The Man with the Bionic Brain and Other Victories Over Paralysis

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The Man with the Bionic Brain and Other Victories Over Paralysis

The Man with the Bionic Brain and Other Victories over Paralysis By Jon Mukand IDH 2930 1G43 Fall, 2017 Tuesday, 8th period (3:00-3:50)) Location: LIT0117 Instructors: Nancy Schaefer, Communicore C1-21F; [email protected]; 352-273-8417 Nina Stoyan-Rosenzweig, Communicore C1-21; [email protected]; 352-273-8406

Class description: This class focuses on Dr. Jon Mukand’s book, The Man with the Bionic Brain and Other Victories over Paralysis, which describes the experiences of several individuals who develop paralysis. Told from the perspective of a physician specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation, the book explores high tech methods for helping individuals with this form of disability regain some of their lost functions. In- class discussions of reading assignments and supplementary materials will review the anatomy and physiology involved in these conditions, psychosocial and economic impacts of paralysis on patients and caregivers, and issues involved in using humans as research subjects. Guest speakers will present during the class hour on relevant health professions and technologies. The regular class session will be cancelled each of two weeks that students will are required to attend special noon-hour presentations at the Health Science Center on a relevant exhibit there. Student grades will be based on participation in discussions and presentations and on class webpage, and a final presentation.

Class Schedule and Reading Assignments Date Topic Reading Due dates/deadlines, associated topics, and supplemental assignme materials nt August 22 Class Who counts? The Economist International 12/14/13 logistic s, defining-disability-trickyand-measuring-it-even-harder-who- definiti counts “The Nervous System”, Chapter 7 Part A, Essentials of ons Human Anatomy and Physiology, 8th ed. Read through slides 1- 12, skim slides 13-17 (shouldn’t need to hit download button) Pressure sores and-Treating-Pressure-Sores August 29 Spinal Vital signs cord Prologue, signs and monitor picture injuries Ch. 1 & 2 , g?i10c=img.resize(height:160) (oxygen saturation Sp02, respon Respiratory rate Levels of spinal cord injury with symptoms sibility Johns for Hopkins SCI page injury preven ical_medicine_and_rehabilitation/spinal_cord_injury_85,P0118 tion 0/ and if you want more info at this point centers/international-center-spinal-cord-injury/videos UF commercial spin offs p. 20 America’s Most Wanted clip 6:08

p. 27 O2 and brain function oxygen-to-the-brain September 5 Stroke Ch. 3 What is stroke? (animated 5:39) -aphasi a v=ryIGnzodxDs&list=PLD8zmwfLBmUb5XpsnGYsxuLK- VsGSybM4. Or or or Information-Page Aphasia fact sheet resources/aphasia-factsheet/? gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_s_QueWx1QIVSiWBCh0LaA6HEAAYASAAE gJesvD_BwE Enabling speech in non-fluent aphasia (Most important section from 1” forward 15:11) Language and the brain: aphasia and split-brain patients 6:10 Aphasia Speech Therapy with 17yo patient 3:00 (watch 1:00 forward) Neuroplasticity September 12 Caring Ch. 4 p. 49 Angel Flight for p. 49 Occupational therapists spinal cord therapists.htm Other health careers injuries OR Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation – Living with Paralysis p. 64 Kübler-Ross’s “stages of grief” A grieving process illustrated. R. Hutchinson. Medical Humanities 20 June 2016 010874 September 19 Home Ch. 5 Project proposal due modific pp. 75,81 Phrenic nerve diagram ations, psycho 33962/jpg/diaphragm-phrenic-nerve- social 150AAB3B529166ECDD1.jpg status, Occupational therapy home modification for wheelchair aging accessibility (Skip 1st 1:05 of 10:20) in place Retrofitting for accessibility within your home 8:43 Home modification solutions to age at home 2:37 September 26 Health Ch. 6 Rural health in America 7:50 unders erved areas Access in rural communities Stroke- walking Emergency medical services transport delays for suspected stroke and myocardial infarction patients, BMC Emergency

Medicine 12/3/15 What is functional electrical stimulation (FES)? (Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery) stimulation-upper-extremity-info/

Understanding foot drop: what it is and how it is treated. Stroke Connection Summer 2012 http://scmag- pg=20#pg20 Optional:

Bioness L300 and 300 Plus foot drop system (company ad) 3:06

Intro to Bioness Foot Drop System 3:44 C5 C6 quadriplegic – Transferring in & out of a low chair 5:06

October 3 Psycho Ch. 7 Finalize projects social Sip and puff devices: a comprehensive review 11:45 adjust ments, Jouse 2 Demonstration 4:25 vocatio v=nXBsDrCb54g nal LipSync sip and puff mouse 1:28 rehabili tation Sip ‘n’ Puff Voting 1:50 v=mqaaWgpp-0s Christopher Reeve-Superman 0-3” only Famous people with disabilities https://www.disabled- October 10 Animal, Ch. 8 & 9 p. 135 Neural plasticity Lara Boyd TEDxVancouver 14:24 human Spasticity researc h; Self- Information-Page determ Leg spams C5-C quadriplegic 4:59 (Note: curses once at 3”30) ination Institutional Review Boards 6420.htm Clinical studies Informed Consent October 17 Human Ch. 10 Nazi Human Experiments 5:02 researc h The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment 4:58. Vlogs of History protect Episode XXIII. ions v=hpvYVc8pPuA Week of Stroke- Ch. 11 & MRI, CT, X-ray October 23 – hand; 12 topic=A00188 imagin What’s the difference between an MRI and CT? (Click to start NO Tuesday g, video, but only 1st 2 minutes of 2:31) afternoon fMRI, class. profess n_mri_ct_and_x-ray/ Test yourself INSTEAD noon- ional 1 p.m. licensin %20game.html Thursday 10/26 g Florida Board of Licensing and Registration Ness H200 Hand system NES H2200 hand system professionals/leading-technologies/bioness-ness-h200 Bioness H200 Wireless Hand Rehabilitation System 1:11 If you really want to learn more (engineering students) Costs of living w/ SCI with-paralysis/costs-and-insurance/costs-of-living-with-spinal- cord-injury; insurance with-paralysis/costs-and-insurance/insurance-and-medicare Chapter 5 Economic Issues and the Cost of Disability. In Pain and Disability: Clinical, Behavioral and Public Policy Perspectives. Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Pain, Disability, and Chronic Illness Behavior; Osterweis M, Kleinman A, Mechanic D, editors. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1987. October 26 Early Special talk (attendance required)- Limb Prostheses Industry Thursday noon prosth and write-up of exhibit -1 pm, eses See Communicore Building 1st Floor map (4th one down) on Communicore Building Room C1-3 Parking is very expensive here so seek non-driving options. October 31 Resear Ch. 13 Guest speaker- Jon Mukand ch FES compet stimulation-fes 2:56 ition, media technology/functional-electrical-stimulation , stimulation-upper-extremity-info/ November 7 Injury Ch. 14 Guest speaker preven Good Morning America segment on stroke rehabilitation tion & technology 5:29 rehab v=SL8krhnvrRQ respon Functional MRI sibility Paul Bach-y-Rita 10:39 v=7s1VAVcM8s8 Guest speakers at Health Science Center Libraries will present at noon one of these two weeks. When their dates are confirmed, the Tuesday afternoon class session will be canceled for that week so that you can attend the noon presentation instead. When settled, the date of this second noon-hour special presentation will be announced in class and posted on class website. November 14 Stem Ch. 15 Guest speaker cells, Stem cells: SciShow 3:47 politics v=jF2iXpoG5j8 OR Khan Academy 11:53 OR NIH Stem Cell Basics I OR What is a Stem Cell? stem-cell/ November 21 Accessi Ch. 16 & Guest speaker bility, 17 Citizen science projects: Wheelmap skin, and EyesonALZ exoskel etons Therapy robots section (from 23:21 to end of Hospital robots and neuroprosthetics robots-and-neuroprosthetic November 28 Organ Ch. 18 Guest speakers - Early 21st century prosthetics donatio Christopher Reeve last public speech at Rehabilitation Institute n, of Chicago 10-04-04 (joke about flying on own—reference to his cultural acting the role of Superman) 9:37 moving on, disability rights traditio ns December 5 Ch. 19, 20 Final project presentations & Epilogue

Requirements: 1. Complete readings as assigned and be prepared to discuss in class. Each week individuals will provide short term definitions for the readings as assigned. Pairs of students will facilitate one class discussion.

2. Attend a minimum of 13 classes.

3. Attend two mid-day presentations at the Health Science Center and write up a summary of each.

4. Complete a project investigating some aspect of the material covered in class. This project can be creative (such as writing a literary narrative) or an academic research paper.

Grading*: Students will be graded on the following criteria: 1. Attendance, class and webpage participation and discussion facilitation (40 points) 2. Project (30 points) 3. Write up of special talks (10 points each) 4. Reflection/summary of book (10 points)

*Completion of all requirements is needed for grading

Attendance: Attendance in this course is mandatory. One absence will be allowed without a deduction of points; every absence beyond one will result in a reduction of 10 points from the final grade. One additional absence documented by a doctor’s note can be made up through special write-up.

Academic Honesty: All students sign the following statement upon registration at the University of Florida: “I understand that the University of Florida expects its students to be honest in all their academic work. I agree to adhere to this commitment to academic honesty and understand that my failure to comply with this commitment may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the University.” As instructors for this course, we fully support the intent of the above statement and will not tolerate academic dishonesty.

Student Responsibility: Students are responsible for understanding all course policies and for accessing all course materials on the UF E-Learning Website through the URL listed above. All assignments should be submitted through the website and in hard copy when requested. Each students is also responsible for checking his or her UF e-mail account for course notifications and for communicating with the instructors regarding any situation that may hinder his or her progress or participation in the course. Students will post short definitions to course webpage as assigned and pairs of students will be responsible for facilitating discussion for one class session.

Disabilities: Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the instructor when students request accommodation.

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