Procedures for Ms
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Do not throw this packet away! Return to Ms. Gray at the end of the semester for 10 extra points!
Procedures are a part of life— they’re inevitable! Procedures exist so that society can function in an acceptable manner. In order for this class to run smoothly, a number of procedures have been put into place. These procedures will create a classroom climate that encourages learning and maxims your ability as a student. Please familiarize yourself with the following procedures.
When Entering the Classroom: Enter the classroom quietly and quickly. Finish your conversations with peers before entering class. You should retrieve your class folder from the front table and immediately report to your seat, unless you need to take care of other duties such as finding or submitting late work.
Getting to Work Immediately: Once you have taken your seat, you should begin work promptly. Consult the Smart Board for your bell-ringer assignment. Immediately begin working on the assigned activity. Bell-ringers should be recorded on the handout provided weekly and will be taken up each Friday for a daily grade.
When You Are Tardy: Be respectful to your classmates and the teacher as you enter the classroom, being careful not to disrupt class activities. Do not explain to me why you are late until the end of class. You should not interrupt class to explain your tardiness. See me immediately after class to explain why you were late. Be sure to provide me with notes from teachers or other signed excuses. It is your responsibility to obtain a note from another teacher to excuse your tardiness to class and to hand it to me at the end of class. The tardy will automatically be unexcused if you fail to do so. All unexcused tardies will be turned in to the office (Student handbook includes school-wide tardy policy).
Coming to Attention: You will often be working collaboratively with other students. There will be much movement and activity throughout the room at different times. Two rings of a bell is your cue to come to attention. After two rings, all talking/movement should cease, and all eyes should be on the teacher. Please remain quiet and listen for further instructions.
Effort/Participation Points: There will be times in this class when you may earn effort and/or participation points from in-class activities. The amount of points will vary and I will inform you when such points may be earned.
Shared Materials: The textbook, The Language of Literature, is stowed beneath each desk. This textbook is used by all classes. This book is not your own; therefore, it is essential that you treat it as borrowed and take the best care of it as possible. Refrain from writing in the text. Please make notes on your own paper. Do not remove books from the classroom unless you have received permission to check out the book. Do not throw this packet away! Return to Ms. Gray at the end of the semester for 10 extra points!
Checking out Materials: On occasion, you might need to check out a literature book. You are more than welcome to do so! To check out a book, first get my permission. Secondly, fill out the appropriate form located on the top of the bookshelf at the front of the room. Please complete all sections of the form. Please return the book the following day and indicate that you have done so on the same form.
The Teacher’s Desk: My desk is just that—mine. I will not linger around your desk, thumb through your personal items, or sit in your chair. Please do the same for me. My desk is off limits.
Student Desks: Everything in the Trojan Academy is new. Take care of your school! Please do no write on the desks, sick gum underneath the desks, or carve anything in the desk. Destroying school property is a punishable offense in this classroom.
Working Independently: When working alone, do not talk with fellow students. If you have a question, raise your hand. I will be more than happy to assist you—do not hesitate to ask me questions.
Working in Groups: You will often be working in groups. When you are assigned to groups, please refrain from grumbling about being placed with fellow group members. Working in groups with a variety of your peers will result in more diversified thoughts and conversations. Realize that not all group members will share the same opinions as you. Please maintain proper levels of tact and maturity when discussing topics with group members. Always be respectful to other and remain on task at all times.
Changing Groups: Some activities will require that you move from one station or group to another. The signal to change groups will be two rings of the bell. Remember that two rings of the bell signals to stop what you are doing, quit talking and moving, and look at me. I will give you instructions, make a comment, or simply give you the “okay” to switch groups. You will move about the room quietly and orderly.
Pens and Pencils: It is your choice whether to use a pen or pencil. However, only use blue or black ink on assignments. Please make sure that all work is neat and legible. If you need to sharpen your pencil, you may do so without permission. Only one student should be at the pencil sharpener at all times.
Headings on Paper: All papers will be headed on the upper right-hand corner. The heading should appear as follows: First AND last name Date Unless you are Madonna or Cher, it is essential to include BOTH your first and last names. Failure to do so will result in a reduction of points from the assignment. Begin using this procedure now. Do not throw this packet away! Return to Ms. Gray at the end of the semester for 10 extra points!
Due Dates and Assignments: Due dates and assignments will be posted on the dry erase board. Please consult the board before consulting me about any questions you might have about upcoming assignments and due dates.
Turning in Work: Do not forget your heading on all submitted assignments.
HOMEWORK: Turn in homework immediately upon entering the classroom—before you sit down at your desk. You should place all homework assignments in the bins labeled “Turn Your Work In Here.” Make sure to place your work in the correct bin for your class period.
I will either collect IN-CLASS assignments from each person individually (by making my way from desk to desk) or I will ask that all papers be passed to the right and to the front of the room. Please wait to pass your paper to the right until you have received the paper from the person on your left- hand side. It is important to remember that not all daily work will be taken up, however random homework checks are to be expected.
Turning in Late Work: Turn in late work prior to beginning the bell-ringer activity. There is a late work bin located on the front table. I will check the bin daily. Again, be sure to turn in your late work prior to the beginning of class. Please do not hand late work to me, as I might misplace it.
Incomplete Work: Incomplete work will be graded. Items that are incomplete will simply be counted as incorrect.
Work Left in Locker: If you leave your homework in your locker or in a different classroom on the day that it is due, you may bring the assignment to me immediately after class, without any grade deduction. Work will only be accepted during the five minutes before the next class begins. If it is not in your class bin before the next class begins, then it will be considered late. Do not disrupt a class session to turn in late work!
Missed Work: In the event that you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to obtain the work you missed. Please obtain missed class notes from a fellow student. If other documents were received during your absence, they will be located in the box labeled “While you were out…” on the front table. Look for your corresponding class period. If you have an excused absent on the day of a quiz or test, it is your responsibility to talk with me and schedule a time to make up the missed grade. According to the handbook, you have five school days to complete missing assignments. Failure to make up your work will result in a zero for that particular assignment.
When You Finish Early: If you complete an assignment early, consult the front board for a list of possible activities to complete. These activities might include reading a book or working on other English assignments. If Do not throw this packet away! Return to Ms. Gray at the end of the semester for 10 extra points! you do not have a book to read, I have a selection for you to choose from. You may not work on assignments from other classes, go to sleep, or talk with the students sitting around you.
If You Need to Use the Restroom: Please be responsible and schedule your visits to the restroom between classes. Do not ask to use the restroom during a lecture or presentation unless it is an emergency. If you must use the restroom during class, you must present your agenda book/sign-out sheet. Do not make a habit of leaving class to use the restroom.
Books/Supplies Left in Locker: If you leave books or supplies in your locker, I will allow you to retrieve them. However, in order to leave, you must present me with your agenda book/hall pass. You will be excused from class to go to your locker 3 times. Each additional trip to your locker will result in a loss of effort/participation points.
Announcements: Occasionally, class will be interrupted by a school-wide announcement. If an announcement is made over the P.A. system during class, listen! Do not talk during any announcement. If the announcement pertains to you, then do as instructed without disrupting the rest of the class. Remain quiet after the announcement has completed; class will resume immediately following any announcement.
Checking Your Grades: Grades will be posted in Infinite Campus. Grades will be updated at last twice weekly. I encourage you to check your grades on a regular basis.
End of Class Dismissal: The clock does not dismiss you from class. The teacher dismisses class. Please wait for the teacher’s permission to leave and/or begin gathering your belongings.