Review of Survey Results from the 2012-2013 PDC Professional Development Plan

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Review of Survey Results from the 2012-2013 PDC Professional Development Plan

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 1 Review of survey results from the 2012-2013 PDC Professional Development Plan PDC Goal 1: Instructional decisions will be based on formative and summative student assessment data. (CSIP goal 1) Teacher survey from May 2013 indicated: 95.9% said goal was met - average rating was 3.41/4.0 scale 146 responses PD offered on using data and formative assessments to drive decision making PD offered at grade level collaboration on how to create effective common assessments

PDC Goal 2: Consistent, effective instruction will be evidenced in every district classroom through district standardized expectations for all students, collaborative planning, and training/support in best practices. (CSIP goal 1) Teacher survey from May 2013 indicated: 89.9% said goal was met- average rating was 3.41/4.0 scale 147 responses Comments noted some buildings are inconsistent K-5 appreciated the extra PD this year for grade level meetings

PDC Goal 3: Effective instructional programs will be implemented to meet the needs of all Meramec Valley R-III students. (CSIP goal 1) Teacher survey from May 2013 indicated: 93.8% said goal was met- average rating was 3.10/4.0 scale 147 responses Comments noted positives for the effective instructional programs currently in place. Needs were noted as more materials and resources to support the transition to the new core standards and more Tier III support within the buildings.

PDC Goal 4: PDC will support district and building efforts to consistently partner with district parents and community. (CSIP goals 1, 2) Teacher survey from May 2013 indicated: 83.6% said goal was met- average rating was 3.16/4.0 scale 147 responses Needs were noted as this is a weak implementation for the district and teachers feel they need more help to improve parent involvement.

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 2 2012-2013 Mentor Program Effectiveness

May 2013 Survey Results

1st year Teacher responses regarding Mentor Program 10 completed surveys 90-100% average responses Suggestions from 1st year teachers: management skills, more time on the new teacher orientation days to work in their classrooms, require weekly meetings with teacher and mentor, not sure of the impact of having to keep a portfolio.

2nd year Teacher survey responses regarding Mentor Program 5 completed surveys 80% average on Responses Suggestions from 2nd year teachers: ensure teacher and mentor are teaching the same grade/area; match mentor with job expectations; need more resources from mentors for teaching; would like to see master’s courses count for some mentoring hours instead of the checklists.

Mentor Survey responses regarding the Mentor Program 13 completed surveys 90% average on Responses Suggestions from District Mentors: revise the mentor checklists to make them more helpful; make sure mentors are in the same grade level/subject area; consider updating the portfolio; revise mentor meetings for the district; revise mentor stipend to match the expectations.

2012-2013 Summary of the off-site, district PDC, sponsored events and number of staff attending

Off-site District PDC Event Attendance PDC # Events/# Goal Staff Alignmen t Character Education through CSD 2/4 4 Positive Behavior Support Training 8/17 3 Networking with other sites/schools/observations 9/13 1-3 Common Core Awareness, Training, etc. 12/18 1, 2 Response to Interventions-RtI 2/4 1, 2 Technology-METC, Smartboard Academy, SIS, etc. 11/22 1-3 Assessment-EOC, MAP, Standards-based Grading, etc. 4/12 1 School Effectiveness Training-SET 2/ZE Team 1-3 PLTW 4/4 2,3

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 3 Student assessment data, GL summary notes, and the summer EOC/MAP results are also used to set the goals for the 2013-2014 PDC Plan. As more assessment data is obtained throughout the 2013-2014 school year it may become necessary to modify the following PDC improvement strategies.

Meramec Valley R-III PDC Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014

The Meramec Valley R-III Professional Development Committee recognizes that professional development for teachers and school leaders needs to be evaluated on the basis of its impact on teacher effectiveness and student learning. To support Meramec Valley R-III District Goals and Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) goals for ensuring a quality academic program and expecting high standards in performance/achievement, the Meramec Valley R-III PDC supports the National Staff Development Council Standards for the 2013-2014 school year:

Context Standards (Where, When, and/or Who) Staff development that improves the learning of all students: *Organizes adults into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and district. (Learning Communities) *Requires skillful school and district leaders who guide continuous instructional improvement. (Leadership) *Requires resources to support adult learning and collaboration. (Resources)

Process Standards (How) Staff development that improves the learning of all students: *Uses disaggregated student data to determine adult learning priorities, monitor progress, and help sustain continuous improvement. (Data-Driven) *Uses multiple sources of information to guide improvement and demonstrate its impact. (Evaluation) *Prepares educators to apply research to decision making. (Research-Based) *Uses learning strategies appropriate to the intended goal. (Design) *Applies knowledge about human learning and change. (Learning) *Provides educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate. (Collaboration)

Content Standards (What) Staff development that improves the learning of all students: *Prepared educators to understand and appreciate all students, create safe, orderly and supportive learning environments, and hold high expectations for the academic achievement. (Equity) *Deepens educators’ content knowledge, provides them with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards, and prepares them to use various types of classroom assessments appropriately. (Quality Teaching) *Provides educators with knowledge and skills to involve families and other stakeholders appropriately. (Family Involvement)

Meramec Valley R-III Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Goals

CSIP Goal 1: District and building scores on national, state and district assessments will increase by 5% yearly as measured by AYP and APR targets as well as local benchmarks.

CSIP Goal 2: Attendance rate of all district students will be at 95% or above as measured by ADA and APR.

PDC Goal 1: Instructional decisions will be based on formative and summative student assessment data. (CSIP goal 1) PDC Goal 2: Consistent, effective instruction will be evidenced in every district classroom through district standardized expectations for all students, collaborative planning, and training/support in best practices. (CSIP goal 1) PDC Goal 3: Effective instructional programs will be implemented to meet the needs of all

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 4 Meramec Valley R-III students. (CSIP goal 1) PDC Goal 4: PDC will support district and building efforts to consistently partner with district parents and community. (CSIP goals 1, 2)

Meramec Valley R-III PDC Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014

NSDC Standard: Staff Development that improves the learning of all students organizes adults into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and district. PDC goal 1: Instructional decisions will be based on formative and summative student assessment data.

Improvement Timeline Responsibilities Data Funding Strategies Provide 2013-2014 Building Admin Data Analysis WS DESE Collaborative Teacher Leaders Student Collaborative Grant funding for Curriculum Assessment Grant subs to allow all Coordinators Samples sites to meet for Common PDC collaboration, data Assessment analysis, and Scoring Guides common assessment development. Provide resources 2013-2014 PD Director Survey results of PDC to support building Building Principals book study Collaborative study groups GL Chairs Use of PD Grant focused on CSIP DC materials Sped goals. Impact on student learning Support stipends Four times each K-5 Principals Survey results PDC and CEUs for year. Elementary from each GL those who qualify Curriculum meeting for elementary Coordinator grade level Assistant Supt. meetings. Provide grade Quarterly District GL and Vertical PDC level and vertical Teaming agendas Collaborative teaming for the Grant development and analysis of assessment data. Provide GL Chair Three times yearly Grade Level Vertical Agendas PDC and Department August Chairs CIA feedback Collaborative Chair vertical November Department Chairs from each Grant meetings to February Admin. team/department develop and Curriculum discuss common Coordinators goals and Assistant Supt. assessments. Provide training 2013-2014 Building Admin. Classroom PDC and support on the District Observations integration of online testing Teacher feedback

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 5 platforms for staff.

Method of Evaluation / Results: Commissioner’s Award of Excellence for Professional Development Rubric: -All staff is part of on-going school-based learning teams -All staff uses data and is regularly involved in a variety of professional growth activities to improve student learning

NSDC Standard: Staff Development that improves the learning of all students requires skillful school and district leaders who guide continuous instructional improvement. PDC goal 1: Instructional decisions will be based on formative and summative student assessment data.

Improvement Timeline Responsibilities Data Funding Strategies District will 2013-2014 PD Director Use and sharing of PDC continue to support Subscription educational Educational articles, free Leadership for resources, and free building PD opportunities professional learning. Administrators 2013-2014 Building Admin. Session PDC both facilitate as PDC evaluations Collaborative well as support on- Assistant Supt. Online surveys Grant site, embedded Implementation of professional strategies in development in the classrooms. area of assessment for staff. (for ex. MAP data, effective instructional practices, CCSS, classroom management)

District August 2013 District PDC Collection of data PDC Comprehensive September 2013 Building Admin by building teams School October 2013 Building Improvement Plan teams/Teachers and District Goals CSIP new goal are reviewed and setting by end of communicated and October yearly. data gathered to assess progress. Support a “Train 2013-2014 Building Admin. Session PDC the Trainer” model PDC evaluations Collaborative of PD and explore Assistant Supt. Online surveys Grant online PD module Implementation of development for strategies in yearly needs. classrooms.

Method of Evaluation / Results:

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 6 Commissioner’s Award of Excellence for Professional Development Rubric: -Student achievement can be linked to a high-quality school improvement plan; quality, focused professional development; and exemplary leadership.

Meramec Valley R-III PDC Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014

NSDC Standard: Staff Development that improves the learning of all students uses multiple sources of information to guide improvement and demonstrate its impact. PDC goal 1: Instructional decisions will be based on formative and summative student assessment data.

Improvement Timeline Responsibilities Data Funding Strategies Both quantitative May 2013 PDC AYP, APR, MAP, PDC and qualitative June 2013 Assistant CTB, EXPLORE, data sources are Superintendent PLAN, Teacher survey utilized in the Federal Programs information evaluation Director planning for PD Director yearly district professional development of the district PD plan. Review district Six times yearly PDC Examination of PDC level data as September Assistant student data a PDC committee October Superintendent at scheduled November Federal Programs Data collection of PD meetings in order February Director learning events and to assist in April PD Director teacher guiding June Tech Director reaction/implementatio professional n learning decisions and utilize email/website to facilitate communication. Review building 2013-2014 PDC Data PDC and student level Assistant collected/shared/used Tech Budget data as both Superintendent building staff and Federal Programs building teams to Director determine student PD Director learning needs as Tech Director well as identify best practices. Explore use of the 2013-2014 PDC Data PDC SHAREPOINT Assistant collected/shared/used Tech Budget option within Superintendent OFFICE 365 as a Federal Programs viable Director collaboration path PD Director for district PD. Tech Director

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 7 Method of Evaluation / Results: Commissioner’s Award of Excellence for Professional Development Rubric: -Staff development is evaluated based on its impact on student achievement. -A person is designated to be responsible for the consistent evaluation of staff development. -Multiple sources of data concerning knowledge gained by participants, level of implementation and changes in student learning are consistently collected.

Meramec Valley R-III PDC Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014

NSDC Standard: Staff Development that improves the learning of all students prepares educators to apply research to decision making PDC goal 2: Consistent, effective instruction will be evidenced in every district classroom through district standardized expectations for all students, collaborative planning, and training/ support in best practices. Improvement Timeline Responsibilities Data Funding Strategies Provide May 2013 PDC Networking PDC networking June 2013 Building Admin. Reflection Sped opportunities for Mentor Chair Summary first, second, change of placement teachers to support best practices. Provide classroom August to October PDC Discipline and PDC management Yearly Building Admin. Climate BTAP Program training for first Mentor Chair information of with RPDC and second year Mentors classrooms teachers. Survey Through both the 2013-2014 PD Director Circulation data PDC district and CO Secretary to Library budgets Building PD Assistant Supt. Monitor us of resource libraries, Building PD Reps District PD staff will have resources through access to materials inventory for professional list/request on learning/research. district website.

Provide 2013-2014 Assistant Student PDC opportunities for Superintendent achievement staff member to Curriculum data/local Building Budgets conduct pilot Coordinators CIA budgets studies and/or Admin action research of best practices.

Method of Evaluation / Results: Commissioner’s Award of Excellence for Professional Development Rubric: -Staff uses research when making decision and/or selecting strategies for improving student learning. -Staff accepts responsibility for seeking out information or conducting research for planning

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 8 and/or decision making. -Staff conducts action research/pilots, collects data, and communicates results about effectiveness of initiatives.

Meramec Valley R-III PDC Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014 NSDC Standard: Staff Development that improves the learning of all students uses learning strategies appropriate to the intended goal. PDC goal 2: Consistent, effective instruction will be evidenced in every district classroom through district standardized expectations for all students, collaborative planning, and training/ support in best practices. Improvement Timeline Responsibilities Data Funding Strategies Effectively use September 18th Building Admin Early Dismissal PDC time built into November 6th Teachers summaries Local district yearly January 21st calendar for February 5th building staff to March 19th work collaboratively each quarter and semester. Offer training 2013-2014 PDC Summary PDC opportunities in Assistant Supt. Differentiated Building Admin. Survey data Instruction and the work of John Impact on student Hattie. learning data

Method of Evaluation / Results: Commissioner’s Award of Excellence for Professional Development Rubric: -Those responsible for staff development consistently select learning strategies based on the intended outcomes. -Staff development includes collaborative lesson design, examination of student work, curriculum development, case studies and action research, etc.

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 9 Meramec Valley R-III PDC Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014

NSDC Standard: Staff Development that improves the learning of all students applies knowledge about human learning and change. PDC goal 1: Instructional decisions will be based on formative and summative student assessment data. Improvement Timeline Responsibilities Data Funding Strategies Provide support September 18th Building Admin Early Dismissal PDC and training to November 6th Teachers summaries Local transition to CCSS January 21st and conduct gap February 5th analysis of current March 19th curriculum and instruction. Provide release 2013-2014 PDC Summary PDC time and materials Assistant Supt. for development, Building Admin. Survey data revision, monitoring, and Impact on student evaluation of learning data curriculum based on assessed needs. Provide a stipend 2013-2014 Tech Director Summary PDC for secondary Tech Facilitator Tech building Tech Survey data mentors who will offer support and Impact on student scheduled training learning data sessions. Utilize District 2013-2014 Tech Director Summary PDC SMART Trainers Tech Facilitator Tech to offer training Survey data sessions to all staff. Impact on student learning data

Method of Evaluation / Results: Commissioner’s Award of Excellence for Professional Development Rubric: -Staff consistently promotes the practice of new skills that would improve student achievement. -Staff development learning methods mirror the methods teachers are expected to use with students. -Staff development facilitators consistently gather/use information about learning styles.

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 10 Meramec Valley R-III PDC Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014

NSDC Standard: Staff Development that improves the learning of all students prepares educators to understand and appreciate all students; create safe, orderly, and supportive learning environments; and hold high expectations for their academic achievement. PDC goal 3: Effective instructional programs will be implemented to meet the needs of all Meramec Valley R-III students. Improvement Strategies Timeline Responsibilities Data Funding

Consistently share 2013-2014 All stakeholders Classroom, local, information and state data responsibility among school board, PD updates administrators, teachers, and community for PDC Newsletters increasing student achievement. DC/GL Chair news Provide learning 2013-2014 PDC Summary PDC opportunities district wide Assistant Supt. for implementing DI Building Admin. Survey data learning strategies. Teachers Impact on student learning data Yearly sessionis on the 2013-2014 Assistant Supt. Summary PDC topics of Building Admin Tech confidentiality/harassmen Attendance Log t and non-discrimination, MSBA Video child abuse prevention Library will be conducted for all employees. Utilize District SMART 2013-2014 Tech Director Summary PDC Trainers to offer training Tech Facilitator Tech sessions to all staff. Survey data

Impact on student learning data

Method of Evaluation / Results: Commissioner’s Award of Excellence for Professional Development Rubric: -Disaggregated data are used to guide and improve student achievement. -Multiple interventions that provide support for non-learning students are in place. -Achievement among groups of students is monitored and instruction adjusted.


MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 11 Meramec Valley R-III PDC Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014

NSDC Standard: Staff Development that improves the learning of all students provides educators with knowledge and skills to involve families and other stakeholders appropriately. PDC goal 4: PDC will support district and building efforts to consistently partner with district parents and community. Improvement Timeline Responsibilities Data Funding Strategies Continue to Six meetings PD Director Parent Rep support yearly PDC President Appointment parent/community involvement in district-level committees through including parent representation on the district PD Committee. Parents and 2013-2014 PDC Summary of parent community Assistant Supt. check out of members will have Building Admin. resources. access to the district and building PDC library and resources. Incorporate parent 2013-2014 Assistant Supt. Feedback Title I resources and Federal Programs family learning Director Tech opportunities on Tech Director district website to Sped Director enhance home/school connections. Increase district 2013-2014 Tech Director Feedback and PDC communication of PD Director samples Tech professional Assistant Supt. learning activities PDC President through publication of PD minutes, bulletins, and electronic updates.

Method of Evaluation / Results: Commissioner’s Award of Excellence for Professional Development Rubric: -Staff development is designed to prepare educators to create partnerships with parents for supporting student learning. -Schools strive to consistently utilize two-way communication with the learning community about student achievement.

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 12 Professional Development Committee Members 2013-2014 Elected members: Christina Oskins/TE Beth Sanders/CE Brenda Bolte/RE Lindsey Brown/RS Heather Frey/MS Garret Andreasen/HS Sue Ketcherside/HS Patty Byous/CS Meredith Menley/ZE Amanda Todahl/NE TBA-Paraprofessional *1 year (all above are two year terms) ------Special education rep is appointed by the Director of Special Services-Linda Schnur/PHS

Will be handled on a year to year basis depending on building election results per policy

Ex-officio members: *Carrie Caldwell/Parent (Sept.) *Greta Franklin/Admin. Rep./Ex-officio *Cheryl Schlemper/Ex-officio *Terri Parks/Ex-officio *Lisa Weirich/PD/Ex-officio *Lynn Queensen/Ex-officio *Debby Haley/Ex-officio (*Non-voting members)

13-14 Officers: President Beth Sanders VP/Treasurer Christina Oskins Secretary Patty Byous

MVR-III Professional Development Plan 2013-2014-07/12/2013 Page 13

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