Utilize My Experience As an Ios Architect / Developer on Over 17 Iphone / Ipad Apps
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Morris Seals
Voice: +1-720-840-1675 Littleton, Colorado 80127 Email: [email protected]
Utilize my experience as an iOS architect / developer on over 17 iPhone / iPad apps.
Languages · Objective-C, Java, Ruby, TL1, Ant, HTML, Javascript, TCL/TK, Expect, C, C shell scripts, Bourne shell scripts, Bash, Perl, Fortran, Forth, CGI, HTML, JavaScript, XML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XSL style sheets, OO, OOD.
Software · iOS SDK 5, iOS SDK 4.3, iPhone SDK 4.2, Xcode 4.2, Xcode 4.1, Xcode 3.2.5, Cocoa Touch, Core Data, SOAP Web services, RESTful Web services, REST Web services, soapUI, WSDL, JSON, SAX XML parser, J2SE 1.6, J2EE, Java Servlets, JSP's, Java Applets, JDBC, Java Mail, Java Swing, Java AWT, Java Foundational Classes, RMI, Java GUI, JVM, Java sockets, Java Web Start, J2EE, J2EE application WAR files creation, MVC, Oracle, MySQL, SQL, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, Eclipse IDE, JUnit, TCP/IP, Solaris package creation, DNS, NIS, NIS+, NFS, TCP/IP, Sendmail, Automounter, awk, sed, find, vi, grep, sort, rsync, Firewall-1, DiskSuite, Legato Networker, InstallShield, Marimba, Visual Cafe Pro, Visual SourceGuard, RetroGuard, DeepCover, LoadRunner, Oracle, X11, OpenWindows, Resonate, Motif, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop CS2, SVN, CVS, Clearcase, Visual SourceSafe, XML Spy 5 Enterprise Addition, Etherreal network protocol analyzer, Cygwin, SEO Quake, Aweber, Wordpress, cPanel, Remedy, Hummingbird Exceed, Nortel VPN, ImageMagick.
Operating Systems · Solaris, UNIX, Linux, IRIX, HPUX, Mac OS X, Windows.
J2EE, Servlet container, or Web servers · Tomcat 5.5, JBoss, WebLogic 8.1, Apache, Netscape, Java Web Server, SUN Web Server, Microsoft Internet Information Server.
App-aratus, LLC Littleton, Colorado 2/2011 to present Native iOS SDK architect and developer for the iPhone and iPad · Architect / Developer on 17 iPhone or iPad apps. Some of these are internal use only proprietary, business / Enterprise Apps and are not intended to be on the iTunes store, and some are published on the Apple iTunes store. The apps I have worked on can be generally described as the following- · An Internet banking iPhone / iPad app for a company in the financial sector. · An image recognition iPhone / iPad app that utilized the camera. · An iPhone / iPad app for a company involved in fiber optic networking. · An iPad app for use in the medical field. · An iPad app for explosives. · An iPhone / iPad app used for a specific industrial process. · An iPhone / iPad app with heavy use of UIMapKit. · An iPad app used for timing certain industry procedures. · An iPhone / iPad app used for training in computer aided design. · An iPhone / iPad app used for social collaboration within a specific group of people. · An iPhone / iPad app in the food industry. Apps I own currently on the Apple iTunes store (all approved on the first attempt). · Shaker Slots: A 2D iPhone / iPad / iPod game that utilizes the accelerometer to simulate a slot machine game in which you can cheat by shaking the devices. The game is internationalized into 23 languages: English, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. http://itunes.apple.com/app/shaker-slots/id337754547?mt=8 · Name Unique: An iPhone / iPad app used to precisely determine how popular a girl name was in the year they were born. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/name-unique/id467018850?ls=1&mt=8 · Name Unique B: An iPhone / iPad app used to precisely determine how popular a boy name was in the year they were born. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/name-unique-b/id467211893?ls=1&mt=8 · Pet Names Max: An iPhone / iPad app that has over 80,000 names to help you come up with a name for your new pet- http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pet-names-max/id467434758?ls=1&mt=8 · Most Popular Baby Boy Names For Years 1880 – 2010: An iPhone / iPad app that is designed to help you name your new baby boy. It has more than 32,000 unique names. The app includes lists of boy names ranked by popularity for all years between 1880 and 2010. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/most-popular-baby-boy-names/id466651659?ls=1&mt=8 · Most Popular Baby Girl Names For Years 1880 – 2010: An iPhone / iPad app that is designed to help you name your new baby girl. It has more than 54,000 unique names. The app includes lists of girl names ranked by popularity for all years between 1880 and 2010. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/most-popular-baby-girl-names/id465848794?ls=1&mt=8
· Deployment of business Enterprise Apps through both “Ad Hoc” and “In House” and “Over The Air”. · Author of: “Deploying Apple iOS Applications To iOS Devices Through The Following Methods: A Development Device Connected With A Cable, The iPhone Configuration Utility, Enterprise 'Over The Air' Distribution, And Through The Apple iTunes Store”. This proprietary document initially created in 2009 with continued updates through 2012 contains detailed pictures and descriptions and is one of the crown jewels of my company App-aratus LLC used for the deployment of apps. · Experience with HTML 5 and Web Apps utilizing Sencha Touch. · Automated UI testing of iOS apps. · Created company website- http://www.app-aratus.com. · Experience connecting iOS SDK apps to back end services through JSON, and SOAP Web services, RESTful / REST Web services with NSURLConnection, NSMutableURLRequest, XML and the SAX XML parser: NSXMLParser. Utilized soapUI to expose WSDL for Web services. · Isolated Core Data code into a separate wrapper class to simplify usage of: NSManagedObjectContext, NSManagedObjectModel, NSPersistentStoreCoordinator, NSManagedObject, NSEntityDescription, NSSortDescriptor, and NSFetchRequest. · iOS SDK Test Driven Development (TDD) with SenTestingKit and SenTestCase. · iOS background processes. · iPhone / iOS software development for business apps utilizing the iOS SDK 4.3 with Xcode 4.1. Base 64 data encoding of voice and image files for transport to back end servers through SOAP Web services. Objective-C compression. · Developed Cocoa Touch, iOS SDK user interfaces both programmatically, and with Interface Builder including classes and concepts such as: fade in splash screens, UIKit, UITabBarController, UIViewController, UITableView, auto rotation, NSNotificationCenter, protocol / delegate pattern, categories, UINavigationController, UIPicker, UIMapKit and MKAnnotation for map annotations, the NSBundle settings bundle, NSUserDefaults, iOS memory management including Instruments. · Local storage to device utilizing persistent data with property files using NSMutableArray writeToFile and initWithContentsOfFile or SQLite3. · Created a horizontal image carousel picker widget utilizing UIPickerView. · Managing issues related to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, and issues related to managing the app through the iOS Dev Center. Extensive knowledge of the iOS Dev Center and iTunes Connect. · Management of Cloud servers on RedHat Linux.
Level3 Communications, LLC Broomfield, Colorado 10/2010 to 1/2011 Tier 3 Network Applications Support / Systems Engineer / Native iOS SDK development for the iPad / Systems Integration / Consultant · Native Cocoa Touch, iPhone SDK 4.2 (iOS SDK 4.2) application development for the iPad utilizing Xcode 3.2.5. Developed procedures documentation for deploying apps to the iPad and iPhone devices. · Migration of Nortel Preside Multiservice Data Manager for ATM switches to a Solaris zone. · Migration of Ciena WaveWatcher Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) Element Management System (EMS) to a Solaris zone. · Developed procedures documentation for infrastructure solutions such as: NETeXPERT, TL1, Solaris UNIX procedures, Solaris and HP-UX server startup scripts, reporting. · Extracted data from Remedy Oracle database. Utilized Ruby to group trouble ticket types and create 2D charts to conceptualize and quantify root causes of tickets. · Utilized the following tools: Nortel VPN, Putty, WinSCP, Hummingbird Exceed, GO-Global, Remedy, Microsoft Office Communicator. · Developed Java code to integrate with the Apache PDFBox library to do automated searches of tens of thousands of pages of PDF documentation for key words. · Systems administration, and systems integration with: Solaris 10, Solaris 8, and Solaris 6, and HP-UX. Solaris zones.
App-aratus, LLC Littleton, Colorado 5/2009 to 9/2010 iOS SDK, iPhone developer / SEO Architect / Linux Systems Administrator · Chief architect and developer for the entire Shaker Slots, iPhone / iPod touch / iPad application. The application was accepted by Apple / iTunes on first attempt. · Created the Shaker Slots game for the iPhone and iPod touch using the iPhone SDK with Cocoa Touch and Xcode to develop Objective-C code. The 2D game application worked in both portrait and landscape mode. Utilized the Instruments component of the iPhone SDK to detect and correct memory leaks. Did testing on both the iPhone SDK simulator, and physical handheld devices. · Internationalized (i18n) the Shaker Slots game into 22 different spoken languages. · Successfully published the Application on the iTunes store, and sold copies. · Utilized the SEO Quake plugin, created custom SEO tools utilizing Java / J2SE. · Created front end and back end for a Website with 100,000+ unique, valid, pages, which contained a directory of insurance agents, was mobile enabled with key content internationalized into 16 different spoken languages.
Generatormart Littleton, Colorado 1/2006 to 4/2009 Java / J2EE developer / Web Developer / SEO Architect / Linux Systems Administrator / Owner · Chief architect and developer for the entire Web site- http://www.generatormart.com. · Achieved #1 natural search engine rank on over 50, targeted, search terms on Google, Yahoo, or Bing utilizing white hat SEO techniques- http://www.generatormart.com/seo/. · Achieved a PageRank of 4 and over 2900 inbound links according to Yahoo. · Developed entire Web site utilizing: Java, JSP's, HTML, Server Side Includes, Cascading Style Sheets, and Eclipse, and Adobe Photoshop. · Created a customer, management interface application allowing users to publish content in a way that is tightly controlled and highly search engine optimized, and produces valid HTML. Developed custom UNIX shell scripts, and utilized SSH. · Researched technologies. Read O'Reilly books on: Struts, Eclipse IDE, JBoss. Managed: Google AdWords / AdSense and Yahoo Search Marketing campaigns.
DNS Boss Inc. Reno, Nevada 9/1996 to 12/2005 J2SE and J2EE Java Programmer / Build Master / SEO / Linux Systems Administrator / Solaris Systems Administrator / Owner · Created, copyrighted, and sold licenses for a Java based product ported to the following platforms: Solaris, Linux, and Windows. The product named DNS Boss, was a GUI tool developed to make Domain Name System (DNS) servers easy to install and maintain. Developed: Java source, installation, packaging, and marketing. · Developed a secure management interface utilizing SSL on the Tomcat 5.5 servlet container, and J2SE 1.5. Developed J2EE WAR (Web Application Archive) files. · Created a build environment utilizing Ant. Utilized the RetroGuard Java Obfuscator. · Java development working with Servlets using the Tomcat Servlet container, JFC (Java Foundational Classes) / Swing. Obtained a Google PageRank of 5.
Covad Communications 1/2000 to 8/2000 Santa Clara, California J2EE / Java Programming Consultant · Java development working with WebLogic, Java Servlets, JDBC, Oracle, and RMI. · Created a logging mechanism for WebLogic Servlets, to keep rack of business transactions, XML logs, error logs, access logs, and pre-qualification logs, for a very large B2B implementation. The logging mechanism used by WebLogic wrote messages to a queue which had buffering capabilities, and the queue eventually flushed out messages to files for diagnostics. · Assisted other team members with MapInfo software installation, wrote startup shell scripts for automated startup of servers. · Used CVS, Solaris, Make, developed familiarity with Resonate clusters.
Cisco Systems 6/1999 to 1/2000 San Jose, California Java Programmer / Marimba Developer Consultant · Worked on development of a Marimba Castanet software delivery system called: Cisco Software Delivery utilizing: Marimba, Java, Swing, JDBC, Oracle, Perl, XML, an XML parser, shell scripts, Makefiles, and CVS.
SUN Microsystems, Hotmail, Amdahl , Xerox, Electronic Arts 1987 to 2000 Silicon Valley, California Consultant / employee as Java developer or Solaris Systems Administrator · Java software development, release engineering / build master, InstallShield, testing. · Solaris Systems Administration: NFS, NIS, DNS, Jumpstart, UNIX shell programming, TCL/TK, Expect, installations, Solaris package creation, automation.
United States Geological Survey 6/1981 to 1/1984 Golden, Colorado Geological Field Assistant · Collected and input Schlumberger resistivity data for the creation of 2D resistivity maps. Assisted in creation of maps for published reports. · Field work, data collection of resistivity and magnetic data.
Colorado State University · B.S. in Natural Resources Management. Minor in Geology.