Iaps Executive Meeting
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IAPS Annual (Executive) Meeting Thursday, 14th September, 2006 12noon –3pm Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
1. Welcome Officers [incoming officers in brackets]
a. President: Heather Reid b. Conference Chair: Danny Rosenberg [Alun Hardman*] c. Elections Chair: Terry Roberts* d. Secretary Treasurer: Heather Sheridan e. Journal Editor: Nick Dixon [John Russell] f. Newsletter Editor: Sharon Stoll g. Members at Large (even): McNamee, Hemphill [Masumoto, Torres] h. Members at Large (odd): Ivo Jirasek, Carwyn Jones i. Webmaster: Andy Miah
Present: Heather Reid; Danny Rosenberg; Heather Sheridan; Nick Dixon; Mike McNamee; Dennis Hemphill; Ivo Jirasek; Carwyn Jones. Incoming Executive Committee members (observing): Alun Hardman; John Russell; Naofumi Masumoto; Cesar Torres.
2. Apologies
Apologies received from: Terry Roberts; Sharon Stoll; Andy Miah.
3. Confirmation of agenda
Agenda was confirmed.
4. Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting, September 17 in Olomouc, Czech Rep.
Confirmed as a true and accurate record.
5. Matters arising from previous meeting
a. Association Memberships & Regional Conferences follow up (Heather Reid)
HR suggested IAPS take a lead and become the philosophy of sport umbrella association for regional associations to affiliate with. DR suggested we explore how existing international associations structure their affiliation memberships. HS proposed ICSSPE as a possible model where affiliation can be by a society/association, university, national/international association, etc. HR suggested that we invite national and individual associations to send a brief annual report to us that we can then disseminate via our Newsletter, website, and listserv, and email list. JR agreed that it would be useful to create a formal mechanism/way of reporting. HR proposed we form a sub-committee from IAPS members who are also members of regional associations in order to explore the possible mutual benefits e.g. joint membership, multiple language translations of abstracts, raising awareness of conferences/events, etc. Action: HR to ask members at Business Meeting to volunteer to become part of the sub- committee or to provide contact details of a member of their regional association.
b. APA Sessions (Heather Reid)
HR reported that IAPS representation at APA Session in Chicago 2006 had been well received. MM asked if HR could take the JPS and SEP to the next APA meeting. HR agreed.
c. New Journal Sport, Ethics, and Philosophy (Mike McNamee)
MM reported that the journal will be launched early in 2007. There will be two issues per year (Spring and Autumn) and one special issue (single authored monograph) in the Summer. The journal abstracts will be published in Chinese, German and Spanish. Action: MM to speak briefly on developments at Business Meeting.
d. Membership and Registration Fees (Danny Rosenberg & Heather Sheridan)
Both DR and HS agreed that the new discounted membership fee had had no real impact on increasing membership. Nevertheless, it will be suggested to the next Conference Chair that it remain since it had not proved to be an administrative chore for the Conference Chair or the Secretary-Treasurer roles. Action: DR to advise incoming Conference Chair, Alun Hardman.
e. Web-publication of journal abstracts in foreign languages
HR thanked Nick Dixon, in his role as Journal Editor, for pushing this project along. HR proposed this new facility be promoted on the IAPS and Human Kinetics websites. It was suggested that Journal Editor and Web Manager need to liaise closely. Action: HR to thank both Nick Dixon and Warren Fraleigh for the initial idea, at the Business Meeting. Action: JR to launch via Human Kinetics website. AM to launch on IAPS website.
6. Officer Reports
The following presented reports at the meeting:
a. President: Heather Reid b. Secretary-Treasurer: Heather Sheridan Membership now stands at 101 (93 members in 2005/6; 79 members in 2004/5). 23 of these members are students. Current bank balance stands at $15,642.51. Reminder for members to pay their annual subs by 1st October, 2006 for 2006/7. ICSSPE report given by Mike McNamee. MM reported that the International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport will take place from 1st –5th August, 2008, in Guangzhou, China, organised by ICSSPE, IPC, FIMS and IOC. MM suggested that the Executive ought to make some recommendations about keynote speakers, themes, etc. Action: HR to communicate with Executive by email. c. JPS Editor: Nick Dixon ND reported that he, John Russell, the incoming Journal Editor, and HS, liaise about setting up an access code for members to access current and back copies of the JPS online at Human Kinetics.
The following did not attend but sent a written report:
d. Newsletter: Sharon Stoll Officers are reminded to email SS with materials in good time for the thrice yearly (October, March, July) on-line publication. e. Webmaster: Andy Miah The current ‘look’ of the website was discussed, and it was concluded that it was looking a bit dated. Action: HR to contact AM to explore possible strategies for updating, etc.
7. Committee Reports
The following presented a report at the meeting:
a. Conference Chair: Danny Rosenberg
The following did not attend but sent a written report:
a. Honors, Awards, and Future Sites: Jim Parry 2007 conference is confirmed as Portoroz, Slovenia, mid-September. Confirmation of dates is imminent. 2008 conference bids to be solicited immediately after Niagara. b. Elections: Terry Roberts The following were elected to the Executive Committee by a ballot of the membership: Heather Sheridan (Secretary-Treasurer) re-elected John Russell (Journal Editor) Alun Hardman (Conference Chair) Terry Roberts (Election Chair) re-elected Cesar Torres (Member-at-Large) Naofumi Masumoto (Member-at-Large)
8. New Business:
a. Appointment to Honors, Awards, and Future Sites Committee
HR reported that no one had come forward to be a member of the Committee. There was some uncertainty whether or not Jim Parry would be on the Committee for another year. Action: HR to ask Charlene Weaving if she is willing to become a member. Action: HR to confirm with JP that he will be on the committee next year.
b. Procedure for ratifying distinguished service nominations
It was confirmed that the procedure for ratify distinguished service nominations involves a vote by the membership. The best way to ensure all members are balloted is by email, as part of the regular ballot.
c. Membership brochure and flyer (Heather Reid)
HR circulated hard copies of a promotional flyer. HR proposed we order 2,500 copies for $275 plus shipping. All agreed. DH queried why 1972 is included in the logo. MM suggested it stay because it indicated that we are not a new association. DH, and others, noted some typo errors throughout the draft. Action: Executive members to edit hard copies and get them to HR or HS by the end of the conference. HR to pass on amendments to flyer designer. HR to order 2,500 copies of the flyer.
d. Annual report to FISP (Heather Reid)
HR reported that she had been asked by FISP to submit an annual report. HS suggested something similar to the IAPS report to ICPSSE be submitted. Action: HS to email IAPS report to ICSSPE to FISP.
e. Plan for 2007 APA Sessions
Action: HR to ask Jeff Fry if he will head up the IAPS contingent at the next meeting. ND to be an alternative if Jeff declines.
9. Other Business None.