Amsterdam), Alberto A. Martinez T. Cushing (Notre Dame) spoke on the "The Historical Development (Minnesota),John D. Norton (Pittsburgh), Goran Prstic (Minnesota), of Quantum Field Theory." Serge Rudaz (Minnesota) spoke on "The Robert D. Purrington (Tulane), Josi M. Sanchez-Ron (Madrid), an Need for a Field Theory." Jeremy N . Butterfield (Oxford) and Paul Teller (UC Davis).

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History of Women and Gender, Science and Media, Materiality, Memory: Aspects of lntermediality Technology Syllabus Sampler Call for Papers

The history of women and gender in science has developed Geoffrey Winthrop-Young and Michael Wutz seek essays for a special tremendously as a field over the past two decades. The number issue of Configurations, the journal of the Society for Literature and and quality of articles and books addressing these issues have Science. Scheduled for publication in 2002, the issue intends to move beyond individual media-focused literary case studies and theorize on increased substantially, thus making it both challenging and recent (and still emergent) developments in the field of media studies. rewarding to teach courses in this field. Recognizing this, the It will include studies on: new theories of inter-, intra-, and Women's Caucus of the History of Science Society has sponsored hypermediality; new theories of media ecology; the problems and the compilation of a syllabus sampler for courses on the history contingencies of media evolution; the infrastructure of information of women and gender in science. systems and the materialities of communication; media and cultural The syllabi presented in this collection were submitted by memory; media and the formation of social coherence; theoretical individual scholars (including historians of science, sociologists, cross-fertilizations between systems theory, discourse analysis, post and scientists) in response to an open invitation published in the and/ or retro-McLuhanism. We are also interested in contributions on History of Science Sociery Newsletter. The syllabi are divided the work of media theorists, such as Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, into two groups: general surveys and topical courses on the Paul Virilio, Friedrich Kittler, Vilim Flusser, Walter Mignolo, history ofwomen and gender in science, technology, and medicine. N.Katherine Hayles, Michael Giesecke, Jan Assmann, and Regis These courses have been taught at a variety of institutions ranging Debray, among others, as well as works in lesser known media-based from large state universities to small liberal arts colleges to developments, particularly in the US, Latin America, and in Europe. engineering schools. One-page proposals by 1January2000; essay drafts by January 2001. While the majoriry of the syllabi focus exclusively on issues Please include a brief vita. Send to Winthrop-Young, Department of Germanic Studies, UniversityofBritish Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., of women and gender in science, it is hoped that historians of V6T lZl, Canada, [email protected], and Wurz, science who teach courses defined either chronologically or by Department of English, 1201 University Circle, Weber State discipline will find this material valuable and relevant and look University, Ogden UT 84408-1201, [email protected]. r ways to incorporate gender into their own syllabi. Scientists who teach courses on women and science should also find this Publications Now Available from the HSS Executive Office collection helpful. ORDER FORM The sampler will be available for Name______purchase at the semisesquicentennial meeting Address. ______~ of the History of Science Society rn City ______State ZIP______Pittsburgh, November 4-7, 1999. E-mail: ------Phone: ______

Syllabus Sampler 2000 Current Publications NEW! __copy/copies of An Introduction to the History ofScience in Non­ The popular History a/Science Syllabus Sampler Western Traditions ($8 U.S./ Canada; $10 other addresses). is now seven years old. This handy volume __copy/copies of The Magic Lantern: A Guide to Audiovisual Resources for Teaching the History ofScience, Technology, and Medicine ($15 U.S./ has offered a broad selection of members' Canada; $20 other addresses). course preparations and has proven a valuable _ _ copy/copies of Topical Essays for Teachers ($8 U.S./Canada; $10 other teaching aid. It is now time to update the addresses). Sampler. This fall semester, letters will be __copy/copies of History ofScience Syllabus Sampler ($10 U.S./Canada; mailed to HSS members requesting other addresses $15). contributions to History of Science Syllabus Total: $ ____ My payment in US funds is attached. _____ Sampler II. Please collect your new syllabi for this semester, along with all syllabi from Visa or MasterCard# ------exp. ______recent semesters, and be ready to send them r possible inclusion in the updated version. Signature ------f you have questions, please contact Henry Please make check or money order payable (in U.S. dollars) to the History of Science Steffens at [email protected]. Society, HSS Executive Office, Box 351330, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1330. Phone (206) 543-9366; Fax (206) 685-9544. . I 10 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

The Dibner Institute Summer Seminar in the AMS Call for Papers History of Biology The American Meteorological Society is seeking contributors to it The Dibner Institute's Seminar in the History of Biology met at the Interactive History of Earth Sciences site supported by the Sloan Marine Biological Laboratory June 1-9, 1999, to explore the Foundation. Current topics include GATE, the GARP Tropical background and broad influence ofthe late nineteenth-century biologist Atlantic Experiment of 1974 and the Clean Air Act of 1970. A third and popularizer, Ernst Haeckel. We asked, "Why Haeckel?" The topic, Climate Controversies, will be posted soon. Introductory pages answers proved complex and fascinating. for these sites were prepared by Jim Fleming in collaboration with Robert Richards (Universiry of Chicago) organized the seminar, Bethany Knorr and Wesley Baff. An invitation to participate in the enlisting Mario DiGregorio (UCLA), Michael Ruse (Universiry of Clean Air Act project may be viewed at the following URL: http:// sloan/ cleanair I capostcard.html. Guelph), Fred Churchill (Indiana University), and Christiane Groeben (Stazione Zoologica, Naples) as seminar leaders. Jack Diani (Washington University) worked with Garland Allen (Washington Free Physics Films Available University) and Jim Collins (Arizona State University) to bring us A set of l 6mm films produced by Encyclopedia Brittanica Films and outstanding hands-on laboratory sessions. David Castle, Erika Ellis, featuring Harvey White ------­ (Univ. of California) is now Kevin Dann and Manfred Laublicher led week-long discussion groups. Thanks to those HSS available. All (~ 175 films) Ernst Mayr' s afternoon visit was a high point. He recalled that in his members who have are in their original canisters youth, Haeckel and his materialistic monism was absolutely scandalous, and are believed to be in participated in the Sponsor-a­ and for that reason was "required reading." Ernst scored points with excellent condition. You pay Scholar Program in 1999! his schoolmates, he said, by confronting his teacher with Haeckel's shipping. Contact Duane Michele L. Aldrich irreligious views. K. Fowler, Head, Dept. of Lawrence Badash For photographs of the Dibner Seminar at MBL, courtesy of Physics, Northern Michigan Alan C. Bowen Marsha Richmond, Jack Diani, and Washington University, visit the Univ., Marquette, MI Stephen G. Brush online exhibit, at 49855, (906) 227-2450, David C. Cassidy [email protected]. Peggy Champlin Landon Clay Jonathan Coopersmith HSS Sponsor-a-Scholar Program Lorraine Daston Michael Aaron Dennis Yes, I would like to sponsor the scholar I have listed below. Ron Doel William Eamon __ Yes, please choose a scholar for me. Bruce Eastwood Anne Fitzpatrick __ Yes, please renew my sponsorship of the scholar named below. Elizabeth Garber David Gooding Loren Graham Frederick Gregory Benjamin Harris J. L. Heilbron City: ______Country: ______Postal Code: ___ _ Erwin Hiebert Gerald Holton Joel Howell Sponsor'sN'ame=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HSS Executive Office ISIS Editorial Office

Address: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E.S. Kennedy City: ______Country: ______Postal Code: ____ Bruce Lobitz James E. McClellan, III Telephone: ______Email: ______Michael Meo John L. Michel Naomi Oreskes Amount Enclosed: ______($35 annually for each scholar sponsored) Nathan Reingold Sylvan S. Schweber Please make check or money order payable in U.S. dollars to the History of Nancy Slack Science Society. Send to HSS Executive Office, University of Washington, Box Peter Spargo Keir Sterling 351330, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. Liba Taub For further information about this program, please contact the HSS Executive Neale Watson Office at 206-543-9366, or email: [email protected]. Kathleen Whalen Awards, Honors, & Appointments 11

Awards, Honors, & Appointments culture ofthe seventeenth century. The essay also reveals relationships between attitudes towards the weapons salve and confessional identity. Nbert V. Carozzi, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, was awarded the Helen E. Valls, St. Edmund's College, Cambridge, England received Prix Wegmann 1999 of the Societe Geologique de F ranee. The honor a 1999 Jerry Stannard Memorial Award for her work: "The Medieval was conferred at the Society's annual meeting in Paris, on June 7, Quid Pro Quo in Latin and French." This essay reviews the early 1999. The recognition was based on Carozzi's lifelong contribution history of the tract Quid Pro Quo--an alphabetical list of drugs and to the history of geology. drug substitutes. It was intended to enable drug preparations in any circumstances, ranging from non-availability of an ingredient to Sara S. Gronim, Lecturer at New Jersey Institute ofTechnology, has intentional preparation ofless costly versions. The work compares been awarded a Colonial Essay Award by the Colonial Society of early and lace medieval lists, and references surviving French texts in Pennsylvania for her essay "At the Sign ofN ewton' s Head: Astronomy comparison with Medieval Latin texts. The Quid Pro Quo was and Cosmology in British Colonial New York." The essay will be essential to the teaching and licensing of apothecaries and herbalists published in the upcoming McNeil Center special issue ofPennsylvania in the Middle Ages. History: A journal ofMid-Atlantic Studies. Midwest }unto 2000 Carolyn Thomas de la Pena, a doctoral candidate in American Studies at the University ofTexas, has been awarded the inaugural Audrey and The forty-third Annual Meeting of the Midwest J unto for the History William H. Helfand Fellowship in the Medical Humanities. Ms. de ofScience will be held at the Linda Hall Library ofScience, Engineering, la Pena will use her fellowship for research on her dissertation, and Technology, in Kansas City, MO, in April, 2000. TheJunto is an "Powering the Modern Body: Theories ofEnergy Transfer in American informal forum for presentation and discussion of short papers by Medicine, Science, and Technology, 1880-1930." scholars, graduate students, and interested persons in general, on all areas of research in the history of science and technology. For Eric C. Schneider, Assistant Dean and Associate Director for Academic information please contact Eliseo Fernandez, Reference Librarian, Affairs at the University of Pennsylvania College ofArts and Sciences, Linda Hall Library, 5109 Cherry St., Kansas City, MO 64110. Phone: s been named the Paul Klemperer Fellow in History of Medicine. (816) 363-5020. Fax: (816) 926-8785. E-Mail: Dr. Schneider's project is entitled "The Golden Spike: Heroin in the [email protected]. Postwar City." While in residence at the New York Academy of Medicine he plans to utilize manuscript records of the Academy's Summer 2000 at MBL concern about heroin trafficking and heroin abuse in New York during the 1950s. During the first week ofJune, 2000, the Dibner Institute Seminar at MBL will address "Putting Humans into Ecology." This is a Esther-Mirjam Sent, Assistant Professor in Economics and Faculty pressing issue for scientists and policy makers today, that urgently Fellow in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of needs some historical perspective. What do we know from history Notre Dame, was recently awarded the 1999 Gunnar Myrdal Prize that should inform that discussion? And how have assumptions and of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy conclusions changed over time? Jim Collins will lead the seminar. As (EAEPE) for her recent book The Evolving Rationality ofRational a biologist and historian currently funded by NSF to study Expectations: An Assessment of Thomas Sargent's Achievements international cases of amphibian decline, and our knowledge of how (Cambridge Universiry Press, 1998). The Prize is awarded annually humans affect that decline, he will bring important scientific questions for the best monograph on a theme broadly in accord with the to the fore. At the same time, study of humans and their complex EAEPE Theoretical Perspectives. actions must be included within ecological theory because humans as individuals and as societies are part of Earth's natural history. Daniel Stolzenberg, Stanford University received a 1999 Jerry Accomplishing chis task thus means building ecological theory Stannard Memorial Award for his work "The Sympathetic Cure of around a multidisciplinary perspective integrating the natural and Wounds: A Study of Magic, , and Experience in Seventeenth­ social sciences and the humanities. This Dibner Institute Seminar Century Science." This work details a controversy over a popular will explore the evolving history of efforts to put humans into remedy for wounds in the seventeenth century. The weapons salve ecology. Those working on the history, philosophy, and sociology and sympathetic powder were believed to heal wounds at a distance of ecology, as well as ecologists, are encouraged to apply. when applied to an object containing the patient's blood. The For more information, contact Carla Chrisfield at the Dibner ractice became intensely controversial and triggered debates about Institute for the History ofScience and Technology ([email protected]), the place of the supernatural in science and medicine. It stimulated or one of the seminar co-organizers, John Beatty discussion about the meaning of experience in the new empirical ([email protected]); James Collins ([email protected]); or Jane Maienschein ([email protected]). 12 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia invites applications for an Jobs entry-level, full-time tenure track assistant professorship in 19th and 20th century American intellectual history. Although the position is We invite you to peruse our electronic site for listings ofhistory a/science-related broadly defined, preferred subfields include cultural history, science job opportunites, fellowships and grants, and prizes available at http:!/ and technology, or historiography. Ph.D. required, and some teaching depts. washington. edulhssexec/. The following annoucements have been edited experience desirable. The position will begin in August 2000. Applicants for space. For full descriptiom and the latest announcments, please visit our should submit a one page personal statement describing their teaching Web site. The Society does not assume responsibility for the accuracy ofany and research interests, curriculum vitae, a writing sample, and three item, and potential applicants should verify all details, especially closing dates, with the organization or foundation ofinterest . For those who wish to publish letters of reference to the American Intellectual History Search ajob, fellowship/grant, or prize, please send an electronic version ofthe posting Committee, Department of History, Saint Joseph's University, 5600 to hssexec@u. City Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19131. The deadline for completed applications is December l, 1999. Prearranged interviews Illinois Institute of Technology The Lewis Department of will be held at the AHA. SJU is a Catholic liberal arts university in the Humanities seeks a reacher-scholar in any humanistic discipline Jesuit tradition of reaching and research and an AA/EOE employer. whose interests focus on the role of women in social, economic, or cultural change in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. We are especially West Chester University seeks applicants for a tenure-track assistant interested in candidates whose research and reaching in the above professorship beginning January or August 2000. U.S. economic, areas complement the department's current strengths in the technology, or labor history with emphasis on the nineteenth century. humanistic study of science, technology, architecture, and the city. To teach departmental survey courses, as well as upper-level and To apply, send a 1-2 page statement, c.v., and three reference letters graduate courses in one's area(s)of specialization, and to supervise to: Thomas J. Misa, Chair; Search Committee; Lewis Department student teachers as needed. Applicant must demonstrate teaching and of Humanities; Illinois Institute ofTechnology; Chicago IL 60616. scholarly potential. Minimum qualifications include effective Deadline: December 1, 1999. Position stares August 2000. EO/ communication and teaching as demonstrated by a classroom AAE. For more information: Phone: (312) 567-3465; [email protected]; presentation/lesson given during the on-campus visit. Secondary departments/humanities. school experience required. Earned doctorate in appropriate field by September 1, 2000. West Chester University is a comprehensive statf Iowa State University Department of History invites applications for university located in the western suburbs of Philadelphia. For more tenure-track position as a French historian, 1789-present. The candidate information about the university, see Send must take an intellectual/cultural history approach, which includes letter of application, c.v. , graduate transcripts, and three letters of but is not limited to the history of science. Teaching responsibilities recommendation to Dr. Charles A. Hardy, Chair, Department of of two courses per semester, including undergraduate courses in the History, West Chester University, West Chester, PA 19383, special areas, the introductory sequence in the history of western postmarked by ovember l , 1999. West Chester University is an AA/ civilization, and graduate seminars and proseminars. Required EOE and strongly encourages applications from women and minorities. Qualifications: Ph.D. by rime ofappointment and evidence ofsuccessful teaching. Send letter of application, a recent publication (if any), c. v., University of California, San Diego invites nominations and and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Alan I. Marcus, 603 Ross applications for an assistant or an early career associate professorship Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-1202. Deadline: (tenure track/tenured) in modern European history, 1870 to the December 15, 1999. present, effective 1 July 2000. Candidates in all relevant research fields are welcome to apply, bur there is particular interest in those who work North Carolina State University The Women's and Gender Studies on such thematic areas as: nationalism/regionalism/ethnicity; Program at North Carolina State University invites applications for a colonialism/ rransnationalism/ migration; and society I technology/ tenure-track assistant professor position to contribute to its new culture. Send detailed letter of application, c.v., placement file, and/ initiative on women and gender in science and engineering. Ideal or names and addresses of at least three references to Chair, European candidates should have a Ph.D. in a social-science field or a social­ History Search Committee, History Dept. 0104-WN, University of science related multidisciplinary area with a background in feminist California-San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0104. scholarship, a research record in women's studies, and experience in or Please reference position number 3-605 on all correspondence. Review commitment to pursuing external grants. Review of applications of applications will begin 1November1999 and will continue until begins on November 15, 1999 and will continue until the position is the position is filled. UCSD is an AA/EOE. filled. Send letter of application, statement of research and teaching interest, a c.v., and list of three references to Laura Severin, Box 7107, University of California, San Diego invites nominations an N.C. State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8105. applications for an assistant or an early career associate professorship (tenure track/tenured) in the history ofthe American Wesror American borderlands, 1789-1914, effective 1 July 2000. Within this broad Jobs, Fellowships, Grants & Prizes 13

field, there is special interest in candidates whose research focuses on University of Minnesota, 116 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, one or more of the following: labor, ethnicity, race, gender, social Minnesota 55455. The University of Minnesota is an equal elations, immigration/ migration, and the environment. Send detailed opportunity educator and employer. letter of application, c.v., placement file, and/or names and addresses of at least three references to Chair, United States History Search UNC-Charlotte History Department seeks a tenure-track assistant Committee, History Dept. 0104-WN, University of California-San professor in the field of 19th/20th century Europe. Preferences Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0104. Please reference include (but are not limited to) the history of science, technology, or position number 3-606 on all correspondence. Review of applications urban or social policy. Ability to teach 20th-Century World Survey will begin 1 November 1999 and will continue until the position is required. Ph.D. required. Send curriculum vitae, cover letter, three 1 filled. UCSD is an AA/EOE. letters of recommendation and official transcript to Chair, European Search Committee, DepartmentofHistory, UNCC, 9201 University University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine City Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina 28223. AA/EOE. seeks a Historian of Medicine and/or Biomedical Sciences. Area of Application deadline is November 1, 1999. specialization and period are open. Junior candidates (Assistant Professors and ABDs) will only be considered if a tenured, Associate University of Oklahoma seeks applicants for Librarian, History of or Full Professor is not hired. For full consideration applications must Science Collections. Under the direction of the Curator of the History be received by January 7, 2000. The search will remain open, however, of Science Collections, the librarian is responsible for the general until a suitable candidate is found. Senior candidates (Associate or Full operation ofthe History ofScience Collections. Required qualifications Professors) should send letter of intent, c.v. and selected publications include: MLS from ALA accredited library school; bibliographic as well as names of 3-5 confidential references. Junior candidates knowledge of European languages (ancient or modern); familiarity should send a letter of intent and dossier to: Philippe Bourgois, Chair, with automated cataloging systems, AACR2, end MARC formats; c/o Susan Reneau, Department of Anthropology, History and Social one or more years professional library experience. Desirable Medicine, Suite 485, Box 0850, UCSF, 3333 California St., San qualifications: broad educational background including the history of Francisco, CA 94143-0850 (Express Mail 94118). UCSF is an science, European history, the humanities, and the sciences; cataloging affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. The University experience; one or more years experience in special collections; some ndertakes affirmative action to assure equal employment opportunity supervisory experience; second master's degree or Ph.D. degree; or under-represented minorities and women, for persons with evidence of research or creative achievement and effective disabilities and for Vietnam-era veterans and special disabled veterans. communication skills. Send letter of application with resume, a list of ~history/Home.html. publications and the names of three references including current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Assistant to the Dean for University of Georgia invites applications for an entry-level tenure­ Administrative Services, University Libraries, University ofOklahoma, track assistant professorship in History ofPhysical Sciences, beginning Norman, OK73019, (405) 325-2611. FirstscreeningdateisNovember inAugust2000. Candidates should demonstrate excellence in teaching 15, 1999. Oklahoma University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative and research. Appointees must hold Ph.D. by August 2000. The Action Employer. We encourage women and minority applicants, University welcomes the candidacies of women and minorities. Send and we are responsive to the needs of dual career couples. letter ofapplication, c. v., and three letters of recommendation to Prof. Edward]. Larson, Search Committee Chair, Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of the History of University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Applications received by Science, anticipates openings for one or more tenure-track assistant November 1, 1999, are assured of full consideration. AA/EOE. professorships, contingent upon funding. Areas ofspecialization: ( 1) History of the physical sciences since 1800, duties to begin in August University of Minnesota Program in History of Science and 2000; (2) History of early modern science to 1750, duties to begin in Technology, Twin Cities campus, invites applications for two January 2001 or August 2001. We seek candidates eager to participate temporary Assistant or Associate Professor positions (depending in an active graduate program, a small but strong undergraduate upon funding) beginning September 2000. If sufficient funds are major, and interdisciplinary general education courses that help fulfill available, one of the positions will be for two years. The duties the University's liberal education requirements. Possibilities also exist include carrying out an active research program, and teaching some for involvement in a proposed science-studies program. We will be of the following courses: the history of biology, American science, looking for evidence of outstanding promise in both teaching and and a survey of the history of modern science. All requirements for research. Send letter of application describing teaching and research the Ph.D. must be completed by August 1, 2000. Applications must interests, curriculum vitae, a writing sample, and three or four letters e received by January 15, 2000. Applicants should submit a vitae, of recommendation as follows: for position (1) to Professor David publications or samples of writing, and arrange for at least three Lindberg, Department of the History of Science, University of letters of recommendation to be sent to: Chair, Search Committee, Wisconsin, 7143 Social Science Building, 1180 Observatory Drive, Program in History ofScience and Technology, 148 Physics Building, Madison, Wl 53706-1393; for position (2) to Professor Thomas 14 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

Broman at the same address. Inquiries may be addressed to Lindberg Fall (Term 1), the Spring (Term 2) or both. Postdoctoral Fellows at [email protected]; or to Broman at Program awards fellowships to outstanding scholars ofdiverse countries [email protected]. Review of applications will begin 4 of origin who have received the Ph.D. or equivalent within the October, to identify candidates to be interviewed at the History of previous five years. Postdoctoral Fellowships run for one year, from Science meeting in Pittsburgh, 4-7 November. Unless confidentiality September 1 through August 31, and may be extended for a second is requested in writing, information regarding the applicants must be and final year at the discretion of the Dibner Institute. The deadline released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. for receipt of applications for 2000-2001 is December 31, 1999. UW-Madison is an AA/EOE. Fellowship recipients will be announced in March, 2000. Please send requests for further information to: Trudy Kontoff, Program Coordinator, Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Fellowships Technology, MIT E56-100, 38 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. Tel: (617) 253-6989; Fax: (617) 253-9858; E­ The Bakken Library and Museum in Minneapolis offers visiting mail: [email protected]. research fellowships for the purpose offacilitatingscholarly research in its collection ofbooks, journals, manuscripts, prints, and instruments. Institute for Advanced Study Announcement of Memberships in the The focus of the Bakken' s collection is on the history of electricity and School of Historical Studies, for the academic year 2000-2001. The magnetism and their applications in the life sciences and medicine. School of Historical Studies supports scholarship in all fields of The fellowship is a maximum of $1,300 and is to be used for travel, historical research, including the history ofscience, one of the School's subsistence, and other direct costs of conducting research at The principal areas of interest. Fields of primary interest also include the Bakken. The minimum period of residence is one week. The next history ofwestern and near eastern civilization, with particular emphasis application deadline is March 1, 2000. For further information, upon Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe, Islamic please contact: David J. Rhees, Executive Director, The Bakken culture, the history of modern international relations, and the history Library and Museum, 3537 Zenith Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN of art. In addition to these fields, in the academic year 2000-2001 the 55416, tel: 612-926-3878, ext. 213; fax: 612-927-7265; e-mail: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will support three Members in the [email protected]; comparative history and culture of traditional China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Qualified candidates of any nationality are invited to Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at the apply for memberships. Apart from residence in Princeton during offers a three-year Ph.D. studentship term time, the only obligation of Members is to pursue their own available from J anuaty 2000 for a project on the rise of experimental research. Ifthey wish, however, Members may participate in seminars biology in 20th century Britain. The student will work with Dr. and meetings both within the Institute and at nearby universities, and Jonathan Harwood. The project will focus upon either (a) the impact there are ample opportunities for contacts with other scholars. of Empire upon the growth of new biological specialties or (b) the Approximately forty Members are appointed for either one or two reforming efforts of the Society for Experimental Biology. Applicants terms each year. The Ph.D. (or equivalent) and substantial publications should have a first degree (good upper-second class or better), some are required of all candidates at the time of application. Application university-level knowledge of the biological sciences, and training in may be made for one or two terms (September to December, January the history ofscience, technology or medicine. Applicants should send to April). Further information and application materials may be a curriculum vitae, covering letter and the names of two referees to: Dr. obtained from the Administrative Officer, School ofHistorical Studies, Jonathan Harwood, CHSTM, Maths Tower, University of Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey08540 (electronic Manchester, Manchester Ml3 9PL, UK. Inquiries to: mail address: [email protected]). Completed applications must be [email protected]. returned to the Administrative Officer by 15 November 1999. For the academic year 2000-01 CHSTM also expects to have Also being offered are two Mellon Fellowships to qualified several one-year M.Sc. studentships for work in history of medicine, Assistant Professors. These full-year memberships are designed as well as a Ph.D. studentship for work in any area of the history of specifically for assistant professors at universities and colleges in the sci/tech/med. For general information see our Web site: United States and Canada to support promising young scholars who uk/Science_Engineering/CHSTM. have embarked on professional careers. Applicants must have served at least two, and not more than four years as assistant professors in institutions of higher learning in the United States or Canada, and The Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology must have approval to return to their institution following the period invites applications to its two fellowship programs for the academic of membership. Stipends will match the combined salary and benefits year 2000-2001: the Senior Fellows program and the Postdoctoral at the Member's home institution, and all the privileges ofmembershi8 ,_ Fellows program. Candidates for Senior Fellowships should have at the Institute for Advanced Study will apply. Qualified applicants advanced degrees in disciplines relevant to their research and show may apply for one type of membership only. No dual applications will evidence of substantial scholarly accomplishment and professional be accepted. For additional information and application forms contact experience. Scholars may apply to the Senior Fellows program for the the Administrative Officer at the address above. Chemical Heritage Foundation Invites Applications for 2000-2001 Fellowships

Deadlines are December 1, 1999 for academic year fellowships, and February 15, 2000 for summer fellowships. Applications must address the relevance of resources at CHF to the applicant 's research plans and include a complete c.v., and two letters of reference must be sent directly to the Foundation. For more information, please see our website at or email [email protected].

Gordon Cain Fellowship Charles C. Price Fellowship The Cain Fellowship is open to a scholar with a Ph.D. The Price Fellowship is open to scholars with a Ph.D. The who will carry out historical research on the development Price Postdoctoral Fellow will spend nine months in residence of the chemical industries. The outcome of this research at CHF, making use of CHF's Othmer Library of Chemical should further understanding of the relationship between History. Preference will be given to candidates whose projects technology, policy, management, and entrepreneurship, deal with polymer history; however, applications in other and shed light on the complex development of modem fields, such as history of chemistry, petrochemicals, society and commerce. Applications for this academic pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, are also encouraged. year fellowship should include a proposal of no more than 1,000 words outlining the applicant's research project, Glenn E. and Barbara Hodsdon Ullyot Scholarship with specific reference to how the work advances The goal of the Ullyot Scholarship is to advance public scholarship and how the outcome might be published. understanding of the importance of the chemical sciences to the public welfare. The scholar will spend a minimum of two Edelstein International Fellowship months in residence at CHF during the summer of 2000, The Edelstein Fellowship is open to established scholars, conducting research on the heritage of the chemical sciences. and time will be divided between CHF and the Edelstein Applications should include a one-page description of the Center for History and Philosophy of Science, proposed research and an outline of a specific product as an Technology, and Medicine in Jerusalem. Letters of outcome of the scholarship. application for this academic year fellowship should demonstrate how the CHF collection, other Philadelphia Societe de Chimie lndustrielle (American Section) Fellowship resources, and the Edelstein Collection are relevant to the The American Section of the Societe de Chirnie Industrielle, in applicant's research. Each application should include a conjunction with CHF, invites applications for the Societe de budget for the project. Chimie Industrielle (American Section) Fellowship. The purpose of the fellowship is to stimulate public understanding Edelstein International Studentship of the chemical industries, using both terms in their widest The Edelstein Studentship is an academic year fellowship sense. Applications are encouraged from writers, journalists, open to a student in the history of the chemical sciences educators, and historians of science, technology, and business. and technology who has completed all requirements for The fellow will spend a minimum of two months in residence the Ph.D. except the dissertation. Time will be divided at CHF during the summer of 2000, conducting research on between CHF and the Edelstein Center in Jerusalem. The some aspect of the heritage of the chemical sciences or studentship supports dissertation research and writing, chemical process industries. Applicants should submit a one­ and applicants should demonstrate how the CHF page research proposal outlining a specific project to be collection, other Philadelphia resources, and the Edelstein completed while in residence at CHF, and showing how the Collection are relevant to the applicant's research. project will further public understanding of the chemical industries. Eugene Garfield Postdoctoral Fellowship The Garfield Fellowship is open to candidates with a Research Travel Grants Ph.D. in the chemical sciences, information science, or CHF offers small research travel grants to enable interested the history of science, technology or medicine. The individuals to make use of the resources of the Beckman Center Garfield Fellow should plan to research the history of for the History of Chemistry, the Othrner Library, and its information science as it relates to the chemical sciences associated facilities. Applications should include a one page or chemical process industries. Applicants for this statement on the proposed research and a budget. These grants academic year fellowship should include a brief research are generously supported by the American Association of proposal demonstrating the relevance of the CHF Textile Colorists and Chemists. For deadlines, please see collection and other area resources. or contact [email protected].

All applications should be sent to: Leo Slater, Chemical Heritage Foundation, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-2702 Fax: 215 9251954 16 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies Further Smithsonian Institution Libraries Resident Scholar program is information and Applications are available at http:// accepting applications for 2000. The SIL Resident Scholar Programs or by contacting the Mellon staff at offer short-term study grants with stipends of $1,800/month for [email protected]; (800) 899-9963. Deadline for application durations of one to three months. Three awards are in the SIL Dibner requests is 7 December 1999. Library Resident Scholar Pffigram sponsored by The Dibner Fund for research in the Dibner Library ofthe History ofScience and Technology. The Newberry Library Fellowships in the Humanities, 2000-01. The A fourth is in the SIL Resident Scholar Program for research in the Newberry Library announces 2000-01 Fellowships in the Humanities. Department of Special Collections. Historians, librarians, doctoral Long-term fellowships of six to eleven months and short-term students and other scholars are invited to apply. Scholars are expected fellowships of one week to two months are available to support to be in residence at the Smithsonian Institution. The Dibner Library residential research in the Newberry Library's collections. Fellowships collections, with books and manuscripts from the 15th to the 20th are available to postdoctoral scholars and to Ph.D. candidates at the centuries, specialize in the physical and applied sciences and dissertation phase. The Newberry's holdings number more than 1.5 technologies. Strengths include electronics, civil and mechanical million volumes and 5 million manuscript pages. The collections engineering, chemical industries, textiles and ceramics, military history, focus on Western Europe and the Americas from the late Middle Ages instrumentation, and also microscopy, pharmacy, and modern physics. to the early twentieth century. More information and application In addition to those collections in the Dibner Library, the SIL Special forms are available on the World Wide Web at http:// Collections Department has extensive materials on World's Fairs and Follow the links for Programs for Teachers and Expositions, 1851-1950, and air and space (ballooning, rocketry, and Scholars and Fellowships. Information is also available by e-mailing aviation). The Libraries' collection of 285,000 manufacturers' [email protected], calling 312-255-3666, or writing to commercial trade catalogs, which document progress in American Committee on Awards, The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton agriculture, industry, and manufacture, contain much primary source Street, Chicago, IL 60610. Specific reference questions can be answered material for the history of technology, economic, labor and women's by using our on-line catalog at:, e-mail: history, and consumer and social history. Deadline for applications: [email protected], (312) 255-3506. December 1, 1999. Application materials are available at http://, or write to Northwestern University Postdoctoral fellowships in history and Smithsonian Institution Libraries Resident Scholar Programs,, philosophy of science, definite, one year only, beginning fall 2000. Smithsonian Institution Libraries, NHB 24mz, MRC 154, Indicate interest in either history of science or philosophy of science. Washington, D.C. 20560-0154. Tel: (202) 357-2240, or send e-mail $27,500 plus benefits. EO/AAE. Send complete dossier, including to [email protected]. statement of proposed research, to: David L. Hull. Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208. Deadline for application is December 15, 1999. Prizes

Rockefeller Humanities Fellowships Program for the Study of AIP Center for History of Physics The Center for History of Physics Sexuality, Gender, Health and Human Rights at Columbia University. of the American Institute of Physics has a program of grants-in-aid for The Program invites applications from scholars, advocates, and activists research in the history of modern physics and allied sciences (such as conducting innovative interdisciplinary work on the intersecting astronomy, geophysics, and optics) and their social interactions. themes of sexuality, gender, health and human rights in U.S. and Grants can be up to $2500 each. They can be used only to reimburse international contexts. Our focus is on examining and expanding direct expenses connected with the work. Preference will be given to traditional definitions and boundaries, while acknowledging conditions those who need funds for travel and subsistence to use the resources of of inequality, marginality, and post-colonialiry. Fellows will receive a the Center's Niels Bohr Library (near Washington, DC), or to stipend, access to libraries, computer facilities, office space and microfilm papers or to tape-record oral history interviews with a copy equipment, as well as health insurance. Applicants should have the deposited in the Library. Applicants should name the persons they Ph.D. or an equivalent level of professional achievement, experience, would interview or papers they would microfilm, or the collections at and publication at time of application. Application deadline: January the Library they need to see; you can consult the online catalog at our 15, 2000. For further information and application, contact: Program Web site,, and please feel free to make for the Study of Sexuality, Gender, Health and Human Rights, inquiries about the Library's holdings. Applicants should either be Division of Sociomedical Sciences, Joseph L. Mailman School of working toward a graduate degree in the history of science (in which Public Health of Columbia University, 600 West 168 Street - 7th case they should include a letter of reference from their thesis adviser), floor, New York, N.Y. 10032, Tel: (212) 305-5656; Fax: (212) 305- or show a record of publication in the field. To apply, send a vitae, 0315; E-mail: [email protected]; http:// letter of no more than two pages describing your research project, and cpmcnet.col dept/ gender I. a brief budget showing the expenses for which support is requested to: Spencer Weart, Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Jobs, Fellowships, Grants & Prizes 17

Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 207 40; phone: 301- students and to recent recipients of a doctoral degree (the Ph.D. degree 209-317 4, Fax: 301-209-0882 e-mail: [email protected]. Deadlines for or an equivalent), conferred not more than three years before the ceipt of applications are June 30 and December 31 of each year. competition deadline. Manuscripts must be in English, French, or German. Only one paper by any author may be submitted in any given The Estes Award Established in honor of Dr. J. Worth Estes, and in year. Each entry should be typewritten, double-spaced, and no longer testimony to his many years of invaluable contributions to the history than 50 pages, including notes, bibliography, and appendices. Entrants of medicine, this award will be made annually for the best published should keep copies of their manuscripts, since manuscripts submitted paper in the history of pharmacology during the previous year, will not be returned. Each manuscript must be accompanied by the whether appearing in a journal or a book collection of papers. The following: (a) a one-page abstract of the paper in English; (b) a current nomination should consist of a letter citing the work nominated, curriculum vitae of the author; and (c) a letter of recommendation from along with a copy of the paper. Nominations should be directed to the an established scholar in the field. Entrants who are resident in the Chair of the Committee: Dr. John L. Parascandola, Public Health United States of America are also requested to indicate their home Service Historian, 18-23 Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, address and social security number. Entries must be received no later Rockville, MD 20857. For this first award, candidate papers will be than February 2000. The award will be announced on or about 15 May those published in 1998 and 1999. Nominations must be received by 2000. All manuscripts and correspondence should be addressed to: The the Committee Chair by January 15, 2000. As a result of a generous Stannard Award Committee, Department of History, Wescoe Hall contribution in honor ofWorth Estes from one of the members of the 3001 , The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-2130. Association, the award will be accompanied by a check for $500. The Marc-Auguste Pictet Prize will reward an outstanding work, The Millennium Award The American Philosophical Society unpublished or recently published in the field of the history ofscience . announces its first annual Millennium Award to be awarded November, The prize is issued by the "Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle 2000 for the best monograph accepted by the Society for publication de Geneve" (SPHN) and, in principle is intended for a young in its Transactions series. The award amount is $5,000. Authors must researcher. The value of the Prize depends on the income of the Fund have a doctorate. Subjects include all areas ofhistory (history ofscience and may be shared: in 1998 it amounted to Sfr. 14.000. Application and medicine included), archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, is open to both Swiss and foreign candidates at the university level. no history, classics, paleontology. Deadline is December 1, 1999. Notification of candidature should be sent by 31 December 1999 to anuscripts should be no more than 250 pages, double-spaced and the following address: President de la SPHN, Museum d'Histoire printed on one side and should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae naturelle, Case postale 6434, CH-1211 GENEVE 6, Switzerland. and abstract. All manuscripts are subject to review by the Committee Two full copies of the work, accompanied by a summary and a on Publications, Alexander G. Beam, Chairman. Inquiries should be curriculum vitae should be submitted before the deadline. One copy sent by e-mail to: Carole LeFaivre-Rochester, Editor, of the prize-winning work will remain the pro perry of the SPHN. The [email protected]. Send manuscripts to: Carole LeFaivre­ texts may be written in French, German, Italian or English. In the last Rochester, Editor, American Philosophical Society, 104 South Fifth three instances, the summary should be translated into French and be Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. approximately 12 pages in length, i.e. 4,000 words or about 20,000 characters. Theme for the 2000 Prize: "History of electricity and Pollack Award Dudley Observatory announces its annual Pollock electromagnetism in the XVIII th and XIXth centuries." Award for the year 2000, for $5000 in support ofan innovative project in the history of astronomy and astrophysics. Fliers giving details for The Society for the History ofAlchemy and Chemistry The Society the Award will be available by the end of September, and will be sent invites entries for the Partington Prize, awarded to an original and to all those who that request them. The deadline for submission of unpublished essay on any aspect ofthe history ofalchemy or chemistry. proposals is December 10. For further information, or to be placed on The competition is open to anyone who has not reached 35 years of our mailing list, contact Ralph A. Alpher, Administrator, Dudley age by the closing date, 31 December 1999. For further details, please Observatory, at [email protected]. contact John Hudson, Hon. Secretary, Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry, [email protected]. The Jerry Stannard Memorial Award The Department of History, at the University of Kansas, announces the 2000 competition for the Sociery for the Social History of Medicine Prize Essay Competition annual award in honor of the late Professor Jerry Stannard. The purpose 1999. The Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM) invites of the award is to encourage research by young scholars in the fields that submissions for its 1999 prize essay competition. This prize is awarded Professor Stannard made his own: namely, the history of materia to the best original, unpublished essay in the social history ofmedicine edica, medicinal botany, pharmacy, and folklore of drug therapy as judged by the SSHM's assessment panel. The winner will be efore the 1700s. Each year a cash award will be made to the author of awarded 200 pounds, and his or her entry may also be published in the an outstanding published or unpublished scholarly study in those fields. journal, Social History of Medicine. The competition is open to In 2000 the award will be $600. The competition is open to graduate students and recently qualified postdoctoral scholars. The deadline for 18 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

submissions is 31 December 1999. Further details and an entry form Into the Next Millennium: The Past and Promise ofEnvironmental can be obtained from the membership secretary, David Cantor, History, 16-19 March 2000, Tacoma, Washington. For more Department of History and Economic History, Manchester information: Mart Stewart (program chair), Western Washingto Metropolitan University, Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamond University, [email protected]; (360) 650-3455; Kate Christen, Street West, Manchester MIS 6LL.England. ([email protected] Smithsonian Institution, [email protected], (202) 357-1421; or [email protected]) SSHM Web site: http:// Gail Evans, [email protected], (503) 873-5854; Mark Harvey, North Dakota State, [email protected], (701) 231-8828; Nancy Langston, University of Wisconsin, [email protected], (608) 265-9008; Lisa Mighetto (ex­ Future Meetings officio/local arrangements chair) Historical Research Associates, Inc., [email protected], (206) 343-0226. We invite you to peruse our Web site for listings ofhistory-of science­ related meeting annoucements and calls for papers. The following 5th Centenary Gomez Pereira ( 1500-2000), 7-9 April 2000, Madrid, annoucements have been edited for space. For a full description consult Spain. For more information or to submit a proposal (deadline 30 the HSS Web siteat Electronic November 1999), contact International Committee 5th Centenary listings of meetings are updated every Friday morning. For those who Gomez Pereira, 4101 NW 60th Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33496, USA. wish to publish a future meeting announcement or callfor papers please FAX (561) 443-3706. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. send an electronic version of the posting to us via e-mail at [email protected]. The Society does not assume responsibility Third European Social Science History Conference, 12-15 April for the accuracy ofany items, and interested persons should verifY all 2000, Amsterdam. Further information about the European Social details, especially deadlines, with the appropriate contact person. Science History Conference can be obtained from the Conference Internet site at or from the conference Sixteenth Century Studies Association Annual Meeting, 28-30 secretariat: European Social Science History Conference 2000, c/o October 1999, St. Louis. For more information contact Gerhild International Institute of Social History, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Scholz Williams, Coordinator, Department of German, Box 1104, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Telephone: +31.20.6685866; Fax: Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, +31.20.6654181. E-mail: [email protected]. [email protected] .edu. Representing Animals at the End of the Century a conference at the AMS/Hannah Conference: Canadian Medical History at the Center for Twentieth Century Studies, 13-15 April 2000, University Millennium: Past Accomplishments, Future Directions In honor of of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. For more information or to submit a Charles G. Roland, Hannah Professor of the History of Medicine, proposal (deadline 22 October 1999), contact Nigel Rothfels and McMasrer University, November 5-6, 1999, York University, Toronto, Drew Isenberg, Conference Organizers, Center for Twentieth Century Ontario. For more information contact: Dr. ]. Duffin, History of Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413, Medicine, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Fax: Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA, rel: 414-229-4141; fax: 414-229-5964; 613-533-6330, E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http:// email: [email protected]. research/ychs/hannahconference/. Midwest Junto for the History of Science, 14-16 April 2000, Kansas Giovanni Canestrini, Zoologist and Darwinist, 14-17 February City, MO. For information please contact Eliseo Fernandez, Reference 2000, Padova, Venezia, Trento (Italy). For derailed information, visit Librarian, Linda Hall Library, 5109 Cherry St., Kansas City, MO, or contact any of the following 64110. Phone: (816) 363-5020. Fax: (816) 926-8785. E-Mail: addresses: [email protected]. uni, sandra@civ. bio. uni, or [email protected]. us. [email protected]. American Association for the History of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, History of Geophysics and Space Physics, March 2000, Munich, 17-21May2000. For more information, contact: Harry M. Marks, Germany. For further information contact: Dr. Wilfried Schroder, Dept. of the History of Science, Medicine & Technology, The Johns Hechelstrasse 8, D-28777 Bremen-Roennebeck, Germany. Hopkins University, 1900 E. Monument Street, Baltimore, MD 21205.

The Age of Economic Measurement, March or April 2000, Duke Putting Humans into Ecology, June 2000, Marine Biological University. Please send paper proposals (1 page only) to both Mary Laboratories. For more information, contact Carla Chrisfield at the S. Morgan (at Department of Economic History, London School of Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technolo Economics, Houghton Sr., London WC2A 2AE, UK, or to ([email protected]), or one of the seminar co-organizers, John Beatty [email protected] to Fax: 44-171-955-7730) and Judy L. Klein ([email protected]); James Collins ([email protected]); or (at Department of Economics, Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, VA Jane Maienschein ([email protected]). 24401, USA, or to [email protected] or to Fax: 1-540-887-7137). Future Meetings 19

Portraiture and Scientific Identity, 23-24 June 2000, National Charlotte G. Borst, Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, ortrair Gallery, London. For more information concerning the Department of History, Saint Louis University, 3800 Lindell Blvd., eeting or submitting a paper proposal (deadline 1 November 1999) St. Louis, MO 63156. contact, Professor Ludmilla Jordanova, School of World Art Studies and Museology, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 International Conference- H20: Origins and HistoryofHydrology, 7TJ. E-mail: [email protected]. May 2001 , Dijon, France. For further information visit the conference Web site at or contact Dr. J.P. ICES History Symposium: 100 Years of Science under ICES, 1-3 Carbonnel at Universiti P. et M. Curie, Laboratoire de Giologie August 2000, Helsinki, Finland. For more information contact the Appliquie, Case 123, 4 PlaceJussieu, F-75252 Paris, cedex05, France; Symposium Convenor: Dr. Emory D . Anderson, NOAA/NMFS, e-mail [email protected]. Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA, Tel: + 1 508 495 2317; Fax: + 1 508 495 2393. E-mail: [email protected]. Isis Books Received

SSHM Annual Conference: Medicine - Magic - Religion, 17 -18 July Prior co the publication of each Newsletter, the HSS Executive Office receives from 2000, Southampton. If you would like to present a paper at the the Isis Edicorial Office a list of books received by that office for potential review. This list appears here quarterly; it is not compiled from the annual Current conference, please send an abstract (pasted into an e- mail) to Bibliography. [email protected] by 31 January 2000. Contact for registration Isis Books Received, Quarterly Report co 17 August 1999 details: Dr. Waltraud Ernst, Department of History, University of Southampton, Southampton SOl 7 lBJ.E-mail:[email protected] Adams, Fred; Laughlin, Greg. The Five Ages of the : Inside the Bookings should arrive no later than 1 April 2000. Physics ofEternity. xxxiv + 251 pp., illus., figs., bib!., index. New York, N.Y.: The Free Press, 1999. $25.

FourthBritish-NorthAmericanJointMeetingoftheBSHS,CSHPS, Allen, Richard C. David Hartley on Human Nature. (SUNY series in the and HSS: What is to be done? Histoty of Science in the New Philosophy of Psychology.) cciv + 469 pp., bibl., index. Albany: SUNY Press, 1999. Millennium, 3-6 August 2000, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. For more $24.95 (paper). formation or to submit a proposal, visit the Conference Web sire at Ames-Lewis, Francis (edicor). Sir Thomas Gresham and Gresham College: Studies ttp:/ I depts. washingto oin t2000 .html. in the Intellectual History of London in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Foreword by Francis Baden-Powell. xxii + 234 pp., frontis. , illus., tables, index. Aldershot, Eng./Brookfield, Ve.: Ashgate, 1999. $65.95. Conference on the History of Geologic Pioneers, 3-5 August 2000, Troy, NY. For more information contact, Dr. Gerald M. Friedman, Arend, Gerhard. Die Mechanik des Niccolo Tartaglia: im Kon text der zeitgenossischen Rensselaer Center of Applied Geology, (c/o Brooklyn College of the Erkenntnis-undWissenschaftstheorie. (Algorismus, 24.) x + 596 pp., illus., figs., tables, City University of New York, Brooklyn, New York) 15 Third Street, app., bib!. Munich: lnstitut fur Geschichte der Narurwissenschafren, 1998. DM 39.80 (paper). P.O. Box 746, Troy, NY 12181-0746, [email protected], Fax: 518-273-3249. Ariew, Roger. Descartes and the Last Scholastics. xii + 230 pp., illus., app., bib!., index. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999. $42.50. International Congress of Historical Sciences, 6-13 August 2000, Oslo, Norway. Please send information requests to: The 19th International Congress ofHistorical Sciences, Department ofHistory, A Note on ISIS Books Received P.O. Box 1008, Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway.

Sociery members will have noticed that the "Isis books Transformation and Continuity in the History of Universities, received" list has been posted on the HSS Web sire over the International Commission for the History of Universities, 9-11 past year. This Web list, which is archived, offers members August 2000, Oslo Congress. All inquiries and suggestions should be search abilities not available in the Newsletter. HSS will be made in the first instance to Prof. Sivert Langholm or Research Fellow redesigning the Newsletter in the near future and because the Fredrik W. Thue, Forum for Universitetshistorie Department of "Isis books received" section is expensive to produce, we are History, Universiry of Oslo Pb. 1008 Blindern N-0315 Oslo Phone: considering eliminating this list from the Newsletter and + 47 22 85 68 09 (Langholn) or+ 47 22 85 42 06 (Thue) Fax: + 47 carrying it only on rheHSSWebsite. However, the Newsletter l 22 85 57 51 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http:/ I is produced for the membership and the Isis list will not be oslo2000/ unihisr/. removed if a significant number of members object to this riting the Past, Claiming the Future: Women and Gender in change. Please let us know through postcards, e-mails, faxes, Science, Medicine, and Technology, 12-15 October 2000, St. Louis or telephone if you would like to see the list preserved in the University. Proposal Submission Deadlines are 1January2000. For Newsletter. Phone numbers and addresses appear on page 2. further information or to placed on the mailing list, please contact 20 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

Aristotle. Aristotle's Metaphysics. Translated and Technology, 1.) xviii + 180 pp., frontis., illus., index. Critchlow, Donald T. Intended Consequences: Birth introduced by Joe Sachs. Preface by Dana Densmore Amsterdam: Harwood, 1999. $46, £29, ECU42 Control, Abortion, and the Federal Government in and William Donahue. lx + 303 pp ., bibl. , index. (cloth); $24, £13.99, ECU22 (paper). Modern America. x + 307 pp., index. New Yor Santa Fe: Green Lion Press, 1999. $45. (cloth); Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. $30. $24.95 (paper). Budiansky, Stephen. The Covenant ofthe Wild: Why Animals Chose Domestication. xxiv + 190 pp., Cross, Richard. The Physics of Duns Scotus: The Bedini, Silvio A. Patrons, Artisans and Instruments of bibl., index. Originally published 1992. New Scientific Context ofa Theological Vision. xvi+ 303 pp., Science, 1600-1750. (Variorum Collected Studies Series.) Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 1999. figs ., app., bib!., indexes. Oxford, Eng./New York: xiv+ 287 pp., illus., figs., tables, index. Aldershot, Eng./ $14.95 (paper). Oxford University Press, 1998. $80. Brookfield, Vr.: Ashgate, 1999. $120.95. Buhle, Mari Jo. Feminism and Its Discontents: A Crowe, Michael J. The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, Benz, Hubert. Individualitat und Subjektivitiit: Century ofStruggle with Psychoanalysis. viii + 432 pp., 1750-1900. xx.iv+ 680 pp., illus., app., bibl., indexes. Interpretationstendenzen in der Cusanus-Forschung index. Cambridge, Mass./London: Harvard University Originally published 1986. Mineola, .Y.: Dover, und das Selbstverstandnis des Nikolaus von Kues. Press, 1998. $35. 1999. 19.95 (paper). (Buchreihe der Cusanus-Gesellschaft, XIII.) xx + 470 pp., app., bib!., index. Munster: Aschendorff, Burrows, Toby. The Text in the Machine: Electronic Curry, Michael R. Digital Places: Living with 1999. DM 88 (paper). Texts in the Humanities. xiv+ 181 pp., illus., figs., bibl., Geographic Infonnation Technologies. xvi + 191 pp., index. Binghamton, N.Y./London: Haworth Press, illus ., tables, bib!., index. London/New York: Berridge, Virginia. Health and Society in Britain 1999. $39.95. Routledge, 1998. 590, Can$135 (cloth); $29.99, since 1939. (New Studies in Economic and Social Can$44.99 (paper). History, 38.) viii + 133 pp., tables, bibl., index. Canon, Michel (Editor). Perspectives on Garden Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. $39.95 Histories. (Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the Curry, Michael R Did the Royal Society Matter in (cloth); $13.95 (paper). History of Landscape Architecture, XXL) 234 pp., the Eighteenth Century? Edited by Richard Sorrenson. illus., bib!., index. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton (Special issue of The British journal for the History of Berrios, German; Porter, Roy (Editors). A Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1999. $ 35 Science, 32, 2, 113.) 124 pp., illus., app. Cambridge: History ofClinical Psychiatry: The Origin and History (cloth); $20 (paper). Cambridge University Press, 1999. ofPsychiatric Disorders. xx + 684 pp., illus., figs., tables, bibls., index. Originally published 1995 . Carlson, Laurie Winn. A Fever in Salem: A New Dusek, Val. The Holistic Inspirations ofPhysics: The London/New Brunswick, N.J.: Athlone Press, Interpretation of the New England Witch Trials. xvi Underground History of Electromagnetic Theory. x + 1999. $39.99 (paper). +19 7 pp., illus., tables, apps., bibl., index. Chicago: 387 pp., bibl., indexes. New Brunswick, N.].: Rutgers Ivan R. Dee, 1999. $24.95. University Press, 1999. $60 (cloth); $28 (paper). Bohr, Niels. Niels Bohr: Collected Works: Volume 10, Complimentarity Beyond Physics (1928-1962). Cashmore, Ellis; Rojek, Chris (Editors). Dictionary Eisenhardt, P.; Linhard, F.; Petanides, Edited and introduced by David Favrholdt. l + 613 of Cultural Theories. x + 497 pp., bibls. London: (Editors). Der Weg der Wahrheit: Aufiatze z pp., frontis., illus., figs., app., bibl., index. Amsterdam: Oxford Univ. Press/New York: Arnold, 1999. $ 75 Einheit der Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Festgabe zum Elsevier, 1999. $296, Nlg 515. (cloth); $ 19.95 (paper). 60. Geburtsag von Walter G. Saltzer. (T exte und Srudien zur Wissenschafcsgeschichce, 1.) 445 pp., Boulaine, Jean; Legros, Jean-Paul. (Editors). Caton, Donald. What a Blessing She Had illus., figs., tables., bibls. Hildesheim/New York: D 'Olivier de Serres aRene Dumont: Portraits d'agronomes. Chloroform: The Medical and Social Response to the Georg Olms, 1999. 317 pp., illus., figs ., tables, app., indexes. Paris: Lavoisier Pain ofChildbirth from 1800 to the Present. xvi + 288 TEC & DOC, 1998. Fr 395 (paper). pp., illus., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale Ekelund, Robert B. Jr .. ; Herbert, Robert F. Secret Universiry Press, 1999. $30. Origins ofModernMicroeconomics: Dupuitand the Engineers. Bowers, Rick. Thomas Phaer and the Boke of xvi + 468 pp., illus., figs ., cables, bibl., indexes. Chicago/ Chyldren (1544). (Medieval and Renaissance Texts Clagett, Marshall. Ancient Egyptian Science: A Source London: University of Chicago Press, 1999. $40. and Studies 201.) x + 100 pp., apps., bibl. Tempe, Book.x +462 pp., illus., apps., bibl. , indexes. Philadelphia: Ariz.: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance American Philosophical Society, 1999. $30. Fahnestock, Jeanne. Rhetorical Figures in Science. Studies, 1999. $22; £19. xiv+ 234 pp., illus., bib!., index. New York/Oxford: Clark, William; Golinski, Jan; Schaffer, Simon Oxford University Press, 1999. $55. Bradley, Betsy Hunter. The Works: The Industrial (Editors). The Sciences in Enlightened Europe. xii + 566 Architecture ofthe United States. xii+ 347 pp., frontis., pp., frontis., illus., app., bib!. , index. Chicago: Fattori, Marta (Editor). Lessico Filosofico dei secoli illus., app., bibl. , index. New York/Oxford: Oxford University ofChicago Press, 1999. $85,£59.50 (cloth); xvii e xviii. (Lessico lntellettuale Europeo, 76.) In University Press, 1999. $45. $27.50, £19.50 (paper). collaboration with Massimo Luigi Bianchi. 490 pp. London: University of London, 1999. Breard, Andrea. Re-Kreation eines mathematischen Cohen, I. Bernard. Howard Aiken: Portrait of a Konzeptes im chinesischen Diskurs: "Reihen" vom 1. bis Computer Pioneer. (History of Computing.) xx + 329 Ferry, Georgina. Dorothy Hodgkin: A Life. 423 pp ., zum 19. jahrhundert. (Boethius, 42.) xx + 460 pp ., pp., illus., apps., bib!., index. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT illus., index. New York: Granta Books, 1998. $29.95. illus., figs., apps., bibls. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1999. Press, 1999. $34.95. DM 168, SFr 1226 (paper). Findbuchzum Nachlass KarlErnstBaer(J 792-1876). Cohen, I. Bernard; Welch, Gregory W. (Editors). (Berichce undArbeicenAus der Universicacsbibliothek Buchler, J. R.; Gottesman, S. T.; Kandrup, H. E. Makin' Numbers: Howard Aiken and the Computer. und dem Universitatsarchiv Giessen, 50.) Under the (Editors). Nonlinear Dynamicsand Chaos inAstrophysics: With the cooperation ofRobert V. D. Campbell. xviii supervision ofVello Kaavere. Introduced, revised, and A Festschrift in Honor ofGeorge Contopoulos. (Annals of + 279 pp ., illus ., tables, apps., index. Cambridge, compiled by Erik T ammiksaar. 164 pp., illus., index. the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 867.) viii+ Mass./London: MIT Press, 1999. $40. Giessen: Universitatsbibliothek, 1999. 337 pp., illus., figs ., tables, index. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1998. Crasta, Francesca Maria. La Filosofia Della Natura Finn, Michael R. Proust, the Body and Lite~ Di Emanuel Swedenborg. (Collana di filosofia.) 335 Form. (Cambridge Studies in French, 59.) xiii +20l Bud, Robert; Finn, Bernard; Trischler, Helmuth pp ., illus ., bib!., index. Milan: FrancoAngeli, 1999. pp ., bibl., index. Cambridge: Cambridge University (Editors). Manifesting Medicine: Bodies and Machines. L42 ,000 (paper). Press, 1999. $59.95. (Artefacts: Studies in the History of Science and Isis Books Received 21

Fischer, Klaus-Dietrich; Nickel, Diechard; Garber, Elizabeth. The Language of Physics: The Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, _Poccer, Paul (Editors). Text and Tradition: Studies Calculus and the Development of Theoretical Physics in 1999. $39.95. Ancient Medicine and its Transmission. (Studies in Europe, 1750-1914. xx+ 399 pp., figs., bib!., index. cienc Medicine, 18.) xii+ 342 pp., illus., figs., Bosron/Basel: Birkhauser, 1999. Hecht, Jeff. City of Light: The Story of Fiber cables, bibls., indexes. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 1998. Optics. (The Sloan Technology Series.) xii + 316 lg 180, $91. Garbucc, Nick. Mammals ofMadagascar. 320 pp. , pp., illus., apps., index. New York: Oxford Univ. froncis., illus., figs., apps., bib!., index. New Haven, Press, 1999. $29.95. Fleischhacker, W.; Schonfeld, T. (Editors). Conn./London: Yale Univ. Press, 1999. $37.50. Pioneering Ideas for the Physical and Chemical Sciences: Heilbron, J. L. Electricity in the 17th and 18th josefloschmidts Contributions and Modern Developments Garfinkel, Simson. Architects ofthe Information Centuries: A Study in Early Modern Physics. (Dover in Structural Organic Chemistry, Atomistics, and Statistical Society: Thirty-Five Years of the Laboratory for Books on Physics.) xxx + 606 pp., illus., cables, bib!., Mechanics. (Based on papers presented ac JosefLoschrnidc Computer Science at MIT xii + 72 pp., froncis., index. Originally published in 1979. Mineola, N.Y.: Symposium, 1995, Vienna.) x + 320 pp., frontis., illus., illus., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Dover Publications, 1999. $22.95 (paper). cables, apps., index. New York: Plenum Press, 1997. Press, 1999. $20. Hellman, Hal. Great Feuds in Science: Ten ofthe $132, £85.95, Nlg 269. Gatti, Luciana. Navi e centieri della Repubblica di Liveliest Disputes Ever. xvi + 240 pp., bib!., index. Folkerts, M.; Rozanskaja, M. M.; Luther, I. Genova: secoliXVl-XVlll. 421 pp., illus., cables, apps., New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998. $24.95, (Editors). Mathematikgeschichte ohne Grenzen: Die index. Genoa: Brigacci, 1999. Can$34.94. KorrespondenzZwischen K Vogel undA. P. juschkewitsch. Gaw, Jerry L. /1 Time to Heal'.· The Diffosion of Herbst, Klaus-Dieter. Astronomie um 1700: (Algorismus, 22.) xxxv + 263 pp., illus., figs., app. Listerism in Victorian Britain. (T ransaccions of che Kommentierte Edition des Briefes von Gottfried Kirch an index. Munich: Instituc fiir Geschichce der American Philosophical Society, 89.) xii+ 173 pp., Glaus Romer vom 25. Oktober 1703. (Acea Hisrorica Nacurwissenschafcen, 1997. DM29.80 (paper). froncis., illus., apps., bib!., index. Philadelphia: Ascronomie, 4.) 143 pp., illus., apps., bib ls. Frankfurt: Fouque, Ferdinand A. Santorini and its American Philosophical Society, 1999. $25. Verlag Harri Deucsch, 1999. DM 24 (paper). Eruptions. (Foundations of Natural History.) Ghose, Partha. Testing Quantum Mechanics on Holmes, Steven J. The Young john Muir: An Translated by Alexander R. McBirney. xiv+ 495 New Ground. xiv + 208 pp., illus., figs., bib!., Environmental Biography. xv+ 309 pp., froncis., illus., pp., illus., figs., cables, app., bib!., index. Originally indexes. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge Univ. apps., bib!., indexes. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin published 1879. Baltimore/London: Johns Press, 1999. $64.95. Press, 1999. $55. Hopkins University Press, 1998. Giere, Ronald N. Science Without Laws. x + 285 Homburg, Ernst ; Travis, Anthony S.; Schriiter, Freeman, Samuel (Editor). john Rawls: Collected pp., illus., figs., cables, bib!., index. Chicago/London: Harm G. (Edirors.) The Chemical Industry in Europe, Papers. xii+ 656 pp., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1999. $25, £17.50. 1850-1914: : Industrial Growth, Pollution and 1rvard University Press, 1999. $39.95. Professionalization. (Chemists and Chemistry, 17.) viii Gouk, Penelope. Music, Science, andNaturalMagic Frege, G. ldeographie. (Bibliocheque des Texces + 344 pp., illus., tables, index. Dordrecht: Kluwer, in Seventeenth-Century England. xii + 308 pp., illus., Philosophique .) Translated, annotated, indexed, and 1998. $154; Nlg 285; £97. cables, app., bib!., index. New Haven, Conn.: Yale with a preface by Corine Besson. Postface by Jonathan Univ. Press, 1999. $35. Hoppe, Brigitte. Biology Integrating Scientific Barnes. xiii + 213 pp., illus., app., bib!., index. Fundamentals: Contributions to the History of Originally published in 1957. Paris: Librairie Greenberg, Daniel S. The Politics of Pure Interrelations between Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Philosophique J. Vrin, 1999. Fr 165 (paper). Science. Introduced by John Maddox and Steven from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Centuries. Shapin. xxviii + 311 pp., app., index. Originally French, Roger. Dissection and Vivisection in the (Algorismus, 21.) 434 pp ., illus., figs., tables. Munich: published in 1967. Chicago/London: The Univ. European Renaissance. viii + 289 pp., frontis., illus., lnsticutfurGeschichteder Nacurwissenschafcen, 1997. of Chicago Press, 1999. $ 49, £34.50 (cloch); $ bib!., index. Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgace, 1999. $86.95. DM29.80 (paper). 15, £10.50 (paper). Friedman, Lawrence J. Identity's Architect: A Houshmand, Zara; Livingston, Robert B.; Greiner, Frank. Aspects de la traditionalchimique au Biography ofErik H. Erikson. Introduction by Robert Wallace, B. Alan (Editors). Consciousness at the XV!le siecle: Acte du colloque international de l'Universite Coles. 592 pp., illus., index. New York: Scribner, Crossroads: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne (Reims, 28 et 29 novembre 1999. $35, Can$52. Brain Science and Buddhism. Translated by Geshe 1996.)(Texces ecTravaux de Chrysopoeia 4.) 518 pp., Thubten Jinpa and B. Alan Wallace. 183 pp., Fruton, Joseph. Proteins, Enzymes, Genes: The illus., apps., index. Paris: S.E.H.A., 1998. apps. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 1999. Interplay ofChemistry and Biology. xii+ 783 pp., illus., $15.95, £10.95 (paper.) Guttmann, Giselher; Scholz-Strasser, Inge. app., bib!., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale (Editors.) Freud and the Neurosciences: From Brain Univ. Press, 1999. $45. Hunter, Lynette. Critiques ofKnowing: Situated Research to the Unconscious. 116 pp., illus., figs., Textualities in Science, Computing and the Arts. viii Fuchs, Michael. Zeichen und Wissen: Das Verhaltnis app., bibls., index. Vienna: Verlag der +246 pp., bib!., index. London/New York: der Zeichentheorie zur Theorie des Wissens und der Oscerreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafren, Routledge, 1999. $90, Can$135 (cloth); $75, Wissenschaften im dreisehnten jahrhundert. (Beicrage 1998. $24.95 (paper). Can$113 (paper). Geschichce der Philosophie und Theologie des Guttmann, Y. M. The Concept of Probability in Miccelalcers, 51.) 300 pp. , app., bibls., indexes. Hupp, Ingrid. Arithmetik- und Algebralehrbucher Statistical Physics. (Cambridge Scudies in Probability, Munster: Aschendorff, 1999. DM88 (paper). Wurzburger Mathematiker des 18. jahrhunderts. Induction, and Decision Theory.) xii+ 267 pp., illus., (Algorismus, 26.) x + 172 pp., illus., rabies, bib!., Gage, John. Color and Meaning: Art, Science, and apps., indexes. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, index. Mi.inich: lnstitut Geschichre der bolism. 320 pp., froncis., illus., app., bib!., index. 1999. $54.95. Nacurwissenschafcen, 1998. DM 25.80 (paper). erkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1999. $55. Hammonds, Evelynn Maxine. Childhood's Deadly Huyssteen, J. Wentzel van. The Shaping of Galison, Peter; Thompson, Emily (Edirors). The Scourge: The Campaign to Control Diphtheria in New Rationality: Toward lnterdisciplinarity in Theology and ArchitectureofScience. xviii+ 573 pp., illus., bibls., index. York City, 1880-1930. x + 299 pp., illus. , bib!., index. Science. xii + 303 pp., bib!., index. Grand Rapids, Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 1999. $65. Mich.: William B. Eerdmans, 1999. $35, £22.99. 22 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

Jackson, Stanley W. Care ofthe Psyche: A History of Kuriyama, Shigehisa. The Expressiveness of the by Ralph Hey. xvi+ 125 pp., illus., table, app., bib!., Psychological Healing. xiii + 504 pp., bib!., index. New Body and the Divergence ofGreek and Chinese Medicine. index. Edinburgh: Pendand Press, 1999. £15. Haven, Conn./London: Yale Univ. Press, 1999. $45. 340 pp., illus., apps. , bib!., index. New York: Zone, 1999. $29.50. McClellan, James E.; Dorn, Harold. Science an Jammer, Max. Concepts ofForce: A Study in the Technology in World History: An Introduction. viii + FoundationsofDynamics. (Dover Books on Physics.) Latour, Bruno. Pandora's Hope: Essays on the Reality 404 pp., illus., bib!., index. Balrimore/London: x + 269 pp., illus., index. Originally published in ofScience Studies. x + 324 pp., illus., figs., app., bib!., Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1999. $55 (cloth); 1957. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 1999. index. Cambridge/London: Harvard Univ. Press, 1999. $18.95 (paper). $9.95 (paper). $45 (cloth); $19.95 (paper). McComas, William F. The Nature of Science in Jo Murphy-Lawless. Reading Birth and Death. Launert, Dieter. Nicolaus Reimers (Raimarus Science Education: Rationales and Strategies. (Science Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1998. Ursus): Gunstling Rantzaus - Brahes Feind Leben und and Technology Education Library 5.) xxii + 365 pp., Werk. (Algorismus, 29.) xii + 378 pp., illus., figs., illus., figs., rabies, app., bibls., index. Dordrechr, The Jolley, Nicholas. Locke: His Philosophical Thought. tables, bib!. Munich: Institut fur Geschichte der Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. $11 O; ix+ 233 pp., bibl., index. New York: Oxford Univ. Naturwissenschafren, 1999. DM29.90 (paper). Nlg 210; £69. Press, 1999. $55 (cloth); $19.95 (paper). Launius, Roger D. Innovation and the Development Melanchthon, Philip. Orations on Philosophy and Jungnickel, Christa; McCormmach, Russell. of Flight. x + 335 pp., illus., app., index. College Education. Edi red by Sachiko Kusukawa. Translated Cavendish: The Experimental Life. xvi +814 pp., illus., Station: Texas A & M Univ. Press, 1999. $44.95. by Christine F. Salazar. (Cambridge Texts in the apps., bib!., index. Cranbury, N.J.: Bucknell Univ. History of Philosophy.) xxxix + 272 pp., index. Press, 1999. $34.50. Levitt, Norman. Prometheus Bedeviled: Science and Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999. the Contradictions ofContemporary Culture. xiii + 416 Kegley, Jacquelyn Ann K. Genetic Knowledge: pp., bib!., index. New Brunswick, N.J./London: Monnais-Rousselot, Laurence. Medecine et Human Values and Responsibility. Lexington, Ky.: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1999. $32. Colonisation: L 'aventure indochinoise, 1860-1939. ICUS, 1998. $16.95 (paper). (CNRS Histoire.) 489 pp., illus., figs., rabies, apps., Lewis, Edward. A Biography of Distinguished bib!., index. Paris: CNRS Editions, 1999. Kemilainene, Aira. Finns In the Shadow of the Scientist: Gilbert Newton Lewis. iv + 119 pp., illus., "Aryans": Race Theories and Racism. (Studia Historica, bib I., index. Lewiston, N.Y./Queenston, Canada: The Moran, Gordon. Silencing Scientists and Scholars in 59 .) 320 pp., illus., apps., bib!., indexes. Helsinki: Edwin Mellen Press, 1999. $69.95, £39.95. Other Fields: Power, Paradigm Controls, Peer Review, Finnish Historical Sociery, 1998. and Scholarly Communication. (Contemporary Studies Liberson, Wladimir Theodore. Brain, Nerves, in Information Management, Policy, and Services.) Kim, Yung Sik; Bray, Fracesca (Editors). Current Muscles and Electricity: My Life in Science. Compiled xiv + 187 pp., bib!., indexes. Greenwich, Conn./ Perspectives in the History ofScience in East Asia. xii + and edited by Robert Cohn and Cathryn W. London: Ablex Publishing, 1998. 546 pp., illus., figs., tables, bibls., index. Seoul: Seoul Liberson. 186 pp. Union City, N.J .: Smyrna Press, National Univ. Press, 1999. 1999. $15 (paper). Murphy-Lawless, Jo. Reading Birth and Death: A History of Obstetric Thinking. viii + 343 pp., bibl., Klein, Etienne; Lachieze-Rey, Marc. The Quest for Littlewood, Kevin; Butler, Beverley. OfShips and index. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1998. $39.95 Unity: The Adventure of Physics. Translated by Axel Stars: Maritime Heritage and the Founding of the (cloth); $19.95 (paper). Reisinger. xiv+ 158 pp., index. New York/Oxford: National Maritime Museum Greenwich. Foreword by Oxford Univ. Press, 1999. $24. The Duke of Edinburgh. xxiv + 275 pp., frontis., Murray, Stephen. American Sociolinguistics: Theorists illus. , rabies, index. London/New Brunswick, N.J.: and Theory Groups. x + 339 pp ., illus., figs., rabies., Koch, Sigmun. Psychology in Human Context: Essays Athlone Press, 1998. bib!., index.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins in Dissidence and Reconstruction. Edited and with a Publishing, 1998. $29.95. preface by David Finkelman and Frank Kessel. x + Livingstone, David N.; Hart, D. G.; Noll, 441 pp., bib!., index. Chicago/London: Univ. of Mark A. (Editors). Evangelicals and Science in Nauta, Lodi; Vanderjagt, Arjo. (Editors.) Between Chicago Press, 1999. $24 (paper). Historical Perspective. (Religion in America Series.) Demonstration and Imagination: Essays in the History of vi + 351 pp., index. New York/Oxford: Oxford Science and Philosophy. (Brill' s Studies in Intellectual Kockelmans, Joseph (Editor). Philosophy ofScience: Univ. Press, 1999. $45. History, 96.) xviii + 424 pp., frontis., illus., figs., The Historical Background. (Science and Technology tables, apps., bib ls., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 1999. Studies.) xiv + 496 pp., bibls., indexes. Originally Llasera, Margaret. Representations Scientifique et $113.70, Nlg 199. published in 1968. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, Images Poetiques en Angleterre au XVII Siecle: A la 1999. $29.95 (paper). Recherche de L 'invisible. (CNRS Literature.) 297 pp. , Newton, Isaac. Die Mathematischen Prinzipien illus., bib!., index. Paris: CNRS, 1999. der Physik. Foreword by Roger Cores. Translated Kunkel, Natalie. Wissenschaftsaustausch zwischen and Edited by Volkmar Schuller. 383 pp. , illus., Russland und Westeuropa, insbesondere Deutsch/and, Lowman, Margaret D. Life in the Treetops: tables. , app. , index. Berlin: Walrer de Gruyter, in der Botanik und Pharmazie vom 18. bis zum fruhen Adventures ofa Woman in Field Biology. Foreword by 1999. DM 378. 20. jahrhundert. (Algorismus, 28.) vi + 255 pp., RobertD. Ballard. xvi+ 219 pp., frontis., illus., apps., illus., figs., tables, apps., bibls., index. Munich: figs. , index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale Univ. Nordon, Marcel. Quelques Enimes Scientijiques de lnstitut fur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Press, 1999. $27.50. L 'antiquite a Notre Temps: OU Retour a Delphes. 1999. DM29.80 (paper). (L'ouverture Philosophique.) 255 pp., illus., tables, Macrakis, Kristie; Hoffmann, Dieter (Editors). apps., bibls., indexes. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1999. Kuper, Adam. Among the Anthropologists: History Science under Socialism: East Germany in Comparative Frl 40 (paper). and Context in Anthropology. x + 214 pp., bib!., index. Perspective. xiv+ 380 pp., index. Cambridge, Mass./ New Brunswick, N.J./London: Athlone, 1999. $90. London: Harvard University Press, 1999. $55. O'Boyle, Cornelius. The Art ofMedicine: Medi Teaching at the University of Paris, 1250-140 . Kuper,Adam. Culture: TheAnthropologists 'Account. McCallum, R. Ian. Antimony in Medical Histo ry: (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and xv+ 299 pp., index. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. An Account of the Medical Uses of Antimony and its Renaissance, 9. ) xx + 330 pp. , illus., apps., bib!., Press, 1999. $29.95, £18.50. Compounds Since Early times to the Present. Foreword indexes. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 1998. Nlg 192, $113. Isis Books Received 23

Opdycke, Sandra. No One Was Turned Away: The Zeitalter, (1790-1914). 252 pp., bib!., index. Washington/London: Smithsonian Institution Press, Role ofPublic Hospitals in New York City since 1900. x Frankfurr/New York: Campus Verlag, 1999. DM 1998. $17.95 (paper). ' 244 pp., frontis., illus., figs., bib!., index. New York: 58, SFr 55 (paper). xford Univ. Press, 1999. $29.95. Sigurdsson, Haraldur. Melting the Earth: The History Royal, Robert. The Virgin and the Dynamo: Use and ofIdeas on Volcanic Eruptions. x + 260 pp., fronris., Oreskes, Naomi. The Rejection ofContinental Drift: Abuse ofReligion in Environmental Debates. xi + 271 illus., figs., index. New York/Oxford: Oxford Univ. Theory and Method in American Earth Science. x + 420 pp., figs., index. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Press, 1999. $30. pp., illus., figs., bib!., index. New York/Oxford: Oxford Eerdmans, 1999. $25 (paper). Univ. Press, 1999. $55. Simonton, Dean Keith. Origins of Genius: Ruggles, Clive. Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity.x + 308 pp., illus. , Otis, Laura. Membranes: Metaphors of Invasion and Ireland. x + 285 pp., illus., figs., tables, apps. , bib!., index. New York/Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Science, and bib!., index. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. 1999. $27.50. Politics. (Medicine and Culture.) x + 210 pp., illus., Press, 1999. $ 65. bib!., index. Balcimore/London: Johns Hopkins Slaybough, Douglas. William I. Meyers and the Univ. Press, 1999. $45. Ryan, William; Pitman, Walter. Noah sFlood: The Modernization ofAmerican Agriculture. (The Henry A. New Scientific Discoveries about the Event that Changed Wallace Series on Agricultural History and Rural Pollalis, Spiro N. What Is a Bridge? The Making of History. 319 pp., illus., figs., index. New York: Simon Life.) xviii + 283 pp., illus., bib!., index. Ames: Iowa Calatrava 's Bridge in Seville. rii + 187 pp., illus., tables, and Schuster, 1998. $25, Can$37. State Univ. Press, 1996. $54.95. apps., bibl., index. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999. $35. Savage, James D. Funding Science in America: Smith, Denis (Editor). Water-Supply and Public Portoles, Carmen Magallon. Pioneras Espanolas Congress, Universities, and the Politics ofthe Academic Health Engineering. (Studies in the History of Civil en las ciencias: Las Mujeres de! Instituto Nacional de Pork Barrel. xiii + 219 pp., tables, bib!., index. Engineering.) xxxiv + 393 pp., illus., figs., tables, Fisica y Quimica. (Estudios Sobre la Ciencia, 24.) Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999. $49.95. indexes. Aldershot, Eng./Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 406 pp., illus., figs., apps., bibls., index. Madrid: 1999. $157.95. Consejo Superior de lnvestigaciones cienrificas, Schere, F. M. New Perspective on Economic Growth 1999. p 3365. and Technological Innovation. x + 167 pp., illus., Smith, Mickey C. A Social History of the Minor figs., tables., app., index. Washington, D.C.: Tranquilizers: The Quest for Small Comfort in the Age Price, Jennifer. Flight Maps: Adventures with Nature Brookings Institution Press, 1999. $38.95 (cloth); ofAnxiety. viii + 265 pp., illus., figs. , tables, bib!., in Modern America. xxii + 325 pp., illus., index. New $16.95 (paper). index. Originally published 1985. New York/ York: Basic Books, 1999. $24, Can$35. London: Pharmaceurical Products Press, 1991. Schiebinger, Londa. Has Feminism Changed Science? $19.95 (paper). Puig, Albert Presas i. Praktische Geometrie und x + 252 pp., illus., app., bib!., index. Cambridge, .,1smologie am Beispielder Architektur. (Algorismus, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1999. $27.95 . Sobosan, Jeffrey G. Romancing the Universe: .) 339 pp., illus., bib!. Munich: lnstitut for Theology, Science, and Cosmology. xii + 212 pp., bib!. , Geschichte der N aturwissenscaften, 1998. Schmitz, Rudolf. Geschichte der Pharmazie. Volume index. Grand Rapids, Mich./London: William B. DM29.80 (paper). I: Von den Anfangen bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters. Eerdmans, 1999. $16 (paper). xvi + 836 pp., illus., apps., bib!., index. Eschborn: Al-Rammah, Najm al-Din. The Book ofMilitary Govi-Verlag, 1998. DM198. Summers, William C. Felixd'Herelleandthe Origins Horsemanship and Ingenious War Devices. (Prepared by ofMolecular Biology. xii+ 230 pp., illus., bib!., index. Ahmad Yusuf Al-Hasan.) (History of Technology Schroder, Wilfried. Emil Wiechert: Physiker­ New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press, 1999. $30. Series, 8.) 218 pp., illus., app., bibls., indexes. (In Geophysiker- Wissenschaftsorganisator. 216 pp., illus., Arabic.) Aleppo, Syria: Univ. of Aleppo, 1998. tables, apps. Second edition. Jahrgang: IDC History Summers, William C. The Chemists' Club: One and History Commission DGG. $20 (paper). Hundred Years in the Chemical Community. [i] + 24 Randles, W. G. L. The Unmaking ofthe Medieval pp., illus. [Philadelphia]: The Chemical Heritage Christian Cosmos, 1500-1760: From Solid Heavens to Schroder, Wilfried (Editor). Physics and Geophysics: Foundation, [1999]. Boundless Aether. xvi+ 274 pp., frontis., illus., bib!., A Compilation with Special Historical Case Studies. 344 index. Brookfield, Vt.I Aldershot, Eng.: Ashgate, pp., illus., figs., tables, app., bib!. Darmstadt: Druck Thompson, Milton O.; Peebles, Curtis. (Editors.) 1999. $86.95. und Verarbeitung, 1999. Flying Without Wings: NASA Lifting Bodies and the Birth of the Space Shuttle. x + 144 pp., illus., bib!., Redding, Paul. The Logic ofAffect. x + 204 pp., Selden Steven. Inheriting Shame: The Story of index. Washington/London: Smithsonian Institution bib!., index. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ. Press, Eugenics and Racism in America.) Foreword by Press, 1999. $27.95. 1999. $35.50. Ashley Montagu. (Advances in Contemporary Educational Thought Series, 23. xviii + 177 pp., Tong, Benson. Susan La Flesche Picotte, M.D.: Richards, E. G. Mapping Time: The Calendar and illus., figs., bib!., index. New York/London: Omaha Indian Leader and Reformer. Foreword by its History. xxii + 438 pp., illus., figs., tables, apps., Teachers College Press, Columbia University, Dennis Hastings. xx + 285 pp., illus., bib!., index. bib!., index. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. $35. 1999. $ 59 (cloth); $23.95 (paper). Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1999. $29.95.

Rife, Patricia. Lise Meitner and the Dawn ofthe Setel, Philip W .; Lewis, Milton; Lyons, Maryinez Townes, Charles H. How the Laser Happened: Nuclear Age. Foreword by John Archibald Wh (Editors). Histories ofSexually Transmitted Diseases Adventures ofa Scientist. vi+ 200 pp., illus., index. New eeler. xviii + 432 pp., illus., apps., bibls., index. and HIV/AIDS in Sub-SaharanAfrica. (Contributions York/Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1999. $29.95. Originally published 1990. Boston: Birkhauser, in Medical Studies, 44.) vi+ 267 pp., illus., tables, 1996. $39.95. bib!., index. Westport, Conn./London: Greenwood Trudeau, Richard. Die geometrische Revolution: Aus Press, 1999. $75. demAmerikanischen von Christo/Menzel. xii+ 312 pp., ·fkin, Jeremy. The Bio tech Century: Harnessing the illus., figs., bib!., index. Originally published 1987. ene and Remaking the World. xvi + 271 pp., bib!., Shepherdson, David].; Mellen, Jill D.; Hutchins, Basel/Boston: Birkhauser, 1998. SFr 118, DM 138. index. New York: Penguin Putnam, 1998. $12.95. Michael. (Editors.) Second Nature: Environmental Enrichmentfor Captive Animals. Foreword by Terry L. Tsukerman, Veniamin; Azarkh, Zinaida. Soviet Roelcke, Volker. Krankheit und Kulturkritik: Maple. (Zoo and Aquarium Biology and Conservation Scientists in the Nuclear Age: A Memoir.Translated by Psychiatrische Gesellschaftsdeutungen im burgerlichen Series.) xx + 350 pp., illus. , tables, bibls., index. 24 History of Science Society Newsletter October 1999

Timothy Sergey. Introduced and edited by Michael bibls., index. London: Routledge, 1999. $80, Can$ l 20 Industrial Societies. (Democracy and Ecology Series.) Pursglove. (Arzamas-16; Russian Memoirs, 3. ) xxxiv (cloth); $22.99, Can$34.99 (paper). x + 166 pp., bib!., index. New York/London: The + 181 pp., illus., apps ., bib!. , index. Nottingham, Guilford Press, 1999. $16.95 (paper). Eng.: Bramcote Press, 1999. £13.95 (paper). West, John B. High Life: A History ofHigh-Altitude Physiology and Medicine. xvi + 493 pp., illus., tables, Wussing, Hans (editor). Die Coss vonAbraham Van Berke!, Klaas; Van Heiden, Albert; Palm, app., bib!., index. New York/Oxford: Oxford Univ. Ries. (Algorismus, 30.) vi + 263 pp., illus., tables. L.C. (Editors). A History of Science in The Press, 1998. $79 .50. Munich: lnsticut fiir Geschichte der Netherlands: Survey, Themes, and Reference. xviii acurwi enschaften, 1999. DM29.80 (paper). + 659 pp., illus., bibls., index. Leiden/Boston.: Wheeler, John Archibald. Geons, Black Holes, and Brill, 1999. $212, Nlg 360. Quantum Foam: A Life in Physics. With Kenneth Ford. Wyder, Margrit. Goethes Naturmodell: Die 380 pp., illus., index. New York: W. W. Norton, Scala Naturae und ihre Transformationen . viii + Van Nouhuys, Tabitta. The Age of the Two 1998. $27.95, Can$39.99. 340 pp., illus., bibls. , indexes. Koln: Bohlau, Faced Janus: The Comets of1557and1618 and the 1998. DM68 (paper). Decline of the Aristotelian World View in the Whitaker,EwenA.MappingandNamingtheMoon: Netherlands. (Brill' s Studies in lncelleccual History, A History ofLunar Cartography and Nomenclature. xx Zebrowski, Ernest Jr. A History of the Circle: Mathematical Reasoning and the Physical Universe. x Vol. 89.) xii + 604 pp., bibls., index. Leiden/ + 242 pp., frontis., illus., tables, apps., index. New + 215 pp., illus., figs., apps., index. New Brunswick, Boston: Brill, 1998. Nlg 275, $162. York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999. $59. N.).: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1999. $28. Vargish, Thomas; Mook, Delo E. Inside White, Richard. Gentlemen Engineers: The Working Zuccoli, Marina; Bonoli, Fabrizio (Editors). Modernism: Relativity Theory, Cubism, Narrative. Lives ofFrank and Walter Shanly. xx+ 262 pp., illus., Guido Horn d'Arturo e lo specchio a tasselli. 103 xii + 185 pp., illus ., bib!., index. New Haven, bib!., index. Toronto/Buffalo: Univ. ofToronto Press, pp., illus. , tables, bib!. Bologna: Cooperativa Conn./London: Yale Univ. Press, 1999. $ 30. 1999. $50, £37.50. Libraria Universitaria Edicrice Bologna, 1999. Vinciguerra, Lucien. Langage, Visibilite, Williams, John R. The Life of Goethe: A Critical LI 8, 000 (paper). Difference: Histoire du Discours Mathematique de Biography. (Blackwell Critical Biographies, 10.) xiv + Lage Classique auXIXe Siecle. (Mathesis.) 370 pp., 318 pp., frontis. , bib!., indexes. Oxford: Blackwell, illus. , app. Paris: Libraire Philosophique J. Vrin, 1998. $39.95. 1999. Fr 230 (paper). Future HSS Meetings Wolfson, Richard. Einstein's Relativity and the Vancouver, BC Waitley, Douglas. William Henry Jackson: Quantum Revolution: Modern Physicsfor Nonscientists. Framing the Frontier. vi+ 217 pp., froncis., illus., (Great Courses on Tape.) Part I: 4 audio tapes, ii+ 48 . 2- 5 ovember 2000 pp., ilus., figs., app., bib!. Part II: four audio tapes, ii bib!., index. Missoula, Mont.: Mountain Press, Denver 1998. $ 36 (cloth); $22 (paper). + 48 pp., illus., figs., app., bib!. Springfield, Va.: The Teaching Company, 1998. $129.95 (tapes and paper). 8-11 ovember 2001 Weiss, Gail; Haber, Honi Fern. (Editors.) Milwaukee Wooding, John; Levenstein, Charles. (Editors.) Perspectives on Embodiment: The lntersectiom of 7-10 November 2002 Nature and Culture. xviii + 270 pp. , tables, app., The PointoJProduction: Work Environment in Advanced

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