Heritage Open Days 2015
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H e r i t a g e O p e n D a y s 2 0 1 5 H E R I T A G E O P E N D A Y S U N D A Y 1 3 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 5 ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGSTON UPON THAMES INTRA-FAITH WALK
Heritage Open Days 2015. WELCOME to the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames’ (RBK) Heritage Open Days (HOD) INTRA-Faith Walks. Last year we organised a very successful HOD INTER-Faith Walk in our Borough ~ we thought to repeat the journeys this year! Please visit HOD website www.heritageopendays.org.uk and enjoy the HOD 2015 listings ~ as well as follow the link to the RBK pages to discover a whole host of local discoveries, just waiting to be explored!
RBK HOD 2014. HOD Inter-Faith Walk’s theme last year was exploring Places of Worship (Faith Groups) working 24/7, trying to sustain the growing number of vulnerable individuals and Families living amongst us. This year's challenge is "Journeys through Intra-Faith" ~ visiting the diversity of Faiths & Beliefs in our Royal Borough, exploring the obvious differences, but confirming the immeasurable range of similarities, within the great many Religions represented in our Royal Borough.
Intra Faith Journeys. God willing, the aim on Sunday 13 September 2015 is, we begin this the first phase of our Faith & Beliefs journey. Other phases will continue during “Inter Faith Week 2015” see www.interfaithweek.org (15 to 21 November), and beyond! However, details will be notified later. You are most welcome to register your interest so details can be emailed direct to you … or you can keep an eye on the websites shown below to complete these journeys in due course.
RBK Inter Faith Forum. Kingston’s Inter Faith Forum (KIFF) provides a very unique opportunity for the diverse range of local Faith/Religious Organisations to meet, get to know each other, and work together for the common good. Please do to visit our website: e-voice.org.uk/kingston-inter-faith/ to find out more. There are other Inter Faith Groups in our Neighbouring Boroughs. The Inter Faith Network (UK) www.interfaith.org.uk website has much more on this, and it is also well worth exploring for a national picture.
South London Inter Faith Group (SLIFG). The SLIFG has been going for nearly 35 years now. Membership of SLIFG is open to anyone ~ individuals and organisations can join for a nominal annual subscription. SLIFG developed the concept of Inter Faith Walks over a decade ago! SLIFG also holds an Inter Faith meeting, with vegetarian lunch, at Streatham Friends Meeting House normally the last Thursday every month, starting at 12:30PM. Visit the SLIFG web www. SouthLondonInterFaith.org.uk for further details.
Neighbouring Inter Faith Organisations ~ a selection for further investigation … The South East England Faiths Forum: www.se-faithforum.net ~ London Boroughs Faiths Network: www.lbfn.org ~ Faiths Forum for London: www.faithsforum4london.org Richmond Upon Thames Inter Faith Forum: www. richmond.gov.uk/inter_faith_forum Elmbridge Multi-Faith Forum: www.elmbridgemultifaith.org.uk ~ and for an educational perspective ~ visit the National Association of SACREs website ~ www.nasacre.org.uk
SUNDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 2015 is the day of the KIFF HOD 2015 INTRA-Faith walks. Please note the Places of Worship listed overleaf ~ and the premium times of arrival at each venue. Each visit should last about 33 minutes. You can join anywhere, leave at any point, and you would be most welcome back at any time. I hope that at each
P A G E 1 o f 3 H e r i t a g e O p e n D a y s 2 0 1 5 stop we shall learn something about their building, Congregational demography, and much more! A reminder this is beginning of a journey ~ much more to follow, soon … … … SUNDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 2015 ~ KIFF HOD 2015 INTRA-Faith walk(s) ~ Places of Worship are listed below. Note times of arrival at each venue. Each visit should last about 33 minutes. You can join anywhere and leave at any point. You are most welcome back at any time. Hopefully, at each stop we will learn something of the building, their Congregational Demography, and much, much more! A reminder that this is beginning of this journey ~ further details will be promulgated in due course.
JOINING INSTRUCTIONS ~ Please come suitably dressed (scarves for Ladies, arms and legs covered ~ AND good SOCKS as shoes need to be removed at some places). KINDLY bring a Packed Lunch ~ Refuelling and Rest points are included! The "Walk" Starting Points & Times give you several timed opportunities to join as indicated below...
11am MULTI FAITH CENTRE ~ report to Main Reception at Kingston University ~ Penrhyn Road Kingston upon Thames KT1 2EE ~ Tel: 020 8417 9000 http://www.kingston.ac.uk/faith/
12pm ALL SAINTS CHURCH ~ The Market Place Kingston KT1 1JP ~ Tel: 020 8546 5964 ~ watch a video and find out where England really began www.allsaintskingston.co.uk
1pm KINGSTON MOSQUE ~ This is a Sunni Mosque & the Kingston Islamic Cultural Centre ~ 55/57 East Road Kingston KT2 6EJ ~ Tel: 020 8549 5315 www.kingstonmosque.org.uk
2pm PARISH CHURCH OF SAINT LUKES ~ corner of Burton Road and Gibbon Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 6AB ~ Tel: 020 8974 8079 www.stlukeskingston.co.uk
3pm SAINT AGATHA’S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ 1 Wyndham Road (just off junction with Kings Road) Kingston Upon Thames KT2 5JR ~ Tel: 020 8546 4633 www.stagathaschurch.org.uk
4pm SURREY ISLAMIC CENTRE / Al Huda Islamic (Shia) Centre (Surrey Markaz) Burritt Gospel Hall 101 Gloucester Road Kingston Upon Thames KT1 3QW www.facebook.com/SurreyMarkaz
5pm QUAKERS (Kingston Religious Society of Friends) Fairfield East (behind Kingfisher Leisure Centre) Kingston KT1 2PT ~ Tel: 020 8399 1233 www.kingstonquakers.org
PLEASE note arrival timings shown are approximate. Details of this venture are also featured in summary on the RBK HOD Website (www.kingstonhod.wordpress.com). Every Blessing. Yours Faithfully, RashidAli ~ Email [email protected] Major (Retired) R A I LAHER L/RAMC ~ Email: [email protected] Tel: 02085411330 ~ 07766327989 patience please ~ www. FaithAssociates.co.uk supported by Faithfull Friends: Revd Andrew Williams, Diana Mills, KIFF & Co
P A G E 2 o f 3 H e r i t a g e O p e n D a y s 2 0 1 5 Heritage Open Days ~ Web: www.heritageopendays.org.uk Twitter: www.twitter.com/heritageopenday ~ Facebook: www.facebook.com/heritageopendays Part of European Heritage Days ~ a Council of Europe initiative Celebrating Europe's Common Heritage in FIFTY Countries
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