MDM4U: Culminating Project Information
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MDM4U: Culminating Project Information
As part of your summative assessment, you are required to complete a culminating project. This project must meet the following criteria:
Part 1: The Design Process Pose a significant problem/question of interest that requires the organization and analysis of data Design a plan to study the data
Part 2: Acquisition and organization of data Gather and organize the data Interpret, analyze and summarize the data as it relates to the problem Draw conclusions from the data Examine the strength of the evidence
Part 3: Presentation of data Compile a formal report of the investigation Present a summary of your investigation to the class and answer questions
Timeline: (It is the responsibility of the student to meet these timelines)
May 29- June 5: Data Collection June 4- June 12: Lab Time to perform Analysis June 13 – June 15: Class Presentations June 18: Final Report Due*
*As this is part of the summative assessment, late projects will not be accepted except under extenuating circumstances (similar to missing an exam) Project Phases 1. Proposal: (Summative Component: 5%) Students will write a proposal that includes the following: Topic choice (A specific question you would like to answer) Thesis Survey Design (Questions and Format – with justification ) Sampling method (How and to whom you plan to administer the survey - with justification) Submit to your teacher for feedback Students will revise their proposal to reflect feedback from your teacher and/or colleagues.
2. Data Collection and Analysis: Students will then conduct the survey and collect the raw data for analysis in accordance with their proposed sampling method.
Students will organize their data for analysis. The analysis should include but is not limited to: A list of variables (to represent each of the questions) Analysis of each of the variables (single variable statistics such as mean, mode, etc...) Graphical representations of the relationships between variables. Analysis of the relationship between variables (two variable statistics)
Submit to your teacher for feedback prior to writing the final report.
3. Final Written Report and Class Presentation (Summative Component: 10%)
You must compile a formal report. This report, along with your class presentation, represents 15% of your final mark. The report should have the following sections:
1. Introduction / problem statement 2. Discussion of variables and raw data 3. Graphical display(s) that YOU create from your raw data 4. Analysis of those displays (mathematical measures, conclusion, insight, discussion) 5. Conclusion and critical reflection Criteria Level R Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Knowledge and Understanding Correctness of the Few calculations are Some calculations are correct Most calculations are All calculations are correct calculations correct correct
Correct use of tools Few tools are used Some tools are used correctly Most tools are used All tools are used correctly (visual representations correctly correctly and analytical)
Application ( Selecting Tools and Computational Strategies / Connecting ) Selects and uses tools Inappropriate selection of Selects appropriate visual Selects appropriate visual Selects appropriate visual and strategies for visual visual representation for representations for some of representations for most of representations for almost all representations of the several of the variables or the data and results the data and results of the data and results data results
Selects and uses tools Inappropriate selection of Sometimes selects Mostly selects appropriate Always selects appropriate for anaylsis of the raw tools for the analysis raw appropriate tools for the tools for the analysis raw tools for the analysis raw data data and results data or results analysis raw data or results data or results or results
Makes connections to Makes weak connections Makes simple connections Makes appropriate Makes strong connections mathematical concepts among mathematical among mathematical connections among among mathematical concepts from the course. concepts and procedures concepts and procedures mathematical concepts and and procedures procedures Thinking ( Critical Thinking / Critical Reflection ) Demonstrates critical Demonstrates considerable reflection on the Demonstrates limited Demonstrates some critical Demonstrates a high level of critical thinking and methodology and design reflection thinking and reflection critical thinking and reflection reflection of the survey Demonstrates critical Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates limited Demonstrates some critical Demonstrates a high level of thinking based on the critical thinking and reflection thinking and reflection critical thinking and reflection results and the analysis. reflection Draws appropriate Draws appropriate conclusions Draws limited or incorrect Draws some appropriate Draws conclusions, conclusions from the from the analysis with conclusions from the conclusions from the analysis makes inferences analysis with some considerable justification analysis with few justifications justifications present present Communication ( Representing and Communicating ) Makes connections Makes limited connections Makes some connections Makes appropriate Makes strong and insightful between numeric, between numeric, graphical between numeric, graphical connections between connections between numeric, graphical and algebraic and algebraic and algebraic representations numeric, graphical and graphical and algebraic representations representations algebraic representations representations Uses clear language to Uses unclear language to Uses language that is Uses clear language to Uses clear and precise make presentations make presentations, and to somewhat unclear to make make presentations, and to language to make explain and justify solutions presentations, and to explain explain and justify solutions presentations, and to explain and justify solutions and justify solutions Uses mathematical Sometimes uses Usually uses appropriate Mostly uses appropriate Consistently uses appropriate vocabulary, symbols, appropriate mathematical mathematical vocabulary, mathematical vocabulary, mathematical vocabulary, labels, units and vocabulary, symbols, labels symbols, labels and symbols, labels and symbols, labels and conventions correctly and conventions correctly conventions correctly conventions correctly conventions