Grade Level Or Course: ESL IB

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Grade Level Or Course: ESL IB

Teacher: Ester Orellana Date(s):09/15-26/2014 Content or Unit: Personal Preferences/Likes Grade Level or Course: ESL IB and dislikes.

STAGE 1: Desired Results ~ What will students be learning? SOL/Learning Objective Specify the behaviors, ELP Standard 1: Social and Instructional Language conditions, and criteria. Indicate The students will show preference for types of music, food, games, TV programs, the verbs used in the Curriculum clothing, or recreational activities using illustrated examples in small groups. Framework. SOLs 9.6.d The students will write clear, varied short sentences using 6 Create specific vocabulary and personal information. 5 Evaluate 4 Analyze SOLs 9.4.m. The students will apply reading strategies to monitor 3 Apply comprehension throughout the reading process. 2 Understand 1 Remember

Essential Questions & We will answer WH-questions that express likes and dislikes from visuals. Understandings/Big Ideas We will reply to a range of questions that express personal preferences from Look for Essential Questions visuals. that are overarching or topical We will express personal preferences and give reasons for selection from visuals. and help guide the unit plan. Skill Sharpeners #2, pages 1-6, Questions and answers. These questions promote Survey for Conversation. Information, Please, pag. 3 conceptual thinking and add coherence to a series of lessons. Keys to Learning. Pages 18and 19, “what’s your name?” An idea is “big” if it helps make Pages 60 and 61, “What’s your sense of seemingly isolated facts. address” What? Verbs: have meet take words: Key Vocabulary Where? am live listen pay house Look for in the Curriculum Why? Is do come call party Framework and other adopted When? Are does play dance address resources. Who? look use go watch maybe How? Like know eat wash direction STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence ~ What is evidence of mastery? Students have to show understanding of content by answering questions. Complete forms using personal information. Skill Sharpener, Pg. 1, 2-6: A. Answer questions. Use short answers. Assessment Part 1 Complete the sentences about you, and fill out the form. Start with the end in mind! B. Consider here a sample question C. Write the dates. or performance task students D. Answer personal questions in your notebook and answer general will need to do as evidence of information questions. Use complete sentences. Set A and set B mastery of this objective. E. Ask and answer questions about personal information F. Listen to the dialogue. Then answer the questions. G. What things can you name in English? Possible misconceptions or Transfer their prior knowledge into a new language. learning gaps Use cognate words when we make inferences. Complete the above task Share their personal information in a medium that is not their home language; yourself; think about what might Oral and written information. be hardest for students to grasp? Identify action words and apply them when they share their information.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan ~ What are the strategies and activities you plan to use?  Day 1 and 2-Match columns: countries and their language. Pg.3 S Snapshot / Warm-up  Day 3 and 4-Match columns: Food item and food category. Activate prior knowledge and  Day 5and 6-Match columns: occupation and place. get students thinking about &  Day 7 and 8-Performe actions. motivated for today’s lesson.  Day 9 and 10-Invite others to say expressions: Good morning, Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you, too, Thank you, you’re welcome… Instructional Strategies Think in term of high yield Students will use interactive notebooks; summarizing and note-taking (use strategies, such as: symbols or pictures).  Identifying similarities Students will listen, paraphrase, read, reread, and spell new vocabulary. and differences Students will use their bilingual dictionary to translate into their language new  Summarizing and note unfamiliar words. taking Students will share their personal information in pairs, practice together  Reinforcing effort and pronunciation: food, music, sport, subjects, occupations, hobbies and clothes. providing recognition Students will review basic grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, present form of to be; present progressive; forming questions using WH-questions.  Homework and practice Students will work in cooperative learning with present tense; third-person  Nonlinguistic singular: likes/doesn’t like activities. representations Independent written work: answering questions.  Cooperative learning Pair and group work:  Setting objectives and a. Read the dialogues with a classmate. Pg. 18 and 60 Key Leaning providing feedback b. Act out the dialogue in groups of five.  Generating and testing Students will play roles using the dialogues. hypothesis Students will look pictures (textbook), and name things in English.  Questions, cues, and advance organizers 1. I will model the activity for them, saying my personal information, and using WH-questions. Likes and dislikes. I will invite them to ask me brief questions. 2. I will show pictures of people doing different activities. Brainstorm each picture. Teaching and Learning 3. We will practice how to ask questions to our classmates. Use does, do, Activities and WH- questions. Plan for modeling, small or 4. I will invite them to write brief questions and read them aloud checking whole group instruction, and grammar. work stations. Include your examples, guided practice, 5. The students will participate in plays saying their likes and dislikes. problems or questions to pose, 6. Read and say the vocabulary. Then, they will write the vocabulary in independent activities. It may their notebook with their translations. help to think in terms of: 7. Use word analysis to study the vocabulary (see page 250, step 1-2). “I do …” 8. Find the vocabulary in the dialogue and read the sentences that use the “We do…” vocabulary. “Students do …” 9. Work with a classmate. Choose a word from the word box and draw a picture of it. Don’t speak. Your classmate has to guess which word you are drawing. Take turns.

Differentiation Higher Level Technology Use Connections to other subject Some ideas include: Thinking How will you be areas and/or authentic  Flexible grouping Plan for a incorporating applications technology?  Tiered instruction challenging cognitive Reflect upon what people do in the level, such as apply, I will use the real world with this content; and how  Interest-based activities analyze, evaluate, or document camera to it links to other disciplines.  Varied products create show them pictures Students will develop listen, reading,  Task cards The students will and they will talk speaking and writing English skills. about what they see. copy questions in Students will learn how to answer  Personal agendas I will use LCD their notebook, personal information and general  Graphic Organizers projector to model information questions. writing each writing activities. Students will learn how to express questions mark. Then likes and dislikes, answer questions to they have to answer state likes and dislikes. questions with complete sentences. Checking for Understanding Check throughout the lesson The students will demonstrate understanding of the material by writing questions using: and selecting a person in the building to ask their questions.  Question and Answer Tell which things she or he likes and which she or he doesn’t like.  Class discussions Skill Sharpener, pg. 7, In pairs, practices these and makes changes or add more.  She likes spoons, but she doesn’t like forks.  Group Response  She likes eggs, but she doesn’t like chickens.  Demonstrations  She likes fruit, but she doesn’t like vegetables.  Practice sheets  Quick Quizzes STAGE 4: Closure ~ What did the students master & what are they missing? Lesson Closure & Student The closing activity will be to reread the class objectives and discuss them. Tell Summarizing of their how much you have learned in this lesson. Learning What do you think you still need to learn? State likes and dislikes, sharing Review what students learned or personal information and asking questions. should have learned. Recognize Students will write a short dialogue, including the new vocabulary learned. gaps and allow them to help you plan for the next lesson(s).

Assessment Part 2 Revisit Assessment Part 1. Plan The students have to answer all questions from the student workbook in their a formative assessment which notebook, using complete sentences. Pages 1-7 shows concretely what students Day 1 and 2- Exit ticket- Write questions to go with the answers: mastered today. This might be: ______? He is a teacher.  Exit card ______? She is seventeen years old.  Short Quiz ______? He is writing in his bedroom.  Seatwork/Practice Sheet Day 3 and 4-Exit ticket-Fill out a personal information sheet collected Day 5 and 6- Exit ticket- Tell me: where do you live? Address Day 7 and 8-Exit ticket-Complete a survey with personal information.  Written response to a prompt Day 9 and 10-Oral responses  Oral responses/participation

Teacher Reflection / Effectiveness of Learning

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