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JTED CURRICULUM WRITING PROJECT Professional Sales & Marketing: Consumer Behavior

Lesson Title: Business in Society Lesson 1 of 4 Duration: 50 minutes Teacher/Student Ratio: 1/30 Lesson File Name: MAR-Consumer-Lesson1.doc


1.4 Evaluate the role of business in society

OBJECTIVES TERMINOLOGY Student will be able to: Marketing – Process of developing, 1. Define terms that play a role of business promoting, and distributing products to in society satisfy customers’ needs and wants 2. Identify role of business in society Goods – Tangible items (cars, toys, 3. Explain role of business in society furniture, etc.) 4. Evaluate role of business in society Services – Intangible items (oil changes, cutting hair, etc.)

INTRODUCTION Bellwork: Teacher starts PowerPoint MAR- Consumer -Powerpoint.ppt. and goes to slide 2, introduction. Teacher introduces today’s lesson by asking students to think of the last product they purchased and why they purchased it. Students share with a partner and are prepared to share with the class. The teacher will call on two non-volunteers to share.

Teacher says “Today we’re going to define products and services and discuss the role in business in society.” Teacher distributes MAR-Consumer-Handout1b.ppt. Teacher shows slide 3 with the objectives and asks students to fill in objectives with key words as teacher introduces the objectives. CONTENT

TEACHER ACTIONS STUDENT ACTIONS Define terms that play a role of business in society 1. Teacher will distribute vocabulary 1. Students use MAR- Consumer squares to each student MAR- -Handout1a.ppt (three per student) Consumer -Handout1a.ppt. Present to complete vocabulary squares.

1 PIMA COUNTY JTED: LESSON PLAN Updated 5/26/2010 PowerPoint MAR- Consumer -Powerpoint.ppt., slide 4. Teacher introduces the vocabulary terms by having students complete a vocabulary square for each of the three terms. Teacher defines and fills out vocabulary square with the first word ‘marketing’ as a sample with students. Teacher will provide the next two terms and students will complete ‘goods’ and ‘services’ definitions later in the lesson. 2. Teacher will use MAR- Consumer 2. Students fill in missing key terms on -Powerpoint1.ppt and instruct their note-taker MAR- Consumer students to take notes on note-taker -Handout1b.ppt MAR- Consumer -Handout1b.ppt. Instruct students to fill in missing words. Slide 5: What is marketing? products Process of developing, promoting and needs distributing products to satisfy the needs wants and wants of customers Identify role of business in society 3. Teacher continues slideshow and directs 3. Students will highlight/circle the students to highlight the underlined following words: words. Use slides 6 and 7 MAR- Consumer -Powerpoint1.ppt Slide 6: What is the role of business in connect society? The role of business in society is to connect and serve customers while making a profit. Slide 7: How do businesses connect with customers? Businesses connect with customers with products their products. 4. Teacher says “all products are classified 4. Students will highlight/underline the as a good or a service” and goes to slide following words: 8 MAR- Consumer -Powerpoint1.ppt. Teacher directs students to highlight/circle the underlined words. Slide 8: Product Goods – tangible (touch or hold) tangible Services – intangible tasks performed for tasks customers Explain roles of business in society

5. Teacher has pairs of students explain to 5. In pairs, student will work together to each other if each product listed on slide explain if each product listed is a good 9 (MAR- Consumer or service and list it in their note -Powerpoint1.ppt) is a good or service taker. They will be ready to share at to each other and list it in their notes. the end of six minutes.

2 PIMA COUNTY JTED: LESSON PLAN Updated 5/26/2010 Walk around the room to ensure students are on-task. Allow students five minutes to discuss and capture results in their notes. Teacher calls on four non-volunteers to share the product type the pairs wrote down. Slide 9: Product Types Product Product Type 1) Service 1) Haircut 1) Service 2) Service 2) Verizon, T- 2) Service Mobile, AT&T 3) Good 3) Hammer 3) Good 4) Service 4) Movie in a 4) Service 5) Good theater 6) Good 5) Car 5) Good 7) Good 6) School 6) Good 8) Service supplies 9) Service 7) iPod 7) Good 8) Amusement 8) Service Parks Rides 9) Income Tax 9) Service Students will be prepared to share. Preparers Teacher will call on non-volunteers to share. Evaluate role of business in society 6. Teacher reminds students of the role of 6. In pairs, student will work together to business in society in slide 10 (MAR- provide good/bad examples of product Consumer -Powerpoint1.ppt). purchases. They will record their Slide 10: Role of business in society: experiences and be ready to share at To connect and serve customers through the end of ten minutes. products while making a profit. Teacher has students work in pairs and asks students come up with two examples. The students will think about product purchases. Think of one bad example and one good example and why it was bad or good. They should record their examples in their note-taker. Teacher will walk around to ensure students are on-task. Teacher will call on five non-volunteers to share.


Slide 11 - Teacher will have the students use the bottom of their note-taker to summarize in 12 words or less the most important aspects from today's lesson. The students will share with a partner. The teacher will call on four non-volunteers and collect the summary to be returned the following class period.

3 PIMA COUNTY JTED: LESSON PLAN Updated 5/26/2010 SKILL ASSESSMENT The student will complete the note taker, evaluate the role of business in society based on their past experience and complete a 12 word summary. Teacher will review, make comments and return to students.


SAMPLE END OF PROGRAM ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS 1. A product can be either a good or a ______. a. service b. equipment c. need d. supply 2. Marketing is the process of developing, promoting, and distributing products to satisfy ______needs and wants. a. businesses b. customers c. stores d. managers

EQUIPMENT Proxima MATERIALS MAR- Consumer Computer SUPPLIES -Powerpoint1.ppt MAR- Consumer -Handout1a.ppt Vocab squares (3 per student)

MAR- Consumer -Handout1b.ppt Student note-taker (1 per student)

RESOURCES ACCOMMODATIONS Schneider Farese, L., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, Ph.D., C. A. (2009). Marketing Essentials. Woodland Hills, CA: Glencoe.


MAR- Consumer -Powerpoint1.ppt – Teacher PowerPoint MAR- Consumer -Handout1a.ppt - Student vocabulary map MAR- Consumer -Handout1b.ppt – Student note taker


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