Board of Education s23

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Board of Education s23


Date: March 17, 2009

District Mission: To provide an excellent education ensuring that all children maximize their potential, become contributing citizens, and pursue lifelong learning.

District Beliefs:  All children possess unique qualities and come to school eager to learn and be successful.  We respect all people within our community and treat them with dignity at all times.  Learning is a partnership that includes school staff, parents, family and the community.  Knowledge allows for critical thinking and effective decision-making.  Purposeful and intentional change is a constant that leads to educational improvement and positive results.  Compliance with state and federal regulations is critical to school district success.

Meeting called to order at: 7:08 PM

Present Absent

James DiMascio President X

Sara Benscoter Vice-President X

Stephanie Champney Member X

Kathleen Driscoll Member X

Mary Ellerson Member X

Thomas Tasber Member X

Mary Hibbard Superintendent of Schools X

Laura Lindsley District Clerk X

Patricia Kuenecke Director of Curriculum and Instruction X

Others in attendance: Barbara Kim, Christine Ryder, Kathy Sofka, Sheryl Bodnar, Colleen Zanker, Renee Korb, Joe Kucher, Kathy L’Amoreaux, Diana Ferrar, Jo-Anne Knapp, Will Manvell, Amy Manvell, Nelly Munoz, Kelly Breward, Katrina Biondi, Kathryn Jones, Jennifer Cafferty, Kathy Price, John Orzell, Nadine Ferguson, Charlene McDonald, Cathy Mihalko, Cindy Lawrence, Colleen Stone, Karen Rood, Norma Synder, Annette Bidwell, Aaron Truesdell, Christy Croft-Driscoll, Tim Pisarczyk, Colette Kallfelz, Sue Love, Kim Becker, Kathleen Kilbury, Naomi Burlison, Elaine Sinclair, Mandy Gyles, Stacie Keibel, Chris Ruggiero, 1 Jessica Williamson, Sharryl Tiderencel, Tracy Pfeiffer, Jennifer Briglia, Deborah Oliver, Gene Jordan, Diane Richards, Jan Lawrence, Joy Rupert, Dan Sweeney, Jerry Mackey, Cheryl Donnelly, Kris Kratz, Nancy Gilligan, Kathleen Kratz, Jami Gilligan, Rich Kratz, Jim Gilligan, Jo Ann Sexton, Sharon Brown, Pam Soeffing, Taryn Hubbard, Karen Frost, Karen O’Brien, Bruce Tytler, Jeffrey Isaacs, Stephanie Hodkinson, Andrea Stanley

Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the Minutes from the Board Meeting held on March 3, 2009.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED


Mrs. Hibbard commended:

• The High School for their Senior Mentoring Program organized by Mr. Mannix. The following faculty has volunteered and will be mentoring a senior student (or students) from now until graduation:

Mrs. Belanger Mr. Mannix Mr. Beukema Mr. Marcotte Mrs. Cranston-Chrisler Mrs. Mitchell Mrs. Cortese Mrs. Molloy Mr. Cranston Mr. Morgan Mrs. Delgado Mr. Peck Mrs. DeMann Mrs. Price Mr. Faron Mr. Prindle Mr. Ferrara Mrs. Rieben Mrs. Gilbert Mr. Rice Mr. Hakes Mr. Samsel Mr. Horton Ms. Summers Ms. Jones Miss Wayne Mr. Jordan Mrs. Williams

• Mr. Samsel, Miss Wayne and Mr. Morgan for their participation in organizing Badminton for Heart held on March 4, 2009 at the High School raising $900.00 for the benefit of the American Heart Association.

• Mr. Peck for his selection as a participant in item writing for the New York State Physics Regents Exam.

• Mrs. Brodsky for organizing many special events in the CEA on Read Across America Day celebration of Dr. Suess’ birthday. Everyone in the building participated in a special song, the Reader’s Oath and “Thing One” read a bit from one of Dr. Seuss’ books. The cafeteria made birthday cookies for every student in the building. Guest readers were scheduled in classrooms throughout the day.

• Mrs. Lindsley for her participation in a joint superintendents and school business officials committee looking at mandate relief. Their efforts resulted in the attached paper that has been shared with area State legislators.

• All of the Odyssey of the Mind student teams for their excellent presentations at the March 7th Regional Competition. (Please see attached newspaper article.) The two teams in bold print will be advancing to the state level on Saturday, April 4, 2009.

2 Mrs. Dunham/Mrs. Musshafen – The Lost Labor of Heracles – Division I

Nolan Abrahamson Jordan Haas Courtney James Rhiannon Kinter Megan Mau Bailey Poyer Jacob Dunham

Mrs. Schubert – Superstition-Division I

Abby Pardoe Robert Stevens Brady Harrington Kaylee Tasber Dalton Oakley Marissa Taylor Graci Standish-Warpus

Ms. Favaloro/Mrs. Pudish– The Lost Labor of Heracles- Division II

Riley Abrahamson Vito Aiello Marissa Cempa Erin Hamm Alan McNamara Kathryn Short

Ms. Spinella – Superstition-Division III

Abby Harrington Paige Warfield Sarah Marye Stacey Davis Kathleen Kratz

Ms. Gyles/Mrs. Champney – The Lost Labor of Heracles – Division III

Tom Taft Casey Hust Chelsea Dedrick Meaghan Champney Charlotte Champney Megan Taggart Emily Snyder

3 We thank all of the staff and parents who have worked with these students.

• Mrs. Brodsky and Mrs. Richards for presenting at the Binghamton Area Reading Council’s Souper Supper and Ms. Kuenecke as president, coordinating the event.


Letter from Roger Merrill, nominee to the BOCES Board of Trustees.



Comments from the Public

Diane Richards, kindergarten teacher CEA, spoke on behalf of CEA staff regarding the tough fiscal decisions and the impact on the students of Whitney Point. Ms. Richards provided a handout to the Board demonstrating the increasing percentages of students at/above benchmark. The importance of early intervention, K-3, was discussed.

1. Old Business

Mrs. Hibbard presented updated budget information.

Mrs. Hibbard reviewed 2009-2010 budget update information starting with the district mission and beliefs statements. The priority strategies set district-wide were reviewed. Mrs. Hibbard shared the implications of the Governor’s revenue proposals and the expenditures driving the 2009-2010 budget. With no Federal stimulus funds applied to the budget the resulting increase was shown at 4.59% with a resulting levy increase of 42.52%.

Potential 2009-2010 budget reductions were presented. Mrs. Hibbard reviewed savings gained from the 2008-2009 budget, which will be used against the 2009-2010 budget. The 08-09 savings are less than expected as a result of the high fuel and utility costs experienced at the beginning of the year, increased special education and transportation costs.

Mrs. Hibbard discussed efficiencies the district has gained from BOCES services: Managed Information Technology Service (MITS), Cafeteria, Duplicating, Health & Safety, Telephone Interconnect, Regional Scoring, and Public Relations. The efficiencies described include health insurance cost control as a member of the Broome Tioga Delaware Health Insurance Consortium. The district’s utilization of bidding and cooperative purchasing practices were included along with participation in Energy Education which is reducing utility costs.

The proposed expenditure eliminations were reviewed; Extended Classroom, Arts & Education, Star Lab, Field Trips, the 4:00 bus run. Mrs. Hibbard stated no elimination is easy. The decrease in the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) employer contribution rate for 2009-10 is applied. Mrs. Hibbard presented a proposed list of position reductions stating any cut in position means something for children gets reduced. The proposed savings presented totaled $1,016,204.

Applying the proposed savings reduces the 09-10 budget increase to 1.86% with a 24.84% levy increase.

The estimated dollar increase in property taxes for a $10,000 true value property would be $40.17 and a $50,000 true value property is $200.85.

4 The resulting contingency level on this budget would be limited to a 1.00% spending increase with a 20.85% tax levy increase.

Mrs. Hibbard stated the challenge to the district is how to best contain costs while providing quality educational programs and maintaining a healthy and safe environment that the students and community expect and deserve.

Mr. DiMascio opened the meeting to public comment for feedback on the budget information.

Pam Soeffing, HS teacher, commented on the high school science program possessing the 2nd best passing rate in the county.

Jessica Williams, TRA music teacher, stated losing a music position would make it impossible to continue competitions like the Washington D.C. competition.

Jerry Macky asked if the budget update included Federal stimulus monies? Mrs. Hibbard replied no. The indications are the possibility for increased Title 1 and IDEA funding; however, there is uncertainty as to how the funds will need to be spent. To date the district has received no information on any stabilization money.

John Orzel stated a thank you and that he was not alarmed, asking if the district is? Mrs. Hibbard responded that all school districts are in this dilemma but not all are as reliant on State Aid as Whitney Point. John Orzel questioned if the district was jumping off the charts? Mrs. Hibbard replied yes. The district information has been reviewed and confirmed by a seasoned school business veteran. The district is poor and reliant on aid. Ways to stabilize the tax rate fluctuations is an objective. John Orzel asked about the district contact with Albany? Mrs. Hibbard stated the district is not expecting to hear anything by April 1st. A budget must be in place by April 25 by regulation. John Orzel questioned a 4-day week? Mrs. Hibbard replied that 4 day week is not a current option in our region, but the region has been looking at this; however, such an option would need to be regional.

Mr. DiMascio added that Whitney Point is not like its peer districts in proportion of wealth. Mr. DiMascio stated the district does not have answers about today but is planning to form a budget committee to look at solutions. The committee model has been successful with athletics and facilities.

John Orzel asked if the district has direct contact with Washington? Mr. DiMascio responded the State Governor handles the money for school districts. The district is at the will of the Governor and is responsible to project a budget with the numbers as they are known. As soon as the district hears, those numbers will be put in.

Will Manvell spoke on behalf of art stating a lot is taken away when you take away art as it is a safe haven for students.

Kathy Kratz and Jamie Gilligan commented on concerns that cutting teachers take away from students. Music students will not have time to meet with teachers. As students they spoke of their concern that their future is being taken away.

Will Manvell commented as a parent and resident Whitney Point of his strong feeling that as parents they will not be able to send a child to a district that does not support extra activities.

Taryn Hubbard stated the focus of the reductions is on people, many of which support and are involved with a variety of school activities. These people are the department chairs, building leaders, and volunteers with activities.

5 Cathy Mihalko, parent and aide, commented on the need to provide as much support as possible for a quality education for Whitney Point children.

Mr. DiMascio shared that the information provided is a first budget draft. Mr. DiMascio invited all to an open dialog to share ideas as to where to find cuts and make necessary adjustments. The Board must find a balance between money and services, balancing the needs of the district with the needs of an impoverished community.

Diane Richards thanked the Board for openness and consideration.

Mrs. Benscoter commented schools must look to do things differently, encourage people in a different way, and to seriously be a part of the change.

Kim Becker stated the teachers present did not officially hear of the potential cuts directly from administration but through the grape vine.

Mr. Tasber spoke of the wish to not make any cuts and asked for anyone with ideas to please come forward.

Diane Richards remarked on the positive way the district is working together.

Gene Jordan, a village resident and HS math teacher, noted students want to stay and learn, eliminating 4:00 bus will not allow many this opportunity. Reductions hurt kids directly. In-house expert staff such as information technology, business, and staff trainers need to be explored for savings.

2. New Business a. Whitney Point High School 2008-2009 BOE Presentation.

Mr. DiMascio asked that the High School BOE Presentation be postponed due to the length of the budget discussion. Mr. Tytler and Mr. Isaacs were thanked for their cooperation with the request. b. 2009-10 School Calendar

Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the attached 2009-10 school year calendar.

Moved by Sara Benscoter Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

Mrs. Hibbard clarified the calendar, which removes the February break as a result of the late start of school in September. Mrs. Hibbard also discussed that at the recommendation of the leadership team the district has scheduled fewer half days to meet the secondary instruction needs while still meeting the need of parent conferences.

Mr. Tasber commented to the need for evening parent conferences. Mrs. Hibbard stated CEA staff does schedule evening parent conferences and will be able continue to do so under the calendar.

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED c. Coaching Appointment

Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the attached addition to the 2009 Spring Coaching Recommendations:

Boys Lacrosse Junior Varsity Robert Dunham

6 Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED d. Certification of Bus Vote

Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the Certification of the Bus Vote as follows:

Number of votes recorded as voting “YES” 87

Number of votes recorded as voting “NO” 13

Number of votes void 4

Total number of votes cast 104

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Stephanie Champney

Mrs. Hibbard thanked the community for their continued support of the safe transportation of the students of the district.

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED e. Committee on Special Education

Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the attached recommendations of the Committee on Special Education.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Sara Benscoter

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED f. Field Trip Request

Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the annual Middle School choral field trip to Hershey Park to participate in the Music in the Parks Festival. Please see attached.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

Mrs. Champney commented to the experience competition provides students in seeing their accomplishments.

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED g. Warrant

Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the February 2009 Warrant. Please see attached copy.

Moved by Sara Benscoter Seconded by Stephanie Champney

Mr. Tasber questioned the health payment to the Binghamton City School District? Mrs. Lindsley stated the payment is for resident student physicals attending schools in the Binghamton district.

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

7 h. Change Orders

Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the following change order:

CO-PC-47 Provide all labor, material and equipment to replace oil pump #3 at the pool building $920.00

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED



Letter from John James Smith.

Comments from the Public

Mrs. Hibbard commended Kelli Lindow for her years of support to the district and the students that she served. Thoughts are with the family at this time.

Meeting Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 PM

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Executive Session:

For matters of personnel and contractual issues.


Broome-Tioga BOCES Annual Meeting Invitation/Information Packet – April 1, 2009 Whitney Point Central School District – Kindergarten Registration Information for the 2009-2020 School Year Newsletter Family Fun Carnival: Saturday, March 21st from 11:00 – 3:00 in the CEA gymnasium Celebration of the Young Child: March 28th from 10:00 – noon in the CEA cafeteria Odyssey of the Mind State Competition: Saturday, April 4th at Binghamton University

Laura Lindsley District Clerk


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