Chemistry I Part a and B

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Chemistry I Part a and B

Chemistry I Part A and B Ms. S. Peck

Objective The goal of Chemistry I is to provide students with a working knowledge of the basic principles of chemistry and recognize the crucial role it plays in everyday life. This class will also prepare you for the general science requirement of colleges, as well as AP Chemistry II, which may be taken at ACHS for college credit.

Pre-requisite Into to Chemistry and Physics and Algebra Part I; Chem I Part B- must have passed Chem I Part A

Supplies - text (this is an absolute must every day) - 3-ring binder and paper - pens/ pencils (for labs) - must have a calculator

Policies - Grades: In chemistry it is vital that you attend class, pay attention and take good notes, complete your daily work/problems and keep-up as chapter 5 builds on chapter 4 which builds on 3 and so on. Your grade will be figured at the following percentages: test 65%, labs 8-12%, daily 22-28% Tutoring is offered by me on Mon. - Late Work: I DO NOT ACCEPT late work after it is removed for grading out of the box without a penality. If you have missed a class, ask a friend or ask to see my daily plans which will show what we did that day(s). I have a folder in the box labeled “graded work” If you are absent I place any handouts with your name in that folder for you to pick up. - Absences: The computer lists if an absence is excused or not. Students can only make up work due to an excused absence shown by the computer. All assignments are to be made up within 1 week of the absence. All labs and tests must be made up in after school tutoring Mon-Wed. After I take up an assignment, I grade it and pass it back at least 1 week after it was taken up. At that point, when I return the graded work, I take NO late work even if it is due to absences! Students with 9-weeks perfect attendance and no tardies will be allowed to drop a low daily grade. If you are absent the day before a test/quiz, you must have an excused note the day of the test to be exempt from taking it that day. If you were on a school trip you will be expected to take the test. Students in attendance the day of the scheduled test will receive four extra credit questions to attempt. -Tardies: I do keep up with tardies. Be in class on time and have you text, ready to go! At the third tardy, a writing assignment/after school detention will be given. You have 2 restroom passes for the term. Use them wisely as I do not give extras! If you leave the room to go anywhere, you must sign out on the sheet on the desk. - Notebooks: Notebooks (must be 3-ring binder) will be taken up each 9-weeks and will count approximately as a 35-45 point test grade. Your notebook should have all notes and any ungraded lab or daily work. I grade on each day of notes/activity being dated and complete. -Cell Phones: Cell Phones are to be off and not visible during school hours. If I see them or hear them, I take them and turn them into Mr. Holmes. This is your only warning! - Final. Test: The final test will be given sometime during the last week of the term. The test will be comprehensive. All students will take the final test and for all students it counts as a regular test. For students that have no more than 1 absence or tardy, it also counts 15% of your semester grade for a total of 20%.

- Discipline: I expect you to be mannerly when in class and abide by all classroom rules which makes the class go smoothly and facilitate the learning environment (i.e. listening to the instructor when she is talking, not up on the floor with out permission, etc.) Safety is of great concern in any laboratory, especially when chemicals are in use. Any improper behavior will result in you being removed from the lab and class. Classroom Rules: I only use them so the class runs efficiently and you can maximize your learning and my teaching opportunities.  Do not get up on the floor without permission (this includes trash can an pencil sharpening) This is a distraction to the class and your instructor  No eating or drinking in class (in chemistry we do uses chemicals)  Hopefully the class will be exciting enough that you will be on the edge of your seat. But if some reason it is not, no sleeping, laying down of the head. Prop Up!  Eliminate these behavior disruptions: talking, whistling, pencil thumping, etc. during a lecture or discussion, note passing, yelling for my attention, not listening to the instructions or not taking notes and then asking me to help you because you do not understand (you must make an effort to help yourself.)

 The lab activities are serious business in a chemistry class. You need keep your mind on the business at hand (I will not tolerate any horseplay!) You need to stay at your lab station (no visiting other stations.) You need to work quietly with you partner and raise your hand if you have a question. If you are found not wearing your goggles, you have a choice of singing the goggle song or wearing your goggle in my class for the next class period. If I see a lab safety infraction, you will “fined” lab points. If the infraction is severe or it involves horseplay, you will take a seat and receive a zero for that lab activity!

Chemistry I Sequence

Term A Safety and Equipment Matter (Ch 1) Math (Appendix A) Atomic Structure (Ch 2 and 7) Periodic Table and Properties (Ch 3 and 8) Types of Compounds (Ch 4 & 5) Chemical Reactions and Equations (Ch 6)

Term B Chemical Bonding (Ch 9) KMT (Ch 10) Behavior of Gasses (Ch 11) & Water (13) Stoichiometry (Ch 12) Acids/Bases and pH (Ch 14 and 15) Additional Topics (Ch 16-18)

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