Equipment & Method of Hire National Standards
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Preseason EERA’s, competitive or otherwise, shall use the method of hire (MOH) identified in this list. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive in equipment specifications and typing. Equipment must conform to the specifications developed by the equipment committee and adhere to any applicable agency policies including safety. Operator qualifications can be found in the 310-1 Wildland Fire Qualification System Guide on the National Wildfire Coordinating Group website at: In circumstances where preseason EERA’s have been exhausted and an “at incident” EERA is necessary, the MOH identified below is the preferred MOH. Commercial practices should be used if they are deemed more appropriate except for equipment required to be solicited competitively*. Each Geographic Area shall use these methods of hire when developing standard rates published in Chapter 20 supplements to the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook.
EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Air Conditioner Portable air conditioner Weekly / Monthly No Y All Terrain Categories: Daily No Y Vehicle 4 wheel Dry 6 wheel (Gator) Without operator Ambulance Emergency response Incorporate into contract the cost of transports to Daily S/D N vehicle medical facilities and completion of required Wet documentation. Incident will restock consumables With 2 Operators used Backhoe Rubber-tired tractor with Daily S N bucket Wet With operator Boat Categories: Daily No Y Boat Wet Fire Boat With operator Briefing Area Stage, bleachers, and PA Daily/ Weekly No Y Package system Bus, Coach Bus with comfortable 47 person minimum capacity Daily rate or mileage, No Y seats for longer travel. A/C whichever is greater Compliant with state and federal DOT With one operator Contractor must have $5 million of liability Wet insurance per CFR 49 Part 387.33 Driver and all operating supplies * Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 1 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Bus, Crew Carrier School type bus. 22 person minimum capacity + tools/equipment Daily rate or mileage, No Y 2010 Compliant with state and federal DOT. whichever is greater Driver and all operating supplies With one operator Contractor must have $5 million of liability Wet insurance per CFR 49 Part 387.33 Travel expenses to and Max age 1977 from incidents are not paid Bus, Shuttle Van Chassis, 18-32 18 person capacity min Daily rate or mileage, No Y passenger A/C whichever is greater Compliant with state and federal DOT. With operator Driver and all operating supplies Wet Contractor must have $5 million of liability Travel expenses to and insurance per CFR 49 Part 387.33 from incidents are not paid Caterer, Mobile For catered meals under Per Meal (Breakfast, No Y the minimum order on Lunch, Dinner) NIFC national contracts. Plus Mobilization These are other than the Plus Mileage national contracts. Chainsaw Repair On-site chainsaw repair Specify provisions for supplying and the cost of Daily S N Unit repair parts Wet With operator Chair, Folding In lots of 50 or larger. Weekly / Monthly No Y Chipper Wood chipper Daily No Y Dry With or Without operator Computer Computer and associated Categories: Weekly / Monthly No Y equipment and Desktop networking Laptop Network Equipment Other Computer Peripherals Printer Copier Paper copier, black and Weekly / Monthly No Y white or color plus rate per copy
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 2 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Crew, Camp 10 person crew, Hourly n/a n/a including leader Crew, Strike Team 2 20-Person Suppression Hourly n/a n/a (Used in R6 only) Crews plus a Strike Team Leader with vehicle Crew, Suppression Type II Specifications included in NWCG Fireline Hourly n/a n/a Handbook, PMS 410-1, page A-37 Dozer Crawler Tractor with Type I – Min. 200 HP and greater Daily S/D N 2009 dozer blade Type II – Min. 100 HP – 199 HP Wet Type III – Min. 50 HP – 99 HP With operator If law requires a pilot Plus minimum requirements. vehicle, the Government Rate includes service vehicle. will reimburse upon submission of an invoice. Engine Type 3 - 150 GPM at 250 PSI, 500+ Gal Daily S/D N 2007 Type 4 - 50 GPM at 100 PSI, 750+ Gal Wet Type 5 - 50 GPM at 100 PSI, 400-750 Gal With Operators Type 6 - 30 GPM at 100 PSI, 150-400 Gal Type 7 – 10 GPM at 100 PSI, 50-200 Gal
Plus minimum requirements. Note that the typing standard included is included in the Fireline Handbook, PMS 410-1, page A-40. Engine Strike An engine strike team Each engine must comply with engine Daily S/D N 2007 Team consists of 5 engines plus specifications described above. Wet (Used in PNW a strike team leader with With Operators GACC only) vehicle.
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Excavator Crawler mounted Type 1 85,000 lbs 231+ HP Daily rate S/D N 2009 hydraulic excavators Type 2 60,000 lbs 161-230 HP Wet Type 3 50,000 lbs 136-160 HP With Operator Type 4 44,000 lbs 111-135 HP If law requires a pilot Type 5 35,000 lbs 86-110 HP vehicle, the Government Type 6 25,400 lbs 76-85 HP will reimburse upon Type 7 18,400 lbs 61-75 HP submission of an invoice. Type 8 14,000 lbs 50-60 HP
Plus minimum requirements. Rate includes service vehicle. Faller 1 Faller Unit (qualified Min 67 cc saw w/ 32 in. bar per faller Daily S N 2010 faller, saw, transportation) Faller Module 2 Faller Units (2 Min 67 cc saw w/ 32 in. bar per faller Daily S N 2010 qualified fallers, saws, and transportation) Fax Machine Weekly / Monthly No Y Feller Buncher Machine to fall and cut Type 1 226 HP and greater Daily S N 2009 trees Type 2 160 HP to 225 HP Wet With operator Plus minimum requirements. Forklift Daily/ Weekly No Y Forwarder Used to move logs, but Type 1 Minimum 200 HP, 1500 gal Daily rate S N 2009 adapted with water tank Type 2 Min 140 HP, 1200 gal Wet Type 3 Min 100 HP, 1000 gal With operator Type 4 Min 90 HP, 850 gal Type 5 Min 70 HP, 750 gal
All Types: Pump rating 30 gpm @ 70 psi
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 4 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Front End Loader An earthmoving machine Daily S N with a scoop in front. Wet With operator Fuel Tender Fuel truck used as a fuel Categories: Daily rate S/D No 2010 station at incidents. Gas/Diesel/Lubricant Wet Jet Fuel With operator Vendor’s fuel price should reflect all applicable taxes and rounded to the nearest whole cent. Generator Portable electricity Daily/ Weekly No Y generator Dry Without operator GIS Unit Mobile unit for providing Forest Service GIS Unit standard is available from Daily No Y 2008 GIS services the EaTIS internal website. Wet With operator(s) Plus mileage rate Golf Cart Small powered cart Daily /Weekly/ Monthly No Y Dry Without operator Handwashing 2 or 4 station plastic sink Daily/ Weekly No Y 2010 Station, Portable units with foot pump Without operator Handwashing Self contained trailers Daily/ Weekly No Y 2010 Station, Trailer with hot and cold water. With operator Mounted Hazmat Unit Daily No Y Wet With operator Heater Portable Daily, Weekly No Y Incident Support Trailers, lighting, Daily/ Weekly No Y Package (R5 only) generator, handwashing Wet unit With operator
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 5 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Infra-Red Imager Categories: Daily/ Weekly No Y Forward Looking Infrared Imager (FLIR) Palm IR (e.g. Probeye) Lighting Lighting systems and Daily/ Weekly No Y mobile light towers Dry Without operator Lowboy, including Heavy equipment Daily S/D N 2009 tilt trailers transport, including truck Weekly (Daily) & trailer. Wet S only With operator (Weekly) (Reduce rate if operator also operates the equipment being hauled.) If law requires a pilot vehicle, the Government will reimburse upon submission of an invoice. Masticator Machine for grinding Daily S N (includes slash vegetation Wet buster) With operator Medical EERA should specify who will pay for restocking Daily / Weekly No Y 2009 Equipment, consumables used. including EMT / Paramedic Kits Mobile Laundry Complete laundry unit Hourly n/a n/a 2008 Wet With operator(s) Plus fee based on weight Office, Clerical Mobile office used for Daily S N 2008 Support Module operations center With or without operator
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 6 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Office, Modular Vacant job shack type Monthly No Y trailer with air conditioner and steps Pack String Horse or mule pack team Daily No Y With packer/wrangler Pallet Jack Hand unit for moving Daily/ Weekly / Monthly No Y pallets Printer Various types of Weekly / Monthly No Y computer printers Pump, Fire Small water pump Daily/ Weekly rate No Y (Portable) Pumper Cat Track vehicle with water Type 1, Minimum 200+ HP, 500+ gal Daily S/D N 2007 tank Type 2, Min 100-199 HP, 325-499 gal Wet Type 3, Min 60-99 HP, 200-324 gal With operator
All Types: Pump rating – 30 gpm @ 70 psi
Refuse Collection Dump box or garbage Daily / Weekly / Monthly No Y truck Plus dump/service fees Road Grader Used for building roads Type 1 200 – 250 HP Daily S N Type 2 145 – 199 HP Wet Type 3 115 – 144 HP With operator Type 4 75 – 114 HP
Plus minimum requirements. Satellite Kit Contains a dish or Daily No Y antenna and phones * Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 7 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Satellite Phone Daily / Monthly No Y Skidder Used for moving logs. Type 1 200+ HP Daily S/D N 2009 Type 2 140 - 199 HP Wet Type 3 101 – 139 HP With operator Type 4 81 – 100 HP Type 5 up to 80 HP
Plus minimum requirements. Skidgine Combined skidder and Type 1 200+ HP 30gpm @ 70psi, 400-600 gallons Daily S/D N 2007 engine vehicle. Type 2 140 - 199 HP 30gpm @ 70psi, 200-399 gal Wet All Types: Pump Capacity – 30 gpm @ 70 psi With operator Plus minimum requirements. Sleeper Unit, Mobile unit to provide Daily No Y Mobile sleeping Wet accommodations With operator Soft Track Skidgine run on a tank or Type 1 (600+ Gal, min 170 HP) Daily S/D N 2007 dozer track Pump Capacity: 30 gpm @ 70 psi Wet With operator Spill Kit Used to contain Daily No Y hazardous material spills Super Skidgine Forwarder or Skidder Type 1, 176+ HP, 1200 + gal Daily S/D N 2007 modified to transport Type 2, 75-175 HP, 800-1199 gal Wet 800+ gallons of water All types: Pump Capacity – 50 gpm @ 100 psi With operator Table Weekly / Monthly No Y Tank, Portable Self-standing storage Daily / Weekly No Y (Water Storage) tank, PUP, dip tank, etc. Tender, Potable Must meet state and local certification requirements Daily S/D N 2010 Water Government may provide potable water or Wet reimburse fees. With Operator
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 8 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Tender, Water Includes Water Truck Type 1 (5000+ gal / 300gpm) Daily S/D N 2007 (Support) Type 2 (2500-4999 gal / 200gpm) Wet Type 3 (1000-2499 gal / 200gpm) With operator
Plus minimum standards. Note that the typing standard is included in Fireline Handbook, 410-1, page A-40. Tender, Water Type 1 (5000+ gal) Daily rate S/D N 2007 (Tactical) Type 2 (2500-4999 gal) Wet Type 3 (1000-2499 gal) With operator Plus minimum requirements. Operator must meet fireline qualifications Tent / Canopy Daily / Weekly No Y 2008 Toilet, Portable Includes daily servicing EERA to specify contractor’s responsibility for Daily/ Weekly No Y 2010 daily tracking and to obtain signature of the Additional fees for Facilities Unit Leader on the shift ticket relocation or extra service Tractor – Plow Type 1 (165 HP) Daily S/D N Type 2 (140 HP) Wet Type 3 (120 HP) With operator Type 4 (90 HP) Type 5 (70-80 HP) Type 6 (42-60 HP)
Note that the typing standard included is included in the Fireline Handbook, 410-1, page A-36. Traffic Control Includes cones, Daily / Weekly No Y Equipment barricades, message boards, etc. Trailer – Mobile unit to support Daily No Y 2009 Helicopter Support helicopter operations Wet With operator
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 9 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Trailer, Cargo Daily No Y Dry Without operator Trailer, Trailer equipped with Daily No Y 2009 Communications programmable radios Wet With operator Trailer, Flatbed Daily No Y Dry Without operator Transportation, Stock trucks/trailers Daily No Y Stock Plus mileage rate Wet With operator Transportation, From a Rental Vehicle Categories: Daily No Y Rental Vehicle company Automobile Dry Pickup (4x4) Without operator Pickup (4x2) Sport Utility Vehicle Truck, Flatbed Truck, Stakeside Van, Passenger Transportation, From owner/operators Categories: Daily S N Vehicle w/ Automobile Plus mileage Operator Pickup (4x4) Wet Pickup (4x2) With operator Sport Utility Vehicle Truck, Flatbed Truck, Stakeside Van, Passenger Truck, Crash Forest Service Crash Rescue Truck standard is Daily S N 2008 Rescue available from the EaTIS internal website. Wet With operator
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 10 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS & TYPING METHOD OF HIRE Shift 24 hr day Competitive NAME EERA * Truck, Dump Daily S N Wet With operator Truck, Gray Water Must comply with state and local laws Daily S/D N 2010 Contractor must pay own permit fees Wet Contractor reimbursed for disposal fees unless the With operator Government provides a disposal site. Truck, Service Categories: Daily rate S/D N 2008 Light Automotive Wet Heavy Equipment With operator Specify provisions for supplying and the cost of repair parts Truck/Trailer - Categories: Daily / Weekly No Y 2008 Refrigeration Refrigeration Truck Plus mobilization cost Refrigeration Trailer No operator Dry Van, Box Includes commercial Daily No Y vans, i.e. U-Haul Without operator Dry Weed Washing Unit for washing vehicles Daily S N 2010 Units Wet With operator
* Each Geographic Area must determine if competition is warranted for non-competed equipment categories. Page 11