University of Arkansas at Little Rock s1

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock s1


Course Syllabus Teaching Individual Sports 2 hour HSCI 3210 Bennie Prince instructor 501-569-3239 [email protected]

I. Course Description: This course is an examination of the theory and practice of teaching/coaching golf, tennis, track and field.

II. Relationship to the Knowledge Base: This course focuses primarily on pedagogical knowledge that address planning, instructional skills involved in teaching, and coaching. As novices students begin to develop their teaching skills into the model of becoming an effective teacher/coach.

III. Course Objectives/Competencies: By the end of this course students will be able to:

1. The student will identify and discuss components of teaching/coaching the sport of golf, tennis, and track/field. 2. The student will develop lesson plans for golf, tennis, and track/field 3. The student will identify and discuss playing strategies, rules, organization Methods, and specific teaching techniques.

IV. Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday 12:15 to 1:10

V. Course Outline: A. Foundational Issues: 1. Definitions: training, education, content, methods, materials, aids, coach information/instruction/education, goals, common curriculum goals- Physical Education, performance objectives, instructional intent, lesson plan, unit plan, motivation, discipline, classroom management.

B. Planning for Physical Education Instruction 1. Types of objectives (performance, behavioral) 2. Instruction of 3 individual sports

C. Criteria: contribute to comprehensive physical education objectives set up by the Arkansas Physical Education Framework Standards and the National Association Physical Education Standards. VI. Evaluation Class participation 21% or 135 points. Part of your success in college is determined by your prompt and regular class attendance which you will receive 5 points daily throughout the semester. If you are more than 15 minutes late to class you will not get the points. Being prompt is IMPORTANT. You are responsible for any missed classes and getting assignments in on time. There is minus -10 points for any late work turned in. Ms. Prince is available to discuss your circumstance for missed classes and will decide under which you may or may not make up assignment.


Teaching Presentations 23% or 150 pts. You will teach a skill selection from golf, tennis, and track/field to the rest of the class. You will provide a handout to every member of class on your presentation.

3 written exams 23% or 150 pts. You will take an exam after each individual sport unit. The exam will come from the book, teacher lectures, and individual presentations.

Final Resource Notebook 33% 200 pts. This notebook will have a table of content, preparation of unit introduction, short lesson overview of 4 week unit, 4 weeks of long lesson plans, class presentations of skills, coaching strategies, cheerleading, and teacher/coaching interview.

Bonus points will be given throughout the semester for turning in new teaching Techniques of all the skills we do. Any current Physical Education yearlong Programs. Any video’s of physical education teachers and coaches doing their Job.

Rules and regulations at the DSC Fitness Complex must be followed. Proper Workout attire will be required for most activities. YOU WILL BE ACTIVE. Inquire at the Equipment Service Desk for information on locker and towel service.

VII. Tentative Course Schedule:

Aug. 27 Tues. Sign in for bonus points Aug. 29 Th. Syllabus, 1st day of participation pts. Sept. 3 Tues. Discuss being an effective teacher/coach, individual sports, ones abilities to teach/coach well are not related to doing all the skills perfect. We will begin going over teaching “Cues”. Assignment for next class: Bring to class an example of a yearlong physical education program off the Internet. If you find one that has a golf, tennis, or track/field unit, you will receive bonus points. Sept. 5 Th. Review teaching cues, go over teaching presentation, collect Physical education programs, Patent what you write! You will be collecting drills, games,teaching strategies all your life. An organized notebook will be a great resource. Draw golf skill and see order of presentations. Assignment: Read Chapter in book on Golf. Remember be an effective teacher. You are to play 9 holes of golf and turn in a signed golf scorecard. Sept. 10 Tues. Golf skills, I will collect all handouts at the beginning and we will start going down our presentation sheet. We will try to do 4 to 5 a day. Remember if you are not able to give presentation you must visit with instructor to avoid –10 for being late. Each presentation is worth 50 points. Sept. 12 Th. Golf skills presentations Sept. 17 Tues. Golf skills presentations Sept. 19 Th. Golf skills presentations Sept. 24 Tues. Golf skills presentations Sept. 26 Th. Coaching golf strategies presentations, Golf guest speaker Oct. 1 Tues. Golf game in gym Oct. 3 Th. Meet at Hindman Golf course. We will leave gym at 12 and will try to finish by 1:30. If you have not done your 9 holes you can finish on this day. Everything will be provided and free. Oct. 8 Tues. Golf Final in classroom, review unit, draw tennis skills. Assignment: Read Chapter in book on Tennis. We will meet on the UALR Tennis courts weather permitting. Oct. 10 Th. Tennis presentations Oct. 15 Tues. Tennis presentations Oct. 17 Th. Tennis presentations Oct. 22 Tues. Tennis presentations Oct. 24 Th. Tennis presentations Oct. 29 Tues. Coaching tennis strategies presentations, Tennis guest speaker Oct. 31 Th Tennis game in class Nov. 5 Tues. Tennis final in class. Draw track/field skills. Assignment: Read Chapter in book on Track/field & Internet reading on sponsoring a cheerleading group. Nov. 7 Th. Cheerleading and Track/field presentations Nov. 12 Tues. Track/field presentations Nov. 14 Th. Track/field presentations Nov. 19 Tues. Track/field presentations Nov. 21 Th. Coaching Track/field strategies and Track/field guest speaker Nov. 26 Tues. Track/field meet in class Nov. 28 Th. No class Thanksgiving Dec. 3 Tues. Last required class time, Track/field final exam, review for final notebook. Dec. 5-9 Visit with Ms. Prince on final notebook Dec. 11 Wed. Consultation Day Dec. 12 Thurs. Final notebook due, turn into by office no later than 1. VIII. Resources Primary Resources: Mood,R.,Musker,F., and Rink, J., (1995) Sports and Recreational Activities, 12th edition, WCB McGraw-Hill.

IX. Disabled Students It is the policy of UALR to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to Federal and State law. Students who feel they may need accommodations for their disability should contact this instructor during office hours. The chair of the department offering this course is also available to assist with accommodations. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Support Services, which is located in the DSC 103, 569-3143.

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