Announcement of Order Intention

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Announcement of Order Intention

Ref. No: 151/DE/Z/15

Modification of 11.12.2015

Announcement of order intention

Acting under art. 4 pt 8a of 29 January 2004 Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2013, 907 as amended), hereinafter referred to as the “PPL”, Warsaw Institute of Aviation invites to submission of offers for realization an order: Hot air autoclave 1 x 1,5 m with installation. The order is realized by the Institute of Aviation as a part of a project: „Centrum Innowacyjnych Technologii Lotniczych i Kosmicznych (Center for Innovative Aviation and Space Technologies), financed from funds of Mazowieckiej Jednostki Wdrażania Programów Unijnych (Mazovian Unit for United European Programs Introduction). The order will be realized for R&D, experimental, scientific purposes and doesn’t serve mass production directed on profitability or R&D costs coverage.

I. Awarding Entity Instytut Lotnictwa Al. Krakowska 110/114 02-256 Warszawa

II. Subject matter of contract

The subject matter of contract is: Hot air autoclave 1 x 1,5 m with installation according to requirements (appendix 1 to the announcement, Terms of Reference)

III. Contract execution date

Requirec contract execution date – up to 25 weeks (175 days)

IV. Description of tender evaluation criteria which will be taken into account while choosing the tender together with giving the meaning of the criteria and the evaluation metod of tenders

1. The maximum score which the Economic Operators tendering jointly for awarding a public procurement in all tender evaluation criteria is 100 points. 2. The Economic Operator shall use the following evaluation criteria:

Price criterion - 100% impact The Awarding Entity shall award points according to the following pattern:

Zamówienie realizowane będzie na potrzeby projektu pn. “CENTRUM INNOWACYJNYCH TECHNOLOGII LOTNICZYCH I KOSMICZNYCH,” realizowanego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego 2007 – 2013, Priorytet I -Tworzenie warunków dla rozwoju potencjału innowacyjnego i przedsiębiorczości na Mazowszu, Działanie 1.1. - Wzmocnienie sektora badawczo-rozwojowego. Beneficjentem jest Instytut Lotnictwa. Cmin C = * 100 pkt Coferty where: C – number of points in the criterion PRICE,

Cmin – the lowest offered price,

Coferty – the price of the examined tender,

3. The calculations shall be made to two decimal points without rounding. 4. If there is no possibility to choose because of the fact that two offers were of the same price, the Awarding entity will call (the two Economic Operators that submitted these offers) for suplementary offers. 5. The Awarding Entity will grant the order to the Economic Operator with the highest score according to the tender evaluation criteria. V. Offer preparation mode and required documents:

1. Each Economic Operator may submit only one offer. 2. The offer content must be compliant with content of the announcement and the Terms of Reference. 3. The offer must be signed by a person/persons authorized to represent the Economic Operator. The tender and all the attached documents should be signed by a person/persons authorized to represent the Economic Operator indicated in the register or the record. If the tender and all the attached documents are signed by a person/persons not indicated in the register or the record, to the tender should be attached the power of attorney for the person/persons given by a person/persons included in the register or record. The power of attorney should indicate authorization of representing the Economic Operator participating in the award procedure or representing the Economic Operator in the procedure and concealing the agreement of awarding the public procurement 4. The offer shall be typed in polish or english. 5. The Economic Operator covers the cost of the offer preparation. 6. The offer must contain: 1) Offer form (Appendix no. 2) 2) Current copy from a relevant register or the central register and information about economic activity, if separate regulations require an entry in the registry submitted not earlier than 6 months before offers submission, 3) Letter of authority – jeżeli upoważnienie do podpisania oferty nie wynika wprost z odpisu z właściwego rejestru lub zaświadczenia o wpisie do ewidencji działalności gospodarczej, 4) Technical specification 7. Lack in documents mentioned in par. 6 pt 2-4 is subject to single complement. If the Economic Operator fails to complement or complements faulty documents in par. 6 pt 2-4 the offer is rejected. 8. Offer shall be submitted on paper or electronically. 9. If the offer is submitted electronically, please send the offer as a scan of signed documents at: [email protected] 10. If the offer is submitted on paper, plase submit to the Awarding Entity: Instytut Lotnictwa, Al. Krakowska 110/114, 02-256 Warszawa, building X2, 1st floor, rooom 1.1B. The Economic Operator should provide the offer in closed envelope, signed as below:

Zamówienie realizowane będzie na potrzeby projektu pn. “CENTRUM INNOWACYJNYCH TECHNOLOGII LOTNICZYCH I KOSMICZNYCH,” realizowanego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego 2007 – 2013, Priorytet I -Tworzenie warunków dla rozwoju potencjału innowacyjnego i przedsiębiorczości na Mazowszu, Działanie 1.1. - Wzmocnienie sektora badawczo-rozwojowego. Beneficjentem jest Instytut Lotnictwa. ………………………………. Name and address of the Economic Operator

Instytut Lotnictwa Al. Krakowska 110/114 02-256 Warszawa

OFFER for: " Hot air autoclave 1 x 1,5 m with installation” ref. No 151/DE/Z/15

Deliver to building X2 room no 1.1B till 17.12.2015 r. 10:00 AM.

VI. The persons entitled to contact the Economic Operators

Technical issues – Szymon Zdębski, [email protected]; Formal/law issues – Edyta Sitnik, [email protected]

VII. Offer submission deadline

Offers should be submitted until 17.12.2015 at 10:00 AM local time.

VIII. Essential financial resolutions

Referring to the remuneration, the Awarding Entity allows the possibility of granting the Economic Operator an advance payment in the amount determined by the Parties and approved by the Awarding Entity.

A condition for granting advances is lodging a security of the advances by the Economic Operator for the period of completing the order. The Awarding Entity allows for securing the advances in the following way: an in blanco bill of exchange with a promissory note declaration, as agreed between parties, a bank guarantee, an insurance guarantee covering at least the amount of the granted advances which the Awarding Entity requests and which includes clauses of payment of the amount of cover payable to the Awarding Entity unconditionally and at their first request.

IX. Other resolutions

1. The Awarding Entity reserves the right to negotiate offered price or parameters of the device with the Economic Operator, that has submitted the most competitive offer. 2. If a company chosen will fail to sign the contract, the Awarding Entity can chose the subsequent offer, that has obtained the next highest number of points in the criterion rank without repeating the offer evaluation. 3. In case no valid offer will be submitted, the Awarding Entity will cancel the process, 4. No objection can be raised to settlement of the process (choice, reject, cancellation), 5. The awarding entity reserves the right to close the process without choice of any offer, cancellation of the proces as whole or part, without disclosing the reason. Appendices: Zamówienie realizowane będzie na potrzeby projektu pn. “CENTRUM INNOWACYJNYCH TECHNOLOGII LOTNICZYCH I KOSMICZNYCH,” realizowanego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego 2007 – 2013, Priorytet I -Tworzenie warunków dla rozwoju potencjału innowacyjnego i przedsiębiorczości na Mazowszu, Działanie 1.1. - Wzmocnienie sektora badawczo-rozwojowego. Beneficjentem jest Instytut Lotnictwa. Appendix no 1 – Terms of Reference Appendix no 2 – Offer Form

Zamówienie realizowane będzie na potrzeby projektu pn. “CENTRUM INNOWACYJNYCH TECHNOLOGII LOTNICZYCH I KOSMICZNYCH,” realizowanego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego 2007 – 2013, Priorytet I -Tworzenie warunków dla rozwoju potencjału innowacyjnego i przedsiębiorczości na Mazowszu, Działanie 1.1. - Wzmocnienie sektora badawczo-rozwojowego. Beneficjentem jest Instytut Lotnictwa.

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