Advanced First Aid - Fall 2005

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Advanced First Aid - Fall 2005

HEALTH SCIENCE 222 Advanced First Aid - Fall 2005

Instructor: Lynn R. Perkes Office Hours: M-F: 10:00-11:00 Office: Clarke 145C Phone: 496-1334 Textbook: First Aid, CPR, and AED, 4th Edition. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), Jones and Bartlett Publishers

COURSE DESCRIPTION Advanced First Aid is a comprehensive course providing instruction in the emergency care of the injured or suddenly ill. It presents the skills and information necessary to act in an emergency situation until such time as medical care arrives or until recovery without medical care is assured. The course is designed to provide several “hands-on” opportunities to practice and demonstrate these first aid skills. All students who successfully complete the course (minimum of “C” grade) and demonstrate competency in the required skills will receive a AAOS First Aid Certification card (valid for 3 years) and a CPR Certification card (valid for 2 years).

COURSE OBJECTIVES  Students will develop a foundation of understanding of the principles of First Aid, enabling them to successfully give emergency care to the injured or suddenly ill, whether that is themselves, family members or any person in need of assistance.  Students will build confidence in their ability to successfully administer proper first aid through their participation in several “hands-on” exercises of practical first aid skills and their competent demonstration of these skills in a testing situation.  Students will increase their awareness of safe living skills and healthy lifestyle habits helping them to avoid accidents and live a lifestyle of disease prevention.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION (PROPOSED) 1. Written Exams (2 @ 75 & 85 pts each) 160 pts 2. Final Comprehensive Exam 100 pts 2. Quizzes (approx. 9) 100 pts 3. Skill Tests - Victim Assessment & Positioning 15 pts - Adult/Child CPR 15 pts - Infant CPR 10 pts 4. Participation/Competency Points - AED Training 5 pts - Bandaging 5 pts - Splinting 5 pts 5. Group Presentations 10 pts 6. Scenario Participation/Competency 20 pts Approximate total: 445 pts

GRADING – Percent of total points possible 93 and above A 80-82 B- 67-69 D+ 90-92 A- 77-79 C+ 63-66 D 87-89 B+ 73-76 C 60-62 D- 83-86 B 70-72 C- Below 60 F

QUIZ AND EXAM POLICY If you miss a quiz due to an excused absence you may make it up within two class periods. A quiz missed without an excused absence can be made up but will result in a 10% reduction from your score. If you miss an exam (for approved reasons only) you will have until the next class period to make it up. SKILL TESTS & PARTICIPATION POINTS POLICY Victim assessment and CPR skill tests will be given on scheduled days. These “hands-on” evaluations are important measurements of your knowledge and skill of the various first aid applications and should be taken serious. In-class participation point activities (AED, bandaging, splinting, athletic taping, etc.) will also be administered on scheduled days. Your attendance is required in order to be evaluated and receive the associated points.

SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT & PARTICIPATION You will be required to develop and be involved in two scenarios during the semester. These scenario activities can be administered in a variety of ways. I will determine the format for their administration and evaluation process. Be creative and thorough in your development and/or participation of a scenario and in your preparation to perform first aid in response to another class member’s scenario that you will be assigned. Your Scenario should consist of and be formatted according to the following: 1. Identify the injury(s), illness, etc. 2. Describe the mechanism of injury 3. The setting in which the victim is found, positioned. For example: restaurant, wilderness, at the base of a flight of stairs, etc. 4. Identify the signs that are present with the victim. 5. Identify the symptoms that are present with the victim. 6. Anticipated first aid that should be rendered.

GROUP PRESENTATIONS The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will be responsible to develop and make a presentation on key elements of a chapter. Other class members and I will score your group’s presentation (range: .5 to 10.0). The presentation must last between 20-30 minutes, no more, no less.

DRESS POLICY This is a “hands-on”, get down on the ground, kind of class. As such, dress modestly and comfortably.

COURSE OUTLINE NOTE: This syllabus presents a proposed schedule and requirements for this class. Content is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.

ANATOMICAL REFERENCE TERMINOLOGY (Supplement for chapter 3) Anatomical Position: Standing upright, facing Superficial: Near the surface (depth) straight forward, feet parallel and close together, Superior: Toward the head or above the point of arms to the side and palms facing forward. reference Anterior: In front or toward the front Inferior: Toward the feet or below the point of Posterior: In back or toward the back reference Ventral: Relating to the front, anterior Proximal: Near point of reference Dorsal: Relating to the back, posterior Distal: Far from point of reference Midline: Divides body into right and left halves Supine: Lying on back, face up Medial: Toward the body midline Prone: Lying on stomach, face down Lateral: Away from body midline Bilateral: Present on both sides Deep: Below the surface (depth)

HS 222 COURSE SCHEDULE Section 1 Date Chap Discussion Topic/Activity/Assessment Quiz/Exam Introductions, Syllabus, Scenarios 1&2 Legal Considerations, Disease Pathogens (ppt) Positioning 3 First Aid Anatomy, Pulse & Pressure Points, Ab. Quadrants Q-Ch. 1&2 (10 pts) Anatomy cont., Reference Terminology 4 Victim Assessment & Positioning (handout) Q-Ch. 3 (10 pts) Victim Assessment – Practice & Testing Q-Skeletal sys. (10 pts) Victim Assessment – Practice & Testing Asmnt. (15 pts) 5 CPR Introduction - Adult & Child (Video & Handout) CPR – Practice CPR – Practice & Testing CPR – Ad/Ch (15 pts) CPR – Practice & Testing, Infant CPR Intro. CPR – Infant (10 pts) CPR – Infant CPR Testing Q-Ch. 4&5 (10 pts) AED Training (completion of all remaining CPR testing) AED (5 pts) 6 Internal & External Bleeding, Shock (ppt) EXAM #1 (Ch. 1-6) In class EXAM #1 (85 pts)

Section 2 7 (EXAM #1 Review), Wounds (ppt) 8 Dressing & Bandaging Bandaging (scenarios) Bandaging (5 pts) 9 Burns (ppt) 10 Head & Spine Injuries (clearance, positioning) Q-Ch. 7&9 (10 pts) 11 Chest, Abdomen & Pelvic Injuries (ppt) (scenarios) 12 Acute & Chronic Injuries (ppt) Q-Ch. 10&11 (10 pts) Dislocations (ppt) (demonstrations & practice) 13 Musculoskeletal Injuries (ppt) 14 Fractures & Splinting (ppt) **Traction Splint** Q-Ch. 12&13 (15 pts) Splinting (scenarios, stretcher) Splinting (5 pts) Athletic taping Athletic taping EXAM #2 (Ch. 7-14) Testing Center EXAM #2 (75 pts) (Exam #2 Review) Scenarios Scenarios

Section 3 Heart Attack & Stroke (ppt) 15 Heart Attack & Stroke (video) Sudden Illnesses (ppt) (Group 1 Presentation) 16&17 Poisoning, Bites and Stings Q-Ch. 15 (20 pts) 18 Hypothermia & Frostbite (ppt) 19 Heat Related Illnesses (Group 2 Presentation) 20 Emergency Childbirth (video) 22 Wilderness First Aid (Group 3 Presentation) Q-Ch.18-19 (10 pts) 23 Rescuing and Moving Victims (Group 4 Presentation) Scenarios Scenarios FINAL EXAM (Ch. 15-23) FINAL (100 pts)

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