Pegasus Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

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Pegasus Monthly Board Meeting Minutes


Present: Doug Wood, Chris Gordon, Jim Van Dorn, Jim Ellenberger, Keith Knoll- Coordinator, and Dan Haymond (came late).

Absent: Jon Jamison and Diane Gibson who had a family emergency.

Also Present: Kevin Sayles

1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:14 P.M by President Jim Van Dorn.

2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Items were added to agenda. Wood motioned for approval of agenda with a second by Ellenberger. Agenda was approved.

3. MINUTES OF JULY MEETINGS: The minutes of the July 18, 2002 Annual Meeting and Regular Meeting were read by Wood. Gordon motioned to approve minutes with a second by Ellenberger. Minutes were approved.



A. HR-S365U EDIT SYSTEM: Knoll reported that he couldn’t find Leon any longer. His telephone number has been disconnected and the E-mail account apparently has been closed. Ellenberger reported on Safe Bay E Bay and mentioned Dave Cronk who works with this company. Ellenberger reported that we might be able to recover $200.00. Ellenberger motioned for Keith to follow through with this with a second by Gordon. Motion was passed.

B. UPS POWER SUPPLY: Knoll reported that he would pick up at Sam's Club next week.

C. BATTERY CHARGER FOR NEW CAMERAS: Knoll reported that they are here.

D. COMPUTER FOR SCALA: Van Dorn reported that he will look into. Van Dorn reported on specifications necessary. Ideas for where to look into computers were gone over. It was reported that Dave Summerson has a computer at a good price. It was decided to see what options would come forth before getting a computer.

E. FINANCIAL REPORT AND MINUTES: Knoll reported that Jamison will be E-mailing these.

F. PORTACOM & HEADSETS: Knoll and Ellenberger reported on options for obtaining another unit. Ellenberger motioned for Pegasus to obtain a Pay Pal account to use on E-Bay and other purchases. Wood seconded. Motion passed. Gordon motioned for Pegasus to purchase a PortaCom System to not exceed $1,800.00. Ellenberger seconded. Motion passed. Ellenberger will look into a system and obtain the best deal possible.

4. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: (Went back to when Haymond arrived.) After discussion Wood motioned to leave the officers the same for the following year. Seconded by Haymond. Motion passed. Officers will be: James Van Dorn-President Christine Gordon-Vice President Douglas Wood-Secretary Jon Jamison-Treasurer

6. COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. PVA-There was no meeting.

7. TREASURE REPORT: This will be E-mailed as previously reported.

8. NEW BUSINESS: A. PHONE LINE TO BUILDING: Knoll reported that the phone system went out to the front jack. Haymond bi-passed the system and ran the line direct to the front. It was motioned by Wood to have Haymond repair and connect the phone line and extensions. Seconded by Ellenberger. Motion passed.

B. PRESENTATION TO THE CITY ON THE SECOND MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER: The volunteers and Knoll will meet on Saturday August 17, 2002, at 9:00 A.M.

C. SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY: Knoll stated that we can run the parade live. He will see if Robert Hethcot will help run the camera for the parade while Haymond and Wood announce.

D. ELLENBERGER'S REPORT OF CONFERENCE: Ellenberger reported on information that he had obtained about studio specifications and contacts that he made. He will write up a summary of what he heard and saw at the conference.

9. COMMENTS: A. COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD AND COORDINATOR: Ellenberger requested that the minutes show that Gibson was absent due to a family emergency.


10. ADJOURNMENT: Wood motioned for the meeting to be adjourned. Seconded by Gordon. The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 P.M.

The next Pegasus Monthly Board Meeting will be Thursday September 12, 2002, at 7:00 P.M. at Pegasus Studios, located at 1014 2nd Street, Perry, Iowa 50220.

Minutes submitted by Douglas Wood Pegasus Board Secretary.

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