Allegany History Festival & Civil War Encampment
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Civil War Weekend September 23rd, 24th and 25th 2016
Location: Island Park, Wellsville, NY Date: September 23-24-25, 2016 Sponsors: 136th NYVI, Co. K, & Allegheny Highlands Council, BSA
You are cordially invited to attend the 2016 Civil War Weekend, this year at a NEW LOCATION! This is our thirteenth year hosting a Civil War living history event and we are always adding additional activities. All impressions of military and civilian reenactors and your scenarios are welcome. A School Education Day will be held on Friday September 23, 9:00am to 2:00pm. Volunteers are needed to man the stations and as guides for the school groups!
Advance registration is $8.00. Deadline for advance registration is RECEIPT OF REGISTRATION FORM AND PAYMENT by September 1st, 2016, and anyone registered but not paid by September 1 will pay the $10.00 late registration fee. We must impose this requirement due to the number of no-shows who we prepare for, and lose money on, due to them not arriving as promised.
Activities include lots of Living History, encampment, and two battles. A Beef on Weck buffet supper will again be available Friday evening for all reenactors, Period Dance with City Fiddle, and other events as well. Additional details at registration or on our website as available.
Firewood and other usual amenities provided. Sanitary facilities available throughout the reenactor areas.
Bounty paid for only the first 2 artillery pieces registered & taking field on each side. Pre-registration required for bounty and other amenities.
Reenactor camps will be set up in the Historic District.
Modern camping (no hookups) available in separate area. For information contact: Terry Parker at (716) 498-2465 or email [email protected]. Web site: 2016 CIVIL WAR WEEKEND
Dear Fellow Reenactor,
The Civil War Weekend began in 2004 as a program for the Allegheny Highlands Council Boy Scout fall camp-o-ree, and ten years ago became a full fledged reenactment event. Any of the attendees from past years can tell you we host a fun event!
Several years ago we left the fairgrounds and held the event entirely at locations throughout the circa 1806 Village of Angelica. After the 2015 event, the Angelica Village Board informed us we could no longer use the Village streets for the event, so we looked for an alternate location. The Village of Wellsville welcomed us with open arms and we will be using Island Park, on the Genesee River for our 2016 event.
The battles this year will combine fights through the park, and if we can arrange it, a fight over the river bridge. The Boy Scouts will still be participating, and their camps will be nearby in a different part of the Park. As always, we will have something new for you to try!
REGISTRATION & AMENITIES: Registration fee is $8.00 per person for those 12 and older. Children under 12 are free. Unfortunately, in order to avoid losing money due to no- shows, we must insist on receipt of the registration form AND payment by the deadline to qualify as pre-registered. There is a FREE welcoming meal on Friday night, free good quality firewood, and sanitary facilities will be provided throughout the area of the camps, and a dance with City Fiddle on Saturday night. (Sorry, no ladies’ Tea this year—working on it for next year!) Pre-registration is required to obtain the food amenities, and tickets for them will be provided at registration.
BOUNTIES: We offer bounties only for the first 2 artillery pieces registered and taking the field on each side. Pre-registration is required, and the postmark date will determine eligibility.
FOOD: Friday 6:00pm until 9:00pm, a free supper will be available for all reenactors (please bring your own plates and utensils). Local organizations and businesses will be offering meal specials as well.
LIVING HISTORY PROGRAMS & SCENARIOS: We welcome any interested reenactors who may wish to help with the School Education Day on Friday the 23 rd 9:00am to 2:30pm, and the Boy Scout living history program on Saturday morning the 24 th 9:00am to Noon. Local schools are sending classes for the day on Friday, and the scouts will be learning about various aspects of the Civil War, and also holding their own battle on Saturday after the reenactor’s battle. Anyone willing to help with the School Day or interpretive stations or the scout battle is welcome to join us. Please note your availability for participation on the registration form or at Registration.
PLEASE JOIN US FOR A GREAT WEEKEND The 136th NYVI, Co. K invites you to the CIVIL WAR WEEKEND Island Park, Wellsville, NY September 23-24-25, 2016
Pre-Registration Form Deadline: September 1, 2016
Unit/Individual Registration (Please list names on reverse)
Unit Name and # ______US _____CS
Branch (please circle): Infantry - Artillery - Cavalry - Other______- Civilian or Sutler
For Artillery, size and number of guns:______
Unit Contact Person: ______Rank______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: (_____) ______Email: ______
Registration fee $8.00 per person (12 and over) Total Amount enclosed:$______Checks Payable to BSA Crew 7136
Number attending Friday supper ______. (Again, please be accurate as possible)
Tent Registration: Numbers of: ______“A” Frame 6’ or 9’ ______Wall ______Dog ______Sibley ______Other
Smaller units will be brigaded with other units on a company street
Sutler Registration: Name/Type of Vendor______Amount of space needed______
Special Needs or Questions? Please contact: Terry Parker 716-498-2465. Email: [email protected]
Payment will be expected for all pre-registered individuals. ONLY PAID PRE-REGISTRANTS ARE ENTITLED TO FULL EVENT AMENITITES. RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY September 1, 2016 TO:
Civil War Re-enactment c/o Crew 7136 PO Box 123, Belfast, NY 14711
OR, EMAIL TO: [email protected] Registration List
Please list names of all registrants, including ages for any under 18 years of age.
We need volunteers for the Friday School Program and the Saturday Scout Program! Please indicate “Y” in the program column if you are willing to help either program.
Name (and age if under 18) Impression Military Civilian School Scout Day? Day? Y/N Y/N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Total Number pre-registered x $8.00 per person = $______enclosed If a name is on the above list, payment must be enclosed or it will be collected at registration. SCHEDULE -- CIVIL WAR EVENT
(Schedule is subject to change) Thursday, September 22, 2016 Sponsoring organizations set up event site. Early campers welcome to come and set up camp. Wood, and Water will be available. Some downtown specials may be available from merchants and restaurants.
Friday, September 23, 2016 9:00am to 2:00pm School Education Day. Local Schools sending classes to tour interpretive stations. Volunteers to guide students and man stations needed! Please contact us if you are willing to help!
10:00am – 10:00pm Registration Open Camps set up
6:00 PM till 9:00 PM -- Reenactor Buffet Supper at the pavilion. (Please Bring your own plate/utensils)
11:00PM – All Quiet please.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
8:30 -9:00AM – Reenactors man living history stations and Reenactor guides prepare for scouts
9:00 AM -- Event opens. Camps open to the public.
9:00 AM to Noon Living History in camps. (Boy Scout groups and the public will be touring camps and stations learning about the Civil War) Volunteers from re-enacting community wishing to assist in interpretive stations or as guides for scout groups are needed
10:00 AM – Officer’s Call – HQ Pavilion
11:00 AM – Drill Practice, all units, all branches.
12:30PM – All units assemble for safety inspections
1:00PM -- Civil War Battle scenario—Part I--Details to be provided later. Downtown Historic District.
2:30 - 3:00 – Scout Battle on old School Field (reenactor volunteers to help direct scouts welcomed).
5:00 -- Camps close to the public.
7:00 – 10:00 PM Dance with “City Fiddle” at Pavilion
Sunday, September 25, 2016
9:00 AM -- Camps open.
10:00 AM -- 1860s Church Service, Pavilion Catholic Mass, and other denominational services, held in local churches
1:00 PM – All units assemble for safety inspection
2:00- till ? -- Civil War Battle Scenario—Details to be announced later.
2:00 PM till -- Living history, public tours camps.
4:00 PM -- Event closes to the public. Reenactors released with thanks and a safe trip home
Notice Please observe all local regulations and be considerate of our hosts. Quiet hours are 11:00PM each night. Please stay quiet after this time. Some reenactors have long drives ahead of them on Sunday.
Please, no vulgarities on the field or in camps. The public is near by at all times.
No vehicles, other than emergency or event authorized vehicles are allowed in the Park from 8 AM Saturday until 4 PM on Sunday. If you arrive after 8 AM on Saturday, plan to walk your gear in. All vehicles on site must be removed NO LATER than 8 AM Saturday morning. Please do not move your car to downtown until after the close of the event.
No one under 16 allowed on the field unless as a functional musician or runner and then only with field commander permission, and written permission from parent. Persons under 16 are not to be involved in the active fighting. No children under the age of 12 will be allowed on the battlefield under any circumstances.
Unit commanders are responsible for their units conduct on the field, and will be held accountable. All soldiers taking the field will do so with a filled canteen. Please protect your personal property. The event hosts or organizers are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please keep your vehicles locked at all times.
All trash to be bagged and either taken with you, or placed in the dumpster in parking lot. DO NOT leave trash bags by the port-a-pottys
Assistance is needed to staff stations for the Friday, September 23rd School Education Day. 8th Grade students from area schools will be on site 9:00am to 2:00pm and touring in class sized groups. (The 8th Grade curriculum studies the American Civil War at approximately this time in the school year). Please consider joining us this year for this important program, to teach the youth of today the importance of “our era” of history.
Assistance is needed also for the Scout Education Program on Saturday morning. Boy Scout patrols (and the public) will be touring the living history stations from 9:00am till Noon.
Thank you once again for your cooperation and continued support. Terry Parker, 136th NY