(Russian realist novelist and satirist, b. Sorotschynzy, Poltawa, secondary school teacher, university lecturer at St Petersburg 1834-35, l. mostly abroad 1836-48, d. Moscow)


Gogol, Nikolai. Evenings at the Farm near Dikanka, in Russian). Stories. 1831. _____. Mirgorod. 1835. _____. Taras Bulba. Novel. 1835. _____. The Nose. Novella. 1836. _____. "La nariz." In Los cuentos de una vida: Antología del cuento universal. Ed Sergio Pitol. Barcelona and México: Plaza & Janés, 2002. 43-69.* _____. The Government Inspector. Comedy. 1836. _____. Dead Souls. Novel. 1842. _____. Chichikov's Journeys; or Home Life in Old Russia. Trans. Bernard Guilbert Guerney. Introd. Clifton Fadiman. (= Dead Souls ). USA, 1943. _____. Dead Souls. Ed. George Gibian. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1986. _____. Dead Souls: A Poem. Ed. and trans. Christopher English. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. _____. Las almas muertas. Barcelona: Océano, 1982. _____. "Shinel."Story. 1842. _____. "The Overcoat." In Gogol, Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. Trans. of "Shinel." _____. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. Trans. Ronald Wilks. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. _____. (The Wedding). _____. "Iván Fedorovich Schpoñka y su tía." In Los cuentos de una vida: Antología del cuento universal. Ed Sergio Pitol. Barcelona and México: Plaza & Janés, 2002. 17-42.* Criticism

Azcona, Amparo. Literatura rusa: naturalismo-realismo. Gogol- Dostoievski-Tolstoi. Madrid: Alborada, 1989. Bakhtin, Mikhail. "Rable i Gogol." ("Rabelais andGogol"). 1940. In Bakhtin, Voprosy literatury i estetiki. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1975. 484-95. _____. "Rable i Gogol." In Kontekst-72. Moscow, 1973. 238-59. _____. "Rabelais et Gogol." In Bakhtin, Esthétique et théorie du roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1978. 475-88. Belinski, Vissarion Grigorievich. "Letter to Gogol." (In Russian). 1847. Benítez Burraco, Antonio. Tres ensayos sobre literatura rusa: Pushkin, Gógol y Chéjov. (Acta Salmanticensia; Estudios Filológicos, 313). Salamanca: Ediciones U de Salamanca, 2006. (Pushkin's poetry, The Overcoat, Chekhov's 'small trilogy'). Chernyshevski, Nikolai Gavrilovich.(Essays on the Gogolian period of Russian Literature, in Russian). 1855-56. (Belinski, Gogol). Eikhenbaum, Boris M. "Die Illusion des skaz." 1918. In Russischer Formalismus: Texte zur allemeinen Literaturtheorie und zur Theorie der Prosa. Ed. J. Striedter. 1969. Munich: Fink, 1971.161-67. _____. "Kak sdelana 'Shinel' Gogolia." Poetika. Sborniki po teorii poeticheskogo iazyka. Petrograd, 1919. 151-65. _____. "How Gogol's 'The Overcoat' Is Made." Russian Review 20 (1963): 377-90. _____. "How Gogol's 'Overcoat' Is Made." In Gogol from the Twentieth Century. Ed. Robert A. Maguire. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1974. 269-91. _____. "Comment est fait Le manteau de Gogol." In Théorie de la littérature. Ed. Tzvetan Todorov. Paris: Seuil, 1965. 31-75. Trans. from Literatura, Teoriia, kritika, polemika. Leningrad, 1927. _____. "Wie Gogols 'Mantel' gemacht ist." 1918. In Russischer Formalismus: Texte zur allemeinen Literaturtheorie und zur Theorie der Prosa. Ed. J. Striedter. Munich: Fink, 1971. 125- 59. _____. "Cómo está hecho El capote de Gogol." In Teoría de la literatura de los formalistas rusos. Ed. T. Todorov. Buenos Aires: Signos, 1970. 159-76.* Fanger, Donald. "Nabokov and Gogol." In The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Ed. Vladimir Alexandrov. New York: Garland, 1995. 420-28.* _____. "Gogol (1809-1852)." In A History of European Literature. Ed. Annick Benoit-Dusausoy and Guy Fontaine. London: Routledge, 2000. 444-46.* Karlinsky, Simon. The Sexual Labyrinth of Nikolai Gogol. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1992. Karsián, Gaiané. "La percepción de N. V. Gógol en España: La 'segunda vida' de sus obras en las traducciones al español." Hermeneus 4 (2002): 115-28.* Lotman, Iuri M. (Jurij Lotman). "Zum künstlerischen Raum und zum Problem des Sujets." From Der künstlerische Raum in Gogol's Prosa. In Russische Proto-Narratologie: Texte in kommentierten Übersetzungen. Ed. Wolf Schmid. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 261-89.* Maguire, Robert A., ed. Gogol from the Twentieth Century. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1974. Nabokov, Vladimir. Nikolai Gogol. Critical biography. Norfolk (CT): New Directions, 1944. _____. Nikolaï Gogol. Paris: La Table Ronde, 1953. _____. Nicolas Gogol. New trans. Paris: Rivages, 1988. _____. "Nikolai Gógol (1809-1852)." In Nabokov, Curso de literatura rusa. Trans. María Luisa Balseiro. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1997. 59-138.* Trotski, Lev. "N. V. Gógol." 1902. In Trotski, Sobre arte y cultura. Madrid: Alianza, 1973. 7-19. Tynianov, Iuri. Dostoevskii i Gogol': k teorii parodii. Petrograd, 1921. _____. "Dostoevskij und Gogol (Zur Theorie der Parodie)." In Russischer Formalismus. Ed. and trans. Jurij Striedter. Munich: Fink, 1971. 301-71. Zinik, Zinovy. "The Sad Gay Gogol." (Karlinsky). TLS 24 July 1992: 8.


Janáçek, Leoß. Taras Bulba. Bavarian radio symphony orchestra / Rafael Kubelik. In Ralph Vaughan Williams, The Lark Ascending. With Leoß Janáçek, Taras Bulba; Belá Bartók, The Miraculous Mandarin, op 19. CD. (Historia Deutsche Grammophon de la Música). Polygram Ibérica / Club Internacional del Libro, 1997.* _____. Taras Bulba. In Janáçek, Sinfonietta. Taras Bulba. Opera Preludes. Simon Rattle. Sir Charles Mackerras. CD. (HMV Classics). EU: EMI, 1999. Shostakovich, Dmitri. The Nose. Opera. 1928.