The Dream of Discomfort Chapters 10-12

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The Dream of Discomfort Chapters 10-12

Daniel Chapter 10

The Dream of Discomfort Chapters 10-12

The last chapters of the Book of Daniel actually comprise one vision, and therefore should be read as a whole. The prophetic detail of this fourth great vision is recorded in Daniel 11 – chapter 10 is the prelude, relating the circumstances of Daniel’s receiving of the vision; Daniel 12 is its postlude, catapulting Daniel into ‘end time’ events as they relate to Daniel’s people. This chapter further lifts the veil on the unseen spirit world, enabling us to learn more about the influence and ministry of angels in the affairs of men. The key verse is verse 14. A. THE PERIOD OF THE VISION - v. 1 1. The Third Year of Cyrus This would be 534 or 533 B.C., since Babylon fell in 536 B.C. The historical parallel to this vision is the return of many Jews to Jerusalem – see: Ezra 1:1 through Ezra 4:5. 2. Daniel’s Age Daniel had now been in captivity for 72 years, making him at least 90 years of age. This may well have been his last year on earth. Some of his companions-in-captivity were able to return to their homeland – Ezra 3:12. Note: There is no discrepancy between Daniel 1:21; 6:28; and 10:1, because none of these verses tell us when Daniel died – they simply state that he superseded the Babylonian empire. 3. Daniel’s Name His Babylonian name, Belteshazzar, is used once again. Perhaps the blessed Holy Spirit inserted this information in anticipation of the critics who have suggested a number of writers of the Book of Daniel over a considerable span of time. 4. The Extent of the Vision “…the time appointed was long…” This vision reveals more details of the prophecies found in Daniel 8 and Daniel 9. God said it would be a long period – so far over 2,500 years long! B. THE PREPARATION FOR THE VISION – v. 2 1. Daniel Mourns for Three Weeks – v. 2 Why did Daniel mourn? There are a number of possibilities: 1.a. Because of Jewish apathy Only 49,697 Jews responded to the challenge of king Cyrus and returned to Jerusalem (see: Ezra 2:64-65.) This was a relatively small percentage of the overall Jewish population in Babylon and Persia. Most were now content with their comfortable lives in a strange land. Contrast this with Psalm 137:1-6. Note: this is typical of so many Christians today. When the call comes to “go work today in my vineyard,” to “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men,” or “take up thy cross and follow me,” any response comes from the few. 1.b.Because Daniel Could Not Return Although he lived to see some of his people return to Jerusalem, perhaps his age or his duties (Daniel 8:27) prevented him from going with them. We know that the holy city of Jerusalem was never far from his heart (Daniel 6:10). 1.c. Because of Reports of Opposition According to Ezra 4:1-5, 24, there was much opposition to the work of rebuilding the temple. In fact, the project was effectively stalled by “legal challenges.” 1.d. Because Daniel did not Fully Understand God’s Working He may well have wondered, “Why wasn’t the temple build by now?” The 70 years prophesied by Jeremiah related to both the captivity (in which Daniel was involved) and the temple (which wasn’t actually destroyed until 586 B.C.) The diagram following explains what happened. God was on time (as usual!) 2. Daniel Gives Himself to Prayer – v. 3 3. For the fourth time we see Daniel as a man of purposeful, intense prayer. See: Daniel 2:17, 18; 6:10, 11; 9:3-19. 4. Daniel fasts and prays. Fasting is not just the going without food for a period of time – it involves the setting aside of any normal physical activities so as to accentuate the spiritual. In this case, Daniel set aside certain foods and normal acts of personal hygiene. C. THE PERSON OF THE VISION – vs. 4-9  Three Weeks – v. 4 In contrast with the “Weeks” of Daniel 9, the language here makes it clear that these were literal seven-day weeks. See also: verse 13.  The River Hiddekel- v. 4 This is another name for the Tigris River. See: Genesis 2:14.  The Vision of Christ in Glory – vs. 4-9 The description of this person closely resembles that of the Lord Jesus Christ as seen by the aged apostle John on the isle of Patmos – Revelation 1:12-16. 1. His Garments – linen speaks of righteousness (Revelation 19:8); gold of deity (Matthew 2:11). 2. His Bodily Appearance – beryl is a green translucent gemstone with a “refulgence like that of gold” (Pliny). Our Lord is like a giant jewel! 3. His Eyes – perfect perception. Omniscience. 4. His Arms and Feet – brass speaks of judgment. 5. His Voice – divine authority. See: John 7:46.  The Effects of the Vision 1. Daniel saw it alone Compare: John 12:28, 29; Acts 9:3-7; Genesis 32:24; Joshua 5:13-15; Ezekiel 1; Galatians 1:11-17. The making of a man of God – being alone with God! 2. Daniel was greatly affected 3. A vision of the glory and holiness of God serves only to amplify the weakness and sinfulness of man. Compare: Genesis 15:12, 17; Exodus 3:2-6; Joshua 5:13- 15; Isaiah 6:1-8; Ezekiel 1:28; Luke 5:8; Revelation 1:7. The mark of a man of God – humble before God! 1. The Angelic Messenger of the Vision- vs. 10-15 1.a. Another Personage Verse 10 indicated there is another spirit to the “Man” of verses 5, 6. In fact, Daniel 12:5 shows there were several supernatural beings present during this vision. (The Lord was accompanied by two angels when He met with Abram at Mamre – Genesis 18:1, 2) 1.b. Who is This Being? Although this spirit being is not named, it is possibly Gabriel since he is bringing a message from heaven to earth. 1.c. The Real “Star Wars” – Conflict in Outer Space – vs. 12- 14 This passage reveals further insight concerning the nature and ministry of angels. Notice: 1.c.1. The answer to Daniel’s prayer came quickly. “…from the first day…” verse 12. Cf. Daniel 9:23. 1.c.2. There are two hosts of spirit beings. When the anointed cherub Lucifer rebelled (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19), apparently one-third of the angelic host allied with him (Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:4). The Bible clearly teaches there is a Kingdom of darkness over which Satan is the prince – Matthew 12:24-27; II Peter 2:4; Jude 6. 1.c.3. There is a great unseen spiritual battle.- v. 13 See: Ephesians 6:11-13. Evidently, behind the kings and rulers of this world are unseen beings seeking to control human events and history. “When we remember that the kingdom of Persia was at this time the dominant Gentile nation, and that its capital was originated after the flood, we understand why the spirit of darkness assigned to its affairs was undoubtedly one of Satan’s mightiest princes.” 1 Satan is not omnipresent, omniscient, nor omnipotent! Therefore he works through a highly organized kingdom. Study: Matthew 4:8,9; 12:24-30; II Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2; 6:12; etc. 1.c.4. The Archangel Michael is Introduced Although Michael is said to be one of the chief princes, he is the only spirit being given the title of “archangel” in the Word of God – Jude 9. Michael is a warrior angel, perhaps the supreme commander of the unseen hosts of the Lord (II Kings 6:15-18). His duties are specifically related to the Jews – Daniel 10:21; 12:1; Revelation 12:7. (If Michael is in fact the only archangel, then he will also herald the rapture of the saints – I Thessalonians 4:16.) 2. The Strength of the Vision – vs. 16-21 2.a. Angels are a Source of Strength Following the temptation of our Lord angels ministered to Him – Matthew 4:11. When He agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane, it was an angel which strengthened Him – Luke 22:43. 2.b. Daniel is “Touched” Three Times 2.b.1. The first time, he STOOD- vs. 10-11 2.b.2. The second time, he SPAKE – v. 16 2.b.3. The third time, he was STRENGTHENED – v. 18 (How we need to be touched so that we might stand, speak, and be strong for our Lord!!) 2.c. The Scripture of Truth – v. 21 That which WAS YET TO BE REVEALED and subsequently RECORDED in the pages of the Bible was already referred to as Scripture! This demonstrates the eternal nature of the Word of God – Psalm 119:89; Matthew 24:35.

Chapters 11-12 No other chapter in the Word of God has stirred up the wicked hearts of so- called Higher Critics more than Daniel 11. This is because it contains a detailed and accurate account of Jewish and Gentile history primarily covering the “Four Hundred Silent Years” between Malachi and Matthew – the “62 Week” period of Daniel 9. To the unbelieving mind, this chapter had had to have been written after the fact. Only someone with supernatural insight could have penned this “pre-written history!” To properly understand this chapter, it is important to remember the following. 3. This chapter is part of Daniel’s fourth vision, which began with 4. The Law of Perspective applies here. The further away the prophesied event was from 534 B.C., the less detailed it appeared to Daniel. 5. Daniel is primarily concerned with Gentile history as it affects the Jews. Daniel 11 is divided into two sections: the first (verses 1-35) has long been fulfilled and has to do mainly with the PRE-WRITTEN HISTORY of the wars between the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt (the “kings of the south”) and the Seleucid dynasty of Syria (the “kings of the north”); the second (verses 36- 45) gives us a prophecy of the character and career of the Antichrist. Although this chapter outline is brief, it is important to read the accompanying HISTORICAL PARAPHRASE of Daniel 11:2-35. 1. Prophecies Concerning Persia – vs. 1-2 1.a.The Angel Reminisces – v. 1 This verse follows on from Daniel 10:21, and hearkens back to a time (539 B.C.) when angelic assistance was rendered either to: 1.a.1. Darius the Mede This would take us back to the events of Daniel 6 and the conspiracy to destroy Daniel (Daniel 6:7), where angelic intervention (Daniel 6:22) reversed the situation (Daniel 6:26). Or… 1.a.2. The Archangel Michael Since Michael is the Prince and Protector of Israel, the same comments above would apply. 1.b. Persian Kings After Darius – verse 2 Darius would be followed by four prominent kings. There would be other kings following, but after Xerxes I the empire began its decline. (This prophecy concerns itself with the important events and characters.) 1.c. The Fourth King- v. 2 This was Xerxes I (486-468 B.C.), who was proverbial for his riches. With a massive army he attacked Greece; but was defeated – thus paving the way for the ultimate collapse of Persia. These details add to those in Daniel 8. 1.d. A Time Gap Between verse 2 and verse 3 is a time gap of over 100 years. These were the declining years of the Persian empire. 2. Prophecies Concerning Graecia – vs. 3-4 2.a. The Rise of Alexander the Great – v. 3 Not forgetting the aggression of the Persian “Ram” under Xerxes I, the Greeks, led by Alexander the Great (and moved with choler – Daniel 8:7), conquered Persia and afterwards vast territories. (see: Map #3, page 67) 2.b. The Division of Alexander’s Empire – v. 4 2.b.1. At the height of his power “When he shall stand up…” 2.b.2. Four winds, four heads, four notable horns See the notes under Daniel 8 (pages 74, 75) for information concerning the 4-fold division of the empire. 2.b.3. Not to his Posterity Both of Alexander’s sons – Hercules and Alexander Jr. – were assassinated. 3. Prophecies of Wars between the Ptolemies and the Seleucidae – vs. 5-20 Refer to the “Historical Paraphrase” to get a more detailed commentary on this section. In reading this passage, please note the following. 3.a. All Directions have reference to Jerusalem The events prophesied are those which affect the Jews and “thy holy city” – Jerusalem. See: Daniel 10:14. 3.b. The Kings of the South These are kings of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which ruled Egypt. 3.c. The Kings of the North These are kings of the Seleucid dynasty, which ruled Syria. 3.d. The Glorious Land This is Palestine. The ‘Holy Land’ lay between the kingdoms of the North and South, and like the proverbial “Meat in the sand which” became a perennial battlefield for their wars. For centuries, Daniel’s people would be ground between the “upper and lower millstones.” Scofield described Palestine as lying “between the anvil and the hammer.”1 3.e. The Time of these Events The time period spanned by verses 5-20 is approximately 150 years. Therefore the King of the South and the King of the North are not the same individuals throughout. 4. Prophecies of Antiochus Epiphanes – vs. 21-35 Refer to the notes under Daniel 8:9-14 and the “Historical Paraphrase” for a more detailed commentary on this section. Antiochus Epiphanes is a forerunner and picture of the Antichrist. 4.a. His Rise to Power – vs. 21-24 Antiochus was not the ‘heir-apparent’ to the Syrian throne, obtaining his position through bribery and deceit. 4.b. His Attack on Egypt 4.c. His Indignation toward the Jews- Vs. 30-32a 4.d. The Rise of Jewish Patriotism – vs. 32b-35 4.e. These verses refer to the exploits of the Jewish patriots under the leadership of the Maccabean family. Tree of the Maccabees is shown below.

1 Scofield Reference Bible, 1917: page 987. Mattathias

Judas SimonJonathan Eleazar Johannes Judas, Simon, and Jonathan were the sons who fought and led the Jews in battle. The prophetic history of the 70th seven (11:36-12:3)

Here is another “GAP” of time in the prophetic Word. The phrase, “… even to the time of the end…” in verse 35 practically covers the last 2,000 years. Verse 36 begins the second, yet future, section of the chapter – the rise of the Antichrist and his deeds. 1.a. A Description of the Antichrist – vs. 36-39 1.a.1. He shall be willful- vs. 36 “…shall do according to his will…” He is called the “Man of Sin” in II Thessalonians 2:4. 1.a.2. He shall be self-exalting - v. 36 See: II Thessalonians 2:4. 1.a.3. He shall be self-defying- v. 36 1.a.4. He shall be Anti-God - vs. 36-37 He shall “…speak marvelous things [blasphemies] against the God of gods…” Note: The phrase, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers…” in verse 37 may indicate he will be of Jewish extraction. After all, the Jews are looking for a Jewish Messiah! 1.a.5. He shall be callous – v. 37 The “…desire of women…” refers to the hope held by every Jewess that she would bear the Messiah. It might also mean that the Antichrist will not care to have a wife, or that he is a home-wrecker - See: Genesis 3:16b. 1.a.6. He shall be devilish – v. 38 See: Revelation 12:9; 13:2d, 4; 20:2. 1.a.7. He shall be wealthy – v. 38b 1.a.8. He shall be expansive and dictatorial – v. 39 The latter part of this verse indicates the exercise of the power of a dictator. 1.b. The Exploits of the Antichrist- vs. 40-43 1.b.1. The “Time of the End” - v. 40 This is the key to the interpretation of the last ten verses of Daniel 11. 1.b.2. A Great Battle – vs. 40-42 1.b.2.a. The King of the South - Egypt (Arab Nations?) 1.b.2.b. The King of the North – Syria (or Russia?) Note: the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39 predict a massive invasion of Palestine by the great northern Confederacy led by the land of God (Russia). This invasion will occur in the “last days” – Ezekiel 38:8, 16. It will come at a time when the Jews will be “at peace” – Ezekiel 38:10-12; I Thessalonians 5:2-3 – no doubt as a result of Antichrist’s confirming the [Abrahamic] covenant, Daniel 9:27a. Many countries will be overthrown in this battle. Russia and her allies will be defeated – see: Ezekiel 39:1-7. Israel will take seven months to clean up the carnage and destruction. It is possible that this battle will occur at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week, and even though the LORD is the one to bring about this stunning defeat the Antichrist will claim the victory for himself, and be hailed as a man of peace. The order in Revelation 6:1-8. Would you agree with this interpretation: Revelation 6:2 – White Horse – Rise of the Antichrist. Revelation 6:4 – Red Horse – Terrible war. Revelation 6:5-6 – Black Horse – The ravages of war. Revelation 6:8 – Pale Horse – Pestilence. 1.b.3. The Second Battle- Vs. 44-45 Though somewhat obscure, it seems a second great battle will ensue. Revelation 16:12-16 speaks of an oriental army numbering 200 million. See also: Joel 2:20. Keeping in mind that Daniel 10, 11, and 12 make up one vision, and reading on into Daniel 12, we may ascertain that all of these events occur in the first half of Daniel’s 70th Week. 1.b.4. The Final Battle – v. 45b The Antichrist shall meet his end – see: Revelation 19:11-21; Zechariah 14:2-7. After the defeat of the Antichrist and his armies at the Battle of Armageddon, the Lord Jesus Christ will establish His glorious kingdom of peace and righteousness upon the earth. 2. The Great Tribulation- vs. 1, 5, 7 The time as the “Great Tribulation” refers to the Second half of Daniels 70th Week. According to Matthew 24:15-21, this begins with the overspreading of abominations (Daniel 9:27b), and coincides with the events prophesied in II Thessalonians 2:3, 4, 8-10; Revelation 12:7-17; and 13:4-8. 2.a. The Time of the Great Tribulation- v. 1 The phrase “…and at that time…” connects Daniel 12:1 with Daniel 11:40-45, thereby placing the Great Tribulation in the time of the end. 2.b. The Combatants in the Great Tribulation – v. 1 Further details concerning these activities of the archangel Michael are given in Revelation 12:7-9. In this celestial battle, Michael and his host will prevail, causing Satan to be cast out into earth. From Revelation 12 and 13 we see that he will then energize the Antichrist, ushering in is ‘reign of terror.’ 2.c. The Nature of the Great Tribulation – v. 1 Considering the horrific nature of wars past and present, Daniel’s description of what is to come is frightening! See also” Matthew 24:21, 22; Zechariah 14:2; Joel 2:1-11; 3:9-13; etc. Praise God that those who are saved NOW will not pass through this great furnace! The question is often asked, “Will present-day Christians and churches enter into the period of Tribulation?” The answer is NO!, for the following reasons: 2.c.1. Daniel’s 70th Week is specifically concerned with “thy people” – the Jews – Daniel 9:24-27; 12:1. 2.c.2. The Great Tribulation is called the “time of Jacob’s trouble” in Jeremiah 30:7. 2.c.3. The design of the great Tribulation is to refine and save Israel – Ezekiel 20:34-38; 22:19-22; Isaiah 66:7, 8; Hosea 3:4, 5; Zechariah 13:8, 9; 12:10; 14:2, 3. 2.c.4. The warning to the “elect” in Matthew 24 are Jewish in their context – vs. 16, 20, 22. 2.c.5. Present day believers are “…not appointed…to wrath…” I Thessalonians 5:9, but will be “kept from the hour…which shall come upon all the world” – Revelation 3:10. 2.c.6. After the apostle John is “raptured” in Revelation 4:1, 2, there is no mention of a church of churches being involved in any of the events on earth. (Revelation 6 through 19 gives a detailed description of Daniel’s 70th Week.) 2.c.7. The Antichrist cannot be revealed until the restrainer (“he who now letteth [hinders]” II Thessalonians 2:7) is “taken out of the way.” According to I John 4:3, 4, it is the indwelling Holy Spirit of God Who overcomes the spirit of antichrist in this present age. If the Holy Spirit is to be taken out of the way, then those who are permanently indwelt by Him must also be removed from the earth! 2.c.8. The return of Jesus Christ for His saints (the Rapture) is an imminent event. No one knows when He shall come – Matthew 24:42-46; Titus 2:13; Luke 12:35- 40 – we must be ready for Him at any time. If present- day believers entered into Daniel’s 70th Week, Christ’s coming could be figured out from the information given in prophecy (42 months, 1,260 days, etc.) 2.d. The Victory of the Great Tribulation- v. 1 There will be a day of national deliverance of the remnant of Israel. This will occur at the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth – Zechariah 14:1-5, 9-11; Romans 11:25-27. Notice that this deliverance will be on the basis of a personal faith in Christ – “…every one that shall be found written in the book.” See also: Revelation 20:15; Zechariah 12:8-13:1. 2.e. The Length of the Great Tribulation – vs. 5-7 2.e.1. The Heavenly Spectators of the Vision- v. 5 “…other two…”, i.e. two angels. 2.e.2. The Giver of the Vision – v. 6 This “man clothed in linen” is the same preincarnate Christ mentioned is Daniel 10:5-6. 2.e.3. The Question – v. 6 2.e.4. The Answer – v. 7 “..a time, times, and half…” = 3 ½ years. We are now very familiar with this time span – it is the last half of Daniel’s 70th Week. See: Daniel 7:25; Revelation 11:2; 12:6, 14; 14:5. 2.e.5. The Surety – v. 7 3. The Two Resurrections – v. 2 3.a. Physical Death Here, physical death is referred to as “sleep” (Acts 7:60; I Corinthians 4:13-15) in the “dust of the earth” (Genesis 3:19; Ecclesiastes 12:7). When a person dies, his body returns to dust but his soul and spirit go either to be with the Lord (II Corinthians 5:6-8) or to Hell (Luke 16:22, 23) – depending upon his relationship to Jesus Christ. Note that Hell is everlasting! 3.b. Why just “Many?” Verse 2 says that “…MANY of them…” will be resurrected. Yet the Bible clearly teaches that all will be resurrected. There are three possible explanations here: 3.b.1. This verse is concerned only with “Thy People” – the Jews Following the context of verse 1, this may be the case – although in fact ALL those in the dust of the earth (Jews AND Gentiles) will be involved. 3.b.2. The “Many” refers specifically to the saved Jews See the “many” of verse 10. Or… 3.b.3. This verse deals with that phase of the Resurrection which occurs at the end of the 70 th Week. If this is the case, a large segment of those asleep in the dust of the earth will already have been resurrected at the Rapture – I Corinthians 15:51-52; I Thessalonians 4:13-17. 3.c. The Two Resurrections The latter portion of verse 2 teaches two resurrections. See also: John 5:28-29. At first glance it may appear that Daniel 12:2 is teaching a general resurrection, but keep in mind that the prophet is seeing things a “long way down the road.” The Bible teaches two separate and distinct resurrections, the first resurrection being in three stages. The diagram below sets this teaching forth: See also: John 14:3; 11:25-26; Revelation 3:10; 20:4a. According to Revelation the two resurrections are actually 1,000 years apart! 4. The Heavenly Reward – v. 3 4.a. The Wise “…they that be wise…” refers to those who will shine for the Lord during the time of darkness. 4.a.1. During the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. 4.a.2. During the reigns of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar & Darius Daniel 4.a.3. During the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes The Maccabees and the Pharisees 4.a.4. During the Great Tribulation The 144,000 Jewish servants of God – Revelation 7:3-4. 4.b. The Wisest A secondary application of Daniel 12:3 is to soul winning. See: Proverbs 11:30 and James 5:20. 4.c. The stars are used to navigate and guide. It is every Christian’s duty to guide the lost to Christ in an ever darkening day (Romans 13:11-14).

6. The Sealed Book 6.a. The end to Daniel’s Prophetic Ministry – v. 4 The question of verse 8 and the answer of verse 9 show the meaning of verse 4 to be that the understanding of Daniel’s prophecies would be given in the last days. (This was fulfilled when John wrote the Book of Revelation.) It is interesting to note that prior to this century, the Book of Daniel was in many ways a sealed Book. Very little preaching and writing about it was done. 6.b. The contrast between Daniel and the Revelation In Revelation 5:1-7, the Lord Jesus Christ takes a sealed book (Daniel??) and looses the seals thereof – giving the reader many details about the final 7 years. In Revelation 22:10, John is told to do the exact opposite – “seal not”! – the reason being that the “time is at hand.” 6.c. A Summary of the time of the end – v. 10 6.c.1. To those purified and made white The Lord promises trials and understanding. These are those saved during the awful period of tribulation – Revelation 6:9-11; 7:13-14. 6.c.2. To the wicked Wickedness shall abound (Matthew 24:12), and understanding shall be withheld (II Thessalonians 2:11- 12). 6.d. The 1,290 Days- v. 11 The beginning point of this period is the same as the 1,260 days, but an extra 30 days is added. The exact purpose for this extra month is not stated, and much conjecture has been made over it. Some think it may be the: 6.d.1. Time Deducted for the “Elect Sake” Matthew 24:22. 6.d.2. Time needed to clean up the debris after the final battle. Cf. Ezekiel 39:12. 6.d.3. Time required for the judgment of the nations. Matthew 25:31-46. 6.e. The 1,335 Days – v. 12 Again, this begins with the 1,260 and the 1,290 days – or 2 ½ months into the Millennium. 6.e.1. A blessing is pronounced on those who wait for this time. As to why? We are uncertain. 6.e.2. Ironside suggests this extra time refers to the first Millennial Feast of the Tabernacles – Zechariah 14:16. 6.f. At any rate, this time obviously refers to the first Millennial rule of Christ on earth. 7. The Final Benediction – v. 13 7.a. Daniel is instructed to continue serving God. Although he is an aged saint, the Lord never did allow him to retire, but simply said, “…go thy way till the end be…” So too, we are bid to serve Him until the end. See: Hebrews 11:39-40. 7.b. Daniel is Promised rest Our rest comes when we leave this old world behind! See also: Revelation 14:13 7.c. Daniel is promised a resurrection “…thou shalt…stand in thy lot…” See: John 11:25-26; Job 19:25-27. The reference to Daniel’s “lot” here refers to his sphere in the Millennium. (See: Jeremiah 30:21: Isaiah 1:26; 32:1) Faithful Christians have God’s promise that they will reign and rule with Christ during His earthly kingdom – Revelation 5:9-10; Matthew 25:14-30. Also: Matthew 19:28.

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