School Report Card: Elementary National Educators' Academy of the Philippines


Name of School: Sch ID

Complete For Completion Grade Levels Offered: ______

Municipality District



A.1 Enrollment (Formal)

Planning Multi-Year Data What are Indicator these data telling us? Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Latest Year Overall  Boys  Girls Grade 1  Boys  Girls Grade 2  Boys  Girls Grade 3  Boys  Girls Grade 4  Boys  Girls Grade 5  Boys  Girls Grade 6  Boys

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Planning Multi-Year Data What are Indicator these data telling us?  Girls # of Grade 1 entrants with pre-school experience  Boys  Girls

Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us? A.2. Performance Indicators Graduation Rate ▪ Boys ▪ Girls Simple Dropout Rate ▪ Overall ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 1 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 2 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 6 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls Repetition Rate ▪ Overall ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 1 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls Page 2 of 15 School Report Card: Elementary National Educators' Academy of the Philippines

▪ Grade 2 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Grade 6 ▪ Boys ▪ Girls Failure Rate ▪ Boys ▪ Girls A.3. Nutritional Status ▪ Below Normal ▪ Male ▪ Female ▪ Normal ▪ Male ▪ Female ▪ Above Normal ▪ Male ▪ Female A.4. Personnel School Level School Administrator ▪ Principal I ▪ Principal II ▪ Principal III ▪ Head Teacher I ▪ Head Teacher II ▪ Head Teacher III Teachers ▪ Master I ▪ Master II ▪ Master III ▪ Teacher I ▪ Teacher II ▪ Teacher III ▪ Total Number of Teach- ers Teachers-Mono Grade ▪ Grade 1 ▪ Grade 2

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▪ Grade 3 ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 ▪ Subject Teachers ▪ Total Teachers-Multi Grade ▪ Grade 1&2 ▪ Grade 1,2&3 ▪ Grade 1,2,3&4 ▪ Grade 1,2,3,4&5 ▪ Grade 1,2,3,4,5&6 ▪ Grade 2&3 ▪ Grade 2,3,&4 ▪ Grade 2,3,4&5 ▪ Grade 2,3,4,5&6 ▪ Grade 3&4 ▪ Grade 3,4&5 ▪ Grade 3,4,5&6 ▪ Grade 4&5 ▪ Grade 4,5&6 ▪ Grade 5&6 ▪ Total Funding Source ▪ Nationally Funded ▪ Locally Funded o Province o Municipality o City o Brgy ▪ PTCA ▪ Volunteer ▪ Others (pls. specify) A.5. Availability of Learning Materials Textbooks ▪ English ▪ Grade 1 ▪ Grade 2 ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 ▪ Science ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 ▪ Math ▪ Grade 1

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▪ Grade 2 ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 ▪ Filipino ▪ Grade 1 ▪ Grade 2 ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 ▪ Sibika/Hekasi ▪ Grade 1 ▪ Grade 2 ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 ▪ MSEPP ▪ Grade 1 ▪ Grade 2 ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 ▪ MAPEH ▪ Grade 1 ▪ Grade 2 ▪ Grade 3 ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 ▪ EPP ▪ Grade 4 ▪ Grade 5 ▪ Grade 6 Reference (pls. specify)

Supplementary (pls. specify)

A.6. Physical & Ancillary Facilities Elementary Instructional ▪ No. of Classrooms

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▪ Science Laboratory ▪ Industrial Arts Bldg ▪ HE Bldg # of complete Classrooms # of unfinished classrooms # of makeshift classrooms Ancillary Services ▪ No. of CRs-Male ▪ No. of CR-Female ▪ No. of Shared CRs ▪ Library/ Learning Re- source Center ▪ Guidance Office ▪ Green House/ Nurs- ery ▪ Computer Room ▪ Others, pls specify Non-Instructional ▪ Principal’s Office ▪ Faculty Room ▪ School Clinic ▪ School Canteen ▪ Stock/Property Room ▪ Water Facilities o Open well o Artesian Well o Rain water collec- tion (e.g. drum) o Water line (LWUA) o Others ▪ Fencing o With complete fencing o With incomplete fencing o With permanent fencing o With semi-perma- nent fencing o Without fencing ▪ Electricity o With electricity o Without electricity A.7. Classroom Furniture Elementary ▪ No. of Tablet Arm- chairs ▪ No. of Desks

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▪ No. of Table/Chair Set ▪ No. of Teachers’ Ta- bles & Chair ▪ No. of Blackboards ▪ No. of Laboratory Ta- bles ▪ No. of Lab Chairs/Stools A.8. Learning Facilities & Equipment (Please refer to the DECS Service Manual 2000 p. 225) Elementary ▪ Classroom Facilities (Furniture & Equip- ment) ▪ Home Economics Fa- cilities ▪ Practical Arts Facili- ties ▪ Sports/Athletic Facili- ties ▪ Gardening Tools ▪ Library Facilities ▪ Playground Facilities ▪ School Health Facili- ties A.9. Multi-Media ▪ No. of Computers for Instruction ▪ No. of TV Set ▪ Video/Cassette Play- er ▪ Others (pls. specify) A.10. Office Equipment ▪ No. of Computers ▪ No. of Typewriters ▪ No. of Photocopiers ▪ Mimeographing Ma- chine ▪ Sound System ▪ Fax ▪ Others (pls. specify) ▪ Others (pls. specify) A.13. Medical/Dental Services ▪ First Aid Kit ▪ School Nurse ▪ School Dentist ▪ Clinical Bed ▪ Dental Aide ▪ Others (pls. specify)

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A.14. Site Ownership ▪ Land Title ▪ Tax Declaration ▪ Deed of Donation ▪ Deed of Sale ▪ Usufruct ▪ Others (pls. specify)

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Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us? B.1. Learner Performance Achievement Rate ▪ English ▪ Science ▪ Math ▪ Filipino ▪ MAKABAYAN Other Indicators of Performance Reading Comprehension ▪ Frustration Level ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Instructional Level ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Independent Level ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Numerates ▪ Boys ▪ Girls ▪ Non-Numerates ▪ Boys ▪ Girls Mastery of Competencies # of pupils who reached Grade 4 who mastered learning competencies (at level) ▪ English ▪ Science ▪ Math ▪ Filipino ▪ MAKABAYAN # of pupils who reached Grade 4 with un-mastered learning competencies ▪ English ▪ Science ▪ Math ▪ Filipino ▪ MAKABAYAN B.2 Contact Days Required # of Contact Days  Elementary  CLC Actual # of Days removed

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Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us? from contact days  Elementary  CLC Actual # of contact days  Elementary  CLC B.3 Teacher Information Age ▪ 64 yrs old ▪ 63 yrs old ▪ 62 yrs old ▪ 61 yrs old ▪ 60 yrs old ▪ 59 yrs old ▪ 50-58 yrs old ▪ 40-49 yrs old ▪ 30-39 yrs old ▪ 20-29 yrs old ▪ Average Age Years in Service ▪ Below 5 years ▪ 5-10 years ▪ 11-20 years ▪ 21-30 years ▪ Above 30 years Qualifications ▪ # of teachers having re- quired academic qualifi- cations ▪ # of teachers who are certified to teach ac- cording to national stan- dards (e.g. LET, etc) ▪ Graduate Studies ▪ # of Ts with MA credits ▪ # of Ts with MA degree ▪ # of Ts with doctoral credits ▪ # of Ts with doctoral de- gree B.5. Pupil-Textbook Ratio ▪ English o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4

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Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us?

o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Science o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Math o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Filipino o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Sibika/Hekasi o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Music o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Arts o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6

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Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us? ▪ PE o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Health o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Character Education o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Home Economics o Grade 1 o Grade 2 o Grade 3 o Grade 4 o Grade 5 o Grade 6 ▪ Industrial Arts B.6. Class Size Information ▪ Total # of Classes o Mono-grade o Multi-grade ▪ Class Size ▪ With less than 45 pupils ▪ With 45-50 pupils ▪ With 51-60 pupils ▪ With 61-70 pupils ▪ With more than 60 pupils B.7. Physical Facilities ▪ # of Instructional Rooms ▪ # instructional rooms solely used for classes Page 12 of 15 School Report Card: Elementary National Educators' Academy of the Philippines

Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us? ▪ # of instructional rooms with mixed uses ▪ With more than 60 pupils

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Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us? C.1. Parents’ Participation ▪ General PTCA ▪ Homeroom ▪ Brigada Eskwela C.2. Instructional Supervision ▪ Frequency of Instruc- tional Supervision o ES I o PSDS o School Head o Head Teacher ▪ # of Teachers super- vised per month o ES I o PSDS o School Head o Head Teacher C.3. Environment ▪ No. of recorded theft/robbery ▪ No. of recorded inci- dence of pupil-pupil conflict ▪ No. of recorded inci- dence of teacher-pupil conflict ▪ No. of recorded inci- dence of teacher-parent conflict ▪ No. of recorded inci- dence of school-parent conflict

Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us? C.4. Public Expenditure on Basic Education ▪ Total Amount of provid- ed by LGU ▪ Municipality ▪ Barangay

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Multi-Year Data What are Planning Planning Indicators Latest these data Year 1 Year 2 Standards Year telling us? ▪ Distribution ▪ Salaries ▪ Physical Facilities ▪ Sports ▪ Education Project ▪ Others ▪ Total Amount of Dona- tions Received ▪ Distribution ▪ Salaries ▪ Physical Facilities ▪ Sports ▪ Education Project ▪ Others

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