Where will Strathclyde Architecture take you?

The technical element of the course also sets it apart Neal Whitaker from some other architecture programmes, which are not as thorough in terms of the structural and Degree studying/studied: BSc Architectural environmental knowledge expected of students. We Studies are pushed into a significant level of detail in these areas, and it is very clear to us as students that Current year of degree: 3rd year architecture is about much more than creating pleasing shapes and forms.

Year of graduation/intend to graduate: 2012 And perhaps most enjoyably, there is a strong studio culture, in which many of the students choose to work in the studio, critiquing each other’s work and helping each other along. Even though I’m at least 10 years older than most of the others, we have a really good working and social relationship.

Are you involved in many other extracurricular activities or make use of the sports centre? I have been a member of the sports centre since I enrolled at the university in first year, and often play badminton, swim and use the gym. I see a lot of the others on the course socially as well.

What advice would you give to potential students thinking about studying Engineering in Strathclyde? The architecture course has inspirational teaching and What did you do before you came to Strathclyde? a meticulously detailed course programme. You pick up I studied philosophy at Edinburgh 1997-2001, and then skills really quickly as you progress through the travelled in India and Bosnia, working in NGO’s along projects, which increase in size and complexity quite the way. After some years working in social work and quickly. It’s a friendly and encouraging environment, homelessness, I retrained as a cabinetmaker, which will bring out the best in you – not at all designing and building furniture, interiors and intimidating, very down to earth. In short, I’ve enjoyed occasional pieces of art before deciding to study the whole thing, and I’d really recommend Strathclyde. architecture in 2009. What are your plans for the future? Why did you choose to study at Strathclyde? I’ll be going over to spend a semester at the Bauhaus I already lived in Glasgow, and was aware of the good in Weimar next year, which I’m very excited about. The reputation of the course. The situation with fees in strong international exchange programme in 3rd year is England meant that Strathclyde made financial as well a big plus point – the University has links with leading as educational sense. architecture departments across Europe and further afield. What do you like about the course? I love the fact that we are tutored by architects who I’ll then be looking for an interesting place to spend my spend four days a week working for some of Glasgow’s year working, before returning to do my 4th and 5th leading practices and two afternoons with us. It’s lovely year, RIBA part 2. After that, who knows! I’ll be looking to get into a dialogue about a project and bounce ideas to get a good range of experience working in around. The quality of teaching from all the staff is the interesting practices, gradually figuring out the kind of real hallmark of the course for me. The course directors work I’m happiest doing. of both first and second year have been an inspiration.