Harbledown Parish Council

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Harbledown Parish Council

HARBLEDOWN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at St Mary’s Hall, Upper Harbledown on Monday 30 January 2006

All Planning Applications received since the last Parish Council meeting were on display from 7 p.m.

Meeting commenced at 7.30 p.m.

Present Councillors A. Workman, B. Brown, J. Conway, S. Denham, B. Golding, K. Jordan, R. Perham, Mrs G. Jones (Clerk), Mr B. Landau and six members of the public Action By 01/06 Confirmation of All Councillors had received their summons to Summons attend this meeting and the public notices had been served correctly.

02/06 Alterations to the There were no alterations or declarations of Register of interest stated. Councillors’ Interests and Declaration of Interest on Items on the Agenda

03/06 Apologies for Councillors J. Amos (illness), J. Larkinson Absence (holiday), G. Wright (holiday), County Councillor J. Simmonds and City Councillor M. Dixey.

04/06 Co-option of A nomination had been received from Barry Councillor Landau, proposed by Councillor Perham and seconded by Councillor Denham. There being no other nominations, Barry Landau was co- opted to the Parish Council. He signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Councillor Workman welcomed Councillor Landau to the Parish Council.

05/06 Approval of It was proposed by Councillor Golding and Minutes seconded by Councillor Conway that the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2005 be signed as correct, with one amendment.

06/06 Matters Arising No report has been received from the Contractor who had painted the railings in Church Hill. The Clerk will write to enquire. No-one had Clerk any requests for a grant from County Councillor Simmonds’ fund.

At this point the Chairman asked whether any resident of the Parish wished to address the Council or ask any question about any agenda item.

194 07/06 Committee Reports Finance Concurrent Functions 2006/07: Councillor Brown reported that 100% of the bid for core activities and 52% of the bid for one-off projects (new curtains for Rough Common Village Hall) had been granted. It was resolved that that £1571 be paid on receipt of an invoice for the curtains, proposed by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Perham. Precept: This had been submitted as agreed at the last Parish Council meeting. Concurrent Functions 2005/06: There is currently a balance of some £1700 unspent from the grant we are holding. However, the painting of St Mary’s Hall and the provision of a noticeboard are estimated to cost £996 and a further £750 is planned to be spent on tree pruning. These items must be invoiced and paid before 31 March 2006. KCC Village Halls Grant: CCC has agreed to contribute 25% of the cost of the provision of a disability ramp for St Mary’s Hall.

Open Spaces and Allotments A request had been received from a resident in Chaucer Mews to cut back a tree in Pine Meadow which is leaning against her fence. It was resolved to instruct a Contractor to carry Clerk out this work. A request had been received from St Michael’s church to renovate the gate to the War Memorial. It was agreed to obtain Clerk estimates for this. A request had been received for disabled access to Dukes Meadow. This Open will be discussed by the Open Spaces and Spaces Allotments Committee. Someone has been Committee digging up the brambles at Cheyney Field between the allotments and the goal post. Councillor Amos is looking into the matter. JA

08/06 Reports of Footpaths Councillors with Councillor Golding had attended an informal Portfolios meeting at the PRoW offices. Money has been allocated from PPP for two new footbridges on CB513. Volunteers have put in a waymarked post in the woods in Blean and removed a fallen branch. Two brush cutters were needed to clear part of CB515 and the team has been doing a lot of way marking. Footpath CB512 is not being looked after by the landowner.

Highways The Cats Eyes had been installed on the A 2050 at the Palmars Cross Hill junction. White

195 village entry gates had been requested for Upper Harbledown and this work will be carried out. Similarly white village entry gates to Harbledown will be considered out of next year’s budget. It was suggested that County Councillor Simmonds might like to consider the provision of white village entry gates to Rough Common. The County Lengthsman had carried out all the work requested except the clearing of overhanging trees on to the carriageway in Ross gardens. This will be SD pursued. It is likely that there will be fewer speed checks in Rough Common Road in the future. There is less of a problem and resources are needed elsewhere in the area. Some notices have been posted in Rough Common Road about works due to start, but no-one was aware to what they refer. (see note at end).

Newsletter Councillor Wright had agreed to join the working party responsible for the Newsletter. The next edition will be produced in March, in time for distribution before the Annual Parish Assembly. All Councillors were urged to All submit any articles by the next Parish Council meeting. A timetable of Newsletters needs to be adhered to, i.e. March, June, September, November/December.

09/06 Planning Councillor Landau agreed to take an interest in Planning Applications Matters. Applications received: After discussion the following decisions were made: CA/05/01534/HAR - Mindora Heights, Mill Lane, Harbledown - Change of use of redundant barn to two holiday lets - RESOLVED that : an objection to this application be lodged. CA/05/01538/HAR - The Burrow, Faulkners Lane, Harbledown - Variation of condition 01 of planning permission CA/03/1482/HAR to allow the hop fencing for a further two years – This application will be considered by the CCC on 7 February. CA/05/01636/HAR - Hall Place, London Road, Harbledown - Extension to car park and alterations to wall - RESOLVED that: No Objection be raised to this application CAC05/00028/HAR - Hall Place, London Road, Harbledown - Part demolition of wall in connection with extension to car park - RESOLVED that: No Objection be raised to this application CA/05/01644/HAR - The Barn, Church Hill, Harbledown - Erection of detached garage - RESOLVED that: No Objection be raised to this application

196 CA/05/01692/HAR - La Serena, London Road, Harbledown - Single-storey extension to front of dwelling – Site Visit requested. CA/06/00002/HAR - Hall Place, London Road, Harbledown - Extension to car park to provide 95 spaces - RESOLVED that: an objection to this application be lodged. CA/06/00017/HAR - 35 Ross Gardens, Rough Common, Harbledown - Porch to front and single-storey extension to rear of dwelling - RESOLVED that: No Objection be raised to this application CA/05/01389/HAR - Former Little Chef, A2, London Road, Harbledown - First-floor extension to form self-contained flat. This application will be considered by the CCC on 7 February. CCC Notified Decisions: Granted CA/05/01415/HAR - 9 Palmars Cross Hill, Rough Common - Porch to front of dwelling CA/05/01411/HAR - 9 Summer Hill, Harbledown - Replacement of conservatory with single-storey extension to rear of dwelling. CAL05/00129/HAR - 9 Summer Hill, Harbledown - Replacement of conservatory with single-storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/05/01432/HAR - Isabel Mead Farm, Wingate Hill, Harbledown - First-floor extension to front and single-storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/05/01520/HAR - 51 Oaks Park, Rough Common - Conservatory to rear of dwelling Appeals: There were none.

10/06 Reports of No Man’s Orchard Councillor No meeting had been held. representatives Police Liaison Councillor Workman had attended a meeting. There is now a Police Constable in charge of the Parish: PC N. Bell. It was agreed to invite him Clerk to the March meeting of the Parish Council.

Rough Common Village Hall No meeting had been held. The padlock has not yet been replaced. The Clerk was asked to write Clerk to remind the Management Committee that any tree pruning should be completed and paid for before 31 March.

KAPC Councillors Brown and Larkinson had attended a meeting which had been addressed by a planning enforcement officer. The next meeting will be on 12 April.

197 11/06 Up date Status on No response to the Clerk’s further letter had Other Items been received from Stagecoach regarding the proposed changes to the Bus service. The Clerk Clerk will write again. No response had been received from the Strategic Rail Authority regarding the level crossing at St Dunstans.

12/06 Correspondence The digest had been circulated. It was agreed to book the KCC Waste Exhibition Unit for the Clerk Parish Assembly. The Council will be represented at the Canterbury and District Parish Forum on 25 February.

13/06 Finance and It was resolved to accept the Accounts for accounts for payment. Proposed by Councillor Denham and payment seconded by Councillor Landau. A list of the accounts accompanies these Minutes.

14/06 Web Site The City Council no longer offers a Web Site facility. Councillor Conway had investigated the Web Master who manages Chartham PC’s web site. He can set up a site for the Parish Council at a cost of £500 - £600, plus a one-off fee of £60 for registration. There would then be a monthly fee in the region of £40 to manage the site. A further suggestion of using KCC’s site, which is already set up to accommodate Harbledown Parish Council will be investigated. Clerk A Working Party consisting of Councillors Brown, Conway, Larkinson, Workman and the Clerk will meet to decide the best way forward.

15/06 Park & Ride Information had been received that day relating to the fourth Park & Ride:

There are four possible sites:

Dunkirk: 3 complications: It is ancient woodland. The ownership of the land is unknown. The terrain is awful – cost of £6m and the most expensive.

Faulkners Lane: most favourable but only if the A2 slip roads are built. Not the easiest topography.

Hall Place: second favourite if Faulkners Lane is not possible

Wye Vale: unlikely. Will be very expensive to buy because of its potential. Probably not big enough.

What happens now?

Stage 1 February 2006 Review the options. Assess access, planning and costs.

198 Stage 2 mid/end March Detailed evaluation with precise costs, planning and environment issues.

Public Consultation – open ended

Comment: Faulkners Lane remains the favourite but only if the A2 slip roads are built. Wincheap slip roads will be built first.

Possible dates for the slip roads are 2009/2010, with the Park & Ride at Faulkners Lane (if appropriate) timed possibly to coincide.

Much discussion followed. A member of the public said he had been told he had until 10 March to respond to the proposals It was agreed that the Clerk write to the City Clerk Council indicating that there is a lot of strong feeling against some of the sites and requesting copies of site plans as soon as possible. It was also agreed that a Public Meeting be arranged at Clerk a date convenient to both County Councillor Simmonds and City Councillor Dixey. The Clerk Clerk will contact them both to agree a date.

16/06 Future Issues  The Compilation of a Parish Design Statement.  Web Site  Park & Ride  Date of Next Monday 27 February 2006 at Rough Meeting Common Village Hall, at 7.30 p.m. All Planning Applications received will be on display from 7 p.m.

The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

Note: Since the meeting the following information has been received from Kent Highways:

1. The works in Rough Common Road are installation of telephone cables for the University and will also require works in Whitstable Road for 2-3 days and on the bypass for up to 7 days.

2. We have also noticed a problem with the interactive signs on the bypass. We got them to go off at 57mph but not at 60. We have reported it to the company who does our maintenance. Unfortunately they are in York so we try not to get them to come down unless we have a day's work for them.



Clerk’s Account £445.56 Clerk’s Expenses £90.69 Printing of Autumn Newsletter £24.00 Mid Kent Water (Cheyney Field allotments) £26.12 Clarks Landscape Services (St Michael’s churchyard mowing) £1600.00 KCC (Rough Common Village Hall mowing) £481.16 Chris Smart (Hedge Cutter blade) £59.28 Mrs B. Shire (expenses for waymarked post) £10.34 TOTAL £2737.15

Chris Smart (Brush Cutter blade) approval only (paid in Dec.) £12.35

Cheques signed by Councillors B. Brown R. Perham

2018 年 5 月 20 日 星期日

Current Financial Position on 31/01/06 (After payment of above cheques)

National Savings £18,148.62 Natwest Reserve Account £2,879.01

BALANCE £21,027.63


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