To the Mayor and Members of 29th September 2015 Ottery St Mary Town Council

There will be a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Ottery St Mary Town Council in the Council Chamber, The Old Convent, Ottery St Mary on Tuesday 6 th October 2015 at 7pm

Su Graham Deputy Town Clerk

Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting  Before the opening of Planning Committee business members of the public present will be invited to raise questions on planning issues.  In addition, after a planning application has been introduced by the Chairman, the Chairman will ask if any member of the public would like to speak in respect of the matter.  Individual contributions will be limited to a period of 3 minutes. Where there is a group of objectors or supporters for an application, a spokesperson should be appointed to speak on behalf of the group.  The public is advised that the Chairman has the right and discretion to control contributions to avoid disruption, repetition and make the best use of meeting time.

Please note that only 20 seats are available on a first come first served basis


1. To receive Apologies

2. To receive Declarations of Interest and requests for new Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) Dispensations for Items on the Agenda

3. Reports, Correspondence and Items referred to the Committee

4. Planning Decisions Received 5. To consider and determine observations on the following Planning Applications Reference Applicant Details 1) 15/2059/MRES HCD Ottery Ltd Construction of 66 bed care home pursuant to outline permission 12/2341/MOUT with details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale Land South Of Exeter Road, Ottery St Mary

2) 15/2097/FUL Curtin Proposed single storey side, rear & front extensions, Conversion of existing garage & other alterations & adaptions to meet the requirements of a Disabled person Khadine, Slade Road, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1JE

3) 15/2130/FUL Grahame Construction of a single storey front extension 4 Oak Close, Ottery, EX11 1BB

4) 15/1708/LBC Stansbie New internal door opening, removal of ceiling, blocking up of external door, insertion of roof lights & alterations to staircase Tipton Barton Cottage, Tipton St John, Sidmouth, EX10 OAL

5) 15/2119/ADV Feniton Park Ltd Display of non-illuminated v-shaped signboard Marist Convent, 8 Broad Street, Ottery St Mary

6) 15/1694/FUL Cornfield A M E N D E D P L A N S Amended plans, Design & Access Statement & Arboricultural Report to show revised site Dwelling layout & retention of Scots Pine tree (T6) Land adjacent Greytops, West Hill Rd West Hill

7) 15/2090/OUT Paul Hunt Construction of 3no detached Investments Ltd dwellings & formation of shared vehicular access & driveway (outline application with details of access & layout & reserving details of scale, appearance & landscaping) West Hayes, West Hill Rd, West Hill Ottery St Mary, EX11 1UZ

8) 15/2052/OUT Lightfoot Outline planning permission for the construction of a dwelling with all matters reserved Land Adjoining White Farm Lane, West Hill, Ottery, EX11 1GF

9) 15/2105/FUL Clarke Single storey rear extension to Porch Hawkeswood, Lower Broad Oak Road, West Hill, Ottery, EX11 1UF

10) 15/2179/TCA Ashtari T1, Apple – Fell 11 Silver Street, Ottery, EX11 1DB

6. To Receive Councillors’ questions relating to Planning Matters