Governance and Compliance
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Governance and Compliance
London Ambulance Service 4th Floor Name Mr Oliver Mason 46 Loman Street Southwark By email to: [email protected] London SE1 0EH
6th May 2011 Telephone no: 020 7783 2730
email:[email protected]
Our Ref: FOI 0849 Your Ref: Dear Mr Mason,
Further to your enquiry made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which we received on 4th April 2011, you asked the following questions, which are reproduced in bold below;
Who currently provides the Trust’s taxi service? Waterloo Taxis, Mealing Taxis, Prime Cars, Cross Car, Elite Cars and Meadway Radio Cars. In addition, we have one taxi company that is used for courier services within one major acute trust which formed part of the contract specification when it was awarded to us following our successful tender bid for their work. This contract is expected to be market tested within the next 12 months. Due to the actual usage and spend value and the development of our own service in providing our own trained staff and vehicles, this means there will be a reduced requirement for third party providers and so there is no expectation or requirement for competitive tendering .
What is the annual spend on all taxi services?
For the financial year 2009/10 the total spend on taxi services was £276,416. Figures for 2010/2011 will be published when the Trust accounts have been approved.
Who is responsible for managing this service and what are their phone, email and postal contact details?
Mr Nic Daw Head of Patient Transport Services London Ambulance Service NHS Trust 220 Waterloo Road London SE1 8SD
Email: [email protected]
020 7921 5100 Mr Paul Webster Performance Improvement A&E Services London Ambulance Service NHS Trust 220 Waterloo Road London SE1 8SD
Email: [email protected]
020 7921 5100
How do you advertise this service for competitive tender, when did this last take place and when will it next be undertaken?
The total cost of taxi services to the Trust is reducing year on year and has not been subject to competitive tender. However we anticipate an increase in the A&E services taxi contract and should it reach the threshold for tendering the Trust will follow accepted practice.
We hope that this answers your request. If you are dissatisfied with our response you have the right to seek a review in line with guidance from the Information Commissioner.
In the first instance, this should be addressed in writing to:
Sandra Adams Director of Corporate Services London Ambulance Service NHS Trust 220 Waterloo Road London SE1 8SD who will provide a response within 20 Days of receiving the review request: Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the review by the Director of Corporate
Services then a final review request should be addressed to:
Peter Bradley Chief Executive London Ambulance Service NHS Trust 220 Waterloo Road London SE1 8SD who will arrange for a panel of Non-Executive Directors to review the case. If you are unhappy with the findings of the panel you can then write to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF Tel: 01625 545 700 Fax: 01625 524 510 If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours Sincerely,
Carmel Dodson-Brown Assistant Director of Corporate Services