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Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana s13

Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

Reading 8.2.1a Vocabulary  Identify elements of consumer Classroom Literature 8 Informational Text Standards and materials. Assignments McDougal Littell C. 8.2.1b Assessment (ISTEP+)  Compare and contrast the 2008 (Unit 2,3,4) Textbook: McDougal Vocabulary: structure, format, and Quizzes and test Littell Literature 2008 8.2.1c purposes of different Picture Books edition Clarity/Clarify: "Most consumer materials. Writing 8.2.7 clearly and correctly  Analyze how the structure, Assignments Acuity Practice Unit 2: expresses..." "The best format, and purposes of Sheets “Evolution of Blues” 8.2.8a way to write the sentence consumer materials affect the Rubrics to make it clear and overall understanding of the 6-Traits 8.2.8b concise." text. Oral responses Unit 3: Combine: "What is the  Analyze how the structure, Writers Workshop “Going Where I’m CC.8.RI.1 best way to combine the format, and purposes of Observation Coming From” (8.2.9) – following sentences?" informational materials (such Scholastic Scope Compare and Contrast: as textbooks, newspapers, The Learning “Civil War Journal” CC.8.RI.2 "How does one view of the instructional or technical Connection story differ from the manuals, and public https://learningcon “Story of an CC.8.RI.2.a – other...?" "What is the documents) affect the overall Eyewitness/Letters main difference between understanding of the text. from New Orleans” CC.8.RI.2.b – the article and the  Comprehend (or follow) the Greek and Latin passage?" directions from a technical Roots: Unit 4: CC.8.RI.2.d – Describe: "Which of these manual. https://www.msu.e Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

sentences describes the  Restate and explain the steps du/ “The Diary from theme of the story?" from a technical manual to use ~defores1/gre/root Another World: The "Which word best simple equipment. s/ Last Seven Months of describes the actions of  Cite the textual evidence that gre_rts_afx2.htm Anne Frank” CC.8.RI.2.c – the character?" most strongly supports an Explain: "Which sentence analysis of what the text says Smekens best explains the author's explicitly as well as inferences Education (6 Traits purpose?" drawn from the text. + 1) CC.8.RI.3 – Express: "Which  Determine a central idea of a EdHelper statement best expresses text and analyze its the main idea?" "Choose development over the course m the sentence that is most of the text, including its clearly expressed?" relationship to supporting Brain Pop CC.8.RI.3.a – Revise: "Which of the ideas; provide an objective http://www.brainpo following is the best way to summary of the text. revise...?"  Identify ideas that support the Sequence: "Which central idea. Spelling City sentence best completes  Recognize the relationship of http://www.spelling the sequence of events?" ideas that support the central Summarize: "Which idea. statement best  Provide an objective summary PBS Learning summarizes the that includes the relationship Media Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

CC.8.RI.3.b – paragraph?" of supporting ideas to the http://www.pbslear Supporting Details/Use development of the central of Evidence: "Support idea. CC.8.RI.4 – your response with details  Analyze the development of from the passage." the central idea over the Kindles CC.8.RI.4.a – course of the text. Introduced vocabulary:  Analyze how a text makes iPad Consumer materials, logic, connections among and -apps CC.8.RI.4.b – inductive argument, distinctions between Launch the deductive argument, individuals, ideas, or events Writer’s Workshop internal consistency, (e.g., through comparisons, http://www.smeke CC.8.RI.5 coherent, thesis analogies, or categories)  Compare how individuals, /TheLiteracyStore/ Ongoing vocabulary: ideas, and/or events are Literal meaning, figurative CC.8.RI.6 – connected (including meaning, idioms, subplots, classification and analogies). parallel episode, theme,  Contrast the distinctions dialect, symbolism, irony, CC.8.RI.6.a between individuals, ideas, third person limited point of (8.2.2) and/or events within a text view, third person (including classification and omniscient point of view, CC.8.RI.6.b analogies). subjective point of view, (8.2.2) –  Determine the meaning of Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

objective point of view, words and phrases as they are transitions, analogy, used in a text, including CC.8.RI.6.c – paraphrase, inferences, figurative, connotative, and parallelism, juxtaposition, technical meanings; analyze subordination, the impact of specific word coordination, noun choices on meaning and tone, phrases, infinitives, including analogies or CC.8.RI.6.e – participles allusions to other texts.  Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including CC.8.RI.6.d – figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.  Analyze the impact of specific CC.8.RI.7 – word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. CC.8.RI.8 (8.2.6) –  Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of CC.8.RI.8.a – particular sentences in Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

developing and refining a key concept. CC.8.RI.8.b –  Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author CC.8.RI.8.c – acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints. CC.8.RI.8.d –  Identify evidence the author uses to support his or her viewpoints/position. CC.8.RI.8.e –  Identify conflicting evidence or viewpoints presented by the author in a given text. CC.8.RI.9  Compare and contrast the (8.2.3) – author’s evidence and/or viewpoints to the conflicting evidence and/or viewpoints. CC.8.RI.10 --  Analyze the techniques the author uses to respond to conflicting evidence.  Support your analysis with Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

examples from the text.  Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.  Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; recognize when irrelevant evidence is introduced.  Define and identify examples of relevant and irrelevant evidence, sufficient evidence, and sound reasoning in informational text.  Classify arguments and claims in informational text as either Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

relevant or irrelevant.  Classify reasoning in informational text as sound or unsound.  Classify evidence as sufficient or insufficient.  Evaluate an argument in a text based on sound reasoning, and relevant and sufficient evidence.  Analyze a case in which two or more texts provide conflicting information on the same topic and identify where the texts disagree on matters of fact or interpretation.  By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

Reading Literature 8.3.1b  Explain the characteristics and Tests Novels: The features of ballads, lyrics, Quizzes Outsiders Textbook: McDougal 8.3.1c couplets, epics, elegies, odes, Study Guide Littell Literature 2008 haiku, and sonnets. Written Product 8.3.6b Characterization  Describe the relationship Unit 2: Point of View between the purposes and Character and Point of Conclusions characteristics of each form of View 8.3.6c Protagonist poetry. Antagonist  Identify important literary devices such as metaphor, symbolism, dialect, quotations, CC.8.RL.1 – Setting, Plot, Mood, Style, and irony. Genre, conflict Unit 3: (internal/external),  Explain how these devices Setting, Plot, Mood, CC.8.RL.1.a – define a writer's style and Style affect interpretations of the work. CC.8.RL.1.b –  Cite the textual evidence that Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

most strongly supports an CC.8.RL.1.c – Conclusions analysis of what the text says Unit 4: Plot explicitly as well as inferences Theme and Symbol Character Motivation drawn from the text. CC.8.RL.1.d – Theme  Identify the key ideas explicitly Universal Theme stated in the text. Symbol  Identify and cite the evidence CC.8.RL.1.e – Drama in the text that strongly Flashback supports the key ideas. Suspense  Recognize the difference CC.8.RL.1.f – Stage Directions between inference and what is Holocaust explicitly stated in the text. Prejudice  Analyze text by making CC.8.RL.2 inferences about what a text (8.5.5)— says that is not directly stated.  Analyze text by evaluating CC.8.RL.2.a – which evidence most strongly supports the identified key ideas. CC.8.RL.2.b –  Cite the evidence used that most strongly supports an Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

CC.8.RL.2.c – analysis of what the text says explicitly.  Determine a theme or central CC.8.RL.2.d – idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its CC.8.RL.2.e – relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.  Understand the theme and CC.8.RL.2.f central idea of a text. (8.5.5) –  Know literary elements (characters, setting, plot).

CC.8.RL.3  Understand how to objectively summarize a text. CC.8.RL.3.a –  Analyze the development of a theme or central idea over the course of a text. CC.8.RL.3.b –  Analyze a theme's relationship to the literary elements over Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

the course of a text.  Provide an objective summary CC.8.RL.3.c – of the text.  Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, CC.8.RL.4 – or provoke a decision.  Identify dialogue, plot, and characterization. CC.8.RL.4.a --  Analyze how lines of dialogue propel action, reveal characters, and provoke CC.8.RL.4.b – decisions.  Analyze how incidents in a story propel action, reveal CC.8.RL.5 – characters, and provoke decisions.  Determine the meaning of CC.8.RL.5.a – words and phrases as they are used in a text, including Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

figurative and connotative CC.8.RL.5.b – meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including CC.8.RL.6 – analogies or allusions to other texts. CC.8.RL.7 –  Determine the meaning of words and phrases are used in a text, including figurative, CC.8.RL.7.a – connotative, and technical meanings. CC.8.RL.7.b –  Analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or CC.8.RL.7.c – allusions, to other texts.  Compare and contrast the CC.8.RL.9 – structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text CC.8.RL.10 contributes to its meaning and Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

style.  Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts.  Analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style.  Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony) create such effects as suspense or humor.  Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

made by the director or actors.  Compare and contrast text (story or drama) and live or filmed production.  Analyze the faithfulness or departure between the text (story or drama) and the live or filmed production.  Evaluate the outcome/impact of choices made by directors and actors (their motivation, etc.).  Analyze how a modern work of fiction draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from myths, traditional stories, or religious works such as the Bible, including describing how the Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

material is rendered new.  By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the high end of grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Writing 8.4.7  Review and revise writing for Written Product Teacher Made meaning and clarity using a Writing Rubric Resources Textbook: McDougal 8.4.7b Language Conventions variety of strategies. Littell Literature 2008  Evaluate writing for meaning Venn Diagrams edition Grammar Rules and clarity using a variety of 8.4.7c strategies. Pre-writing Unit 2: Editing Rules  Revise writing for meaning and Graphic Persuasive Writing 8.4.8a clarity using a variety of Organizers strategies. Unit 3:  Use an editing checklist with Editor Checklist Writing new ending to 8.4.8b specific examples of Launch the Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources short story corrections of frequent errors Writer’s Workshop to edit and proofread one’s http://www.smeke Unit:4: 8.4.9a own writing. Short Essay  Use an editing checklist with /TheLiteracyStore/ specific examples of Compare/Contrast 8.4.9b corrections of frequent errors 6 Traits Writing to edit and proofread the Character writing of others. Development 8.4.9c  Revise writing for word choice using a variety of strategies.

 Revise writing for appropriate 8.4.9d organization using a variety of 8.5.2 strategies.  Revise writing for consistent 8.5.2b point of view using a variety of strategies.  Revise writing for transitions 8.5.2c among paragraphs, passages, and ideas using a variety of Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

8.5.2d strategies  Demonstrate careful reading and insight into interpretations 8.5.4a in written response to 8.5.4b literature.  Make connections to the writer’s techniques and to specific textual references when writing responses to literature. 8.5.4c  Support inferences about the effects of a literary work on its audience when writing 8.5.4d responses to literature.  Support statements with evidence from the text when 8.5.5c writing responses to literature.  Create a well-defined thesis 8.5.6 that makes a clear and Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

CC.8.W.1 – knowledgeable appeal when writing persuasive compositions. CC.8.W.2  Include detailed evidence, (8.4.2) – examples, and reasoning to support effective arguments CC.8.W.3 – and emotional appeals when writing persuasive compositions.  Identify possible reader CC.8.W.4 concerns and (8.4.9, 8.5.7) – counterarguments when writing persuasive arguments. CC.8.W.5  Arrange details, reasons, and (8.4.1, 8.4.7, examples effectively to answer 8.4.8, 8.4.9, reader concerns and 8.4.10) -- counterarguments when writing persuasive CC.8.W.6 compositions Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

(8.4.6a, b) –  Apply formatting techniques, including headings and changing the fonts to aid comprehension when writing CC.8.W.7 (8.4.11, 8.5.3) – technical documents. CC.8.W.8  Write using precise word (8.4.4, 8.4.5, choices to make writing 8.5.3) -- interesting and exact.  Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and CC.8.W.9 (8.5.3) – relevant evidence  Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and CC.8.W.10 -- convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.  Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.  Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.  With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.  Use technology, including the Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.  Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.  Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.  Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.  Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

Speaking, Listening CC.8.SL.1 –  Engage effectively in a range Video: Diary of and Media of collaborative discussions Anne Frank (one-on-one, in groups, and Unit 2: teacher-led) with diverse Video: The Attic: Unit 3: partners on grade 8 topics, The Hiding of texts, and issues, building on Anne Frank others' ideas and expressing Unit 4: their own clearly. Video: The World Video: The Attic and CC.8.SL.2 –  Analyze the purpose of of Anne Frank Diary of Anne Frank information presented in diverse media and formats CC.8.SL.3 – (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and evaluate the motives (e.g., social, CC.8.SL.6 -- commercial, political) behind its presentation.  Delineate a speaker's Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

argument and specific claims, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning and relevance and sufficiency of the evidence and identifying when irrelevant evidence is introduced.  Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

Language 8.1.1e Language Conventions  Interpret the figurative or literal Teacher Made meaning of a phrase based on Resources Textbook: McDougal Grammar Rules the use of idioms and Littell Literature 2008 8.6.1c comparisons. Venn Diagrams edition Editing Rules  Compose correct and varied sentence types (simple, Pre-writing Textbook: McDougal 8.6.4 Parts of Speech compound, complex, and Graphic Littell Language *noun compound-complex) and Organizers Network 2001 edition *verb sentence openings to present Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

8.6.5 *adjectives a lively and effective personal Editor Checklist *adverbs style. *prepositions  Edit increasingly complex The Language 8.6.6 *conjunctions written manuscripts to ensure Network Textbook *interjections that correct grammar is used. *verbs  Produce increasingly complex 8.6.7 *direct object writing with correct punctuation *indirect object (including colons and CC.8.L.1 (8.6.4) *predicate nouns *predicate adjective semicolons).

Sentences: Complete,  Produce increasingly complex fragments, simple and writing with correct CC.8.L.2 (8.6.5, complex subject, simple capitalization. 8.6.6, 8.6.7) and complex predicate  Produce increasingly complex CC.8.L.3 -- writing with correct spelling conventions. CC.8.L.4 (8.1.3)  Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

CC.8.L.5 (8.1.1)  command of the conventions CC.8.L.6 of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break. b. Use an ellipsis to indicate an omission. c. Spell correctly.

 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. Use verbs in the active and passive voice and in the conditional and subjunctive mood to achieve particular effects (e.g., emphasizing the actor or the Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

action; expressing uncertainty or describing a state contrary to fact).  Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.  Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.  Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana Curriculum Map Course Title: ELA 8 Quarter: 2 Academic Year: 2011-2012

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them? 2. How is informational text relevant to my life? 3. How do I write an essay that will powerfully persuade an audience? 4. What components make a play an effective way of telling a story? 5. Why is it important to understand literary devices and why an author uses them?

1. How do you determine if an object is living or nonliving? 2. What impact does the environment have on a population?

Unit/Time Frame Standards Content Skills Assessment Resources

considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Franklin County Community School Corporation - Brookville, Indiana COMMON CORE AND INDIANA ACADEMIC STANDARDS

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