Badger Region Volleyball Association s3

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Badger Region Volleyball Association s3

Badger Region Volleyball Association Board of Directors Meeting Region Office on May 7, 2012

Board Members In Attendance: Julie Voeck, Nancy Paulson, Jim Momsen, BJ Bryant, Dave Schmidlin, Call in: Kelly Lehman, Chad Schreiber, Kim Wudi, Paul Schlomer Ex-Officio Members Present: Jennifer Armson-Dyer, Terry Paulson, Colleen Houk, Anne Slattery, Anne Denkert Absent: Scott Blackmon, Dale Rohde, BJ Leroy, Chris Haworth, Tom Gulak

“Everyone has had a chance to review the agenda. Does anyone have a conflict of interest with anything we plan to discuss? Let the minutes reflect…”

I. Call to Order Voeck calls the meeting to order at 6:12p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes from January 23, 2012 All in favor of approving minutes; none opposed. Motion passes.

III. Region Office—Armson-Dyer a. Elections a.i. 200 people voted a.ii. Kelly claimed the run-off position for At-Large Rep a.iii. Welcome Kim Wudi (North West Rep) & Paul Schlomer (South West Rep) b. Meritorious Service Awards b.i. Armson-Dyer has requested nominations b.i.1. Currently there are 8 nominees for 5 awards b.i.2. Voeck has asked to have voters list their picks in order of preference c. USAV May Meetings c.i. Julie Voeck, Jen Armson-Dyer, BJ Bryant (Girls Rep), & Angie Hardwick (Boys Rep) are attending c.ii. Anne Slattery has been selected as USAV Junior Program Director of the Year d. USAV Items d.i. High Performance d.i.1. Armson-Dyer met with USAV-HP representatives in Madison on May 7th about hosting the HP Championships in Madison in 2014 d.i.1.a. The Alliant Center is a good option d.i.1.b. Jen will find out what the Regions responsibilities will be (financial) d.i.1.c. USAV will pay $250 per court for set up and take down d.ii. USAV Invite d.ii.1. Milwaukee (Frontier Center) is being considered as a site for the USAV Invite in 2013 d.ii.1.a. Terry is working with Visit Milwaukee on the region responsibilities d.iii. Online-Impact Registrations d.iii.1. USAV is showing interest in having all coaches do Impact Certification online. Jen is concerned about how it will impact the region financially IV. Tournaments—T. Paulson a. BR Championships Update a.i. The financial statement was available for viewing. a.i.1. RFP’s have been requested from Frontier, State Fair Park and T-shirt companies. Deadline is May 15th a.ii. T. Paulson has been very happy with both facilities as they have worked extremely hard to make the events run smoothly b. BPL / Qualifier Update b.i. Both are in the infancy planning for next year. Armson-Dyer will request input from JCD’s. c. Beach c.i. USAV Junior event is hosted by Team Elevate/USAV. c.i.1. T. Paulson is requesting info from them on what the regions responsibilities will be c.i.1.a. With walk-ups being allowed; formatting the 2-day event-will have its challenges c.i.1.b. T.Paulson will find out what the budget will be for the event c.i.1.c. T. Paulson will keep the region posted on the summer beach events as soon as he has the particulars figured out V. Officials/Scorekeeping—Momsen/N. Paulson a. Momsen presented his Proposal (handout) a.i. Ref Pay Increase/Removing Mileage from Region responsibility a.i.1. Comparisons to other regions and what they pay/Badger may be the only one that pays mileage. Others have a set fee regardless of Ref Rating a.i.2. Proposed that host clubs pick up mileage after 120 miles (round trip) a.i.3. Board reviewed current rate and proposed rate a.i.3.a. From 3 pay rates (current) to 2 pay rates (proposed) Discussion:  T. Paulson is concerned about the officials that will be traveling to the Dells as most are from the Milwaukee area  Board wanted clarification of amounts of increase and the thoughts behind it  Voeck informed the board that mileage is now costing the region more than it ever it has. o Reasoning: Many officials never requested their mileage before. Once the region began using Zebra Web it was calculated automatically for all officials regardless.  This should encourage area clubs to develop more officials in their area so that those that live out of the 120 radius won’t need to be assigned there. o Bryant voiced concern about having officials requesting to work at tourneys more than 60 miles in order to get the mileage reimbursement from the host club. Lehman wants to make sure that officials aren’t passing each other on the freeway. He is also concerned about paying all officials mileage even if 2 or more car pool  Slattery suggests that it be a 2 year transition.  Armson-Dyer; are we penalizing the clubs in the outlying areas because they have to pay mileage where as others wouldn’t have to pay.  N. Paulson thinks that it will just take time to understand Zebra Web and how it exactly works  Denkert stated, as a tourney director, you can plan on having officials for your event and charge the entry fee accordingly (planning on having to pay mileage) and then possibly not get any officials assigned to you.  Slattery suggests that we pay $27.00 across the board and no mileage.

Momsen’s Revised Proposal: For 2012/13 season, a $27.00 flat fee per match (regardless of rating-all day event) and the region pays mileage for over 60 miles (1 way). The mileage rate will not increase ($.35). If officials only requested for playoffs the rate will be: 1 Semi-Final & Final (rate-$65) & 2 Semi-Finals & Final (rate-$85)

*Bryant moves to accept the revised referee pay increase proposal. N.Paulson seconds Vote: All In favor / no opposed / no abstain Officials Pay Increase Approved Possible Transition Period: The region would absorb the mileage for 2 years and then do away with it completely.

b. Momsen presented his 2nd Proposal (handout) b.i. Clinicians Pay Increase b.i.1. Momsen presented what will be new with the ref/score clinics and why there should be a pay increase Momsen Motions for the 2012/13 Clinician Fee increase: Club Cost-1st Clinic: $150 (Clinician Rate: $100)/ Club Cost-2nd Clinic: $100 (Clinician Rate: $75) with mileage being reimbursed for the total trip if more than 120 miles (round trip).

Discussion  Benefits of the clinicians and what their vast knowledge provides to the region  N. Paulson expounded on the virtues of the vrt training and how it is being used to help with the training

*Schmidlin moves to accept the Clinician pay increase proposal as presented. Momsen seconds. Vote: All in favor / no opposed / no abstain Clinicians Pay Increase Approved

Momsen Moves for an additional Clinician Fee for “Train the Trainer” clinics (2.5 hours):  N. Paulson sidebars with her ideas and suggestions o This will create a great opportunity for providing a more legitimate way to teach  Voeck would like to see more in the way of content on what will be involved at the actual clinic o Voeck asked for Momsen & N. Paulson to present more specifics at the Long Range Planning session o Bryant wants to make sure that sessions are age appropriate

 N. Paulson updated all with the Scorekeeping/Monitor happenings during the season. o Slattery requests a box be provided on the tourney sanction request form for requesting a scorekeeper monitor for events

VI. Financials-Slattery a. Slattery presented the 2013 Budget a.i. Slattery went through entire budget as many attending this meeting had never seen it before. **Encouraged questions along the way a.ii. Reviewed each line and how items are coded *Juniors *Board of Directors *Tournaments *Officials *High Performance *Coaches Education

 As presented: Net Income: $95,000 for 2013 o Voeck asked for questions or concerns— . Schlomer inquired about adults as there is no budget line (approx. 120 adult players)  There has not been enough info on Adults to give them a line yet  Budget for adults will be worked on and presented in June

*Momsen moves to approve the budget with changes as presented. N.Paulson seconds. Vote: All in favor / no opposed / no abstain 2013 Budget Approved

Anne suggests that we look at ways to spend the profits. That will look to be done at the Long Range Planning session. VII. Juniors-Armson-Dyer a. Recap of Junior Club Director Meeting on May 5 a.i. Club Seal-implement in 2012/13 with the seal coming the following season a.ii. Badger Power League-Pros & Cons a.iii. Tournament/Results Reporting a.iii.1. T. Paulson will talk with Susan Barkley & AES on possibilities a.iv. Armson-Dyer informed the BOD that there were 3 motions presented a.iv.1. Tryout Commitment Date (moved up)-Failed Unanimously a.iv.2. Tryout Dates for 14 & Under moved to week before State-Failed 12-28 a.iv.3. Current Club Players having 48 hours or less to accept or decline an offer-Passed 36-4 a.v. Bryant requested to revisit WI Juniors proposal of 14 & under early tryout date (Failed 12-28 by Junior Assembly)

Discussion  Can WIAA middle-schoolers’ try out with club programs during school season? o Armson-Dyer contacted Marcy Thurwachter to get a clarification from WIAA . Club Tryouts would be acceptable during the WIAA season  Voeck requests that a sub-committee be formed to bring info forward at the Long Range Planning meeting o Jen will provide the Region Area Reps with information to talk to their member clubs about o Region Area Reps will then bring to Long Range Planning  Schmidlin makes a good point: o No one will leave if we change the rule but we will lose some if we don’t change it. 48 Hour Commitment Proposal –Ted Schulte- is presented (passed 36-4 by Juniors)

*Bryant moves that the tryout (14 & under) proposal presented at the JCD Meeting be accepted as was presented. N. Paulson seconds ***Voeck is very concerned with a large possibility of grievances that will come about because of this ruling. She would like this tabled until Long Range Planning

*Schlomer motions to table the tryout (14 & under) proposal until the June Long Range Planning meeting. N. Paulson seconds Vote: All in favor / no opposed / no abstain Proposal Tabled

The new Waiver Rule as implemented at the last BOD meeting was presented to the Junior Assembly. The Junior Assembly asked for a modification to the rule to allow only two waivered players per team. Modification not accepted by the Badger Region Board of Directors. The wording will remain: numbers of waivered players per team allowed will be determined per Region Office Discretion. The Region office will take under advisement the wishes of the JCD’s.

Junior Assembly requested that a written offer be accepted as a formal offer/acceptance and not solely a Webpoint acceptance. Modification not accepted by the Badger Region Board of Directors. A Webpoint offer/acceptance will be the only formal accepted offer. No modification for a written offer will be accepted.

VIII. Executive Committee Actions a. Long-range planning (dates June 15-16) b. Potential movement of region office c. Potential agenda for long range meetings IX. New Business a. Lehman requests that the region look into using AES for Region tournament registrations a.i. T. Paulson has already begun looking into the procedure b. Lehman requests that the region adopt a Junior Committee b.i. This will be discussed at the Long Range Planning X. Adjourn—10:19 N. Paulson moves to Adjourn. Lehman seconds All in Favor

Motions *Bryant moves to accept the revised referee pay increase proposal. N.Paulson seconds Vote: All In favor / no opposed / no abstain Officials Pay Increase Approved Possible Transition Period: The region would absorb the mileage for 2 years and then do away with it completely.

*Schmidlin moves to accept the Clinician pay increase proposal as presented. Momsen seconds. Vote: All in favor / no opposed / no abstain Clinicians Pay Increase Approved

*Momsen moves to approve the budget with changes as presented. N.Paulson seconds Vote: All in favor / no opposed / no abstain 2013 Budget Approved

* Momsen Moves for an additional Clinician Fee for “Train the Trainer” clinics (2.5 hours) Voeck would like to see more in the way of content on what will be involved at the actual clinic before being voted on. This will be addressed at the June Strategic Planning meeting. Proposal Tabled

*Bryant moves that the tryout (14 & under) proposal presented at the JCD Meeting be accepted as was presented. N. Paulson seconds Voeck is very concerned with a large possibility of grievances that will come about because of this ruling. She would like this tabled until strategic planning

*Schlomer moves to table the tryout (14 & under) proposal until the June Strategic Planning meeting. N. Paulson seconds Vote: All in favor / no opposed / no abstain Proposal Tabled

Action Items

*Armson-Dyer: Will make available nominations for Meritorious Service Awards *Armson-Dyer: Will find out from USAV what the regions responsibilities will be if we were to be awarded the High Performance & Invite Events. *T. Paulson: Will follow up with RFP’s for Badger Championships (due May 15) *T.Paulson: Will request from USAV/Team Elevate on what the regions responsibilities/budget will be during the Junior Beach National event *N. Paulson & Momsen: Will bring specifics on the their “Train the Trainer” ideas to the Long Range Planning *All BOD: Will bring ideas to the Long Range Planning on ways that region profits can be spent *Armson-Dyer: will gather a list of questions to give to the Area Reps for them to contact their area clubs about. Region Area Reps will then bring that information to the Long Range Planning meeting as a Sub-Committee *T.Paulson: Will work with AES on creating a future tournament registration system for the region *Lehman: Will bring ideas to the Long Range Planning concerning the region adopting a Junior Committee

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