Minutes of the CREWKERNE TOWN COUNCIL meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday 22nd December 2014 at 6.45 p.m.


Cllrs. R. Pailthorpe (Chairman), M. Best, Ms J. Dawson, Mrs K. Head, B. Hodgson, Miss K. Pritchard, Mrs A. Singleton and Mrs A. Stuart.

In attendance: Mrs A. Roffey Deputy Clerk and 1 member of the public.

149 TO NOTE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 14/15 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Mrs S. Allman (absence formally approved due to ill health), Mrs R. Jackson (family matter), N. Sturtivant (his birthday) and D. Wakeman (absence formally approved due to an injury preventing him being able to drive to meetings).

150 OPEN FORUM 14/15 No one wished to speak.

151 TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 14/15 It was AGREED that the minutes of the meeting of Crewkerne Town Council held on Monday 24th November 2014 be APPROVED.

It was AGREED that the minutes of the meeting of Crewkerne Town Council held on Monday 8th December 2014 be APPROVED.

152 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 14/15 Cllr. Miss Pritchard declared a personal interest in item 7 – planning application 14/04568/FUL (close friend of neighbour). She also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 9 – grant application (church bell ringer).

Cllr. Mrs Singleton declared a personal interest in item 7 – planning application 14/05297/FUL (knows applicant).

153 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM THE COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS 14/15 Cllr. Mrs Singleton reported that various departments of the County Council had now moved in to the District Council offices at Brympton Way where they were using the whole of one floor. The reduction in space meant that South Somerset District Council were now ‘hot desking’. There was likely to be a settling in period during this changeover in working patterns and in the long term this was likely to mean more homeworking and video conferencing. The result of this new arrangement has meant that cost savings could be made by South Somerset District Council without the need for any cuts in services and that there would be no increase in Council tax.

TC -1- 154 CLERKS PROGRESS REPORT 14/15 The report was noted.

The Deputy Clerk referred to the Clerks report and advised that a copy of the independent report from the District Valuer with regards to the Henhayes car park income had been received.

The Deputy Clerk reported that further correspondence had been received, a Community Buildings Newsletter from the Community Council for Somerset and the December newsletter from the Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner.

155 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 14/15 To consider applications requiring observations by SSDC before the next Planning and Highways Committee:

14/04568/FUL The erection of a fence (Retrospective) Amended Plan 25 North Street, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 7AL Councillors reiterated their previous observations of 27th October.  The fence was very close to the boundary of the neighbouring property.  There would be significant loss of light to the neighbouring property.  The proximity to the neighbouring boundary would make it difficult to maintain the fence.

And added one further comment:

 The proximity of the fence would make it difficult to maintain the neighbour’s property which was a listed building.

14/05449/COU Temporary change of use to a mixed use of residential (Use Class C3) and counselling service (Sui Generis) (Retrospective Application) Flat 4A, De Combe House, Mount Pleasant, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 7AH RECOMMEND APPROVAL

Neighbouring Parish Application - Merriott 14/05297/FUL Change of use of the land for the siting of a mobile home for a temporary period of 3 years (Retrospective Application) Land at Rochester House, Yeovil Road, Crewkerne, Somerset RECOMMEND APPROVAL in support of Merriott Parish Council.

156 SATURDAY CHRISTMAS MARKET 14/15 To consider a report on the event

Councillors were advised that the market had been successful, however they should be aware of the costs involved; it was also important that the public supported the market.

TC -2- After consideration of the report, Councillors AGREED that the date for the next Christmas Market would be on Saturday 12th December 2015.

Councillors thanked the staff for all their hard work.

Cllr. Miss Pritchard left the room at 7.11 p.m.

157 GRANT APPLICATION 14/15 To consider a request from Crewkerne Bellringers for replacement muffles for the bells of St Bartholomew Church

The request was considered and it was AGREED to fund the new set of replacement muffles for the bells of St Bartholomew Church at a total cost of £301.80, to be taken from General Reserves.

Cllr. Miss Pritchard returned to the meeting at 7.16 p.m.

158 FINANCE 14/15 a) To approve accounts for payment as listed

The Deputy Clerk reported that Cllr. Hodgson had verified the accounts for December 2014 in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations and Risk Management.

Accounts for payment in the sum of £49,717.99 + VAT were approved.

b) To report a bank reconciliation for November 2014 have been completed

The Deputy Clerk reported that Cllr. Hodgson had verified the bank reconciliation for November 2014 and it was noted that cash in hand and at the bank for November 2014 was £404,443.11.

c) Investment Review for consideration

In order to maximise the interest available it was AGREED to invest £230,000 in the 32 day notice account on 24th December 2014.

d) The 2014-16 National Salary Awards agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services. To accept the NJC increases

It was AGREED to accept the 2014-16 National Salary Awards agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.

159 TO RECEIVE DRAFT COMMITTEE MINUTES 14/15 a) Planning and Highways Committee meeting held on 8 th December 2014


TC -3- 160 OUTSIDE BODIES 14/15 To receive reports

a) Tripartite


161 TO RECEIVE ANY MATTERS OF REPORT 14/15 The Deputy Clerk reported that the Royal British Legion had organised a World War One truce style football match which would be played on Boxing Day at Henhayes Recreation Ground.

The Deputy Clerk also reported that notification had been received from Somerset County Council, informing that there would be a temporary road closure of North Street, Haselbury Plucknett. Closure would be from 12th January 2015 and was expected to last for 15 days to enable implementation of a virtual footway along North Street.

162 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 14/15 Monday 26th January 2015 at 6.45 p.m. in the Council Chamber.

Signed: ………………………

Dated: ……………………….


TC -4- It was AGREED that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it was advisable that the public and press be excluded and were instructed to withdraw.


163 LEGAL MATTER 14/15

164 STAFF MATTER 14/15

The meeting closed at 7.26 p.m.

Signed: ………………………

Dated: ……………………….


TC -5-