Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 1

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Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 1

Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 1

Welcome to Kindergarten

Week Selections Concepts of Print Phonemic Awareness Letter Names

1 Rhymes Concepts of Print Phonemic Awareness: Letter Names: • "Jack and Jill" • Recognize Names • Rhyming Words Letter Focus: Aa, Bb, • "One, Two, Three, • Distinguish Letters, • Blend Syllables Cc, Four, Five" Numbers Dd, Ee • "Pease Porridge Hot" • Book Handling • "Colors" • Environmental Print • "To Market, To Market"

2 Rhymes Concepts of Print Phonemic Awareness: Letter Names: • "I Went Upstairs" • Book Handling • Rhyming Words Letter Focus: Ff, Gg, • "Mix a Pancake" • Distinguish Letters, • Blend and Segment Hh, Ii, Jj • "Sing a Song of Numbers Syllables Sixpence" • Environmental Print • "Little Arabella • Recognize First and Stiller" Last Names

Songs "Quack! Quack! Quack!"

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 2

UNIT 1: Friendly Faces

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Listening Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics and Readers Speaking

1 Big Book: Paired Selections: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: N/A Grammar Skill: Nouns for People What Makes a Family? • "Frère Jacques" • Rhyming Words celebrate (v), family Main Ideas • See What (n), memories (n), We Can Do Genre: Informational • "Everybody Says" • Single Sounds Writing Mode: Text (Social Studies) include (v) • "Tortillas for Mommy" Comprehension Strategy: Writing About Us • We Can Make It • Letter Names: Summarize Labels (Names) "My Little Sister" Oral Vocabulary: Essential Question: Letter Focus: Kk, Ll, Genre for "Frère cranes, crew, gleaming, Focus Trait: How can I find the most Jacques" : Poetry and Mm, Concepts of Print important ideas in a mechanic, outlining, Ideas Lullaby Nn, Oo • Directionality: Left to Right selection? solid Genre for Remaining • Punctuation: Period ** Paired Selections: Words to Know: Read Aloud: Poetry Vocabulary Strategy: I Building with Dad Classify and Genre: Realistic Fiction Text Focus Skill Categorize: Family Fluency: Words Illustrations Read with Expression

2 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: N/A Grammar Skill: • We Go to How Do Dinosaurs Go to "My School Bus" Beginning Sounds bullying (v), tidies Understanding Characters Nouns for Places School School? Genre: Informational (v), fidget (v), • I Like Genre: Fantasy interrupt (v) Writing Mode: Text (Social Studies) Letter Names: Comprehension Strategy: Writing About Us Letter Focus: Pp, Qq, Infer/Predict Labels Essential Question: Text Focus Skill Rr, Ss, Tt Oral Vocabulary: Focus Trait: What clues tell me how a Photographs/Map busy, company, Concepts of Print character feels? Words to Know: container, job, scoop, Ideas tortoises • Directionality: Locate Print, like Left to Right ** Read Aloud: • Punctuation: Period Vocabulary Strategy: Friends at School Fluency: Rhyme Genre: Informational Pause for Punctuation Text (Social Studies)

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 3

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Listening Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics and Readers Speaking

3 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: N/A Grammar Skill: • Baby Nouns for Animals Please, Puppy, Please "Different Kinds of • Beginning Sounds fetch (v), inside (n), Story Structure Bear’s and Things Family Genre: Realistic Fiction Dogs" • Words in Oral outside (n), please (v) Genre: Informational Sentences Comprehension Strategy: • The Party Text (Science) Writing Mode: Essential Question: Oral Vocabulary: Monitor/Clarify Writing About Us How do the parts of a Letter Names: cooperate, curious, Captions Text Focus Skill story work together? Letter Focus: Uu, Vv, interesting, slimy, Concepts of Print Focus Trait: Diagram Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz smooth, vet • Directionality: Left to Right, Ideas Read Aloud: Spoken Words to Print I Have a Pet! Words to Know: Vocabulary Strategy: • Letters and Words: First, Last Genre: Realistic Fiction the Synonyms Letters, Distinguish Letters from Words ** Fluency: Reading Rate

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 4

Unit 1: Friendly Faces (Continued)

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Speaking Readers

4 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Grammar Skill: • Mm Action Verbs in Everybody Works • "The Elves and the Awareness: creating (v), delivering Text and Graphic Features Research • Present Tense I Like Mm Genre: Informational Text Shoemaker" • Beginning Sounds (v), hobby (n), Ask Questions • protecting (v) (Social Studies) "The Lion and the • Words in Oral Comprehension Strategy: Writing Mode: Mouse" Sentences Analyze/Evaluate Listening and Writing About Us Genre for Elves : Fairy Essential Question: Oral Vocabulary: Speaking: Class Story Tale (Traditional customers, dough, famous, Share Ideas (Telling Details) How can photographs help me Tale) Phonics: Concepts of Print perfect, sprinkled, better understand a Genre for Lion : Fable Letter/Sound: m * stretchy • Capitalization: First Word Focus Trait: selection? (Traditional Tale) in a Sentence ** Ideas Words to Know: • Punctuation: Period, Vocabulary Strategy: Read Aloud: Text Focus Skill and Question Mark Environmental Print Pizza at Sally's Storytelling Phrases Genre: Realistic Fiction Fluency: Pause for Punctuation

5 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Grammar Skill: • Ss Kite Flying "Kite Festival Today" Awareness: attach (v), blowing (v), Sequence of Events Media Literacy Action Verbs in Present Tense • I Like Ss Genre: Realistic Fiction Genre: Informational • Beginning Sounds noisemaker (n), whiskers Identify Media (n) Forms Text (Social • Words in Oral Comprehension Strategy: Writing Mode: Essential Question: Studies) Sentences Question Writing About Us Listening and Why is the order in which Oral Vocabulary: Class Story Speaking: (Telling Details) things happen in a story Text Focus Skill Phonics: admired, delicious, Concepts of Print important? Captions (left/right; delight, doubt, fable, Share Ideas • Letter/Sound: s * • Capitalization: First Word back/front) sigh Focus Trait: • Review: m, s in a Sentence Ideas Read Aloud: • Punctuation: Period, Vocabulary Strategy: The Little Red Hen Words to Know: Question Mark, Exclamation Synonyms Point ** Genre: Folk Tale and Fable I, like, the, and (Traditional Tale)

Fluency: Read with Expression

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 5

Unit 2: Show and Tell

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/ Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Listening and Readers Speaking

6 Big Book: Paired Phonemic Awareness: Selection Comprehension Skill: Extend Grammar Skill: • Aa Sensory Words My Five Senses Selections: Blend Onset and Rime Vocabulary: Compare and Contrast Through • I See • "Picnic Day" aware (adj.), Research Genre: Writing Mode: Informational • "Here Are My Phonics: senses (n), sight Comprehension Strategy: Identify (n), touch (n) Sources Write to Describe Text (Science) Eyes" Letter/Sound: Short a * Monitor/Clarify Sentences: Using • "The Storm" Descriptive Words Oral Vocabulary: Listening and (Sensory Words) Essential • "Five Wonderful Words to Know: Concepts of Print Question: drift, ripen, Speaking: Senses" see • Capitalization: First Word in a How are the five scurry, sizzle, Share Ideas Focus Trait: Genre: Poetry Sentence senses the same whisper, whistle Word Choice and different? Fluency: • Punctuation: Period, Exclamation Point • Role of Author, Illustrator ** Text Focus Skill Pause for Punctuation Vocabulary • Using a Chart Read Aloud: Poetry: Rhyme Strategy: Listen, Listen Context Clues Genre: Concept

7 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Comprehension Skill: Extend Grammar Skill: • Tt Sensory Words Mice Squeak, We "The Fort Worth • Blend Onset and Rime Vocabulary: Understanding Characters Through • We Like Research Speak Zoo" • Segment Onset and Rime chatter (v), coo Toys (v), snore (v), Ask Questions Writing Mode: Genre: Realistic Genre: Comprehension Strategy: Write to Describe Fiction Informational squawk (v) Phonics: Analyze/Evaluate Sentences: Using Text (Science) Descriptive Words Letter/Sound: t * Listening and Oral Vocabulary: (Sensory Words) Essential Concepts of Print Speaking: Question: Text Focus Skill foolish, frowns, Share Words to Know: • Capitalization: First Word in a How can I learn Labels ruffled, special, Information Focus Trait: Sentence ** about the we treasures, and Ideas Word Choice • characters in a tropical Punctuation: Period, Exclamation Point story? Fluency: Pause for Punctuation Vocabulary Read Aloud: Strategy: Amelia's Show- Classify and and-Tell Fiesta Categorize: Genre: Realistic Sensory Words Fiction

8 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Comprehension Skill: Extend Grammar Skill: • Cc Adjectives for Colors Move! "The Hare and the • Blend Onset and Rime Vocabulary: Details Through • I Can Research Genre: Tortoise" • Segment Onset and Rime colony (n), See Genre: Folk Tale rustling (v), Identify Writing Mode: Informational Comprehension Strategy: Write to Describe Text (Science) and Fable slithers (v), Sources (Traditional Phonics: startled (v) Visualize Captions: Using Descriptive Words in * Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 6

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/ Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Listening and Readers Speaking

Tale) Letter/Sound: c * /k/ Listening and Sentences (Colors, Essential Oral Vocabulary: Concepts of Print Speaking: Sensory Words) Question: Text Focus Skill Share Words to Know: backward, beat, • Capitalization: First Word in a Focus Trait: How can details Characteristic of leap, strange, Sentence Information a Word Choice help me a Fable (teaches wiggle, zigzag • Punctuation: Period, Question Mark, and Ideas understand a a lesson) Exclamation Point ** selection? Fluency: Read with Expression Vocabulary Strategy: Read Aloud: Classify and Jonathan and His Categorize: Mommy Action Words Genre: Realistic Fiction

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 7

Unit 2: Show and Tell (Continued)

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemi Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening Grammar/Writing Decodable Readers c and Speaking Awarene ss/Phon ics

9 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemi Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Grammar Skill: • Pp Adjectives for Numbers What Do Wheels Do "Wheels Long Ago and c sputter (v), travelers Text and Graphic Research • I Like Animals All Day? Today" Awarene (n), twirl (v), patrol Features Gather and Record Writing Mode: Genre: Genre: Informational ss: (v) Information Text (Social Blend Write to Describe Informational Comprehension Strategy: Description: Using Text (Science) Studies) Phoneme Oral Vocabulary: Listening and s Question Descriptive Words early, weeds, community, Speaking: (Numbers) Text Focus Skill Share Information Essential Question: cement, vacant, welding Concepts of Print What can I learn Photos and Phonics and Ideas Focus Trait: • Using Pictures and Text from the pictures Illustrations : Word Choice Vocabulary Strategy: ** in a selection? Letter/ Sound: Rhyme • Punctuation: Period, p * Exclamation Point, Read Aloud: Question Mark Good Morning, Digger Words to Genre: Realistic Know: Fiction to

Fluency : Reading Rate

10 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemi Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Grammar Skill: • Mmmm, Good! Mouse Shapes "Signs and Shapes" c hurry (v), pounced (v), Story Structure Research Adjectives for Size and Shape • The Playground Genre: Concept Genre: Informational Awarene sneaky (adj.), tricky Gather and Record ss: Text (Social (adj.) Comprehension Strategy: Information Blend Writing Mode: Essential Question: Studies) Summarize Write to Describe Phoneme Oral Vocabulary: Listening and How do the parts of s Description: Using Speaking: Descriptive Words a story work Text Focus Skill add, fluffy, fresh, Concepts of Print together? Photos grinned, moment, shyly Share Information (Size and Shape) Phonics • Capitalization: First and Ideas : Letter of a Sentence Focus Trait: Read Aloud: Vocabulary Strategy: Review ** Word Choice David's Drawings Sounds: Classify and Categorize: • Punctuation: Quotation Genre: Realistic m, s, Shape Words Marks Fiction short a, t, c

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 8

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemi Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening Grammar/Writing Decodable Readers c and Speaking Awarene ss/Phon ics

/k/, p

Words to Know: see, we, a, to

Fluency : Read with Express ion

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 9

Unit 3: Outside My Door .

Lesson Main SelectionsPaired SelectiPaired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics and Speaking Readers

11 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Grammar Skill: • Come and Jump into January "Holidays All Awareness: glistens (v), jive Compare and Contrast Research Sentence Parts: Subject See Me Genre: Concept Year Long" • Blend Phonemes (v), local (adj.), Record and Publish • Pam and orchard (n) Research Writing Mode: Genre: • Final Sound Comprehension Strategy: Write to Express Me Essential Question: Informational Question (Fictional Narrative) Text (Social Oral Vocabulary: How are the months of Phonics: Listening and Sentences: Exact Nouns Studies) bloom, peck, scatter, the year the same and • Review: Short a Concepts of Print Speaking: speckled, store, Focus Trait: different? Share Information Text Focus Skill • Blending Words tracks • Capitalization: First Letter Word Choice of a Name ** Calendar Read Aloud: • Words to Know: Phrases, Punctuation: Match Every Season Vocabulary Strategy: Spoken Phrases to Print, come, me Genre: Informational Figurative Language Question Mark, Exclamation Text (Social Studies) Point Fluency: Pause for Punctuation

12 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • I Can Nap Sentence Parts: Verb Snow "How Water Awareness: drifted (v), Conclusions Literacy • Tap with Changes" • Blend Phonemes gathering (v), Identify Media Forms Genre: Fantasy Writing Mode: Me Genre: • Final Sound swirled (v), wisely Comprehension Strategy: (and Techniques) (adv.) Write to Express Essential Question: Informational Monitor/Clarify (Fictional Narrative) Text (Science) What clues help me Phonics: Listening and Sentences: Exact Verbs Oral Vocabulary: figure out things the • Letter/Sound: n Concepts of Print Speaking: author does not tell Text Focus Skill guard, huddle, Share Ideas Focus Trait: * • Letters and Words me? Photos and nodded, pasture, Word Choice • Captions Blending Words silent, stampede • Punctuation: Quotation Marks ** Read Aloud: Words to Know: Storm Is Coming! Vocabulary Strategy: with, my Genre: Fantasy Classify and Categorize: Sensory Fluency: Words Read with Expression

13 Big Book: Paired Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Grammar Skill: • What Can What Color Is Nature? Selections: Awareness: everywhere (adj.), Author's Purpose Research Complete Sentences (Is it You See? a sentence?): • "I Love Colors" • Blend Phonemes nature (n), Ask Questions Genre: Informational Capitalization and • Fat Cat Text (Science) • "Zebra" • Final Sound salamander (n), Comprehension Strategy: surrounded (adj.) Punctuation • "Many Colors" Visualize

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 10

• "Baa, Baa Black Sheep" Oral Vocabulary: Concepts of Print Listening and Writing Mode: Essential Question: • "What Do I Spy?" Phonics: daily, herd, muscles, Words and Sentences ** Speaking: Write to Express Why do authors write Genre: Poetry • Letter/Sound: f pattern, several, Share Information (Fictional Narrative) informational texts? * usually and Ideas Sentences: Details Text Focus Skill • Blending Words Focus Trait: Read Aloud: Poetry: Rhythm Vocabulary Strategy: Ideas A Zebra's World Words to Know: Classify and Categorize: Color Genre: Informational you, what Text (Science) Words Fluency: Reading Rate

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 11

Unit 3: Outside My Door (Continued)

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics and Speaking Readers

14 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Extend Through Grammar Skill: • What Now? Verbs in Past Tense Turtle Splash! "Where Animals Live" • Blend Phonemes idle (adj.), lounging Skill: Research • At Bat Genre: Concept Genre: Informational • Middle Sound (v), scampers (v), Cause and Effect Identify Sources timid (adv.) Writing Mode: Text (Science) Write to Express Essential Question: Phonics: Comprehension Listening and (Fictional Text Focus Skill Oral Vocabulary: Strategy: Narrative) What causes events in a • Letter/Sound: b * Speaking: story to happen? Labels burrow, desert, Infer/Predict Share Ideas Story: Sequence • Blending Words (beaver's) lodge, (Beginning, Middle, patient, shade, Ending) Read Aloud: Concepts of Print Words to Know: soaring Home for a Tiger, Home for a Letters and Words Focus Trait: are, now ** Bear Organization Genre: Informational Text Vocabulary Strategy: (Science) Fluency: Classify and Categorize: Number Read with Expression Words

15 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Extend Through Grammar Skill: • Pam Cat Statements What a Beautiful Sky! "What Will the • Blend Phonemes fireball (n), thinner Skill: Research • Come with Weather Be Like?" (adj.), beautiful Sequence of Events Gather and Record (Capitalization and Genre: Informational Text • Middle Sound Punctuation) Me (Science) Genre: Informational (adj.), misty (adj.) Information Text (Science) Phonics: Comprehension Writing Mode: Oral Vocabulary: Strategy: Write to Express Essential Question: Blending Review Listening and Why is it important to know Text Focus Skill dazzling, distance, Analyze/Evaluate Speaking: (Fictional what happens first, next, Chart/Graph (e.g., gazing, leaned, Share Information Narrative) Words to Know: Story: Sequence and last in a selection? showing the week's planet, tunnel Concepts of Print and Ideas weather) come, me, with, my, (Beginning, Middle, you, what, are, now Letters, Words, and Ending) Read Aloud: Vocabulary Strategy: Sentences ** How Many Stars in the Sky? Figurative Language: Focus Trait: Fluency: Simile Genre: Realistic Fiction Organization Pause for Punctuation

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 12

Unit 4: Let's Find Out

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Speaking/Study Skills Readers

16 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • What Is What Is Science? "Benjamin Franklin, Awareness: Vocabulary: Details Literacy Proper Nouns for It? People and Pets Genre: Informational Inventor" • Blend Phonemes fossils (n), geodes • GO: Web Map Identify Media Forms • It Is My Text (Science) Genre: Informational • Middle Sound (n), geysers (n), Cab Text (Social Studies) glaciers (n) Writing Mode: Comprehension Strategy: Listening and Speaking: Write to Narrate Essential Question: Phonics: Summarize (Personal Text Focus Skill Oral Vocabulary: Share Ideas Narrative) Why are details • Letter/Sound: Timeline information, Sentences: Parts of a helpful? Short I * perhaps, pleased, Concepts of Print Study Skills: Message • Blending Words pond, spurt, travel • Parts of a Book ** • Distinguish Fantasy Read Aloud: • Role of Author, from Realism Dear Mr. Blueberry Focus Trait: Words to Know: Vocabulary Illustrator • Form Questions: Use and Genre: Fantasy is, how Strategy: • Directionality: Left to Respond to Question Organization Words Classify and Right • Parts of a Book: Front Fluency: Categorize: Science Words and Back Covers Pause for • Parts of a Book: Title Punctuation Page and Table of Contents

17 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Research Grammar Skill: • Can You I Love Bugs! "Anansi and Awareness: Vocabulary: Conclusions Identify Sources Proper Nouns for Find It? Places Genre: Realistic Grasshopper" • Blend Phonemes swoop (v), creep • GO: Inference Map • Gig Pig Fiction Genre: Folk Tale and (v), paddle (v), • Segment Phonemes Listening and Speaking: Writing Mode: Trickster Tale weaves (v) Comprehension Strategy: Write to Narrate (Traditional Tale) Share Information and Essential Question: Phonics: Infer/Predict Ideas (Personal Oral Vocabulary: Narrative) What clues help me • Letter/Sound: g * figure out things the Text Focus Skill creaks, hare, Sentences: Parts of a • Concepts of Print Study Skills: author does not tell Characteristics of a Blending Words hinge, howling Message me? Trickster Tale (wind), path, sways • Using Pictures and Text • Distinguish Fantasy Words to Know: • Poetry ** from Realism • Form Questions: Use and Focus Trait: Read Aloud: find, this Vocabulary Strategy: Respond to Question Organization It Is the Wind Words Multiple-Meaning Genre: Realistic Fluency: • Words Parts of a Book: Front Fiction Read with and Back Covers Expression • Parts of a Book: Title Page and Table of Contents

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 13

18 Big Book: Paired Selections: Phonemic Selection Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Research Grammar Skill: • What Will Verbs in Future In the Big Blue Sea • "If You Ever" Awareness: Vocabulary: Author's Purpose Record and Publish It Be? Tense Genre: Informational • "A Sailor Went to Sea, • Blend Phonemes dive (v), along • GO: Inference Map Research • Rac Is It Text (Science) Sea, Sea" • Segment Phonemes (prep), glad (adj.), swim (v) Writing Mode: • "Ten Little Fishes" Comprehension Strategy: Listening and Speaking: Write to Narrate (Personal Essential Question: • "Undersea" Phonics: Analyze/Evaluate Oral Vocabulary: Share Information Narrative) How does knowing why Genre: Poetry • Letter/Sound: r * the author wrote a canoe, dew, glided, Sentences: Parts of a • Concepts of Print selection help me? Blending Words paddle, peered, Study Skills: Letter (Inside Text Focus Skill crew • Letters and Words • Distinguish Fantasy Address) Poetry: Choral Reading Words to Know: • Types, Functions of from Realism Read Aloud: Focus Trait: and Chants Print Materials: • Form Questions: Use and One-Dog Canoe will, be Vocabulary Strategy: Inform, Entertain ** Respond to Question Organization Genre: Humorous Fiction Words Fluency: Rhyme • Parts of a Book: Front Read with and Back Covers Expression • Parts of a Book: Title Page and Table of Contents

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 14

Unit 4: Let's Find Out (Continued)

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Speaking/Study Skills Readers

19 Big Book: Paired Selections: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Research Grammar Skill: • Go for Verbs in Past Tense Sheep Take a Hike • "The Three Billy • Blend Phonemes bicker (v), compass Cause and Effect Ask Questions It! Goats Gruff" (n), hiking (adj.), Genre: Fantasy • Segment Phonemes • GO: T- Map Writing Mode: • D Is for • tramp (v) "The Builder and Write to Narrate Dad the Oni" Listening and Speaking: Essential Question: Phonics: Comprehension Strategy: Share Ideas (Personal Genre: Fairy Tale Oral Vocabulary: Narrative) What causes events in (Traditional • Letter/Sound: d * Question blizzards, boring, Story: Exact Nouns a story to happen? Tale) • Blending Words cliffs, impossible, Study Skills: jungle, meadow Concepts of Print • Distinguish Fantasy from Focus Trait: Read Aloud: Text Focus Skill Words to Know: • Punctuation: Period, Realism Word Choice Nicky and the Rainy Storytelling go, for Vocabulary Strategy: Question Mark, • Form Questions: Use and Day Phrases Exclamation Point Respond to Question Antonyms Genre: Fantasy • Directionality: Left to Words Fluency: Right • Parts of a Book: Front Pause for Punctuation • Parts of a Book: Page and Back Covers Numbers ** • Parts of a Book: Title Page and Table of Contents

20 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • The Big Verbs: Past, Curious George's "Exploring Land • Blend Phonemes expected (v), display Sequence of Events Literacy Dig Present, Future Dinosaur Discovery and Water" • Segment Phonemes (n), museum (n), • GO: Flow Chart Identify Media Forms (and • We Fit Genre: Fantasy Genre: quarry (n) Techniques) Writing Mode: Informational Text (Science) Phonics: Comprehension Strategy: Write to Narrate Essential Question: Oral Vocabulary: Listening and Speaking: (Personal Blending Review Visualize Why is it important to apologized, attention, Share Information and Narrative) know when things Text Focus Skill confusion, notice, Ideas Story: Exact Nouns happen in a story? Map Words to Know: snooze, webbed Concepts of Print Focus Trait: is, how, find, this, • High-Frequency Words Study Skills: will, be, go, for • Role of Author ** Word Choice Read Aloud: Vocabulary Strategy: • Distinguish Fantasy from Duck & Goose Synonyms Realism Genre: Fantasy Fluency: • Form Questions: Use and Reading Rate Respond to Question Words • Parts of a Book: Front and Back Covers • Parts of a Book: Title Page and Table of Contents

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 15

Unit 5: Growing and Changing

Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Speaking/Study Skills Readers Lesson

21 Big Book: Paired Selections: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • Make It Pronouns: he, she, The Best of Friends • "My Friend" Blend and Segment especially (adv.), Understanding Characters Literacy Pop! we Genre: Realistic • "The More We Get Phonemes market (n), messy • GO: T-Map Identify Media Forms • My Dog (adj.), sometimes (adv.) Fiction Together" Writing Mode: Tom Phonics: • "Make New Comprehension Strategy: Listening and Speaking: Write to Inform Essential Question: Friends" • Oral Vocabulary: Lists: Structure of Letter/Sound: Infer/Predict Share Ideas How do characters Genre: Poetry Short o * idea, just, plain, Numbered Lists change in a story? • Adding –s /s/, /z/ teach, together, until Concepts of Print Study Skills: Focus Trait: Text Focus Skill Directionality: Left to Right • Organization Read Aloud: Vocabulary Strategy: Distinguish Between Poetry: Rhyme Words to Know: ** Print Materials Simon and Molly make, play Multiple-Meaning Words plus Hester • Know Parts of a Library • Alphabetical Order Genre: Realistic Fluency: Fiction • Use Newspapers Read with Expression

22 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Research Grammar Skill: • A Good Pronouns: they, it, Leo the Late "What Can a Baby • Blend and Segment bloomer (n), patience Story Structure Ask Questions Job I Bloomer Animal Do?" Phonemes (n), signs (n), sloppy • GO: Story Map • Fix It! Genre: Fantasy Genre: (adj.) • Substitute Listening and Speaking: Writing Mode: Informational Phonemes Comprehension Strategy: Share Ideas Write to Inform Text (Science) Oral Vocabulary: Essential Question: Analyze/Evaluate Lists: Structure of How do the parts of Phonics: blend, (tiger) cub, den, Numbered Lists Text Focus Skill pounces, prey, scraps Study Skills: a story work • Letter/Sound: x *, Labels Concepts of Print • Focus Trait: together? j * Distinguish Between Vocabulary Strategy: • Punctuation: Quotation Marks Print Materials Organization • Blending Words ** Read Aloud: Antonyms • Know Parts of a Library • Capitalization: First Word • Alphabetical Order A Tiger Grows Up Words to Know: in a Sentence, First Letter • Use Newspapers Genre: Informational said, good in a Name Text (Science) • Role of Author Fluency: Reading Rate

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 16

Unit 5: Growing and Changing (Continued)

Lesson Main Selections Paired Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Selections Awareness/Phonics Speaking/Study Skills Readers

23 Big Book: Paired Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • My Pet Proper Nouns for Days Zinnia's Flower Garden Selection: • Blend and Segment fragrant (adj.), Sequence of Events Literacy Dog and Months Genre: Informational Text "Growing Phonemes inspects (v), pesky • GO: Flow Chart Identify Media Forms • Ben and Sunflowers" (adj.), sprinkles (v) (and Techniques) (Social Studies) • Substitute Writing Mode: Jen Genre: Phonemes Comprehension Write to Inform Informational Text Essential Question: Oral Vocabulary: Strategy: Listening and Speaking: Invitations (Lists, (Science) Why is the order of events Phonics: tadpole, stared, gills, Visualize Share Information and Sentence Fluency) hatch, shrink, (river) Ideas in a selection important? • Letter/Sound: Text Focus bank Short e * Skill Concepts of Print Focus Trait: Read Aloud: • Study Skills: Directions Blending Words Using Graphics ** Organization Oscar and the Frog Vocabulary Strategy: • Distinguish Between Context Clues Print Materials Genre: Informational Text Words to Know: • (Science) she, all Know Parts of a Library • Alphabetical Order Fluency: • Use Newspapers Pause for Punctuation

24 Big Book: Paired Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • Hog in a Questions Chameleon, Chameleon Selection: • Blend and Segment danger (n), juicy Conclusions Literacy Hat (Capitalization and "Amazing Phonemes (adj.), peaceful (adj.), Identify Media Forms Genre: Informational Text • GO: Inference Map Punctuation) • Kid Hid (Science) Animal Bodies" • Substitute poisonous (adj.) (and Techniques) Genre: Phonemes Comprehension Writing Mode: Informational Text Essential Question: Oral Vocabulary: Strategy: Listening and Speaking: Write to Inform (Science) What clues help me figure Phonics: communicate, mood, Monitor/Clarify Share Information and Report: Dictate Facts scent, sly, survive, Ideas out things the author does • Letter/Sound: h *, Text Focus temperature Focus Trait: not tell me? k * Skill Concepts of Print Ideas • Study Skills: Photos Blending Words • Sound Words Read Aloud: Vocabulary Strategy: • • Types, Functions of Distinguish Between Classify and Categorize: Print Materials Red Eyes or Blue Feathers Words to Know: Print Materials ** Describing Words • Genre: Informational Text he, no Know Parts of a Library (Science) • Alphabetical Order Fluency: • Use Newspapers Pause for Punctuation

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 17

Unit 5: Growing and Changing (Continued)

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Speaking/Study Skills Readers

25 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Research Grammar Skill: • Six Pigs Exclamations Pie in the Sky "From Apple Tree to • Blend and Segment buds (n), damp Text and Graphic Identify Sources Hop (Capitalization and Store" Phonemes (adj.), feast (n), Features • Genre: Realistic Punctuation) Play Kid, Fiction Genre: Informational • Substitute Phonemes finally (adv.) • GO: T-Map Listening and Speaking: Play Text (Social Share Ideas Studies) Writing Mode: Essential Question: Phonics: Oral Vocabulary: Comprehension Write to Inform Report: Dictate Facts How do words and Blending Review crop, golden, patch, Strategy: Study Skills: Text Focus Skill sprout, sturdy, grind pictures help tell a Summarize • Distinguish Between story? Chart Focus Trait: Words to Know: Print Materials Vocabulary Strategy: Ideas make, play, said, good, Concepts of Print • Know Parts of a Library Read Aloud: Classify and she, all, he, no • Using Pictures, • Alphabetical Order Bread Comes to Life Categorize: Seasons Text • Use Newspapers Genre: Informational Fluency: • Types, Functions of Text (Science) Print Materials ** Read with Expression

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 18

Unit 6: Look at Us

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Speaking/Study Skills Readers

26 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • All In Something Special "Jobs People Do" Awareness: butterfingers (n), Cause and Effect Literacy Nouns: Singular and Plural • Bug and Genre: Fantasy Genre: Informational Substitute magician (n), trophy (n), • GO: T-Map Identify Media Forms Cat Phonemes whiz (n) Text (Social Writing Mode: Studies) Essential Question: Comprehension Listening and Speaking: Write to Express What causes events in Phonics: Oral Vocabulary: Strategy: Share Ideas (Response to a story to happen? Text Focus Skill • Letter/Sound: assistant, enormous, Visualize Literature) Sentence Frames: Photos Short u * generous, mayor, shocked, Study Skills: volunteers Expressing an Opinion Read Aloud: • Blending Words Concepts of Print • Give an Oral Report Curious George Makes Types, Functions of • Use Visuals and Props Focus Trait: Vocabulary Strategy: Pancakes Words to Know: Print Materials ** • Use Maps Voice Antonyms Genre: Fantasy do, down • Use Calendars

Fluency: Pause for Punctuation

27 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • Win a One of Three "Cross-Country Trip" Awareness: since (adv.), invited Compare and Contrast Literacy Subject-Verb Agreement Cup! (Past, Present, Substitute (v), remember (v), Identify Media Forms • Genre: Realistic Genre: Informational • GO: Venn Diagram Future) Wes Can Fiction Text (Social Phonemes triplets (n) (and Techniques) Help Studies) Comprehension Writing Mode: Essential Question: Phonics: Oral Vocabulary: Strategy: Listening and Speaking: Write to Express How can I compare and Text Focus Skill • Letter/Sound: l creatures, firmly, kite, Monitor/Clarify Share Information and (Response to contrast things from Map *, w * launched (a kite), light, Ideas Literature) Sentence Frames: Giving a story? • Blending Words replied Concepts of Print Reasons Parts of a Book ** Study Skills: Vocabulary Strategy: Read Aloud: Words to Know: • Give an Oral Report Focus Trait: Classify and Categorize: Someone Bigger have, help • Use Visuals and Props Ideas Places Genre: Humorous • Use Maps Fiction Fluency: • Use Calendars Read with Expression

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 19

Unit 6: Look at Us (Continued)

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Speaking/Study Skills Readers

28 Big Book: Paired Selections: Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Extend Through Media Grammar Skill: • Vet on a Subject-Verb Agreement You Can Do It, Curious • "Whistling" Awareness: prize (n), different Skill: Literacy Job! (Past, Present, George! Substitute (adj.), chef (n), slope Story Structure Identify Media Forms • • "Time to Play" Future) Roz the Genre: Fantasy Phonemes (n) • Vet • "Look at the Way We GO: Story Map Brush Our Teeth" Listening and Speaking: Writing Mode: Essential Question: Genre: Poetry Phonics: Oral Vocabulary: Comprehension Share Ideas Write to Express How do I know what parts • Letter/Sound: v bellowed, dingy, Strategy: (Response to Literature) of the story are *, z * rumbled, valley, Infer/Predict Study Skills: Text Focus Skill Sentence Frames: important? • Blending Words waiters, weary Poetry: Rhythm • Give an Oral Report Giving Reasons Concepts of Print • Use Visuals and Props Read Aloud: Vocabulary Strategy: Words to Know: • Environmental • Use Maps Focus Trait: The Little Engine That Context Clues look, out Print ** • Ideas Could Use Calendars • Role of Authors Genre: Fantasy Fluency: Pause for Punctuation

29 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Extend Through ResearchGrammar Skill: • Not Yet Look at Us "The Three Little Awareness: projects (n), visitors Skill: Gather and Record Prepositions: for, to, with • Can Not Genre: Informational Text Pigs" Track Syllables (n), scared (adj.), Main Idea and Information Quit Yet proud (n) Details (Social Studies) Genre: Fairy Tale Writing Mode: (Traditional Tale) • Phonics: GO: Web Map Listening and Speaking: Write to Express Oral Vocabulary: Essential Question: • Letter/Sound: y Share Information and Poems How can details help me Text Focus Skill *, qu * certainly, embarrassed, Comprehension Ideas Focus Trait: understand a main idea Characteristics of a • Blending Words languages, mumbled, Strategy: from a selection? Fairy Tale popular, study Organization Question Study Skills: Words to Know: • Give an Oral Report Read Aloud: Vocabulary Strategy: off, take Concepts of Print • Use Visuals and Props Figurative Language Baby Brains Types, Functions of • Use Maps Print Materials Genre: Humorous Fiction Fluency: • ** Use Calendars Reading Rate

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Matrix Texas Journeys 20

Unit 6: Look at Us (Continued)

Lesson Main Selections Paired Selections Phonemic Vocabulary Comprehension Research/Listening and Grammar/Writing Decodable Awareness/Phonics Speaking/Study Skills Readers

30 Big Book: Paired Selection: Phonemic Awareness: Selection Vocabulary: Comprehension Skill: Extend Through Research Grammar Skill: • Max Is Miss Bindergarten "Schools Then and Track Syllables attendance (n), balance Understanding Record and Publish Prepositions: in, Down on, up, out Celebrates the Last Now" (v), perfume (n), Characters Research • A Fun Job Day of Kindergarten success (n) Genre: Informational Phonics: • GO: T-Map Writing Mode: Genre: Fantasy Text (Social • Review Short Vowel Listening and Speaking: Write to Express Studies) Oral Vocabulary: Poems Alphafriends Comprehension Share Information Essential Question: • Blending Review: All announced, entrance, Strategy: Focus Trait: What clues tell you what Text Focus Skill Letters expect, favorite, Summarize a character is thinking Photos and Captions independent, judge Study Skills: Organization and feeling? • Give an Oral Report Words to Know: Concepts of Print Vocabulary Strategy: • Use Visuals and Props • do, down, have, help, Capitalization: • Use Maps Read Aloud: look, out, off, take Environmental Print First Letter in a Pet Show! Name • Use Calendars Genre: Realistic Fiction Fluency: • Environmental Print ** Read with Expression

* Penmanship addressed with Phonics skill on Day 1. ** Formal lesson for Concepts of Print skill on Day 2.

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