Minutes Board of Directors Meeting

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Minutes Board of Directors Meeting



MARCH 15, 2016

CALL TO ORDER The meeting, held at the New Caney Fire Station, was called to order by George Henderson at 7:05 pm. Present were George Henderson, Bob Howard and Fitz Millington and thirteen (13) association members. Andy Armstrong established that we had a Quorum and the meeting proceeded.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Fitz Millington made a motion to approve the February minutes; George Henderson seconded the motion; all approved and the motion was passed.


Homeowner brought up the issue of dogs running loose in the Subdivision. The Board recognized this as a serious problem that is difficult to deal with. The consensus of the Board was that Montgomery County Animal Control Authority be contacted at every observed occurrence. (FYI the contact phone #: 936-442-7738, or 911 in an emergency).

Homeowner brought up the issue of trash along entry streets such as Mossy Oaks Drive. The consensus was that all residents have a shared responsibility to keep common areas clean.

New Homeowner Welcomed. Meeting recognized and welcomed the family of Bryon Fitzgerald to 23993 Misty Lake Circle.


ACC George Henderson: 3rd month of new ACC actively at work. The ACC is trying to be partners with our members to help them construct what they desire but within the confines of keeping NCR property values high.

Communications Website George Henderson reported that the website, northcrestpoa.com, is functioning well.

Projects & Contracts  Pond C and Pond D repair scheduled to be started in about 21 days depending on weather. We will soon be in the rainy season.  Mowing: will renew contract with Lake Houston Lawn Care. Greg Eames has volunteered to monitor mowing and document their work. He is looking for volunteers in every section to tell him if the work was done on the day scheduled. Drainage & Flooding George viewed the challenges during the heavy rains during 2nd week of March and noted the following areas of concern:  Misty Lake Circle to private pond and SH-242 outflow. Attorney opinion sought for solution.  Park 3 Pond over-flow spilling across Lost Meadow, across lots, onto Wild Forest Drive.  Possibly inadequate culverts across SH-242 at Wild Forest Drive and at Mossy Oaks Drive.

George reported he had an upcoming meeting with TXDOT at which these and other issues with drainage into Pond C will be discussed. The County Commissioner was also contacted and invited to view drainage challenges here and also inspect our roads for needed improvement.

Security No major issues noted.

Long Range Planning Library needed. We need to establish a central place to keep records. Directors’ manual to be provided to Secretary. Also to be digitized.

Water Committee. A new committee is to be formed to monitor our water quality. Although we have no reason to believe that Quadvest water isn’t up to EPA standards, some of the inspections on their website are old and we’re seeking a third party to verify.

Activities Committee Picnic planned for Sunday 21st.

Horse Committee Committee met last week.

Unfinished Business  Urgent Park 1 Repairs – bridge, fence and broken playground equipment. Motion to affirm email vote authorizing repair was made by George Henderson and seconded by Fitz Millington. All approved, motion passed.  Repair Air Leak in Park 3 Fire Hydrant. Chief Taylor has requested that NCR pay for the repair of the air leak in the Section III Pond that is the source of water for fighting fires in Section III and II, George Henderson met with Chief Taylor; the material repairs would cost under $500, and he agreed that the Fire Department would provide the labor for the repairs.

 Member Recognition. Board recognizes with gratitude contribution of Bob Howard’s son Kevin, who power-washed both park fences, no charge. Board recognizes Mr. Greg Eames, for painting the gates to the Pond C and Pond D easements at no charge.

 SH-242 Fence Maintenance. Reminder letters to be sent to all owners of the fences along Hwy. 242 that the repair, maintenance and the appearance of the fences are their responsibility by the Deed Restrictions.  Erection of 8 signs at reserves and ponds. Andy recommended we have signs erected by volunteers as the bid he got was too high ($1400.00). All agreed.

 EMCID Grant. The Park Committee is working hard to complete the grant package by March 29th.

New Business Road repairs request to county. Commissioner Jim Clarke invited to April Meeting.

Attorney Demand Letter to be sent to homeowner who persists in using overhang in front of garage to store yard and playground equipment. Moved by George Henderson, Seconded by Fitz Millington. All Approved. Motion passed.

ADJOURNMENT Motion by Fitz Millington Second: Bob Howard

Meeting stands adjourned at 8:12 PM.

Respectfully submitted by

Fitz Millington, Secretary, 3/28/2016

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