<p>RPS Assignment Sheet Name: Weekly RPS 2. ab- away, apart Roots, Prefixes and Assignment: 3. –mer unit Suffixes 1. RPS is due every 4. ad- to, toward Wednesday. The challenge of 5. amphi- both understanding a new word 2. It is worth 10 points. can often be simplified by 6. ante- before 3. For each RPS given, write carefully examining the 7. anti- against word. Many words can be a word and its definition. It divided into three parts: a is better to use biology or 8. arche- ancient root, prefix and suffix. The science words whenever 9. –ase enzyme name root is the main part of the possible. word. A prefix consists of 4. Underline the RPS in the 10. auto- self, same one or more syllables word, and its meaning in placed in front of a word. List 2 Due: the definition. The suffix consists of one or 11. bi- two more syllables at the end of 5. Example: (Oct=eight) a word. Prefixes and Octopus – an animal with 12. bio- life suffixes modify or add to eight legs. 13. blast- embryo the meaning of the root. Not all words have prefixes 6. You may use multiple 14. sacchar- sugar and suffixes. RPS in one word (like “dermatologist”). 15. cereb- brain A knowledge of common roots, prefixes and suffixes 7. You may not use the 16. chloro- green same RPS repeatedly in one can give you clues to the 17. chromo- color meaning of an unfamiliar week (like putting –logy at word and help make the end of every RPS). 18. chondro- cartilage learning new words easier. 8. You will also have a quiz 19. circ- around Word Part Meaningeach Wednesday worth 5 20. –cide kill derm (root) Skin points. There will be 5 -logy (suffix) The study of questions. It will focus on List 3 Due: -ist (suffix) One who studiesthe current week’s list, but hypo- (prefix) Below or underwill include review from 21. co- with, together -ic (suffix) Of or pertaining to previous weeks as well. 22. –cycle circle</p><p>9. This regular homework 23. cyt- cell Word Definitionassignment is a good way to Dermatologist One who studiesboost your grade. Remember 24. de- remove to do it every week. Dermatology 25. derm- skin 26. di- two</p><p>Hypodermic 27. dia- through</p><p>28. pseudo- false List 1 Due: 29. ecto- outer, outside 1. a- not, without RPS Assignment Sheet Name: 30. eu- true 56. mono- one, single 82. trans- across</p><p>List 4 Due: 57. morph- form 83. ur- urine</p><p>31. endo- inner, inside 58. neo- new 84. visc- organ</p><p>32. epi- upon, over 59. nephr- kidney 85. ac- to, toward</p><p>33. ex-, exo- outside of 60. neur- nerve 86. akantha thorn, spine</p><p>34. gastro- stomach List 7 Due: 87. albus white</p><p>35. –gen type 61. oo- egg 88. ambi- both</p><p>36. –gram write, record 62. org- living 89 . ameb- change</p><p>37. hemi- half 63. –oma swelling 90. amyl- starch</p><p>38. hetero- different 64. orth- straight List 10 Due: </p><p>39. hist- tissue 65. pachy- thick 91 . anemo- wind</p><p>40. homeo- the same 66. para- near, on 92 . anter- front </p><p>List 5 Due: 67. path- disease 93. tetr- four </p><p>41. hydro- water 68. peri- around 94. borealis north</p><p>42. hyper- above, over 69. photo- light 95. caudatus having a tail</p><p>43. hypo- below, under 70. phyto- plants 96. cephalus head</p><p>44. –ic of or List 8 Due: 97. acr- sharp pertaining to 71. poly- many 98. aero air 45. inter- between, among 72. –pod foot 99. ambul walk</p><p>46. intra- within 73. pre- before 100. cornu horn</p><p>47. iso- equal 74. –scope instrument to List 11 Due: see 48. –phile lover of 101. crassus thick 75. tax- 49. –phobe fear of arrange, put in order 102. dactyl fingers, toes</p><p>50. macro- large 76. –some body 103. dent tooth</p><p>List 6 Due: 77. sub- under 104. hippo horse</p><p>51. mal- bad 78. super-, supra- above 105. potamus river</p><p>52. mega- large 79. syn- with 106. puncta dots</p><p>53. meso- in the middle 80. –tomy to cut 107. rufus rough</p><p>54. meta- change List 9 Due: 108. tri three</p><p>55. micro- small 81. tono- stretch 109. aqu water RPS Assignment Sheet Name: 110. calc lime 137. noct night 164. chel- claw</p><p>List 12 Due: 138. oleo oil 165. chem- chemical</p><p>111. carn flesh 139. oss/osteo bone 166. chir- hand</p><p>112. cer wax 140. ov/ova egg 167. –chym- juice</p><p>113. citr lemon List 15 Due: 168. coel- hollow </p><p>114. corp body 141. poten power 169. contra- against</p><p>115. cun wedge 142. sal salt 170. crani- skull</p><p>116. dur hard 143. sanguine blood List 18 Due: </p><p>117. equ equal 144. seb fat 171. cuti- skin</p><p>118. -fer carry 145. sen old 172. cyan blue</p><p>119. ferr- iron 146. sicc dry 173. dors- back</p><p>120. fiss split 147. somn sleep 174. –vor eat</p><p>List 13 Due: 148. spiro twisted 175. ec- away from</p><p>121. form shape 149. teg cover 176. echin- spiny</p><p>122. glob globe 150. var varied 177. –elle small</p><p>123. –gn produce List 16 Due: 178. –emia blood</p><p>124. gnath- jaw 151. troph one who 179. encephal- brain feeds 125. grav heavy 180. entom- insect 152. arthro- joint 126. lact milk List 19 Due: 153. sapr- rotten 127. lat side 181. –eous nature of; like 154. barb- beard 128. lys/lyt break 182. erythro- red 155. brachi- arm 129. lev lightweight 183. eso- inward; inner 156. bronch- windpipe 130. lig bind 184. –ectomy removal 157. calor- heat List 14 Due: 185. extra- beyond; 158. capill- hair outside 131. lith stone 159. capit- head 186. gloss- tongue 132. luc light 160. cardi- heart 187. halo- salt 133. man hand List 17 Due: 188. helminth worm 134. moll soft 161. carpal- wrist 189. hepat- liver 135. mort death 162. centr- center 190. herb- grass; plants 136. mult many 163. cervic- neck List 20 Due: RPS Assignment Sheet Name: 191. ichthy- fish 218. por- opening 244. –stome mouth</p><p>192. infra- below; 219. post- after 245. strat- layer beneath 220. pro- before 246. tarso- ankle 193. –ism state or condition List 23 Due: 247. tele- far off; distant</p><p>194. –itis inflammation 221. ecol- dwelling, 248. terr- earth; land house 195. –ium part of the 249. therm heat body 222. proto- first, primary 250. trache- windpipe 196. kary- cell nucleus 223. pter- wings, fins List 26 Due: 197. med- middle 224. radi- ray 251. ule small 198. –able able 225. re- again, back 252. –ura tail 199. milli- thousandth 226. rect- right, correct 253. ventr- stomach 200. myc- fungus 227. retro back, backwards 254. verge turn; slant List 21 Due: 228. –rrhage burst forth 255. xanth- yellow 201. non- not 229. –rrhea flow 256. xyl- wood 202. nuc- center 230. rhiz- root 257. zoa animal 203. ob- against List 24 Due: 258. zyg joined 204. odont- tooth together 231. rhodo- rose 205. olf- smell 259. vena vein 232. carcin- cancer 206. oligo- few; little 260. trop change 233. aur- ear 207. –oma tumor Now try these: 234. saur lizard 208. omni- all Megalith 235. scler- hard 209. ornith- bird Deformity 236. –sect cut 210.pan- all Lactose intolerant 237. sept- division List 22 Due: Quadrilateral 238. sess- sit 211. para- beside; equal Luciferous 239. –sis state or 212. ped- foot condition Ossify</p><p>213. per- through 240. -spire breathe Sebaceous</p><p>214. permea- pass; go List 25 Due: Varicolored</p><p>215. phag- eat 241. stasis stay; placed Viniferous</p><p>216. –phyll leaf 242. sten- narrow Mollify</p><p>217. platy- flat 243. stern- chest Nuclear fission RPS Assignment Sheet Name: Ceramic Hydroponics Pericardium</p><p>Somnambulist Exosphere Cytology</p><p>Acrid Amphibian Dehydrate</p><p>Aquifer Antibiotic Metamorphosis</p><p>Duress Parasite Anterior</p><p>Immortal Subterranean Bivalve</p><p>Macromolecule Neonatal Intracellular</p><p>Appendectomy Pathogen Polydactyl</p><p>Malignant Hypodermic Melitotus alba</p><p>Carcinogenic Insecticide Megaleia rufa</p><p>Endoplasm Pachyderm Sminthopsis crassicaudata</p><p>Mesophyll Asymmetrical Nyetes bidens</p><p>Phototropism Autotrophic Myrmecophaga tridactyla</p><p>Benign Semipermeable Cratellus cornucopoides</p><p>Organism Chromatophore Hippopotamus amphibus</p><p>Visceral Geomorphology Linnaea borealis</p><p>Homeostasis Hematoma Halietus leucocephalus</p><p>Polyunsaturated Hypertension Adalia bipunctata</p>
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