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Republic of Namibia 1 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
REGULATIONS SURVIVING IN TERMS OF Nursing Act 8 of 2004 section 65(2)
General Regulations Government Notice 1089 of 1946 (SA GG 3656) came into force on date of publication: 23 May 1946
The General Regulations were originally made in terms of section 4(2) of the Nursing Act 45 of 1944, which was repealed by the Nursing Act 69 of 1957, which was then repealed by the Nursing Act 50 of 1978, which was then repealed by the Nursing Professions Act 30 of 1993, which was subsequently repealed by the Nursing Act 8 of 2004. Pursuant to section 65(2) of the Nursing Act 8 of 2004, the General Regulations are deemed to have been made under that Act. Please note that in terms of these regulations, 1 British Pound (£1) is equivalent to 2 Namibian Dollars (N$2). Additionally, there are 20 shillings in a pound and there are also 240 pence in a pound of British currency. The abbreviation “s” refers to shillings and the abbreviation “d” refers to pence.
as amended by
Government Notice 676 of 1949 (SA GG 4141) came into force on date of publication: 8 April 1949 Government Notice 442 of 1950 (OG 1504) came into force on date of publication: 9 May 1950 Government Notice 569 of 1950 (OG 1504) came into force on date of publication: 9 May 1950 Government Notice 570 of 1950 (OG 1504) came into force on date of publication: 9 May 1950 Government Notice 2008 of 1950 (OG 1556) came into force on date of publication: 9 May 1950 Government Notice 3111 of 1950 (SA GG 4507) came into force on date of publication: 15 December 1950 Government Notice 3144 of 1950 (SA GG 4507) came into force on date of publication: 15 December 1950 Government Notice 1530 of 1951 (OG 1609) came into force: 22 June 1951 Government Notice 966 of 1960 (SA GG 6480) came into force on date of publication: 1 July 1960 Government Notice 945 of 1963 (RSA GG 538) came into force on date of publication: 28 June 1966 Government Notice 1300 of 1965 (RSA GG 1217) came into force on date of publication: 3 September Government Notice 84 of 1970 (RSA GG 2609) came into force on date of publication: 16 January 1970 Government Notice 254 of 1975 (RSA GG 4586) came into force on date of publication: 14 February 1975 Government Notice 67 of 1999 (GG 2083) came into force on date of publication: 15 April 1999 Republic of Namibia 2 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
1. Interpretation 2. Schools of Nursing and Training Schools 3. Requirements for Admission to Training 4. Period of Training 5. Breaks in Training 6. Exemption from Training 7. Lectures and Demonstrations 8. Practical Training 9. Syllabus 10. Examinations 11. Requirements for Admission to the Preliminary Examination 12. Requirements for Admission to the Final Examination 13. Re-admission to Examinations 14. Examination Marks 15. Dates of Examinations and Entries 16. Examination Centres 17. Examiners 18. Examination Fees 19. Re-assessment of Examination Answers
1. Interpretation 2. Schools of Nursing and Training Schools 3. Requirements for Admission to Training 4. Period of Training 5. Breaks in Training 6. Exemption from Training 7. Lectures and Demonstrations 8. Practical Training 9. Syllabus 10. Examinations Republic of Namibia 3 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations 11. Requirements for Admission to the Preliminary Examinations 12. Requirements for Admission to the Final Examination 13. Re-admission to Examinations 14. Examination Marks 15. Dates of Examinations and Entries 16. Examination Centres 17. Examiners 18. Examination Fees 19. Re-assessment of Examination Answers
1. Interpretation 2. Requirements for Admission to Training 3. Training Schools 4. Lectures and Demonstrations 5. Period of Training 6. Breaks in Training 7. Exemption from Training 8. Examinations 9. The Preliminary Examination 10. The Final Examination 11. Requirements for Admission to the Preliminary Examination 12. Requirements for Admission to the Final Examination 13. Examination Questions 14. Examination Marks 15. Re-admission to Examinations 16. Dates of Examinations and Entries 17. Examination Centres 18. Examiners 19. Examination Fees 20. Reassessment of Examination Answers
1. Interpretation Republic of Namibia 4 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations 2. Requirements for Admission to Training 3. Training Schools 4. Lectures and Demonstrations 5. Period of Training 6. Breaks in Training 7. Exemption from Training 8. Examinations 9. The Preliminary Examination 10. The Final Examination 11. Requirements for Admission to the Preliminary Examination 12. Requirements for Admission to the Final Examination 13. Examination Questions 14. Examination Marks. 15. Re-admission to Examinations 16. Dates of Examinations and Entries 17. Examination Centres 18. Examiners 19. Examination Fees 20. Reassessment of Examination Answers
[Regulations for the Training and Examination of Midwives substituted by GN 676/1949, GN 966/1960, GN 945/1963, GN 1300/1965, GN 84/1970, GN 254/1975 and repealed by GN 67/1999]
1. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise indicates “Act” means the Nursing Act, 1944 (Act No. 45 of 1944), and any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act bears, when used in these regulations, the same meaning.
[regulation 1 substituted by GN 3144/1950]
Schools of Nursing and Training Schools
2. I. (a) No school of nursing shall be approved of by the Council unless -
(i) it consists of a nursing college approved by the Council and an affiliated hospital or group of hospitals which has been approved by the Council as forming part of the school of nursing; and
(ii) a person who is registered as a medical and surgical nurse has been designated as the person in charge thereof or the matron of each hospital which has been approved as forming part of the school of nursing has been designated as being responsible for all aspects of the training of student nurses attached to such hospital. Republic of Namibia 5 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
(b) No institution shall be approved of by the Council as a nursing college unless it conforms to the requirements specified in Annexure A hereto and no hospital or group of hospitals shall be approved of by the Council as forming part of a school of nursing unless it conforms to the requirements specified in Annexure B hereto.
II. (a) No training school shall be approved of by the Council unless it consists of one or more hospitals approved by the Council.
(b) No hospital or group of hospitals shall be approved of by the council as a training school, unless it conforms to the requirements specified in Annexure C hereto.
[regulation 2 substituted by GN 3144/1950]
Requirements for Admission to Training
3. No person shall be admitted to a school of nursing or to a training school for training unless she submits to the person in charge of the relevant school of nursing or training school -
(a) certificate of general education at least equal to a standard eight certificate of an education department in the Union.
(Where a school certificate cannot be produced, a certificate by the Principal of a Technical College, or by the Principal of a School, or by an Inspector of Schools, or by a Director of Education, must be submitted certifying that the standard of general education of the person concerned is equivalent to that of a person who holds the standard eight certificate of an education department in the Union);
[paragraph (a) substituted by GN 1530/1951]
(b) a certificate of good health.
[NOTE. - Attention is invited to prescribed requirements whereby (i) every student nurse must be registered with the Council within six weeks of the date of her commencement of training and (ii) no person may be registered as a nurse until she has attained the age of 21 years.]
[regulation 3 amended by GN 2008/1950 and substituted by GN 3144/1950]
Period of Training
4. I. (a) The period of training as a medical and surgical nurse in a school of training shall be three and a half years.
(b) Every student nurse who is undergoing her training in a school of nursing shall attend -
(i) a nursing college for not less than four months and for not more than six months during her first year of training and for not less than three months and for not more than four months in all during her second and third years of training; provided that she shall attend a nursing college for at least one month during her second year of training; and
(ii) one or more approved hospital(s) of the relevant school of nursing for at least two and a half years of the total period of training. Republic of Namibia 6 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations [NOTE. - The periods indicated in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this regulation need not be continuous.]
II. The period of training as a medical and surgical nurse in a training school shall be three and a half years and four and a half years in a Class I training school and in a Class II training school, respectively.
III. In the event of a student nurse being transferred from one training school to another of a different class, or from a training school to a school of nursing or vice versa, the period of training undergone by her at the former training school or school of nursing, as the case may be, shall be calculated in the ratio of nine days’ training at a Class II training school being equal to seven days’ training at a Class I training school or at a school of nursing.
Breaks in Training
5. Training shall be continuous. Any period during which a student nurse has broken her training shall be made up so that she shall complete the full period of training as laid down by these regulations.
If the break exceeds a period of six months, she must in addition, unless the Council determines otherwise undergo an extension of training equal to one-half of the period of such break.
No recognition of previous training shall be given to a student nurse who has more than one break in her training, unless the Council determines otherwise.
During her period of training a student nurse may be allowed sick leave not exceeding thirty days and she shall be required to make up any sick leave granted to her in excess thereof; provided that if the period of sick leave exceeds 180 days she must, in addition, undergo an extension of training equal to one-half of the period of sick leave granted, unless the Council determines otherwise.
For the purpose of this regulation the expression “break in training” shall mean the termination of a student’s service with her school of nursing or training school.
[regulation 5 substituted by GN 3144/1950 and amended by GN 1530/1951]
Exemption from Training
6. A student nurse being a registered mental nurse or a registered nurse for mental defectives shall be exempted from the first year of the course of training as prescribed by these regulations and shall further be exempted from the preliminary examination and from attendance at the course of lectures and demonstrations required therefor.
A student nurse being a registered sick children’s nurse shall be exempted from the first eighteen months of the course of training as prescribed by these regulations and shall further be exempted from the preliminary examination and from attendance at the course of lectures and demonstrations required therefor.
A student nurse being a registered midwife shall be exempted from six months’ training; provided that if her course of training in midwifery extended over a prescribed period of at least 18 months she shall be exempted from nine months’ training.
[regulation 6 substituted by GN 3144/1950] Republic of Namibia 7 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Lectures and Demonstrations
7. Every student nurse shall attend a complete course of lectures and demonstrations covering the subjects for the preliminary and final examinations for medical and surgical nurses as prescribed by regulation. All lectures shall be given by persons approved of by the Council and demonstrations shall be given by registered nurses. Every student shall attend at least thirty demonstrations to all in the wards and shall attend at least ten of these demonstrations in the wards before she enters for the preliminary examination.
[regulation 7 substituted by GN 3144/1950]
Practical Training
8. I. Every student nurse undergoing her training in a school of nursing shall, during the periods spent in the approved hospital or hospitals, receive instruction in and carry out all the nursing procedures mentioned in the syllabus for the preliminary and final examinations as prescribed by regulation and as may be necessary for this purpose, every such student nurse shall be transferred from one approved hospital to another in the relevant school of nursing.
II. Every student nurse undergoing her training in a training school shall, during the course of her training at such training school, receive instruction in, and carry out, all the nursing procedures mentioned in the syllabus for the preliminary and final examinations as prescribed by regulation. Every student shall spend at least three weeks in an operating theatre.
[regulation 8 substituted by GN 3144/1950]
9. The syllabus for the preliminary and final examinations shall be as prescribed by regulation.
[regulation 9 substituted by GN 3144/1950]
10. (a) The preliminary examination shall consist of two portions, being -
(i) a written examination conducted by the Council in which one paper of not less than five questions shall be set and in which candidates shall be allowed three hours to answer the paper. This portion of the examination shall carry 80 per cent. of the total marks of the examination; and
(ii) a written and practical examination conducted by the training school or school of nursing concerned, to which 20 per cent. of the total marks of the examination shall be allocated. This portion of the examination shall consist of at least four consecutive written tests in anatomy and physiology, at least two consecutive written tests in hygiene and at least six consecutive practical tests in elementary nursing and first-aid conducted by the ward sisters on patients in the wards of the training school or approved hospital concerned. The average percentage mark obtained by each candidate shall be submitted by the person in charge of the training school or school of nursing concerned so as to reach the Registrar not later than the day before the date on which the portion of the examination conducted by the Council is to be held. The examiner(s) for these tests shall be appointed by the person in charge of the training school or school of nursing concerned. Republic of Namibia 8 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
(b) The final examination shall consist of two portions, being -
(i) a written examination for which three papers on medical nursing, surgical nursing, and the theory and practice of nursing respectively shall be set; each paper shall contain not less than three questions and candidates shall be allowed two hours to answer each paper; and
(ii) a practical examination in which each candidate shall be examined orally and practically by one or more examiners appointed by the Council either in the wards of the training school or approved hospital concerned or in the lecture and demonstration room of the training school or nursing college concerned.
(b) The preliminary examination shall include within its scope the following subjects -
(i) Elementary Anatomy and Physiology.
Definition. - An elementary knowledge of the structure, position and functions of the various parts of the human body, including -
General. - Cells and tissues; the organs, their arrangement and elementary structure; the body as a whole, the chief cavities and their contents.
The Skeleton. - The bones of the skull and face, the spinal column, thorax, and pelvis, character of the vertebrae, and joints, sternum, ribs, and costal cartilages. Upper limb, shoulder girdle, bones, and joints. Lower limbs, bones and joints.
Muscular System. - Voluntary and involuntary; mode of action.
Joints. - Various forms, structure, e.g. ligaments, cartilages and synovial membrane.
Circulatory System. - The heart and its cavities, pericardium, great vessels, position and course of the principal blood vessels of the body. Arteries, veins and capillaries. Systematic pulmonary and portal circulations. Pressure points.
Haemopoietic System. - The blood; arterial, venous. Blood-forming glands and structures; spleen, lymphatic glands and bone marrow. Ductless glands, interaal secretions.
Alimentary System. - Mouth, teeth, pharynx, eosophagus, stomach, intestines (small and large), liver, pancreas, thoracic duct; processes of digestion, absorption and assimilation; faeces.
[The word “oesophagus” is misspelt in the regulation above, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
Respiratory System. - The nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi; the lungs, pleura and diaphragm; mechanism and processes of respiration; the chief muscles concerned in respiration.
Excretory System. - The urinary system, kidneys, ureter and bladder, their simple structure and functions. The urine. The skin, hair and nails; functions. Republic of Namibia 9 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Nervous System. - Meninges and cerebro-spinal fluid; cerebrum and cerebellum, Medulla and spinal cord. Organs of special sense; nerves, motor, sensory and sympathetic. Reflex action.
Female Generative System. - Arrangements, simple structure and functions of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, etc., menstruation.
Male Generative Organs. - Simple structure and functions.
(ii) First-Aid.
Bleeding. - Arterial, venous, capillary; methods of arresting it; digital pressure, tourniquet or other means.
Emergency treatment of wounds; asepsis, antiseptics.
Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains. - Their signs, symptoms, varieties and treatment.
Emergency Treatment of Shock; Collapse and Unconsciousness. -Injury to the brain; collapse from drink; epilepsy; fainting; hysteria; sunstroke.
First-aid in cases of frost-bite; burns and scalds; wounds; bites of animals; stings of insects.
Emergencies. - What to do in cases of fire, hanging, choking, strangulation, drowning, poisoning, cut-throat.
Artificial Respiration. - Methods of.
The more common poisons and their antidotes.
Foreign bodies in the air-passage, eye, ear, nose.
Improvised methods of lifting and carrying the injured.
Preparation for the reception of accident cases; bedmaking, removal of clothes.
Bandaging. - Application of the triangular bandage and splints; application of roller bandages.
(iii) Hygiene.
Air. - Its composition and impurities. The general principles of ventilation and their application to houses and hospitals. Radiation and evaporation.
Water. - Sources. Relation of water to the spread of disease.
Food. - Care and protection; milk, etc.
Disposal of refuse, faeces, urine and infected material.
Arrangements of house and hospital drainage and disposal of sewerage on a large scale. Republic of Namibia 10 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Personal Hygiene. - Habits, care of teeth and hands, Exercise. Rest and recreation; cleanliness, clothing. Parasites.
Methods of Infection. - The nature of infection and contagion. Insects and parasites. Disinfection.
Heating and lighting of houses and hospitals.
Hygiene of the Sick Room. - Cleaning of utensils and cleaning and care of furniture.
[Regulation 10 amended by GN 2008/1950 and substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950, regulation 10(b) saved by GN 3144/1950]
Requirements for Admission to the Preliminary Examination
11. I. No student nurse who is undergoing her training in a school of nursing approved by the Council shall be admitted to the preliminary examinations unless she produces a certificate signed by the person in charge of the relevant school of nursing or approved hospital that she -
(i) has attended over a period of at least four months in all a course of lectures and demonstrations at a nursing college and that such course of lectures and demonstrations fully covered the subjects of the syllabus prescribed by regulation for the preliminary examination and was given by teachers approved of by the Council; and
(ii) has attended at an approved hospital for a period of at least two months in a full-time capacity.
II. No student nurse who is undergoing her training in a training school shall be admitted to the preliminary examination unless she produces a certificate signed by the matron of her training school that she has attended over a period of at least six months a complete course of lectures and demonstrations covering the subjects as prescribed by regulation for the preliminary examination.
(b) The final examination shall include within its scope the subjects for the preliminary examination, as also the following -
(i) Theory and Practice of Nursing.
Ethical aspects. Hospital etiquette.
Ward work.
Care of linen and bedding.
Care of patients.
Blanket bathing. Cleaning of mouth, hair and teeth.
Care of back.
Bedsores. - Prevention and treatment. Republic of Namibia 11 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Water beds and cushions.
Preparations for rectal and vaginal examinations.
Excreta. Examinations of urine and stools. Keeping of specimens.
Artificial feeding.
Test meals.
Lavage and irrigation of rectum, stomach, throat, nose, ears and eyes.
Pre-operative and post-of erative nursing.
Gynaecologieal nursing.
Common Instruments. - Names and uses.
Common technical terms.
Local Applications. - Cold and heat.
Counter-irritation, e.g. poultices, mustard leaves blisters cupping, leeches, etc.
Aspiration. Southey’s tubes, tapping, etc.
Mixturition catheterization. Care of catheters, bladder lavage.
Bath, sponging. Packs. Hot-air baths.
Bandaging, splints and extension.
Giving and receiving of reports.
Administration of medicines.
Feeding of Patiens. - Special diets.
Care of the dead.
[The word “Patients” is misspelt in the phrase “Feeding of Patiens” in the regulation above, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
(ii) Medical Nursing.
Diseases of the Alimentary System: General, Symptoms. - Appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain, character of vomit, state of bowels, character of stools. Jaundice; indigestion, disease of gastrointestinal tract, including liver and pancreas.
Diseases of the Haemopoietic System. - The anaemias; diseases of the thyroid, pituitary and suprarenal glands, spleen and bone-marrow. Republic of Namibia 12 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
Diseases of Circulatory System. - General symptoms of heart diseases; features of heart failure; the pulse, its rate, character, rhythm; atheroma, aeneurism, blood pressure, gangrene, oedema, dropsy, anasarca, cyanosis, effusions.
[The word “aneurism” is misspelt in the regulation above, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
Diseases of the Respiratory System. - General symptoms of respiratory diseases; breathing, various types. Cyanosis. Cough: Character, expectoration, pain. Nursing of pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and laryngeal diseases.
Diseases of the Urinary Organs, - General symptoms. Urine, uraemia, calculus cystitis, baeilluria, haematuria. Nursing of diseases of kidney, bladder and prostate.
Diseases of the Skin. - Symptoms and management.
Their main features and nursing.
Diseases of the Nervous System. - General features; organic and functional, acute and chronic. Nursing of diseases of nervous system, e.g. eases of paralysis, chorea, fits, meningitis, etc.
Diseases of the male generative organs.
General Diseases. - E.g. rheumatism, diabetes, gout, malnutrition and deficiency diseases.
Infectious Diseases. - Incubation and isolation periods; mode of infection and spread. Symptoms of enteric, typhus, plague, scarlet fever, measles, smallpox, chicken pox, whooping cough, diphtheria, erysipelas, cerebro-spinal meningitis. Nursing of fevers; precautions against spread. Disinfections of patients’ and nurses’ clothes and room.
Diet and Feeding of Patients. - Dietetic value of milk, butter, cheese, eggs, fish, meat, vegetables and fruit, farinaceous foods, alcohol, beverages condiments. Vitamins. Proprietary preparations. Diets in special cases of disease. Methods and theory of cooking; sick-room cooking; beeftea, jelly, barleywater, egg dishes, etc. Feeding of infants and children.
Materia Medica and Therapeutics. - Laxatives, anthelmintics, expectorants, emetics, gastric tonics, sedatives cardiac drugs, anti-pyretics, diaphoretics, hypnotics, narcotics, anaesthetics, nerve stimulants. Poison and antidotes. Method of administering drugs, oral, rectal, hypodermic, intramuscular, intravenous, inunction, vapours, inhalations, injections, etc. Weights and measures. Special attention to calculation and dilution in relation to dosage and use of lotions and disinfectants.
(iii) Surgical Nursing.
Inflammation. - Its descriptions, causations and treatment; special forms of inflammation, e.g. abscess, cellulites, peritonitis.
Wounds. - Their varieties and methods of treatment and healing.
Burns and Ulcers. - Burns and scalds, ulcers, bedsores, etc. Republic of Namibia 13 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
Tumours. - Varieties, innocent and malignant, situations.
Fractures and Dislocations. - Varieties, nursing, splints and bandaging.
Haemorrhage. - Haemorrhage, arterial, venous capillary, internal and external. Effects of hoemorrhage, natural arrest of haemorrhage, artificial arrest of haemorrhage, secondary and reactionary haemorrhage.
Common and Surgical Diseases. - Operations, preparations and after-treatment of patient; complications during and after treatment; shock, heart failure, haemorrhage delirium, special operations considered regionally.
Bacteriology. - The nature, distribution and properties of bacteria, with special reference to the part they play as the causes of fermentation, putrefaction and infection. Methods of destroying bacteria outside the body. Infections. Modes of dissemination. Their spread in the body and the effect they produce (toxaemia and fever, local lesions, e.g. abscess). Natural and acquired immunity to infection. Passive and active immunity. Antisera and vaccines.
Asepsis and Antisepsis. - General principles, sterilisation by heat (dry and moist), by antiseptics, sunlight, etc. Surgical cleanliness.
Operating Theatre. - Nursing technique; the duties of nurses. Preparation of patient, preparation of operating area, lighting, heating, ventilation, equipment, instruments, appliances and dressings; anaesthesia.
(4) Gynaecology.
Structure and functions of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, etc. Disorders of menstruation and the menopause. Vaginal discharges.
Preparation of patiens for examination and operation. Douching tampons, etc. Catheterisation. Special instruments. After-treatment.
(5) Midwifery.
Haemorrhage as from abortion. Post-partum haemorrhage. Inflamation and abscess of breast. Douching.
[Regulation 11 substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950, regulation 11(b) saved by GN 3144/1950]
Requirements for Admission to the Final Examination
12. I. No student nurse who is undergoing her training in a school or nursing approved by the Council shall be admitted to the final examination unless -
(a) she has undergone not less than three years’ training in all, has passed in the preliminary examination, and has undergone at least two years’ training subsequent to the date of the preliminary examination in which she was successful;
[paragraph (a) substituted by GN 1530/1951.] Republic of Namibia 14 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations (b) she submits a certificate, signed by the person in charge of the relevant school of nursing or approved hospital, certifying -
(i) that at a nursing college, and extending over a period of at least three months she has attended a complete course of lectures and demonstrations covering the subjects for the final examination as prescribed by regulation; and
(ii) that in approved hospitals, and extending over a period of not less than two years in all, she has received instruction and carried out all the nursing procedures mentioned in the subjects for the final examination as prescribed by regulation;
(c) she submits a statement of leave granted to her during the period of her training, signed by the person in charge of the school of nursing or approved hospital concerned; and
(d) she submits a certificate of good health, signed by a registered medical practitioner on the staff of one of the approved hospitals attached to the relevant school of nursing.
II. No student nurse who is undergoing her training in a training school shall be admitted to the final examination unless -
(a) she has undergone not less than three years’ training in a Class I training school or four years’ training in a Class II training school, has passed in the preliminary examination and has undergone at least two years’ training subsequent to the date of the preliminary examination in which she was successful;
[paragraph (a) substituted by GN 1530/1951.]
(b) she submits a certificate, signed by the matron of the training school, certifying that she -
(i) has undergone the course of training (including the actual nursing of patients) in an approved training school for a period as laid down in these regulations;
(ii) has attended, during the period of training at the aforesaid training school, a complete course of lectures and demonstrations as prescribed by regulation;
(c) she submits a statement of leave granted to her during her period of training, signed by the Matron of the training school concerned; and
(d) she submits a certificate of good health, signed by the senior medical officer of the training school concerned.
(NOTE. - A candidate who has successfully completed the final examination will not be registered until the person in charge of the school of nursing, or the matron of the training school, as the case may be, at which she underwent her training shall have furnished the Council with a certificate that the student nurse concerned has completed the full period of training as laid down in these regulations.)
[Regulation 12 substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950]
Re-admission to Examinations Republic of Namibia 15 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations 13. (a) A candidate who fails in the written or the practical portion of the final examination at her first attempt shall be required to present herself for re-examination only in that portion in which she has failed.
(b) A Candidate who fails to pass in one or more of the question papers of the written portion of the final examination shall be deemed to have failed the written portion as a whole.
(c) If a candidate fails in the written or the practical portion of the final examination at her second or subsequent attempt at such examination she shall be deemed to have failed in the examination as a whole.
(d) A candidate who fails to pass in an examination and obtains an aggregate mark of less than 40 per cent. of the total marks available shall not be permitted to present herself for the examination immediately following the one in which she failed.
(e) A candidate who fails to pass an examination at her third attempt at such examination, may be required to undergo such further training as the Council may decide upon before she is re- admitted to the examination.
[Regulation 13 substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950]
Examination Marks
14. (a) Successful candidates shall be shown as having “passed” or “passed with honours”.
(b) In order to pass in the preliminary examination a candidate shall be required to have obtained at least 50 per cent. of the aggregate maximum marks allocated to the examination.
(c) In order to pass in the final examination a candidate shall be required to have obtained at least 40 per cent. of the maximum marks in each of the questions papers on the written portion and 50 per cent. in the oral and practical portion of the examination, and to have obtained at least 50 per cent. of the aggregate maximum marks for the whole examination. Fifty per cent. of the aggregate marks shall be allocated to the written portion of the examination and 50 per cent. to the oral and practical portion of the examination.
(d) In order to pass with honours in the preliminary examination a candidate shall be required to have obtained at least 75 per cent. of the aggregate maximum marks for the whole examination. In order to pass with honours in the practical portion or the written portion of the final examination a candidate shall be required to have obtained at least 75 per cent. of the aggregate maximum marks for the portion concerned.
(e) Candidates will not be placed in order of merit and no information in regard to the marks or places of candidates shall be given except in connection with a prize or award approved of by the Council. In the case of an unsuccessful candidate the school of nursing or training school concerned may, however, be advised in what portion of the examination such candidate failed to satisfy the examiners.
[regulation 14 amended by GN 2008/1950 and substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950]
Dates of Examinations and Entries Republic of Namibia 16 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations 15. (a) Preliminary Examinations. - (i) The examination referred to in regulation 10(a)(i) of these regulations shall be held during the months of January, May and September, and the closing dates shall be the 30th November, 31st March and the 31st July respectively. Applications for admission to the examination shall be lodged with the Registrar on or before the abovementioned closing dates.
(ii) The tests referred to in regulation 10(a)(ii) of these regulations shall be held at the times appointed by the person in charge of the training school or school of nursing concerned; provided that these shall be held not more than six months prior to the date of the corresponding portion of the examination referred to in paragraph (i) hereof.
(b) Final Examination. - Examinations for the final examination shall be held during the months of March, July and November and the closing dates for the examinations shall be the 31st December, 30th April and the 31st August respectively; provided that the practical portions of the respective examinations may be commenced during the months of February, June and October respectively and may continue after the dates of the respective written portions of the examinations. Applications for admission to the examinations shall be lodged with the Registrar on or before the above-mentioned closing dates.
(c) An application lodged within seven days after the closing date of any examination shall be accepted only on payment of an additional fee of £1. 1s.
(d) An application lodged after the seventh day but on or before the fourteenth day after the closing date of any examination shall be accepted only on payment of an additional fee of £2. 2s.
(e) An application lodged after the fourteenth day but on or before the twenty-first day after the closing date of any examination shall be accepted only on payment of an additional fee of £3. 3s.
(f) No application which is lodged after the twenty-first day after the closing date of any examination shall be accepted.
An application for admission to an examination shall not be deemed to have been “lodged”, in terms of this regulation, unless an entry form, duly completed, the examination fees and, where applicable, the additional fee referred to in subparagraphs (c), (d) and (e) of this regulation, shall have reached the Registrar.
[Regulation 15 substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950]
Examination Centres
16. Excepting for the tests referred to in regulation 10(a)(ii) of these regulations, examinations shall be held at such places as the Council may appoint. Special centres may be arranged for the convenience of candidates taking the written examinations; provided the training school or school of nursing concerned pays the expenses for arranging such centres.
[Regulation 16 substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950]
17. Except as indicated in regulation 10(a)(ii) of these regulations, examiners shall be appointed by the Council from time to time. The Council may furthermore from time to time appoint moderators for any or all of the written examinations. Republic of Namibia 17 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations The examiners and moderators shall conform to such rules as the Council may from time to time resolve upon for the conduct of the examination, and shall receive remuneration at such rates as may be fixed by the Council. They need not be members of the Council.
[Regulation 17 substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950]
Examination Fees
18. The following fees shall be payable to the Council by a candidate for examination -
(a) On application for admission to the preliminary examination, a fee of £1. In the case of failure to pass in the examination, a candidate may present herself for re-examination on payment of a fee of £1 for each occasion.
(b) On application for admission to the Final Examination a fee of £3, which shall include a fee for registration as a medical and surgical nurse if and when the candidate qualifies for such registration. In the case of failure to pass in either the written portion or the practical portion of the examination a candidate may, subject to regulation 13, present herself for re-examination in that portion of the examination on payment of a fee of £1 for each occasion.
[Regulation 18 substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950]
Re-assessment of Examination Answers
19. (a) Any candidate at a written examination other than at a written test as referred to in regulation 10(a)(ii) of these regulations may, upon payment of a sum of two guineas (£2. 2s.) apply to have her answers re-assessed.
(b) The re-assessments of candidates’ answers shall be done by the moderator(s) appointed for the examination in question, or by such other person or persons as may be appointed thereto by the Council.
(c) An application for the re-assessment of a candidate’s answers shall be submitted on the prescribed form, and shall be submitted so as to reach the Registrar within fourteen days of the date on which the results of the examination concerned were published.
(d) The marks allocated to a candidate upon re-assessment of her answers shall be final and binding.
(e) The fee of £2. 2s. paid in respect of an application for the re-assessment of a candidate’s answers shall not be refunded to the candidate whatever the result of such assessment may be.
[Regulation 19 substituted by GN 569/1950 and GN 3144/1950]
[ANNEXURE A inserted by GN 3144/1950]
Definition Republic of Namibia 18 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
A nursing college shall mean an institution approved by the Council which provides for the proper education and training of student nurses in the theoretical and practical aspects of nursing for specified periods during their course of training.
A nursing college may be approved of as forming part of a school of nursing if it complies with the following requirements -
(1) The training of students in a college shall be conducted in conjunction with an approved hospital or group of approved hospitals; arrangements shall be made for the transfer of students between such college and its associated approved hospitals for such periods as may be prescribed by the Council from time to time.
(2) The person in charge of a college shall be a registered medical and surgical nurse whose name appears in the register of sister tutors.
(3) Not more than twenty-five students shall be in attendance at a college at any particular time for every full-time member of the teaching staff of such college unless the Council determines otherwise.
(4) The instruction of students in subjects other than the theory and practice of nursing shall include lectures by medical practitioners and other persons who have a specialised knowledge of the particular subject and who may be appointed to the staff of a college in a part-time capacity.
(5) Every member of the teaching staff, whether full-time or part-time, shall be registered as a nurse in the branch of nursing in which she is teaching.
(6) While in attendance at a nursing college students shall be required to attend, to the satisfaction of the Council, lectures, demonstrations and study under supervision of a member of the teaching staff.
(7) Provision shall be made in a college for satisfactory accommodation for lectures and demonstrations and the necessary equipment and models for the proper instruction of students shall be available. Such accommodation and equipment shall be subject to approval by the Council.
(8) Provision shall be made for students to be satisfatorily housed and fed while in attendance at a college.
[The word “satisfactorily” is misspelt in the SA Government Gazette, as reproduced above.]
(9) The Council may withdraw its approval of a college at any time if, in opinion of the Council, it does not comply with the aforegoing requirements.
[Inconsistent use of punctuation and capitalisation in the above regulation, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
[ANNEXURE B inserted by GN 3144/1950]
CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF HOSPITALS FORMING PART OF A SCHOOL OF NURSING Republic of Namibia 19 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
1. No hospital shall be approved as forming part of a school of nursing unless it complies with the following requirements -
(a) Proof shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Council that in the hospital in conjunction with the associated approved hospitals in the school of nursing -
(i) a sufficient number and variety of medical and surgical cases (male, female and children) are available to furnish material for the adequate training of student nurses;
(ii) facilities are available for the adequate training of students in all the subjects prescribed in the syllabus.
(b) Student nurses shall be treated as students and their training shall normally receive precedence over any other duties that may be required to be performed by them.
(c) All members of the nursing staff who take part in the training of student nurses, shall be registered medical and surgical nurses.
(d) If the institution has a board of management, at least one medical practitioner is a member of the board.
(e) The matron of the hospital shall be responsible for the training of student nurses in the hospital in accordance with the Council’s requirements.
(f) Student nurses shall be required to be on duty for not less than 40 hours per week; provided that a student nurse shall not be required to be on duty for more than 8 hours in any one day.
(g) Student nurses shall be allowed one day off-duty per week when on night duty and, in addition thereto, thirty consecutive days vacation leave of absence per year and fifteen consecutive days vacation leave of absence during the last six months of their period of training. (For sick leave refer to regulation 5.)
(h) Student nurses shall not be required to be on night duty for a total period of more than 10½ months during their course of training or more than three months in any period of twelve months.
(i) Student nurses shall be housed and fed to the satisfaction of the Council.
(j) Student nurses shall be medically examined, including X-ray of chest, upon admission to training and at least once per year thereafter.
(k) Hospitals shall permit student nurses to be transferred to nursing colleges and hospitals in the school of nursing for such periods in their course of training as may be determined by the Council from time to time.
(l) Not more than four student nurses shall be accepted for each registered medical and surgical nurse normally employed on the staff of the hospital.
(m) A member of the medical staff visits the hospital daily. Republic of Namibia 20 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations [Inconsistent use of punctuation and capitalisation in the above regulation, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
2. Notwithstanding the conditions and requirements set out in paragraph 1, the Council may, in its discretion, approve of a hospital forming part of a school of nursing if such hospital does not comply with one or more of the said conditions and requirements and if it proves to the satisfaction of the Council that it can in all other respects provide adequate facilities for the proper training of student nurses. Any such approval granted in terms of this paragraph may be granted for any limited term or period or upon such other conditions as the Council may determine.
3. The Council or a person duly deputed thereto by the Council shall have the right to inspect a hospital forming part of a school of nursing at any time and to call for such information as may be deemed necessary.
4. The Council shall have the right to withdraw its approval of a hospital as forming part of a school of nursing if after investigation it is found that it does not comply with the requirements prescribed by regulation, or for any reason does not conduct the training of students satisfactorily.
[ANNEXURE C inserted by GN 3144/1950]
1. A training school shall consist of a hospital or group of hospital in which male and female persons are treated and which, in the opinion of the Council, is competent through the quality and extent of the material and instruction given thereat to train candidates for admission to its register of nurses, and shall be subject to the approval of the Council.
2. Training school shall be divided into two classes, described respectively as Class I and Class II; provided the Council shall not, after the promulgation of these regulations, approve of any further Class II training schools.
A training school which consists of a group of hospitals shall be approved of as a Class I training school subject to the proviso that the Council shall have the right to determine the portion of training which each student shall undergo at the various hospitals constituting the training school.
3. No hospital or group of hospitals shall be approved of as a training school unless -
(a) proof is furnished to the satisfaction of the Council that in the hospital(s) in the training school -
(i) a sufficient number and variety of medical and surgical cases (male, female and children) are available to furnish material for the adequate training of student nurses;
(ii) facilities are available for the adequate training of students in all the subjects prescribed in the syllabus;
(b) all members of the nursing staff who take part in the training of student nurses are registered medical and surgical nurses; Republic of Namibia 21 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations (c) if the institution has a board of management, at least one medical practitioner is a member of the board;
(d) student nurses are required to be on duty for not less than 40 hours per week; provided that a student nurse is not required to be on duty for more than 8 hours in any one day;
(e) student nurses are allowed one day off-duty per week when on day duty and one night off-duty per week when on night duty and, in addition thereto, thirty consecutive days vacation leave of absence per year and fifteen consecutive days vacation leave of absence during the last six months of their period of training. (For sick leave refer to regulation 5.)
(f) student nurses are not required to be on night duty for more than a total period of 10½ months in the case of a student nurse undergoing her training at a Class I training school and 13½ months in the case of a student nurse undergoing her training at a Class II training school; provided that student nurses shall not be required to be on night duty for more than three months in any period of twelve months;
(g) student nurses are housed and fed to the satisfaction of the Council;
(h) student nurses are medically examined, including x-ray of chest, upon admission to training and at least once per year thereafter;
(i) the course of lectures and demonstrations are so arranged that student nurses may present themselves for the final examination when they have completed three years’ training in a Class I training school and four years’ training in an existing Class II training school;
(j) a member of the medical staff visits the hospital daily and, in the case of a group of hospitals, a member of the medical staff visits each such hospital daily.
4. Notwithstanding the conditions and requirements set out in paragraph 3, the Council may, in its discretion, approve of a hospital as a training school if such hospital does not comply with one or more of the said conditions and requirements and if the hospital makes application to the Council and proves to the satisfaction of the Council that it can in all other respects provide adequate facilities for the proper training of student nurses. Any such approval granted in terms of this paragraph may be granted for any limited term or period upon such other or additional conditions as the Council may determine.
5. The Council or a person deputed thereto by the Council shall have the right to inspect a training school at any time and to call for such information as may be deemed necessary.
6. The Council shall have the right to withdraw its approval of an institution as a training school if after investigation it is found that it does not comply with the requirements prescribed above, or for any reason does not conduct the training of student nurses satisfactorily.
1. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise indicates, “Act” means the Nursing Act, 1944 (Act No. 45 of 1944), and any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act bears, when used in these regulations, the same meaning. Republic of Namibia 22 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
[regulation 1 substituted by GN 3111/1950]
Schools of Nursing and Training Schools
2. I. (a) No school of nursing shall be approved of by the Council unless -
(i) it consists of a nursing college approved by the Council and an affiliated hospital or group of hospitals which has been approved by the Council as forming part of the school of nursing; and
(ii) a person who is registered as a male nurse or as a medical and surgical nurse has been designated as the person in charge thereof or the matron or superintendent of each hospital which has been approved as forming part of the school of nursing has been designated as being responsible for all aspects of the training of student nurses attached to such hospital.
(b) No institution shall be approved of by the Council as a nursing college unless it conforms to the requirements specified in Annexure A hereto and no hospital or group of hospitals shall be approved of by the council as forming part of a school of nursing unless it conforms to the requirements specified in Annexure B hereto.
II. (a) No training school shall be approved of by the Council unless it consists of one or more hospitals approved by the council.
(b) No hospital or group of hospitals shall be approved of by the Council as a training school, unless it conforms to the requirements specified in Annexure C hereto.
[regulation 2 substituted by GN 3111/1950]
Requirements for Admission to Training
3. No person shall be admitted to a school of nursing or to a training school for training unless he submits to the person in charge of the relevant school of nursing or training school -
(a) a certificate of general education at least equal to a standard eight certificate of an education department in the Union.
(Where a school certificate cannot be produced, a certificate by the Principal of a Technical College, or by the Principal of a School, or by an Inspector of Schools, or by a Director of Education, must be submitted certifying that the standard of general education of the person concerned is equivalent to that of a person who holds the standard eight certificate of an education department in the Union);
[paragraph (a) substituted by GN 1530/1951]
(b) a certificate of good health.
[NOTE. - Attention is invited to prescribed requirements whereby (i) every student nurse must be registered with the Council within six weeks of the date of his commencement of training and (ii) no person may be registered as a nurse until he has attained the age of 21 years.]
[regulation 3 amended by GN 2008/1950 and substituted by GN 3111/1950] Republic of Namibia 23 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Period of Training
4. I. (a) The period of training as a male nurse in a school of nursing shall be 3½ years.
(b) Every student nurse who is undergoing his training in a school of nursing shall attend -
(i) a nursing college for not less than four months and for not more than six months during his first year of training and for not less than three months and for not more than four months in all during his second and third years of training provided that he shall attend a nursing college for at least one month during his second year of training; and
(ii) one or more approved hospital/s of the relevant school of nursing for at least two and a half years of the total period of training.
[NOTE. - The periods indicated in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this regulation need not be continuous.]
II. The period of training as a male nurse in a training school shall be 3½ years.
III. In the event of a student nurse being transferred from a training school to a school of nursing and vice versa, the period of training undergone by him at the former training school or school of nursing, as the case may be, shall be recognised in full.
[regulation 4 substituted by GN 3111/1950]
Breaks in Training
5. Training shall be continuous. Any period during which a student nurse has broken his training shall be made up so that he shall complete the full period of training as laid down by these regulations.
If the break exceeds a period of six months, he must in addition, unless the Council determines otherwise, undergo an extension of training equal to one-half of the period of such break.
No recognition of previous training shall be given to a student nurse who has more than one break in his training, unless the Council determines otherwise.
During his period of training a student nurse may be allowed sick leave not exceeding thirty days and he shall be required to make up any sick leave granted to him in excess thereof, provided that if the period of sick leave exceeds 180 days he must, in addition, undergo an extension of training equal to half the period of sick leave granted, unless the Council determines otherwise.
For the purpose of this regulation the expression “break in training” shall mean the termination of a student’s service with his school of nursing or training school.
[regulation 5 amended by GN 1609/1951 and substituted by GN 3111/1950]
Exemption from Training
6. A student nurse being a registered mental nurse or a registered nurse for mental defectives shall be exempted from the first year of the course of training as prescribed by these Republic of Namibia 24 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations regulations and shall further be exempted from the preliminary examination and from attendance at the course of lectures and demonstrations required therefor.
[regulation 6 substituted by GN 3111/1950]
Lectures and Demonstrations
7. Every student nurse shall attend a complete course of lectures and demonstrations covernig the subjects for the preliminary and final examinations for male nurses as prescribed by regulation. All lectures shall be given by persons approved of by the Council and demonstrations shall be given by registered nurses. Every student nurse shall attend at least 30 demonstrations in all in the wards and shall attend at least 10 of these demonstrations in the wards before he enters for the preliminary examination.
[regulation 1 substituted by GN 3111/1950, the word “covering” is misspelt in the SA Government Gazette, as reproduced above]
Practical Training
8. I. Every student nurse undergoing his training in a school of nursing shall, during the periods spent in the approved hospital or hospitals, receive instruction in and carry out all the nursing procedures mentioned in the syllabus for the preliminary and final examinations as prescribed by regulation and as may be necessary for this purpose every such student nurse shall be transferred from one approved hospital to another in the relevant school of nursing.
II. Every student nurse undergoing his training in a training school shall, during the course of his training at such training school, receive instruction in, and carry out, all the nursing procedures mentioned in the syllabus for the preliminary and final examinations as prescribed by regulation. Every student shall spend at least three weeks in an operating theatre.
[regulation 8 substituted by GN 3111/1950]
9. The syllabus for the preliminary and final examinations shall be as prescribed by regulation.
[regulation 9 substituted by GN 3111/1950]
10. (a) The preliminary examination shall consist of two portions being -
(i) a written examination conducted by the Council in which one paper of not less than five questions shall be set and in which candidates shall be allowed three hours to answer the paper. This portion of the examination shall carry 80 per cent. of the total marks of the examination; and
(ii) a written and practical examination conducted by the training school or school of nursing concerned, to which 20 per cent. of the total marks of the examination shall be allocated. This portion of the examination shall consist of at least four consecutive written tests in anatomy and physiology, at least two consecutive written tests in hygiene and at least six consecutive practical tests in elementary nursing and first-aid conducted by the ward sisters or charge nurses on patients in the wards of the training school or approved Republic of Namibia 25 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations hospital concerned. The average percentage mark obtained by each candidate shall be submitted by the person in charge of the training school or school of nursing concerned so a to reach the Registrar not later than the day before the date on which the portion of the examination conducted by the Council is to be held. The examiner/s for these tests shall be appointed by the person in charge of the training school or school of nursing concerned.
[The phrase “school of nursing concerned so a to reach the Registrar” in the above regulation should read “school of nursing concerned so as to reach the Registrar”, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
(b) The final examination shall consist of two portions being -
(i) a written examination for which three papers on medical nursing, surgical nursing, and the theory and practice of nursing respectively shall be set; each paper shall contain not less than three questions and candidates shall be allowed two hours to answer each paper; and
(ii) a practical examination in which each candidate shall be examined orally and practically by one or more examiners appointed by the Council either in the wards of the training school or approved hospital concerned or in the lecture or demonstration room of the training school or nursing college concerned.
(b) The preliminary examination shall include within its scope the following subjects -
(i) Elementary Anatomy and Physiology.
Definition. - An elementary knowledge of the structure, position and functions of the various parts of the human body, including -
General. - Cells and tissues; the organs, their arrangement and elementary structure; the body as a whole, the chief cavities and their contents.
The Skeleton. - The bones of the skull and face, the spinal column, thorax, and pelvis, character of the vertebrae, and joints, sternum, ribs, and costal cartilages. Upper limb, shoulder girdle, bones, and joints. Lower limbs, bones and joints.
Muscular System. - Voluntary and involuntary; mode of action.
Joints. - Various forms, structure, e.g. ligaments, cartilages and synovial membrane.
Circulatory System. - The heart and its cavities, pericardium, great vessels, position and course of the principal blood vessels of the body. Arteries, veins and capillaries. Systematic pulmonary and portal circulations. Pressure points.
Haemopoietic System. - The blood; arterial, venous. Blood-forming glands and structures; spleen, lymphatic glands and bone marrow. Ductless glands, interaal secretions.
Alimentary System. - Mouth, teeth, pharynx, eosophagus, stomach, intestines (small and large), liver, pancreas, thoracic duct; processes of digestion, absorption and assimilation; faeces.
[The word “oesophagus” is misspelt in the regulation above, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.] Republic of Namibia 26 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
Respiratory System. - The nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi; the lungs, pleura and diaphragm; mechanism and processes of respiration; the chief muscles concerned in respiration.
Excretory System. - The urinary system, kidneys, ureter and bladder, their simple structure and functions. The urine. The skin, hair and nails; functions.
Nervous System. - Meninges and cerebro-spinal fluid; cerebrum and cerebellum, Medulla and spinal cord. Organs of special sense; nerves, motor, sensory and sympathetic. Reflex action.
Male Generative Organs.
(ii) First-Aid.
Bleeding. - Arterial, venous, capillary; methods of arresting it; digital pressure, tourniquet or other means.
Emergency treatment of wounds; asepsis, antiseptics.
Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains. - Their signs, symptoms, varieties and treatment.
Emergency Treatment of Shock; Collapse and Unconsciousness. -Injury to the brain; collapse from drink; epilepsy; fainting; hysteria; sunstroke.
First-aid in cases of frost-bite; burns and scalds; wounds; bites of animals; stings of insects.
Emergencies. - What to do in cases of fire, hanging, choking, strangulation, drowning, poisoning, cut-throat.
Artificial Respiration. - Methods of.
The more common poisons and their antidotes.
Foreign bodies in the air-passage, eye, ear, nose.
Improvised methods of lifting and carrying the injured.
Preparation for the reception of accident cases; bedmaking, removal of clothes.
Bandaging. - Application of the triangular bandage and splints; application of roller bandages.
(iii) Hygiene.
Air. - Its composition and impurities. The general principles of ventilation and their application to houses and hospitals. Radiation and evaporation.
Water. - Sources. Relation of water to the spread of disease.
Food. - Care and protection; milk, etc. Republic of Namibia 27 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Disposal of refuse, faeces, urine and infected material.
Arrangements of house and hospital drainage and disposal of sewerage on a large scale.
Personal Hygiene. - Habits, care of teeth and hands, Exercise. Rest and recreation; cleanliness, clothing. Parasites.
Methods of Infection. - The nature of infection and contagion. Insects and parasites. Disinfection.
Heating and lighting of houses and hospitals.
Hygiene of the Sick Room. - Cleaning of utensils and cleaning and care of furniture.
[regulation 10 amended by GN 2008/1950, substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950, regulation 10(b) saved by GN 3111/1950]
Requirements for Admission to the Preliminary Examinations
11. I. No student nurse who is undergoing his training in a school of nursing approved by the Council shall be admitted to the preliminary examination unless he produces a certificate signed by the person in charge of the relevant school of nursing or approved hospital that he -
(i) has attended over a period of at least four months in all a course of lectures and demonstrations at a nursing college and that such course of lectures and demonstrations fully covered the subjects of the syllabus prescribed by regulation for the preliminary examination and was given by teachers approved of by the Council; and
(ii) has attended at an approved hospital for a period of at least 2 months in a full-time capacity.
II. No student nurse who is undergoing his training in a training school shall be admitted to the preliminary examination unless lie produces a certificate signed by the matron or superintendent of his training school that he has attended over a period of at least 6 months a complete course of lectures and demonstrations covering the subjects as prescribed by regulation for the preliminary examination.
(b) The final examination shall include within its scope the subjects for the preliminary examination, as also the following -
(i) Theory and Practice of Nursing.
Ethical aspects. Hospital etiquette.
Ward work.
Care of linen and bedding.
Care of patients.
Blanket bathing. Cleaning of mouth, hair and teeth. Republic of Namibia 28 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
Care of back.
Bedsores. - Prevention and treatment.
Water beds and cushions.
Preparations for rectal and vaginal examinations.
Excreta. Examinations of urine and stools. Keeping of specimens.
Artificial feeding.
Test meals.
Lavage and irrigation of rectum, stomach, throat, nose, ears and eyes.
Pre-operative and post-of erative nursing.
Common Instruments. - Names and uses.
Common technical terms.
Local Applications. - Cold and heat.
Counter-irritation, e.g. poultices, mustard leaves blisters cupping, leeches, etc.
Aspiration. Southey’s tubes, tapping, etc.
Mixturition catheterization. Care of catheters, bladder lavage.
Bath, sponging. Packs. Hot-air baths.
Bandaging, splints and extension.
Giving and receiving of reports.
Administration of medicines.
Feeding of Patiens. - Special diets.
Care of the dead.
[The word “Patients” is misspelt in the phrase “Feeding of Patiens” in the regulation above, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
(ii) Medical Nursing. Republic of Namibia 29 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Diseases of the Alimentary System: General, Symptoms. - Appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain, character of vomit, state of bowels, character of stools. Jaundice; indigestion, disease of gastrointestinal tract, including liver and pancreas.
Diseases of the Haemopoietic System. - The anaemias; diseases of the thyroid, pituitary and suprarenal glands, spleen and bone-marrow.
Diseases of Circulatory System. - General symptoms of heart diseases; features of heart failure; the pulse, its rate, character, rhythm; atheroma, aeneurism, blood pressure, gangrene, oedema, dropsy, anasarca, cyanosis, effusions.
[The word “aneurism” is misspelt in the regulation above, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
Diseases of the Respiratory System. - General symptoms of respiratory diseases; breathing, various types. Cyanosis. Cough: Character, expectoration, pain. Nursing of pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and laryngeal diseases.
Diseases of the Urinary Organs, - General symptoms. Urine, uraemia, calculus cystitis, baeilluria, haematuria. Nursing of diseases of kidney, bladder and prostate.
Diseases of the Skin. - Symptoms and management.
Their main features and nursing.
Diseases of the Nervous System. - General features; organic and functional, acute and chronic. Nursing of diseases of nervous system, e.g. eases of paralysis, chorea, fits, meningitis, etc.
Diseases of the male generative organs.
General Diseases. - E.g. rheumatism, diabetes, gout, malnutrition and deficiency diseases.
Infectious Diseases. - Incubation and isolation periods; mode of infection and spread. Symptoms of enteric, typhus, plague, scarlet fever, measles, smallpox, chicken pox, whooping cough, diphtheria, erysipelas, cerebro-spinal meningitis. Nursing of fevers; precautions against spread. Disinfections of patients’ and nurses’ clothes and room.
Diet and Feeding of Patients. - Dietetic value of milk, butter, cheese, eggs, fish, meat, vegetables and fruit, farinaceous foods, alcohol, beverages condiments. Vitamins. Proprietary preparations. Diets in special cases of disease. Methods and theory of cooking; sick-room cooking; beeftea, jelly, barleywater, egg dishes, etc.
Materia Medica and Therapeutics. - Laxatives, anthelmintics, expectorants, emetics, gastric tonics, sedatives cardiac drugs, anti-pyretics, diaphoretics, hypnotics, narcotics, anaesthetics, nerve stimulants. Poison and antidotes. Method of administering drugs, oral, rectal, hypodermic, intramuscular, intravenous, inunction, vapours, inhalations, injections, etc. Weights and measures. Special attention to calculation and dilution in relation to dosage and use of lotions and disinfectants.
(iii) Surgical Nursing. Republic of Namibia 30 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Inflammation. - Its descriptions, causations and treatment; special forms of inflammation, e.g. abscess, cellulites, peritonitis.
Wounds. - Their varieties and methods of treatment and healing.
Burns and Ulcers. - Burns and scalds, ulcers, bedsores, etc.
Tumours. - Varieties, innocent and malignant, situations.
Fractures and Dislocations. - Varieties, nursing, splints and bandaging.
Haemorrhage. - Haemorrhage, arterial, venous capillary, internal and external. Effects of hoemorrhage, natural arrest of haemorrhage, artificial arrest of haemorrhage, secondary and reactionary haemorrhage.
Common and Surgical Diseases. - Operations, preparations and after-treatment of patient; complications during and after treatment; shock, heart failure, haemorrhage delirium, special operations considered regionally.
Bacteriology. - The nature, distribution and properties of bacteria, with special reference to the part they play as the causes of fermentation, putrefaction and infection. Methods of destroying bacteria outside the body. Infections. Modes of dissemination. Their spread in the body and the effect they produce (toxaemia and fever, local lesions, e.g. abscess). Natural and acquired immunity to infection. Passive and active immunity. Antisera and vaccines.
Asepsis and Antisepsis. - General principles, sterilisation by heat (dry and moist), by antiseptics, sunlight, etc. Surgical cleanliness.
Operating Theatre. - Nursing technique; the duties of nurses. Preparation of patient, preparation of operating area, lighting, heating, ventilation, equipment, instruments, appliances and dressings; anaesthesia.
(iv) Genito-Urinary and Venereal Diseases.
Preparation of patients for examination and operation. Catheterisation. Special instruments. After-treatment.
[regulation 11 substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950, regulation 11(b) saved by GN 3111/1950]
Requirements for Admission to the Final Examination
12. I. No student nurse who is undergoing his training in a school of nursing approved by the Council shall be admitted to the final examination unless -
(a) he has undergone not less than three years training in all, has passed in the preliminary examination and has undergone at least two years’ training subsequent to the date of the preliminary examination in which he was successful;
[paragraph (a) substituted by GN 1531/1951]
(b) he submits a certificate signed by the person in charge of the relevant school of nursing or approved hospital, certifying - Republic of Namibia 31 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations (i) that at a nursing college, and extending over a period of at least three months, he has attended a complete course of lectures and demonstrations covering the subjects for the final examination as prescribed by regulation; and
(ii) that in approved hospitals, and extending over a period of not less than two years in all, he has received instruction and carried out all the nursing procedures mentioned in the subjects for the final examination as prescribed by regulation.
[Inconsistent use of punctuation in the above regulation, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
(c) he submits a statement of leave granted to him during the period of his training, signed by the person in charge of the school of nursing or approved hospital concerned; and
(d) he submits a certificate of good health signed by a registered medical practitioner on the staff of one of the approved hospitals attached to the relevant school of nursing.
II. No student nurse who is undergoing his training in a training school shall be admitted to the preliminary examination unless -
(a) he has undergone not less than three years training in all, has passed in the preliminary examination and has undergone at least two years’ training subsequent to the date of the preliminary examination in which he was successful;
[paragraph (a) substituted by GN 1531/1951]
(b) he submits a certificate, signed by the matron or superintendent of the training school, certifying that he -
(i) has undergone the course of training (including the actual nursing of patients) in an approved training school for a period as laid down in these regulations;
(ii) has attended, during the period of training at the aforesaid training school, a complete course of lectures and demonstrations as prescribed by regulation;
(c) he submits a statement of leave granted to him during his period of training, signed by the matron or superintendent of the training school concerned; and
(d) he submits a certificate of good health signed by the senior medical officer of the training school concerned.
[NOTE. - A candidate who has successfully completed the final examination will not be registered until the person in charge of the school of nursing or the matron or superintendent of the training school, as the case may be, at which he underwent his training shall have furnished the Council with a certificate that the student nurse concerned has completed the full period of training as laid down in these regulations.]
[regulation 12 substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950]
Re-admission to Examinations
13. (a) A candidate who fails in the written or the practical portion of the final examination at his first attempt shall be required to present himself for re-examination only in that portion in which he has failed. Republic of Namibia 32 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
(b) A candidate who fails to pass in one or more of the question papers of the written portion of the final examination shall be deemed to have failed the written portion as a whole.
(c) If a candidate fails in the written or the practical portion of the final examination at his second or subsequent attempt at such examination he shall be deemed to have failed in the examination as a whole.
(d) A candidate who fails to pass in an examination and obtains an aggregate mark of less than 40 per cent. of the total marks available shall not be permitted to present himself for the examination immediately following the one in which he failed.
(e) A candidate who fails to pass an examination at his third attempt at such examination, may be required to undergo such further training as the Council may decide upon before he is re- admitted to the examination.
[regulation 13 substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950]
Examination Marks
14. (a) Successful candidates shall be shown as having “passed” or “passed with honours”.
(b) In order to pass in the preliminary examination a candidate shall be required to have obtained at least 50 per cent. of the aggregate maximum marks allocated to the examination.
(c) In order to pass in the final examination a candidate shall be required to have obtained at least 40 per cent. of the maximum marks in each of the question papers of the written portion and 50 per cent. in the oral and practical portion of the examination, and to have obtained at least 50 per cent. of the aggregate maximum marks for the whole examination. Fifty per cent. of the aggregate marks shall be allocated to the written portion of the examination and 50 per cent. to the oral and practical portion of the examination.
(d) In order to pass with honours in the preliminary examination a candidate shall be required to have obtained at least 75 per cent. of the aggregate maximum marks for the whole examination. In order to pass with honours in the practical portion or the written portion of the final examination a candidate shall be required to have obtained at least 75 per cent. of the aggregate maximum marks for the portion concerned.
(e) Candidates will not be placed in order of merit and no information in regard to the marks or places of candidates shall be given except in connection with a prize or award approved of by the Council. In the case of an unsuccessful candidate the school of nursing or training school concerned may, however, be advised in what portion of the examination such candidate failed to satisfy the examiners.
[regulation 14 substituted by GN 570/1950, amended by GN 2008/1950 and substituted by GN 3111/1950]
Dates of Examinations and Entries
15. (a) Preliminary Examination. - (i) The examinations referred to in regulation 10(a)(i) of these regulations shall be held during the months of January, May and September and the closing dates shall be the 30th November, 31st July respectively. Applications for admission to the examination shall be lodged with the Registrar on or before the above-mentioned closing dates. Republic of Namibia 33 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
(ii) The tests referred to in regulation 10(a)(ii) of these regulations shall be held at the times appointed by the person in charge of the training school or school of nursing concerned; provided that these shall be held not more than six months prior to the date of the corresponding portion of the examination referred to in paragraph (i) hereof.
(b) Final Examination. - Examinations for the final examinations shall be held during the months of March, July and November and the closing dates for the examinations shall be the 31st December, 30th April and the 31st August respectively; provided that the practical portions of the respective examinations may be commenced during the months of February, June and October respectively and may continue after the dates of the respective written portions of the examinations. Applications for admission to the examinations shall be lodged with the Registrar on or before the above-mentioned closing dates.
(c) An application lodged within seven days after the closing date of any examination shall be accepted only on payment of an additional fee of £1. 1s.
(d) An application lodged after the seventh day but on or before the fourteenth day after the closing date of any examination shall be accepted only on payment of an additional fee of £2. 2s.
(e) An application lodged after the fourteenth day but on or before the twenty-first day after the closing date of any examination shall be accepted only on payment of an additional fee of £3. 3s.
(f) No application which is lodged after the twenty-first day after the closing date of any examination shall be accepted.
An application for admission to an examination shall not be deemed to have been “lodged” in terms of this regulation unless an entry form duly completed, the examination fees and, where applicable, the additional fee referred to in subparagraphs (c), (d) and (e) of this regulation, shall have reached the Registrar.
[regulation 15 substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950]
Examination Centres
16. Excepting for the tests referred to in regulation 10(a)(ii) of these regulations, examinations shall be held at such places as the Council may appoint. Special centres may be arranged for the convenience of the candidates taking the written examinations provided the training school or school of nursing concerned pays the expenses for arranging such centres.
[regulation 16 substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950]
17. Except as indicated in regulation 10(a)(ii) of these regulations, examiners shall be appointed by the Council from time to time. The Council may furthermore from time to time appoint moderators for any or all of the written examinations.
The examiners and moderators shall conform to such rules as the Council may from time to time resolve upon for the conduct of the examination, and shall receive remuneration at such rates as may be fixed by the Council. They need not be members of the Council.
[regulation 17 substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950] Republic of Namibia 34 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
Examination Fees
18. The following fees shall be payable to the Council by a candidate for examination -
(a) On application for admission to the preliminary examination, a fee of £1. In the case of failure to pass in the examination, a candidate may present himself for re-examination on payment of a fee of £1 for each occasion.
(b) On application for admission to the final examination, a fee of £3, which shall include a fee for registration as a male nurse if and when the candidate qualifies for such registration. In the case of failure to pass in either the written portion or the practical portion of the examination a candidate may, subject to regulation 13, present himself for re-examination in that portion of the examination on payment of a fee of £1 for each occasion.
[regulation 18 substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950]
Re-assessment of Examination Answers
19. (a) Any candidate at a written examination other than at a written test as referred to in regulation 10(a)(ii) of these regulations may, upon payment of a sum of two guineas (£2. 2s.) apply to have his answers re-assessed.
(b) The re-assessment of candidates’ answers shall be done by the moderator/s appointed for the examination in questions, or by such other person or persons as may be appointed thereto by the Council.
(c) An application for the re-assessment of a candidate’s answers shall be submitted on the prescribed form, and shall be submitted so as to reach the Registrar within 14 days of the date on which the results of the examination concerned were published.
(d) The marks allocated to a candidate upon re-assessment of his answers shall be final and binding.
(e) The fee of £2. 2s. paid in respect of an application for the re-assessment of a candidate’s answers shall not be refunded to the candidate whatever the result of such assessment may be.
[regulation 19 substituted by GN 570/1950 and GN 3111/1950]
[ANNEXURE A inserted by GN 3111/1950]
A nursing college shall mean an institution approved by the Council which provides for the proper education and training of student nurses in the theoretical and practical aspects of nursing for specified periods during their course of training. Republic of Namibia 35 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations A nursing college may be approved of as forming part of a school of nursing if it complies with the following requirements -
(1) The training of students in a college shall be conducted in conjunction with an approved hospital or group of approved hospitals; arrangements shall be made for the transfer of students between such college and its associated approved hospitals for such periods as may be prescribed by the Council from time to time.
(2) The person in charge of a college shall be either a registered male nurse or a registered medical and surgical nurse whose name appears in the register of sister tutors.
(3) Not more than twenty-five students shall be in attendance at a college at any particular time for every full-time member of the teaching staff of such college unless the Council determines otherwise.
(4) The instruction of students in subjects other than the theory and practice of nursing shall include lectures by medical practitioners and other persons who have a specialised knowledge of the particular subject and who may be appointed to the staff of a college in a part-time capacity.
(5) Every member of the teaching staff, whether full-time or part-time, shall be registered as a nurse in the branch of nursing in which he/she is teaching.
(6) While in attendance at a nursing college students shall be required to attend to the satisfaction of the Council lectures, demonstrations and study under supervision of a member of the teaching staff.
(7) Provision shall be made in a college for satisfactory accommodation for lectures and demonstrations and the necessary equipment and models for the proper instruction of students shall be available. Such accommodation and equipment shall be subject to approval by the Council.
(8) Provision shall be made for students to be satisfactorily housed and fed while in attendance at a college.
(9) The Council may withdraw its approval of a college at any time if, in the opinion of the Council, it does not comply with the aforegoing requirements.
[Inconsistent use of punctuation and capitalisation in the above regulation, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.]
[ANNEXURE B inserted by GN 3111/1950]
1. No hospital shall be approved as forming part of a school of nursing unless it complies with the following requirements - Republic of Namibia 36 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations (a) Proof shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Council that in the hospital in conjunction with the associated approved hospitals in the school of nursing -
(i) a sufficient number and variety of medical and surgical cases are available to furnish material for the adequate training of student nurses;
(ii) facilities are available for the adequate training of students in all the subjects prescribed in the syllabus.
(b) Student nurses shall be treated as students and their training shall normally receive precedence over any other duties that may be required to be performed by them.
(c) All members of the nursing staff who take part in the training of student nurses; shall be registered medical and surgical nurses or male nurses.
(d) If the institution has a board of management, at least one medical practitioner is a member of the board.
(e) The matron or superintendent of the hospital shall be responsible for the training of student nurses in the hospital in accordance with the Council’s requirements.
(f) Student nurses shall be required to be on duty for not less than 40 hours per week provided that a student nurse shall not be required to be on duty for more than 8 hours in any one day.
(g) Student nurses shall be allowed one day off-duty per week when on day duty and one night off-duty per week when on night duty and, in addition thereto, thirty consecutive days vacation leave of absence per year and fifteen consecutive days vacation leave of absence during the last six months of their period of training. (For sick leave refer to regulation 5.)
(h) Student nurses shall not be required to be on night duty for a total period of more than 10½ months during their course of training or more than 3 months in any period of 12 months.
(i) Student nurses shall be housed and fed to the satisfaction of the Council.
(j) Student nurses shall be medically examined, including X-ray of chest, upon admission to training and at least once per year thereafter.
(k) Hospitals shall permit student nurses to be transferred to nursing colleges and hospitals in the school of nursing for such periods in their course of training as may be determined by the Council from time to time.
(l) Not more than four student nurses shall be accepted for each registered medical and surgical nurse or male nurse normally employed on the staff of the hospital.
(m) A member of the medical staff visits the hospital daily.
[Inconsistent use of punctuation and capitalisation in the above regulation, reproduced as per SA Government Gazette.] Republic of Namibia 37 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations 2. Notwithstanding the conditions and requirements set out in paragraph 1, the Council may, in its discretion, approve of a hospital as forming part of a school of nursing if such hospital does not comply with one or more of the said conditions and requirements and if it proves to the satisfaction of the Council that it can in all other respects provide adequate facilities for the proper training of student nurses. Any such approval granted in terms of this paragraph may be granted for any limited term or period or upon such other conditions as the Council may determine.
3. The Council or a person duly deputed thereto by the Council shall have the right to inspect a hospital forming part of a school of nursing at any time and to call for such information as may be deemed necessary.
4. The Council shall have the right to withdraw its approval of a hospital as forming part of a school of nursing if after investigation it is found that it does not comply with the requirements prescribed by regulation, or for any reason does not conduct the training of students satisfactorily.
[ANNEXURE C inserted by GN 3111/1950]
1. A training school shall consist of a hospital or group of hospitals which, in the opinion of the Council is competent through the quality and extent of the material and instruction given thereat to train candidates for admission to its register of male nurses, and shall be subject to the approval of the Council.
2. Where a training school consists of a group of hospitals, the Council shall have the right to determine the portion of training which each student shall undergo at the various hospitals constituting the training school.
3. No hospital or group of hospitals shall be approved of as a training school unless -
(a) proof is furnished to the satisfaction of the Council that in the hospital/s in the training school;
(i) a sufficient number and variety of medical and surgical cases are available to furnish material for the adequate training of student nurses;
(ii) facilities are available for the adequate training of students in all the subjects prescribed in the syllabus;
(b) all members of the nursing staff who take part in the training of student nurses are registered medical and surgical nurses or male nurses;
(c) if the institution has a board of management, at least one medical practitioner is a member of the board;
(d) student nurses are required to be on duty for not less than 40 hours per week provided that a student nurse is not required to be on duty for more than 8 hours in any one day;
(e) student nurses are allowed one day off-duty per week when on day duty and one night off-duty per week when on night duty and, in addition thereto, thirty consecutive days Republic of Namibia 38 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations vacation leave of absence per year and fifteen consecutive days vacation leave of absence during the last six months of their period of training; (for sick leave refer to Regulation 5.)
(f) student nurses are not required to be on night duty for more than a total period of 10½ months, provided that student nurses shall not be required to be on night duty for more than 3 months in any period of 12 months;
(g) student nurses are housed and fed to the satisfaction of the Council;
(h) student nurses are medically examined, including X-ray of chest, upon admission to training and at least once per year thereafter;
(i) the course of lecturer and demonstrations are so arranged that student nurses may present themselves for the final examination when they have completed 3 years training;
(j) a member of the medical staff visits the hospital daily and, in the case of a group of hospitals, a member of the medical staff visits each such hospital daily.
4. Notwithstanding the conditions and requirements set out in paragraph 3, the Council may, in its discretion approve of a hospital as a training school if such hospital does not comply with one or more of the said conditions and requirements and if the hospital makes application to the Council and proves to the satisfaction of the Council that it can in all other respects provide adequate facilities for the proper training of student nurses. Any such approval granted in terms of this paragraph may be granted for any limited term or period or upon such other or additional conditions as the Council may determine.
5. The Council or a person deputed thereto by the Council shall have the right to inspect a training school at any time and to call for such information as may be deemed necessary.
6. The Council shall have the right to withdraw its approval of an institution as a training school if after investigation it is found that it does not comply with the requirements prescribed above, or for any reason does not conduct the training of student nurses satisfactorily.
1. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise indicates, “Act” means the Nursing Act, 1944 (Act No. 45 of 1944); and any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act bears, when used in these regulations, the same meaning.
Requirements for Admission to Training
2. No person shall be admitted for training in a training school recognized by the Council without submitting -
(a) (i) a certificate of having satisfactorily completed the sixth standard of an education department in the Union; or
(ii) a certificate of higher standard; Republic of Namibia 39 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations (If unable to submit either of the above, an applicant for admission shall be required to pass an examination in general knowledge, conducted by the. hospital authorities, equal to that prescribed for the sixth, standard of an education department in the Union.)
(b) a certificate of good health and fitness for the work of a nurse;
(c) a certificate of good character, signed by two responsible persons to the satisfaction of the training school concerned;
[NOTE. - Attention is invited to prescribed requirements whereby (i) every student nurse must be registered with the Council within one month of the date of her commencement of training and (ii) no person may be registered as a nurse until she has attained the age of 21 years.]
Training Schools
3. (a) The Council may recognize as a training school any institution for the care and treatment of mental defectives, which in the opinion of the Council, taking into consideration the number and class of patients dealt with, and the staff, equipment and facilities for the instruction available thereat, is competent to train candidates for admission to its register of nurses.
(b) No application for the recognition of an institution as a training school shall be entertained unless -
(i) the matron, sisters and any person, other than a medical practitioner, psychologist, certified teacher or qualified vocational instructor, engaged in the teaching of student nurses, are registered as nurses;
(ii) the institution provides for the care and treatment of children and adults of the various classes of mental defect.
(c) The Council shall have the right to inspect training schools at all times.
(d) The Council shall have the right to call for such information from a training school as it may deem fit and to point out to a training school any matter in which its requirements seem to be insufficiently met, and to withhold, suspend, or withdraw recognition in any case which remains unsatisfactory.
(e) The Council shall not be bound to grant recognition to any institution as a training school.
Lectures and Demonstrations
4. (a) At all training schools recognized by the Council, lectures shall be given by the medical and psychological staff, and demonstrations by qualified and competent officers appointed by the Superintendent of the institution.
(b) The lectures and demonstrations shall each be not less than 100 in number, and extend over the whole course of training; of such lectures and demonstrations not less than 25 of each must have been attended before candidates shall be allowed to enter for the preliminary examination, and the balance before they shall be allowed to enter for the final examination.
Period of Training Republic of Namibia 40 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations 5. The period of training of student nurses shall be three and a half years.
Breaks in Training
6. Training shall be continuous saving for interruption owing to illness or for other reasons which may be considered satisfactory by the Council.
The period during which a student nurse has broken her training must be made up so that she completes a full period of training as laid down by these rules, and if the break should be for a period exceeding six months, she must in addition, unless the Council • determines otherwise, undergo an extension of training equal to one-half of the period of such break. No recognition of previous training shall be accorded if the break in a student nurse’s training extends for a period of over two years, unless the Council determines otherwise.
A student nurse may be granted during her training sick leave not exceeding thirty days, and she shall be required to make up any sick leave in excess thereof.
In the event of a student nurse being transferred by a proper authority from one training school for nurses of mental defectives to another in the service of the same authority the training shall be regarded as contiguous.
Exemption from Training
7. A student nurse registered as a medical and surgical nurse or as a sick children’s nurse or as a male nurse, shall be exempted from 25 per cent. of the training required by these rules, and shall further be exempted from the preliminary examination and from the 25 lectures and 25 demonstrations required therefor.
A nurse who is registered as a mental nurse shall be eligible to sit as a candidate for the final examination in the nursing of mental defectives after completing one whole year of training in a recognized training school for mental defectives, and attending at least 25 lectures and 25 demonstrations on the subjects laid down in Sections VIII, IX, X and XI of the Syllabus for nurses for mental defectives.
8. There shall be two separate examinations -
(a) the preliminary examination in anatomy, physiology, first-aid and hygiene, and
(b) the final examination.
The Preliminary Examination
9. The preliminary examination shall consist of written, oral and practical portions, and shall include within its scope, the following subjects -
Section I. - General Duties of Nurses in an Institution for Mental Defectives
Nature of Mental Deficiency. - Objects of treatment; reasons for special care.
Relation of nurses to inmates. Republic of Namibia 41 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Responsibilities of Nurses. - Discretion; forbearance; self-control; confidential nature of work; letters of inmates gossip; attitude to relatives and visitors.
General Duties of a Nurse. - Cleanliness; order; punctuality; discipline; attention to detail; observation; what to report.
Special Duties. - Routine precautions; fire; self-injury; suicide; violence to others; destructiveness; faulty habits.
Laws and Rules for the Protection of Inmates. - Relation of sexes; escape; seclusion; restraint; use of force; ill-treatment; neglect; intoxicating liquors; drugs.
Section III. - Elementary Anatomy and Physiology
Definition. - An elementary knowledge of the structure, position and functions of the various parts of the human body, including -
General. - Cells, tissues, organs; their structure and arrangement. The body as a whole. Chief cavities and contents.
The Skeleton. - Skull - Names, positions and brief description of bones of cranium and face. Cranial bones - frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid. Bones of the face - upper jaw, malar, lower jaw, formation of orbit, nose, mouth.
Spinal Column and Thorax - General character of vertebrae, varieties - cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal; the column as a whole, its curves, intervertebral discs and joints; sternum, ribs, costal cartilages.
Upper Limb - Clavicle; scapula; humerus; radius; ulna; bones of wrist and hand; joints.
Lower Limb - The pelvis, femur, patella, tibia, fibula; bones of ankle and foot; joints.
Muscles. - Their general features; voluntary and involuntary; differences in their mode of action. Position of the chief muscles of the body.
Joints. - Various forms of joints and their mechanism; bones, cartilages, ligaments, synovial membrane.
Circulatory System. - The heart - position, size and functions; auricles, ventricles; valves; pericardium; great vessels.
Blood Vessels. - Arteries; veins; capillaries; their structural differences; names and positions of chief arteries and veins.
Circulation of Blood. - General, pulmonary and portal circulations; principal pressure points.
Haemopoietic System. - The blood; arterial, venous. Coagulation; blood forming glands and structures; spleen; lymphatic glands; bone marrow; ductless glands; internal secretions.
Alimentary System. - Mouth, teeth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, intestines (small and large), liver, pancreas, thoracic duct; classes of food; processes of digestion, absorption and assimilation; the faeces. Republic of Namibia 42 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Respiratory System. - Nasal cavity; larynx; trachea; bronchi; lungs; pleura, diaphragm; mechanism and process of respiration; the chief muscles concerned in respiration.
Excretory System. - Organs of excretion - bowels, kidneys; skin; lungs. Waste products.
The kidneys; structure and functions; ureters; bladder; urine; the skin; epidermis and dermis; sweat glands; hair and nails; functions.
Nervous System. - Meninges and cerebrospinal fluid; cerebrum, cerebellum pons; medulla; spinal cord; the nerve cell; nerves; motor sensory and sympathetic; reflex action; control levels; organs of special sense.
Reproductive Systems.
Section III. - Accidents and Emergencies
Bleeding. - Arterial, venous, capillary; methods of arresting it; digital pressure, tourniquet, or other means.
Emergency treatment of wounds; asepsis, antiseptics.
Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains. - Their signs, symptoms, varieties and treatment.
Emergency Treatment of Shock, Collapse and Unconsciousness. - Injury to the brain; collapse from drink; epilepsy; fainting; hysteria; sunstroke.
First-aid in cases of frost-bite; burns and scalds; wounds; bites of animals; stings of insects.
Emergencies. - What to do in cases of fire, hanging, choking, strangulation, drowning, poisoning, cut-throat.
Artificial Respiration. - Methods of.
The more common poisons and their antidotes.
Foreign bodies in the air-passages, eye, ear, nose.
Improvised methods of lifting and carrying the injured.
Preparation for the reception of accident cases; bed making; removal of clothes.
Bandaging. - Application of the triangular bandage and splints; application of roller bandages.
Section IV. - Hygiene
General Conditions of Health. - Normal temperature and weight of body; waste and repair.
Air. - Its composition and impunities. The principles of ventilation and their application to houses and hospitals; radiation and evaporation.
Water. - Sources; standard of purity for domestic use; relation of impure water to spread of disease. Republic of Namibia 43 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Disposal of Refuse. - Various methods in use; dry and water systems; general arrangement of houses and hospital drainage.
Personal Hygiene. - Habits; exercise; rest and recreation; cleanliness; clothing; repair and cleaning; special types; beds and bedding.
Methods of Infection. - The nature of infection; its Sources and of transmission; insects and other parasites. Infection and disinfection.
Heating and Lighting. - Of houses and hospitals; hygiene of sick-room.
The Final Examination
10. The final examination shall be written, oral and practical, and shall consist of a general part and a Special part. Questions set in the final paper shall he confined to subjects in the general part of the syllabus. Candidates shall also be examined in one of the sections of the special part of the syllabus, and must produce evidence that, in the section taken, they have received special training, and have been engaged for at least six months in actual practice of the work of the section.
The final examination shall include within its scope the subject for the preliminary examination, as also the following -
(a) General Part.
Section V. - Elementary Psychology
The mind in health.
Development of the mind.
Sensation; perception; ideas and association of Ideas.
Attention; memory; reason; judgment.
Instincts and desires; emotion and effect.
Will; action, voluntary and involuntary; habit; conduct.
Conscious and sub-conscious mind; sleep and dreams.
Section VI. - Elementary Bedside Nursing
Blanket bathing. Bedmaking.
Care of back. Bedsores. Water-beds and cushions.
Administration of medicines.
Observation of Cases. - Reports of symptoms; points to be noticed; indication of illness; pulse; respiration; temperature; state of excretions; records and charts.
Excreta. - Keeping of specimens. Republic of Namibia 44 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Asepsis, and Antisepsis. - Simple dressings and applications.
Section VII. - Common Signs and Symptoms of Disease
General. - Skin; muscles; bones; joints; circulatory system; respiratory system; alimentary system; urinary and reproductive systems.
Common parasites.
Section VIII. - Mental Deficiency
Definition of mental deficiency in children and adults.
The mental, physical and social basis of definition.
Physical Peculiarities and Stigmata. - Anatomical - Those affecting the body as a whole; those affecting special parts - head (skull), ears, eyes, nose, mouth, trunk and limbs.
Physiological - Spasms; rythmic movements; tics; convulsions; common speech defects.
[The word “rhythmic” is misspelt in the Government Gazette, as reproduced above.]
Psychological Peculiarities - With special regard to varieties lot character, instinct, emotion, disposition, etc. Night terrors.
Clinical Types of Mentally Defective Persons. -
(a) Those not distinguished by well-marked peculiarities.
(b) Those marked by stigmata; infantile; Mongolian micro-cephalic; macrocephalic; cretinoid; paralytic.
Epilepsy. - Description of epileptic fits - grand mal and petit mal. Special symptoms before the onset of fits; management; treatment during a fit; special symptoms and conditions that may occur by day and night. Precautions about clothing and during meals; diet; etc.
The law in respect of detention and control; certification.
Grading the mentally defective under the Act as idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded and moral imbeciles.
Disorders of mind in relation to defectiveness; absence of moral sense; instability; want of balance; eccentricity; delinquency; one-sideness; vice; common signs and symptoms suggesting mental disorder.
Section IX. - Management and Training of the Mentally Defective in an Institution or Colony
Observation of Gases. - General reactions; conduct; progress; importance of studying individual in work and play; use and importance of records and reports.
A nurse’s day in charge of a low-grade class of children; a low-grade class of male or female adults; a medium-grade class of children; a medium-grade class of male or female adults; description of the best methods in each case of securing the happiness and physical well-being of the inmates Republic of Namibia 45 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations without punishment or suggestion of restraint. How to treat sulkiness, ill-temper and shamming. How to distinguish between laziness and mental inability or between physical disability and nervousness.
The place of variety in the life of a defective, both in occupations, amusements and changes to camp and seaside, or to a different class.
Special things for which a nurse has to be on the lookout and, the right course to follow in the care of mongols; epileptics; paralytics; inmates who have to be fed; nervous inmates; cretins; low- grade defectives; high-grade difficult male defectives; high-grade difficult female defectives; defectives suffering from bodily illnesses.
Special things for which a night nurse has to be on the look-out. The importance of a nurse’s personality and behaviour - good temper, patience, respect for the inmate, endurance, firmness, praise, avoiding discouragement, effects of rivalry, incentives to work, example.
Training in the Home or Ward. - Discipline; threats; correction; sexual irregularities; inculcation of self-helpfulness in dressing and undressing; inculcation of thruthfulness, good temper and consideration for others. General objects and methods of recreation - drill, dancing, singing, teaching to play.
[The word “truthfulness” is misspelt in the Government Gazette, as reproduced above.]
Special Manual Occupations for Low-grade Children. - Household duties about the school and institution for lower grades.
Rewards; deprivation of privileges.
Physical training on the lines of the Board of Education’s “Syllabus of Physical Training for Schools”. Swedish and other methods. Gymnastics.
Amusements. - Outdoor - Organized games and sports; walks; shopping; scouts and guides; camps; picnics.
Indoor - Organized games and entertainments; dancing; fancy-work.
Holidays - Advantages and disadvantages; preparation; caution to friends; precautions on return.
Special training in preparing an inmate for hostel treatment.
Parole treatment and discharge.
Section X. - Management and Training of the Mentally Defective when not in an Institution
In the Home. - Advice to be given to the friends in the case of children and adults. Simple occupations in the home. Possibilities of employment outside the home. Dangers for defectives.
Cases under guardianship; under supervision.
On leave of absence; parole.
After-care. Republic of Namibia 46 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Section XI. - Elementary Educational Psychology
Unlearned Behaviour. - Instinct; instinct and reflex; classification of instincts; genetic study of. instincts; inhibition and control of instincts; instincts and habit formation.
Application to mentally defective.
Emotions. - Theories of; outward expression of; internal changes during; methods of studying and education.
Application to mentally defective.
The Learning Process. - The laws of learning; theory and application to various types of learning; transfer of training principles of economy in learning; types of material to be learned by the various grades of mentally defective.
Psychology of Individual Differences. - Variability; amount; character; and causes of individual differences; individual differences in mental make-up of mental defectives.
Application of concept of variability to training of mentally defective.
Mental and Social Measurements. - Theory and general methods of examination. Intelligence testing; the principles and use of the Binet-Simon tests; mental age; intelligence quotient; group testing and examples of same; performance tests and their Use. Qualitative aspects of mental test results. Tests of special aptitudes and disabilities. Tests of various mental functions. Temperament and character; their observation and measurement. Interpretation of menial test results. The application of test results to the training and management of mental defectives. The meaning of the following statistical terms -
Average; median; variability; percantile; correlation; reliability.
[The word “percentile” is misspelt in the Government Gazette, as reproduced above.]
(b) Special Part.
Section A - The Teaching of Mentally Defective Children. Educational Methods and Principles
Educational principles and methods of Sequin; Froebel; Montessori; Dearsly; Macdowall; Wallin; etc.
Application to mentally defective children.
Group and individual methods; ways of individualizing instruction, e.g., the Project Method; the Dalton Plan.
Methods of teaching the ordinary subjects of the Curriculum language reading; writing, arithmetic, drawing, singing, handwork, etc. Physical exercises, rythmics and organized recreation, indoor and outdoor. Oral-manual methods.
[The word “rhythmics” is misspelt in the Government Gazette, as reproduced above.]
The production and interpretation of speech in low-grade cases. Republic of Namibia 47 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations The treatment of common speech defects.
Methods of developing motor-co-ordination in low grades.
Importance of and practice in lesson-planning.
Classroom Management. - The various ways of classifying pupils. Discipline. The problems of interest and effort in educational practice. Various ways of motivation. Importance and methods of initial establishment of good habits. Social education in the classroom. Treatment of children at puberty and adolescence.
Importance of studying the child. Methods of measuring progress in school word and behaviour; daily records; school examinations; standardized educational Bests; rating scales; making out reports.
Signs of sensory defects, fatigue; detection of special abilities and disabilities.
Practical Work. - Each candidate should prepare outlines of three lessons of the following types and be prepared to conduct one if required to do so -
(a) Physical activities with a class of low grades.
(b) Handwork lesson with a class of medium grades.
(c) Scripture, story or gardening with class of high grades.
(d) Oral manual methods.
Candidates should also produce evidence that they are able to teach not less than three of the following - Drawing, including colour work; modelling with a plastic medium; modelling with paper and cardboard; gardening; woodwork - raffia work; rug making; toy making; leather work; needlework; knitting; cooking or any other form of handwork.
Section B. - The Training of Mentally Defective Adults. Methods and Principles of Vocational Training
Suitable occupations for various types of mental defectives. Principles determining the placement of inmates in occupations. Physical and mental abilities and disabilities in relation to occupational placement.
Technique of job analysis, and its application to Instruction. Examples of job analysis, e.g., shoe-making, farming, etc. Economical methods of instruction of mentally defective depend on job analysis.
Principle of the Division of Labour. - Relation to classification of inmates in a shop. Work for several grades of defectives in one trade. Application of above to training in the ward or cottage.
Prevocational Training. - Theory and relation to vocational training. Importance and methods of studying inmates dining the period of prevocational training.
Methods of Training Mental Defectives in Specific Occupations. - Method determined both by type of inmate and type of work; examples of methods used successfully with mental defectives and Republic of Namibia 48 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations specimen out-lines. The project methods and its use in prevocational training. Application of the laws of learning, interest, effort and motivation; importance of relating instruction to type of inmate.
Management of Shop or Occupation Group. - Discipline, inculcating desirable and efficient routine of shop practice and good social habits. Working hours, fatigue, monotony and rest intervals. Industrial risks and diseases, work changes, rewards, etc. Keeping of register, production records, stock, etc.
Methods of observing, recording and reporting progress and behaviour in the occupation. Factors involved in deciding on grades or ratings. Various types of rating scales and their uses. Devices for grading standards of work, keeping daily records, etc. Importance of studying inmates at work.
Practical Work. - Each candidate should prepare outlines of three instruction jobs and be prepared-to demonstrate one if required to do so. The type of job is illustrated by the following -
(a) Classifying a mixed group of inmates for a particular job by division of labour, e.g. ward work, gardening.
(b) Instructing a low-grade mentally defective adult in a particular job.
(c) Instructing a medium-grade mentally defective adult in a particular job.
(d) Instruct a high-grade mentally defective adult in a particular job.
Candidates should also produce evidence that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skill of the occupation in which they profess to instruct.
Section C. - Nursing of the Sick
(1) Theory and Practice of Nursing of the Sick.
Management of the sick-room; requirements and arrangements; outdoor method of treatment; Verandas; tents; shelters; personal attention to the sick; reception and examination; classes of foods; constituents of a normal diet; quantities and nutritive values; administration of foods.
Administration of medicine; oral, rectal, hypodermic and other methods. Vaccines.
The Bed. - Changing sheets; use of draw sheets; Water-proof sheets; water beds; air beds; hot- water bottles.
The cleansing and-toilet of the sick and infirm.
Bed-sores. - Causes, prevention and treatment.
Observation of Cases. - Reports of symptoms; points to be noticed; indications of illness; pulse; respiration; temperature; state of excretions; records and charts; urine testing.
Asepsis and antisepsis.
Dressings and Applications. - Compresses; poultices;; fomentations; stupes; bandaging; splints; extension; blisters; enemata; saline injections; suppositories; catheters; douches; steaming; Republic of Namibia 49 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations inhalations; special baths; sponging; wet pack; bed rests and cradles; massage; passive and re- educative movements.
Preparation for an Operation. - Care and sterilization of instruments; post-operative nursing.
Sick-room Cookery. - Preparation of the sick diet.
Signs of approaching death; care of the dead.
(2) Bodily Diseases and Disorders and their Nursing Requirements.
Symptoms and Signs of Disease. - General - Inflammation; headache; fever; rigor; disturbance of appetite; loss of weight; anaemia; pain; sleeplessness; shock; collapse.
Of the Skin - Irritation; rashes; discoloration; ulceration.
Of the Muscles - Wasting and weakness; contractures.
Of the Bones and Joints - Deformity; swelling; stiffness; unnatural mobility.
Of the Circulatory System - Fainting; palpitation; shortness of breath; cyanosis; oedema; atheroma; varicose veins; piles; haematoma auris.
Of the Respiratory System - Cough; expectoration; cyanosis; disturbed breathing; local pain; fever.
Of the Alimentary System - Mouth, teeth and tongue;) indigestion; flatulence; vomiting; diarrhoea; constipation; colic; jaundice; obstruction.
Of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems - Changes in the urine; dropsy; coma; convulsions; hydrocele; varicocele; menstrual changes; abnormal discharges.
Disorders - Diabetes; cancer; rheumatism; arteriosclerosis heart disease; bronchitis; pleurisy; pneumonia; peritonitis; appendicitis; Kidney disease; cretinism and myxoedema; exophthalmic goitre.
Micro-organisms and Infection Immunity. - Tuberculosis; syphilis; dysentery; enteric fever; influenza; measles; scarlet fever; diphtheria; erysipelas; small-pox; chicken pox; whooping cough; mumps.
Common parasites.
Requirements for Admission to the Preliminary Examination
11. (a) A candidate shall not be allowed to enter for the preliminary examination before completing one-quarter of the, training required by these regulations.
(b) A candidate for the preliminary examination shall submit -
(i) a certificate, signed by the superintendent of the institution of having completed one- quarter of the required training; Republic of Namibia 50 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations (ii) a certificate, similarly signed, of having attended at least 25 lectures and 25 demonstrations of a complete course of lectures and demonstrations in anatomy, physiology, first aid and hygiene.
Requirements for Admission to the Final Examination
12. (a) A candidate shall be allowed to enter for the final examination after the completion of three years’ training) provided that at least two years shall have elapsed subsequent to her passing in the preliminary examination, but shall be required, in addition to passing the examination, to complete the total period of training of three and a half years before being registered as a nurse for mental defectives.
(b) A candidate for the final examination shall submit -
(i) a certificate, signed by the superintendent of the institution, of having undergone the course of training in a recognised training school for a period laid down by these rules;
(ii) a certificate, similarly signed, of having attended during the period of training at the afore-said institution a complete course of lectures and practical demonstrations as laid down by these rules;
(iii) a certificate, similarly signed, of good character;
(iv) a certificate, similarly signed, of good health.
Examination Questions
13. In the written portion of the preliminary and final examinations not less than five questions shall be set and the candidates shall be allowed three hours to answer them.
Examination Marks
14. To pass the preliminary or the final examination, a candidate must obtain at least 50 per cent. of the aggregate marks and not less than 40 per cent. in each part or division of the examination. Fifty per cent. of the aggregate marks will be awarded for the written part or division of each examination, 25 per cent. for the oral and 25 per cent. for the practical part or division.
Successful candidates will be placed in “Honours” and “Pass” Divisions. To attain “Honours” a candidate must obtain at least 75 per cent. of the aggregate marks.
Candidates will not be placed in order of merit. Information in regard to marks or places will only be given by the special authority of the Council. In case of a candidate failing to pass the examination, the training school may, however, be advised in what part of the examination she has failed to satisfy the examiners.
Re-admission to Examinations
15. (a) A candidate who has failed to pass in an examination and obtained an aggregate mark of less than 40 per cent. of the total marks available shall not be permitted to present herself for the examination immediately following the one in which she failed. Republic of Namibia 51 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations (b) A candidate who has failed to pass an examination after twice entering therefor may be required to undergo such training as the Council may decide upon before being re-admitted to the examination.
Dates of Examinations and Entries
16. Examinations in all portions of the examination shall be held twice per year in the months of April and October, and applications for admission to such examinations shall be lodged with the registrar on or before the 25th day of February and the 25th day of August respectively. Applications lodged after the aforementioned dates but on or before the first day of March and the first day of September, respectively, shall be accepted only on payment of an additional fee of 5s. per entry. No application which reaches the registrar after the first day of March or the first day of September shall be accepted for the next ensuing examination.
Examination Centres
17. The examinations shall be held at such places as the Council may appoint.
18. The Council shall from time to time appoint such examiners as may be required. The examiners shall conform to such rules as the Council may from time to time resolve upon for the conduct of the examinations, and shall receive remuneration at such rates as may be fixed by the Council. They need not be members of the Council.
Of the examiners appointed for the preliminary and final written examinations, one shall be the commissioner for mental hygiene and one a physician superintendent of an institution for feeble- minded, or both examiners shall be physician superintendents of institutions for feeble-minded.
The practical and oral examinations shall be conducted by the superintendent of the institution, who shall have as co-examiners -
(a) for the preliminary examination, either a physician superintendent or assistant physician of an institution for feeble-minded or mental hospital;
(b) for the final examination a physician superintendent or an assistant physician of an institution for mental defectives or mental hospital and/or a psychologist with special experience in mental deficiency.
They may be assisted, if they think fit, in the special parts of the final examination by local assessors, as follows -
(a) Section A - By a certified teacher with experience of mental deficiency work.
(b) Section B - By a member, of the staff of an institution for feeble-minded, who has had practical experience of the teaching of the subjects covered by the section.
(c) Section C - By a registered nurse on the staff of an institution for mental defectives or a mental hospital.
Examination Fees
19. The following fees shall be payable to the Council by a candidate for examination - Republic of Namibia 52 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
(a) On application for admission to the preliminary examination, a fee of £1. In the case of failure to pass a candidate may present herself for re-examination on payment of a similar fee for each occasion.
(b) On application for admission to the final examination, a fee of £3, which shall include registration as a nurse of mental defectives, if and when the candidate passes the examination and completes the total period of training of three and a half years. In the case of failure to pass a candidate may, subject to regulation 15, present herself for re- examination on payment of a fee of £2, for each occasion.
[regulation 19 amended by GN 442/1950]
Reassessment of Examination Answers
20. (a) Any candidate at a written examination may, upon payment of a fee of £2. 2s., apply to have her answers reassessed.
(b) The reassessment of candidates’ answers shall be done by the moderator(s) appointed for the examination in question, or by such other person or persons as may be appointed thereto by the Council.
(c) An application for the reassessment of a candidate’s answers shall be submitted on the prescribed form, and shall be submitted so as to reach the Registrar within fourteen (14) days of the date on which the results of the examination concerned were published.
(d) The marks allocated to a candidate upon reassessment of her answers shall be final and binding.
(e) The fee of £2. 2s. paid in respect of an application for the reassessment of a candidate’s answers shall not be refunded to the candidate whatever the result of such reassessment may be.
[regulation 20 inserted by GN 442/1950]
1. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise indicates, “Act” means the Nursing Act, 1944 (Act No. 45 of 1944), and any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act bears when used in these regulations, the same moaning.
Requirements for Admission to Training
2. No person shall be admitted for training in a training school recognized by the Council without submitting -
(a) (i) a certificate of having satisfactorily completed the sixth standard of an education department in the Union; or
(ii) a certificate of higher standard; Republic of Namibia 53 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
(If unable to submit either of the above, an applicant for admission shall be required to pass an examination in general knowledge, conducted by the hospital authorities, equal to that prescribed for the sixth standard of an education department in the Union.)
(b) a certificate of good health and fitness for the work of a nurse;
(c) a certificate of good character, signed by two responsible persons to the satisfaction of the training school concerned.
[NOTE. - Attention is invited to prescribed requirements whereby (i) every student nurse must be registered with the Council within one month of the date of her commencement of training and (ii) no person may be registered as, a nurse until she has attained the age of 21 years.]
Training Schools
3. (a) The Council may recognize as a training school any institution for the treatment of mental disorders, which, in the opinion of the Council, taking into consideration the number and class of patients dealt with and the staff, equipment and facilities for instruction available thereat, is competent to train candidates for admission to its register of nurses.
(b) No application or recognition of an institution as a training school shall be entertained unless -
(i) the matron, sisters and any person other than a medical practitioner, psychologist or qualified occupational instructor engaged in the teaching of student nurses, are registered as mental nurses;
(ii) the institution provides for the treatment of cases of acute mental disorder.
(c) The Council shall have the right to inspect training schools at all times.
(d) The Council shall have the right to call for such information from a training school as it may deem fit and to point out to a training school any matter in which its requirements seem to be insufficiently met, and to withhold, suspend or withdraw recognition in any case which remains unsatisfactory.
(e) The Council shall not be bound to grant recognition to any institution as a training school.
Lectures and Demonstrations
4. (a) At all training schools recognized by the Council, lectures shall be given by the medical staff, and demonstrations by qualified and competent officers appointed by the Superintendent of the institution.
(b) The lectures and demonstrations shall each be not less than 100 in number, and extend over the whole course of training; of such lectures and demonstrations not less than 25 of each must have been attended before candidates shall be allowed to enter for the preliminary examination, and the balance before they shall be allowed to enter for the final examination.
Period of Training Republic of Namibia 54 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations 5. The period of training of student nurses shall be three and a half years.
Breaks in Training
6. Training shall be continuous saving for interruptions owing to illness or for other reasons which may be considered satisfactory by the Council.
The period during which a student nurse has broken her training must be made up so that she completes a full period of training as laid down by these rules, and if the break should be for a period exceeding six months, she must in addition unless the Council determines otherwise, undergo an extension of training equal to one-half of the period of such break. No recognition of previous training shall be accorded if the break in a student nurse’s training extends for a period of over two years, unless the Council determines otherwise.
A student nurse may be granted during her training sick leave not exceeding thirty days, and shall be required to make up any sick leave in excess thereof.
In the event of a student nurse being transferred by a proper authority from one training school for mental nurses to another in the service of the same authority, the training shall be regarded as continuous.
Exemption from Training
7. A student nurse registered as a medical and surgical nurse or as a sick children’s nurse or as a male nurse, shall be exempted from 25 per cent. of the training required by these rules, and shall further be exempted from the preliminary examination and from 25 lectures and 25 demonstrations required therefor.
A nurse who is registered as a nurse for mental ‘defectives shall be eligible to sit for the final examination in mental nursing after completing one whole year of training in a recognized school for mental nurses and attending at least 25 lectures and 25 demonstrations on the subjects laid down in Sections VI, VII, VIII, IX and X of the syllabus for mental nurses.
8. There shall be two separate examinations -
(a) the preliminary examination in anatomy, physiology, first-aid and hygiene; and
(b) the final examination.
The Preliminary Examination
9. The preliminary examination shall consist of written, oral and practical portions, and shall include within its scope, the following subjects -
Section I. - General Duties of Nurses in a Mental Hospital
Nature of Mental Disorder. - Objects of treatment; reasons for special care.
Relation of nurses to patients. Republic of Namibia 55 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Responsibilities of Nurses. - Discretion; forbearance; self-control; confidential nature of work; letters of patients; gossip; attitude to relatives and visitors.
General Duties of a Nurse. - Cleanliness; order; punctuality; discipline; attention to detail; observation; what to report.
Special Duties. - Routine precautions; fire; self-injury; suicide; violence to others; destructiveness; faulty habits.
Laws and Rules for the Protection of Patients. - Relation of sexes; escape; seclusion; restraint; use of force; ill-treatment; neglect; intoxicating liquors; ‘drugs.
Section II. - Elementary Anatomy and Physiology
Definition. - An elementary knowledge of the structure, position and functions of the various parts of the human body, including -
General. - Cells, tissues, organs; their structure and arrangement. The body as a whole. Chief cavities and contents.
The Skeleton. - Skull - Names, position and brief description of bones of cranium and face. Cranial bones - frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid. Bones of the face - upper jaw, malar, lower jaw, formation of orbit, nose, mouth.
Spinal Column and Thorax - General character of vertebrae, varieties - cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal; the column as a whole, its curves, inter-vertebral discs and joints; sternum, ribs, costal cartilages.
Upper Limb - Clavicle; scapula; humerus; radius; ulua; bones of wrist and hand; joints.
Lower Limb - The pelvis, femur, patella, tibia, fibula; bones of ankle and foot; joints.
Muscles. - Their general features; voluntary and involuntary; differences in their mode of action. Position of the chief muscles of the body.
Joints. - Various forms of joints and their mechanism; bones, cartilages, ligaments, synovial membrane.
Circulatory System. - The heart - position, size and functions; auricles, ventricles; valves; pericardium; great vessels.
Blood Vessels. - Arteries; veins; capillaries; their structural differences; names and positions of chief arteries and veins.
Circulation of Blood. - General, pulmonary and portal circulations; principal pressure points;
Haemopoietic System. - The blood; arterial, venous. Coagulation; blood forming glands and structures; spleen; lymphatic glands; bone marrow; ductless glands; internal secretions.
Alimentary System. - Mouth, teeth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, intestines (small and large), liver, pancreas, thoracic duct; classes of food; processes of digestion, absorption and assimilation; the faeces. Republic of Namibia 56 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Respiratory System. - Nasal cavity; larynx; trachea; bronchi; kings; pleura, diaphragm; mechanism and process of respiration; the chief muscles concerned in respiration.
Excretory System. - Organs of excretion bowels, kidneys; skin; lungs. Waste products.
The kidneys; structure and functions; ureters; bladder; urine; the skin; epidermis and dermis; sweat glands; hair and nails; functions.
Nervous System. - Meninges and cerebro-spinal fluid; cerebrum, cerebellum pons; medulla; spinal cord; the nerve cell; nerves; motor sensory and sympathetic; reflex action; control levels; organs of special sense.
Reproductive Systems.
Section III. - Accidents and Emergencies
Bleeding. - Arterial, venous, capillary; methods of arresting it; digital pressure, tourniquet, or other means.
Emergency treatment of wounds; asepsis, antiseptics.
Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains. - Their signs, symptoms, varieties and treatment.
Emergency Treatment of Shock, Collapse and Unconsciousness. - Injury to the brain; collapse from drink; epilepsy; fainting; hysteria; sunstroke.
First-aid in cases of frost-bite; burns and scalds; wounds; bites of animals; stings of insects.
Emergencies. - What to do in cases of fire, hanging, choking, strangulation, drowning, poisoning, cut-throat.
Artificial Respiration. - Methods of.
The more common poisons and their antidotes.
Foreign bodies in the air-passages, eye, ear, nose.
Improvised methods of lifting and carrying the injured.
Preparation for the reception of accident cases; bed making; removal of clothes.
Bandaging. - Application of the triangular bandage and splints; application of roller bandages.
Section IV. - Hygiene
General Conditions of Health. - Normal temperature and weight of body; waste and repair.
Air. - Its composition and impurities. The principles ‘of ventilation and their application to houses and hospitals; radiation and evaporation.
Water. - Sources; standard of purity for domestic use; relation of impure water to spread of disease. Republic of Namibia 57 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Disposal of Refuse. - Various methods in use; dry and water systems; general arrangement of house and hospital drainage.
Personal Hygiene. - Habits; exercise; rest and recreation; cleanliness; clothing; repair and cleaning; special types; beds, and bedding.
Methods of Infection. - The nature of infection; its sources and modes of transmission; insects and other parasites. Infection and disinfection.
Heating and Lighting. - Of houses and hospitals; hygiene of sick-room.
The Final Examination
10. The final examination shall be written, oral and practical and shall include within its scope the subjects for the preliminary examination, as also the following -
Section V. - Elementary Psychology
The mind in health.
Development of the mind.
Sensation; perception; ideas and association of ideas.
Attention; memory; reason; judgment.
Instincts and desires; emotion and effect.
Will; action, voluntary and involuntary; habit; conduct.
Conscious and sub-conscious mind; sleep and dreams.
Section VI. - Mental Nursing in Institutions and Private Houses
Reception of new patients in institutions; attitude towards new admissions; preliminary examinations; precautious; possibly bodily illness; infection; skin eruptions, vermin; inventory of belongings; harmful possessions; signs of injury; deformity; artificial teeth.
Observations to be Recorded. - Pulse, temperature, respiration, food, bowels, urine.
Investigation of mental state by observation and conversation.
Management of bodily health.
Management with Reference to Mental Condition. - Occupation, recreation; amusement; country walks; excursions; parole.
Night Cursing. - Sleeplessness.
Removal and transfer of patients. Republic of Namibia 58 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Nursing in Private Houses. - Its difficulties and dangers; choice of room; arrangements applicable to various types of cases.
Reports to the medical attendant.
Importance of private diary.
The Law in Respect of Detention and Control. - Certification.
Section VII
Causes of nervous and mental disorders arising in connection with heredity; errors of development; involution; environment; infections and poisons; bodily disease and injury; mental strain and conflict.
Section VIII. - Signs and Symptoms of Nervous and Mental Disorders
Sensation. - Loss; exaggeration; perversion; pain.
Movement. - Weakness; paralysis; in co-ordination; tremor; spasm; rigidity; convulsion.
Disorders of other bodily systems associated with diseases of the nervous system.
Mental Disorder. - Definition; examination of mental Condition.
Disorders of consciousness.
Disorders of attention.
Disorders of Perception. - Hallucination; illusion.
Disorders of memory.
Disorders of Association of Ideas. - Flight of ideas; incoherence; retardation; acceleration.
Disorders of Will. - Impulsiveness; resistiveness; nevativism; stereotypy.
Disorders of Emotion. - Exaltation; depression; anxiety; indifference.
Disorders of Judgment and Reasoning. - Delusion.
Excitement. - Disorientation; confusion; stupor; dissociation.
Suicide. - Self-injury; refusal of food, destructiveness; violence; homicide.
Habits. - Degraded; perverted; sexual perversions.
Obsessions. Republic of Namibia 59 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Section IX. - Forms of Nervous and Mental Disorders
Meningitis. - Encephalitis.
Apoplexy. - Paralysis; chorea.
Locomotor Ataxia. - Multiple sclerosis.
Hysteria. - Psychasthenia; neurasthenia.
Manio-Depressive Psychoses. - Involution melancholia.
Paranoia and paraniod conditions.
Dementia praecox.
Epilepsy and epileptic psychoses.
Traumatic psychoses.
Intoxication psychoses (alcohol; drugs).
Infective-exhaustion psychoses.
Psychoses associated with bodily diseases.
Psychoses associated with diseases of the ductless glands.
Senile psychoses.
Psychoses associated with organic brain disease.
General Paralysis. - Cerebral syphilis.
Huntingdons’ Chorea. - Pellagra, etc.
Psychopathic personalities.
Mental deficiency.
Section X. - Occupation Therapy
Occupation therapy as an aid in habit-training; mental adjustment; social rehabilitation.
Working Hours. - Pest intervals; fatigue; bearing of physical defects and diseases; risks.
Features of Occupations. - Simplicity; variety; scope for employment of different classes of patients. Sedative, stimulating, habit-training occupations. Utilization of waste and inexpensive materials.
Suitable Occupations. - Woodwork, weaving, metal work, leather work, mat and rug making, plastic work, dyeing, etc.; and the various recognized crafts and industries. Republic of Namibia 60 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Kindergarten methods.
Section XI. - The Theory and Practice of Nursing of the Sick
Management of the sickroom; requirements and arrangements. Outdoor methods of treatment; verandas; tents; shelters.
Personal attention to the sick; reception and examination.
Diet. - Administration of foods.
Administration of Medicines. - Oral, rectal; hypodermic and other methods; vaccines.
The Bed. - Changing sheets, use of draw-sheets; water-proof sheets; water-beds; air-beds; hot- water bottles.
The cleansing of the sick and infirm.
Bed-sores. - Causes; prevention and treatment.
Observation of Cases. - Reports of symptoms; points to be noticed; indications of illness; pulse; respiration; temperature; state of excretions; records and charts; urine-testing.
Asepsis and antisepsis.
Dressings and Applications. - Compresses; poultices; fomentations; stupes; bandaging; splints; extention; blisters; enemata; saline injections; suppositories; catheters; douches; steaming inhalations; special baths; sponging; wet pack; bed rests and cradles; massage; passive and re-educative movements.
Preparations for an Operation. - Care and sterilization of instruments; post-operative nursing.
Sick-room Cookery. - Preparation of sick diet.
Signs of approaching death. Care of the dead.
Section XII. - Bodily Diseases and Disorders, and their Nursing Requirements
Symptoms and Signs of Disease - General Inflammation; headache; fever; rigor; disturbance of appetite; loss of weight; anaemia; pain; sleeplessness; shock; collapse.
Of the Skin - Irritation; rashes; discolouration; ulceration.
Of the Muscles - Wasting and weakness; contractures.
Of the Bones and Joints - Deformity; swelling; stiffness; unnatural mobility.
Of the Circulatory System - Fainting; palpitation; shortness of breath; cyanosis; oedema; atheroma; varicose veins; piles; haematoma auris.
Of the Respiratory System - Cough; expectoration; cyanosis; disturbed breathing; local pain; fever. Republic of Namibia 61 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations Of the Alimentary System - Mouth, teeth and’ tongue; indigestion; flatulence; vomiting; diarrhoea; constipation; colic; jaundice; obstruction.
Of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems. - Changes in the urine; dropsy; coma; convulsions; hydrocele; varicocele; menstrual changes, abnormal discharges.
Disorders - Diabetes; cancer; rheumatism; arteriosclerosis; heart disease; bronchitis; pleurisy; pneumonia; peritonitis; appendicitis; kidney disease.
Micro-organisms and Infection Immunity. - Tuberculosis; syphilis; dysentery; enteric fever; influenza; meales; scarlet fever; diphtheria; erysipelas.
Common parasites.
Myxoedema and exophthalmic goitre.
Requirements for Admission to the Preliminary Examination
11. (a) A candidate shall not be allowed to enter for the preliminary examination before completing one-quarter of the training required by these regulations.
(b) A candidate for the preliminary examination shall submit -
(i) a certificate, signed by the superintendent of the institution, of having completed one- quarter of the required training;
(ii) a certificate similarly signed, of having attended at least 25 lectures and 25 demonstrations of a complete course of lectures and demonstrations in anatomy, physiology, first-aid and hygiene.
Requirements for Admission to the Final Examination
12. (a) A candidate shall be allowed to enter for the final examination after the completion of three years’ training provided that at least two years shall have elapsed subsequent to her passing in the preliminary examination, but shall be required, in addition to passing the examination, to complete the total period of training of three and a half years before being registered as a mental nurse.
(b) A candidate for the final examination shall submit -
(i) a certificate, signed by the superintendent of the institution, of having undergone the course of training in a recognized training school for a period laid down by these rules;
(ii) a certificate, similarly signed, of having attended during the period of training at the aforesaid institution a complete course of lectures and practical demonstrations as laid down by these rules;
(iii) a certificate, similarly signed, of good character;
(iv) a certificate, similarly signed, of good health.
Examination Questions Republic of Namibia 62 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations 13. In the written portions of the preliminary and final examinations not less than five questions shall be set and the candidates shall be allowed three hours to answer them.
Examination Marks
14. To pass the preliminary or the final examination, a candidate must obtain at least 50 per cent. of the aggregate marks and not less than 40 per cent. in each part or division of the examination. Fifty per cent. of the aggregate marks will be awarded for the written part or division of each examination, 25 per cent. for the oral and 25 per cent. for the practical part or division.
Successful candidates will be placed in “Honours” and “Pass” divisions. To attain “Honours” a candidate must obtain at least 75 per cent. of the aggregate marks.
Candidates will not be placed in order of merit. Information in regard to marks or places will only be given by special authority of the Council.
In case of a candidate failing to pass the examination, the training school may, however, be advised in what part of the examination she has failed to satisfy the examiners.
Re-Admission to Examinations
15. (a) A candidate who has failed to pass in an examination and obtained an aggregate mark of less than 40 per cent. of the total marks available shall not be permitted to present herself for the examination immediately following the one in which she failed.
(b) A candidate who has failed, to pass an examination after twice entering therefor may be required to undergo such further training as the Council may decide upon before being re-admitted to the examination.
Dates of Examinations and Entries
16. Examinations in all portions of the examination shall be held twice per year in the months of April and October, and applications for admission’ to such examinations shall be lodged with the registrar on or before the 25th day of February and the 25th day of August, respectively. Applications lodged after the aforementioned dates but on or before the first day of March and the first day of September, respectively, shall be accepted only on payment of an additional fee of 5s. per entry. No application which reaches the registrar after the first day of March or the first day of September shall be accepted for the next ensuing examination.
Examination Centres
17. The examinations shall be held at such places as the Council may appoint.
18. The Council shall from time to time appoint such examiners as may be required. The examiners shall conform to such rules as the Council may from time to time resolve upon for the conduct of the examination.,’ and shall receive remuneration at such rates as may be fixed by the Council. They need not be members of the Council.
Of the examiners appointed for the preliminary and final written examinations, one shall be the. Commissioner for Mental Hygiene and one a Physician Superintendent of a Mental Hospital, or both examiners shall be Physician Superintendents of Mental Hospitals. Republic of Namibia 63 Annotated Statutes REGULATIONS Nursing Act 8 of 2004 General Regulations
The practical and oral examinations shall be conducted by the superintendent of the institution, who shall have as co-examiners -
(a) for the preliminary examination, a Physician Superintendent or assistant physician of a mental hospital or institution for mental defectives;
(b) for the final examination -
(i) a Physician Superintendent or assistant physician of a mental hospital or institution for mental defectives; and
(ii) a registered nurse on the staff of a mental hospital or institution for mental defectives.
Examination Fees
19. The following fees shall be payable to the Council by a candidate for examination -
(a) On application for admission to the preliminary examination a fee of £1. In the case of failure to pass a candidate may present herself for re-examination on payment of a similar fee for each occasion;
[The word “on” should not be capitalised.]
(b) on application for admission to the final examination, a fee of £3, which shall include registration as a mental nurse, if and when the candidate passes the examination and completes the total period of training of three and a half years. In the case of failure to pass, a candidate may, subject to regulation 15, present herself for re-examination, on payment of a fee of £2, for each occasion.
[Regulation 19 amended by GN 442/1950]
Reassessment of Examination Answers
20. (a) Any candidate at a written examination may, upon payment of a fee of £2. 2s., apply to have her answers reassessed.
(b) The reassessment of candidates’ answers shall be done by the moderator(s) appointed for the examination in question, or by such other person or persons as may be appointed thereto by the Council.
(c) An application for the reassessment of a candidate’s answers shall be submitted on the prescribed form, and shall be submitted so as to reach the Registrar within fourteen (14) days of the date on which the results of the examination concerned were published.
(d) The marks allocated to a candidate upon reassessment of her answers shall be final and binding.
(e) The fee of £2. 2s. paid in respect of an application for the reassessment of a candidate’s answers shall not be refunded to the candidate whatever the result of such reassessment may be.
[Regulation 20 inserted by GN 442/1950]