Grading Rubric for a Research Paper Any Discipline s1

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Grading Rubric for a Research Paper Any Discipline s1

Grading Rubric Activist/Reformer Research Paper

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Introduction/ Exceptional introduction Proficient introduction Basic introduction that Weak or no that grabs interest of reader that is interesting and states topic but lacks introduction of topic. Thesis and states topic. states topic. interest. Paper’s purpose is ____ Thesis is exceptionally Thesis is clear and Thesis is somewhat unclear/thesis is weak clear, arguable, well- arguable statement of clear and arguable. or missing. developed. position.

Quality of Paper is exceptionally Paper is well- Shows a limited variety Lacking in source researched, extremely researched in detail and of sources. material. Information/ detailed, and historically from a variety of Information relates to Information has weak Evidence accurate. sources. the main topic, few or no connection to ____ Information clearly relates Information relates to details and/or examples the thesis. to the thesis. the main topic. are given.

Support of Exceptionally critical, Consistent connections Some connections made Limited or no relevant and consistent made between evidence between evidence and connections made Thesis/Analysis connections made between and thesis thesis. between evidence and ____ evidence and thesis. Good analysis. Some analysis. thesis. Excellent analysis. Lack of analysis.

Organization/ Exceptionally clear, logical, Clear and logical order Somewhat clear and Lacks development of mature, and thorough that supports thesis logical development ideas with weak or no Development of development of thesis with with good transitions with basic transitions transitions between Thesis excellent transitions between and within between and within and within ____ between and within paragraphs. paragraphs. paragraphs. paragraphs.

Conclusion Excellent summary of topic Good summary of topic Basic summary of topic Lack of summary of with concluding ideas that with clear concluding with some final topic. ____ impact reader. ideas. concluding ideas. Introduces no new Introduces no new Introduces no new information. information. information.

Style/Voice Style and voice are not only Style and voice Style and voice Style and voice appropriate to the given appropriate to the given somewhat appropriate to inappropriate or do ____ audience and purpose, but audience and purpose. given audience and not address given also show originality and Word choice is specific purpose. audience, purpose, creativity. and purposeful, and Word choice is often etc. Word choice is specific, somewhat varied unspecific, generic, Word choice is purposeful, dynamic and throughout. redundant, and clichéd. excessively varied. Sentences are mostly Sentences are somewhat redundant, clichéd, Sentences are clear, active clear, active (SVO), unclear; excessive use of and unspecific. (subject-verb-object), and and to the point. passive voice. Sentences are very to the point. unclear.

Grammar/Usage/ Control of grammar, usage, May contain few Contains several So many spelling, and mechanics. spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, punctuation, and Mechanics Almost entirely free of and grammar errors. and grammar errors grammar errors that ____ spelling, punctuation, and which detract from the the paper cannot be grammatical errors. paper’s readability. understood. Citation Format Conforms to MLA rules Conforms to MLA rules Frequent errors in MLA Lack of MLA for formatting and for formatting and format. format/numerous ____ citation of sources are citation of sources with errors. perfect. minor exceptions.

Works Entries entirely correct Entries mostly correct Frequent errors in MLA Lack of MLA as to MLA format. as to MLA format. format. format/numerous Cited/Bibliography errors. ____

Points Received: ______

Final Grade: ______

Points Possible: 36=100A

35= 97A 32= 89B 28=78C 25=69D 21=58F 34=94A 31=86B 27=75C 24=67D 20=56F 33=92A 30=83B 26=72C 23=64D 19=53F 29=81B 22=61D 18=50F

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