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F001A – Application to grant, extend or renew an accreditation for an Inspection body 01.09.2016 Version 13 Page 1 de 7
General information
This questionnaire provides information about any application to grant, extend or renew the scope of accreditation. The application process is described in the procedure P001 – Processing applications to grant, extend, reduce, renew, suspend, retire and withdraw accreditation. To grant or renew an accreditation, please kindly attach form F001D – Obligation for conformit assessment bodies completed and signed to this application form. OLAS undertakes to respect the confidentiality of the information provided in the questionnaire and attached documents. The documents forming part of an accreditation file, excluding the certificates of accreditation and the accreditation scopes, cannot be sent to third parties by OLAS without the prior written agreement of the organization, except within the framework of a legal enquiry or a procedure of mutual acknowledgement. The OLAS does not advertise the existence of an accreditation application in any way. Please do not fill in the domains which have not changed since the last questionnaire. In addition the organization is responsible for updating, with OLAS, the information provided in this questionnaire, whenever necessary. This information will be made available to the OLAS auditor for each audit, as well as to the Accreditation Committee assessing the accreditation file. All of the documents relating to the way in which the OLAS functions can be found on the following Internet site:
The duly completed form must be sent or taken in an envelope to the: ILNAS Office Luxembourgeois d'Accréditation et de Surveillance South Lane Tower I 1, avenue du Swing L-4367 Belvaux Tél.: (+352) 2477 4360 Fax: (+352) 2479 4360
Also please send an electronic copy of this form to the address
This application can only be accepted if the administration costs due for an initial accreditation and for each extension have been paid If several applications for accreditation are made at the same time the administration costs are however payable only once.
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A. General information
A.1. Identification of the company or the institution under whose control the applicant falls
name : street and no. : town : country : postcode : postal address : name of legal representative: position: company name : legal status : trade register no. : telephone : fax : web site : e-mail :
A.2. Principal activities of the company or the institution
A.3. Is the company or institution part of a group?
if so, which:
A.4. Does the company or the institution have any subsidiaries?
if so, identify the main ones:
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B. Information about the applicant inspection organization
B.1. Identification of the applicant organization if different from the company or the institution
name : street and no. : town : country : postcode : postal address : telephone : fax : web site : e-mail :
B.2. Personnel
applicant organization’s permanent staff or full-time equivalents: applicant organization’s technical staff or full-time equivalents:
B.3. Civil liability insurance
Does your organization have a civil liability insurance? Yes NO If YES : proof to be joined If NO, does your organization have sufficient financial reserves to cover the responsibilities resulting from its activities: YES NO
B.4. Reference language
what is your reference language:
B.5. Principal activities of the applicant organization if different from the company or institution
B.6. This application concerns
an initial accreditation in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 17020 a renewal of the accreditation in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 17020 an extension of the scope of the accreditation in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 17020
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B.7. Indicate for which appendix of standard ISO/IEC 17020 the application for accreditation has been made
Appendix A – Criteria of independence for Type A inspection organization Appendix B – Criteria of independence for Type B inspection organization Appendix C – Criteria of independance for Type C inspection organization
B.8. Person in charge of the organization 1
full name : position : tel. : fax : e-mail :
B.9. Contact for OLAS2
full name : position : tel. : fax : e-mail :
B.10. List of accreditations or approvals issued by an authority, obtained or envisaged, at national or international level
(Please indicate the body which issued the accreditation or approval, the domain of validity, the dates of obtaining this and, if applicable, the expiry date as well as that of the next surveillance.)
1 person who will contact OLAS in order to draw up and circulate documents of a contractual nature (declaration, scope of the application for accreditation, etc.) 2 person who will contact OLAS in order to schedule audits, exchanges of information and documents
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C. Information relating to the application for accreditation
C.1. Employment contracts of those involved
Please indicate the existence and number of inspectors with a shared employment contract or who are made available to carry out activities within other subsidiaries or bodies within the organization: Shared contract: Yes No if yes, number:
Availability: Yes No if yes, number:
(Please indicate the name of the subsidiary or body, the company name and the principal activities.)
C.2. Other activities of the personnel, auditors, inspectors, experts
Does your organization or personnel within your organization have links3 with organizations providing consultancy activities4?
Yes No
If YES, provide a list of the organizations, with, for each of these, its legal status, address, and the general nature of the activity carried out (whatever this activity)
C.3. Connection of standards, reference materials and equipment
☐ all calibrations are performed by external service providers ☐ the following calibrations are performed in-house: Please specify the quantities (ex: temperature, mass,...) Note: Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of a measuring system, often mistakenly called “self-calibration”, nor with verification of calibration.
D. Documents to be attached to the application:
1 copy of the quality manual, evidences of competences concerning the requested technical domain proof of civil liability insurance, if applicable one copy of the certificate of accreditation and the accreditation scope in the case of an accreditation issued by a body other than OLAS.
3 the term link (guide EA/IAF-A4 4.2.1a) is understood to refer to the following in particular: participation in capital, participation in a body such as for example a board of directors or a surveillance board, making available personnel or shared personnel, use of an identical or similar name or one which is similar in terms of initials or logo, commercial agreement to promote and/or carry out communal actions, any agreement relating to a service provided on behalf of the organization, financing by means of a loan, grant or any other means (in particular: supply of certain resources free of charge). 4 management system consultancy: participation in designing, implementing or maintaining a management system (standard ISO/CEI 17021 Section 3.3).
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signature5 E. Accreditation scope
Please prepare a draft of accreditation scope on the basis of the attached example of accreditation scope. With regard to requests for increase of scope please include new domains only. For the general domain select from: building (see ITM document for the details on the technical domains), transportation, product certification, food, veterinary, other, (provide detailed description). For technical domains select from: building (see ITM document for the details on the technical domains), vehicles, automobiles, shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, railroad equipment, food quality, veterinary, (provide detailed description), other (provide detailed description).
Sample of accreditation scope for an inspection body:
Body: Standard : ISO/IEC 17020 Contact: Type of inspection body: Street: Accreditation no: Town: Version: Country: Telephone: Fax: E-mail:
Accreditation scope for an inspection body
General domain:
Technical domains:
Object submitted to inspection Phase and type of inspection Reference frames Inspection before final, periodic, Installations, buildings, devices, prior commissioning, before - standards-based, components, equipment… delivery, conformance, of new - regulations products, etc. - documents of reference - internal procedures - technical specifications
Accreditation scope validated by ……………………………………
5 Signatory must be duly authorized to commit the organization 6 Signatory must be duly authorized to commit the organization
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