Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes

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Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes

RPS Assignment Sheet Name: Weekly RPS 2. ab- away, apart Roots, Prefixes and Assignment: 3. –mer unit Suffixes 1. RPS is due every 4. ad- to, toward Wednesday. The challenge of 5. amphi- both understanding a new word 2. It is worth 10 points. can often be simplified by 6. ante- before 3. For each RPS given, write carefully examining the 7. anti- against word. Many words can be a word and its definition. It divided into three parts: a is better to use biology or 8. arche- ancient root, prefix and suffix. The science words whenever 9. –ase enzyme name root is the main part of the possible. word. A prefix consists of 4. Underline the RPS in the 10. auto- self, same one or more syllables word, and its meaning in placed in front of a word. List 2 Due: the definition. The suffix consists of one or 11. bi- two more syllables at the end of 5. Example: (Oct=eight) a word. Prefixes and Octopus – an animal with 12. bio- life suffixes modify or add to eight legs. 13. blast- embryo the meaning of the root. Not all words have prefixes 6. You may use multiple 14. sacchar- sugar and suffixes. RPS in one word (like “dermatologist”). 15. cereb- brain A knowledge of common roots, prefixes and suffixes 7. You may not use the 16. chloro- green same RPS repeatedly in one can give you clues to the 17. chromo- color meaning of an unfamiliar week (like putting –logy at word and help make the end of every RPS). 18. chondro- cartilage learning new words easier. 8. You will also have a quiz 19. circ- around Word Part Meaningeach Wednesday worth 5 20. –cide kill derm (root) Skin points. There will be 5 -logy (suffix) The study of questions. It will focus on List 3 Due: -ist (suffix) One who studiesthe current week’s list, but hypo- (prefix) Below or underwill include review from 21. co- with, together -ic (suffix) Of or pertaining to previous weeks as well. 22. –cycle circle

9. This regular homework 23. cyt- cell Word Definitionassignment is a good way to Dermatologist One who studiesboost your grade. Remember 24. de- remove to do it every week. Dermatology 25. derm- skin 26. di- two

Hypodermic 27. dia- through

28. pseudo- false List 1 Due: 29. ecto- outer, outside 1. a- not, without RPS Assignment Sheet Name: 30. eu- true 56. mono- one, single 82. trans- across

List 4 Due: 57. morph- form 83. ur- urine

31. endo- inner, inside 58. neo- new 84. visc- organ

32. epi- upon, over 59. nephr- kidney 85. ac- to, toward

33. ex-, exo- outside of 60. neur- nerve 86. akantha thorn, spine

34. gastro- stomach List 7 Due: 87. albus white

35. –gen type 61. oo- egg 88. ambi- both

36. –gram write, record 62. org- living 89 . ameb- change

37. hemi- half 63. –oma swelling 90. amyl- starch

38. hetero- different 64. orth- straight List 10 Due:

39. hist- tissue 65. pachy- thick 91 . anemo- wind

40. homeo- the same 66. para- near, on 92 . anter- front

List 5 Due: 67. path- disease 93. tetr- four

41. hydro- water 68. peri- around 94. borealis north

42. hyper- above, over 69. photo- light 95. caudatus having a tail

43. hypo- below, under 70. phyto- plants 96. cephalus head

44. –ic of or List 8 Due: 97. acr- sharp pertaining to 71. poly- many 98. aero air 45. inter- between, among 72. –pod foot 99. ambul walk

46. intra- within 73. pre- before 100. cornu horn

47. iso- equal 74. –scope instrument to List 11 Due: see 48. –phile lover of 101. crassus thick 75. tax- 49. –phobe fear of arrange, put in order 102. dactyl fingers, toes

50. macro- large 76. –some body 103. dent tooth

List 6 Due: 77. sub- under 104. hippo horse

51. mal- bad 78. super-, supra- above 105. potamus river

52. mega- large 79. syn- with 106. puncta dots

53. meso- in the middle 80. –tomy to cut 107. rufus rough

54. meta- change List 9 Due: 108. tri three

55. micro- small 81. tono- stretch 109. aqu water RPS Assignment Sheet Name: 110. calc lime 137. noct night 164. chel- claw

List 12 Due: 138. oleo oil 165. chem- chemical

111. carn flesh 139. oss/osteo bone 166. chir- hand

112. cer wax 140. ov/ova egg 167. –chym- juice

113. citr lemon List 15 Due: 168. coel- hollow

114. corp body 141. poten power 169. contra- against

115. cun wedge 142. sal salt 170. crani- skull

116. dur hard 143. sanguine blood List 18 Due:

117. equ equal 144. seb fat 171. cuti- skin

118. -fer carry 145. sen old 172. cyan blue

119. ferr- iron 146. sicc dry 173. dors- back

120. fiss split 147. somn sleep 174. –vor eat

List 13 Due: 148. spiro twisted 175. ec- away from

121. form shape 149. teg cover 176. echin- spiny

122. glob globe 150. var varied 177. –elle small

123. –gn produce List 16 Due: 178. –emia blood

124. gnath- jaw 151. troph one who 179. encephal- brain feeds 125. grav heavy 180. entom- insect 152. arthro- joint 126. lact milk List 19 Due: 153. sapr- rotten 127. lat side 181. –eous nature of; like 154. barb- beard 128. lys/lyt break 182. erythro- red 155. brachi- arm 129. lev lightweight 183. eso- inward; inner 156. bronch- windpipe 130. lig bind 184. –ectomy removal 157. calor- heat List 14 Due: 185. extra- beyond; 158. capill- hair outside 131. lith stone 159. capit- head 186. gloss- tongue 132. luc light 160. cardi- heart 187. halo- salt 133. man hand List 17 Due: 188. helminth worm 134. moll soft 161. carpal- wrist 189. hepat- liver 135. mort death 162. centr- center 190. herb- grass; plants 136. mult many 163. cervic- neck List 20 Due: RPS Assignment Sheet Name: 191. ichthy- fish 218. por- opening 244. –stome mouth

192. infra- below; 219. post- after 245. strat- layer beneath 220. pro- before 246. tarso- ankle 193. –ism state or condition List 23 Due: 247. tele- far off; distant

194. –itis inflammation 221. ecol- dwelling, 248. terr- earth; land house 195. –ium part of the 249. therm heat body 222. proto- first, primary 250. trache- windpipe 196. kary- cell nucleus 223. pter- wings, fins List 26 Due: 197. med- middle 224. radi- ray 251. ule small 198. –able able 225. re- again, back 252. –ura tail 199. milli- thousandth 226. rect- right, correct 253. ventr- stomach 200. myc- fungus 227. retro back, backwards 254. verge turn; slant List 21 Due: 228. –rrhage burst forth 255. xanth- yellow 201. non- not 229. –rrhea flow 256. xyl- wood 202. nuc- center 230. rhiz- root 257. zoa animal 203. ob- against List 24 Due: 258. zyg joined 204. odont- tooth together 231. rhodo- rose 205. olf- smell 259. vena vein 232. carcin- cancer 206. oligo- few; little 260. trop change 233. aur- ear 207. –oma tumor Now try these: 234. saur lizard 208. omni- all Megalith 235. scler- hard 209. ornith- bird Deformity 236. –sect cut 210.pan- all Lactose intolerant 237. sept- division List 22 Due: Quadrilateral 238. sess- sit 211. para- beside; equal Luciferous 239. –sis state or 212. ped- foot condition Ossify

213. per- through 240. -spire breathe Sebaceous

214. permea- pass; go List 25 Due: Varicolored

215. phag- eat 241. stasis stay; placed Viniferous

216. –phyll leaf 242. sten- narrow Mollify

217. platy- flat 243. stern- chest Nuclear fission RPS Assignment Sheet Name: Ceramic Hydroponics Pericardium

Somnambulist Exosphere Cytology

Acrid Amphibian Dehydrate

Aquifer Antibiotic Metamorphosis

Duress Parasite Anterior

Immortal Subterranean Bivalve

Macromolecule Neonatal Intracellular

Appendectomy Pathogen Polydactyl

Malignant Hypodermic Melitotus alba

Carcinogenic Insecticide Megaleia rufa

Endoplasm Pachyderm Sminthopsis crassicaudata

Mesophyll Asymmetrical Nyetes bidens

Phototropism Autotrophic Myrmecophaga tridactyla

Benign Semipermeable Cratellus cornucopoides

Organism Chromatophore Hippopotamus amphibus

Visceral Geomorphology Linnaea borealis

Homeostasis Hematoma Halietus leucocephalus

Polyunsaturated Hypertension Adalia bipunctata

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