What Will I Study This Year?
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The Priory School Bedford Road Hitchin Hertfordshire SG5 2UR
NAME: ______
TEACHER: ______
FORM: ____ KS3 TARGET: ____ What will I study this year?
During your year seven at The Priory School you will study many different units. They are listed below, however you will not necessarily study them in the order that they are currently in.
Unit Unit Name About this unit End of Unit Level
1 Bridging the Gap Consolidation of skills learnt from KS2
2 Expressionism Non Notated Composition based on moods and emotions
3 Names to the Dots Learning the names and placements of all notes of the treble and bass clefs. Notated Composition.
4 Scarborough Fair Class ensemble performance of this traditional folk song in 4 part harmony
5 O-Generator Introduction to this computer software. Lesson one and composition using the three steps
6 Medieval Music Introduction to the origins of music, drones and modes. Performance of improvisation on keyboards
7 12 Bar Blues Further improvisation around the 12 bar blues and the history of this genre.
Extra Musicals Whole year production of a musical. UNIT 1
BRIDGING THE GAP What is this unit about?
This unit is designed to form a ‘gathering’ of the variety of musical knowledge brought from the primary schools. It gives the students the opportunity to develop their understanding of the process of composing by creating and performing music is response to a non-musical stimuli.
It provides an opportunity to develop and demonstrate skills achieved in years 5 and 6.
During the unit, students will explore how sounds can be used rhythmically to create a composition.
Most students will create, perform and appraise their own composition and use notation, maintain their own part with awareness of the whole ensemble and use a basic musical vocabulary
Some students will not have made so much progress and will create and perform their own composition with some awareness of the whole ensemble.
Some students will have progressed further and will take the lead in creating and performing the work as well as providing suggestions for others. Evaluate both their own and others’ performances with appropriate language.
Key Words (To be added to throughout the unit)
Duration Repetitive Longer Beat Shorter Theme Pulse Syllables Rhythm Melody Metre Multiples Tempo Rhythmic Round Accuracy Ensemble Assessment Rehearse Listening Skills Bar Performing Composing Student Diary
Date What have I learnt today? Teacher Comment
Can you put the words below in the correct place? Two words do not fit. Can you tell me which ones?
Rehearse Duration
Ensemble Pulse
Round Rhythm
Tempo Metre
Composing Performing
Bar Treble clef
1. To practise a piece of music. ______
2. This refers to the number and value of the beats in a bar of music. ______
3. Instruments with a higher pitch read music using a ______.
4. To make up your own piece of music. ______
5. A very small section of music. ______
6. The speed of a piece of music is also known as the ______.
7. A group of musicians. ______
8. The heartbeat of a piece of music or a regular beat. ______
9. The length of a piece of music. ______
10. A composition for two or more voices in which each voice enters at a different time with the same melody. ______
11. Playing a piece of music. ______Composition Planning Sheet: Themed Rhythm Piece
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
HOW WILL YOU PERFORM YOUR PIECE? Assessment for Learning
Here is a list of keywords you should know now you have completed this topic. Using the following code, write a number next to each of them. Write 1 if you are certain you understand the word. Write 2 if you think you know. Write 3 if you don’t know at all.
Pulse ______Rhythm ______Rehearse______Composition______Bar ______Beat______Repetitive______Tempo______Round______Theme______Duration ______
Write the marks you were given here ___/10 for rhythm ___/10 for ensemble Total: ______NC level _____
Comment here on your standard of work and your views on your final result
Teacher Comment and possible future targets
Signed Student ______UNIT 2
EXPRESSIONISM What is this unit about?
Continuing from the introduction of notating rhythms, students will be encouraged to maintain this skill as well as developing the ability to perform by ear.
Students will be asked to create moods and atmospheres given to them. This will be a group topic and students will be introduced to the un-tuned percussion.
Most students will be able to compose and perform a piece, which matched the brief given within an ensemble
Some students will not have made as much progress and will be able to perform within the ensemble but only acting on ideas from others in the group.
Some students will have progressed further and will be directing the group and providing suggestions for improvement throughout the whole process of composing. They will be able to maintain a steady pulse and lead the group during the performance.
Key Words (To be added to throughout the unit)
Mood Tempo Atmosphere Theme Rhythm Duration Interpret Rehearse Perform Notate Percussion Instruments Pulse Composition Bar Beat Repetitive
Student Diary
Date What have I learnt today? Teacher Comment Assessment for Learning
Here is a list of keywords you should know now you have completed this topic. Using the following code, write a number next to each of them. Write 1 if you are certain you understand the word. Write 2 if you think you know. Write 3 if you don’t know at all.
Pulse ______Rhythm ______Rehearse______Composition______Bar ______Beat______Repetitive______Tempo______Percussion______Theme______Duration ______
Write the marks you were given here ___/10 for Impression ___/10 for rhythm Total______NC level _____
Comment here on your standard of work and your views on your final result
Teacher Comment and possible future targets
Signed Student……………………………….. UNIT 3
What is this unit about?
This unit is designed to give the students an introduction to pitch and melody. It is intended that from this topic onwards, both pitch and rhythm will be included in work.
Most students will be able to identify notes on a treble clef stave. They will be able to play simple melodies on glockenspiels.
Some students will not have made as much progress and will with some help, be able to identify notes on a treble clef stave and begin to perform simple melodies on glockenspiels.
Some students will have progressed further and will be able to perform more complex melodies and compose and perform their own.
Key Words (To be added to throughout the unit)
Treble Clef Bass Clef Time Signature Instruments Families of Instruments Glockenspiels Melody Rehearse Pitch Student Diary
Date What have I learnt today? Teacher Comment
Assessment for Learning
Here is a list of keywords you should know now you have completed this topic. Using the following code, write a number next to each of them. Write 1 if you are certain you understand the word. Write 2 if you think you know. Write 3 if you don’t know at all.
Treble Clef_____ Bass Clef_____ Time Signature_____ Instruments_____ Families of Instruments_____ Glockenspiels_____ Melody_____ Rehearse_____ Pitch_____
Write the marks you were given here ___/10 for rhythm ___/10 for ensemble Total: ______NC level _____
Comment here on your standard of work and your views on your final result
Teacher Comment and possible future targets
Signed Student ______UNIT 4
SCARBOROUGH FAIR What is this unit about?
This unit is intended to follow on from their introduction to pitch. It involves the students playing an arrangement of Scarborough Fair. It enables the student to work with a variety of class members and perform in 4-part harmony.
Most students will be able to perform their part in time with others and be aware of the other parts as they are performing. They will be able to complete an evaluation of the unit showing a good understanding of the work covered.
Some students will not have made as much progress and will be able to perform their work with some help but will not always be aware of what the other performers in their group are doing. They will be able to complete the evaluation and show some understanding of the work covered.
Some students will have progressed further and will be able to rehearse their groups, identify problems and resolve them. They will lead the group in performances and complete the evaluation showing a total understanding of the work covered.
Key Words (To be added to throughout the unit)
Ensemble Treble Clef Melody Tempo Harmony Time Signature Bass Duration Rehearse Perform Evaluate Balance Pitch Glockenspiel Xylophone Pulse Rhythm Bar Beat Student Diary
Date What have I learnt today? Teacher Comment Assessment for Learning
Here is a list of keywords you should know now you have completed this topic. Using the following code, write a number next to each of them. Write 1 if you are certain you understand the word. Write 2 if you think you know. Write 3 if you don’t know at all.
Pulse ______Rhythm ______Rehearse______Melody______Bar ______Beat______Treble Clef______Tempo______Harmony______Time Signature______Duration ______
Write the marks you were given here ___/10 for accuracy ___/10 for ensemble total______NC level _____
Comment here on your standard of work and your views on your final result
Teacher Comment and possible future targets
Signed Student……………………………….. UNIT 5
O-GENERATOR What is this unit about?
This unit is designed to introduce students to the software ‘O-Generator’ whilst exploring the development of polyphonic textures and complex rhythms. Students learn the basic skills of producing their own compositions using ICT and also develop their knowledge of chords and melodies covered in Unit 1.
Most students will be able to start up the programme and create a simple drum pattern over a period of 8 bars with a percussion and basic melodic part.
Some students will not have made as much progress and will be able to start up the programme and input part of a drum pattern with some assistance.
Some students will have progressed further and will have a drum pattern which changes over a longer period of time. The harmony parts will be more complex and develop more ideas.
Key Words (To be added to throughout the unit)
Icon Software Time Signature Pads Percussion Guitar Chords Sample Bars Panning Rhythm Beat Metronome Tempo Mark Sound Cards O-Generator – Quiz Sheet
Go to the website www.o-music.tv and navigate your way around to find the answers to the following questions.
What year groups is O-Generator aimed at? What three styles does the programme allow you to explore? Who endorses O-Generator? What do the initials of that company stand for? What two things does O-Generator ‘Learning to Compose’ include?
How many sample guitar riffs can you listen to through the website?
Which four operating systems does O-Generator work with? Who are the directors of O-Music? How much is a one-site licence of O-Generator? How much is multi-site licence for a secondary school? How much is O-Generator ‘Homeblaster’? How many percussion sounds are there listed on the ‘Homeblaster’ CD?
How many FAQ’s are listed and what are their topics? What are the four parts to O-Generator ‘Learning to Compose’?
What are the two classroom set ups that O-Generator can be taught in?
How long has O-Generator been developed for? When did Sibelius add O-Generator to its Educational Suite? How many types of keyboard do you get with O-Generator ‘Homeblaster’?
How many vocal samples do you get with O-Generator ‘Homeblaster’?
What are the four styles that you can write in with O-generator ‘Homeblaster’? Student Diary
Date What have I learnt today? Teacher Comment Assessment for Learning
Here is a list of keywords you should know now you have completed this topic.
Using the following code, write a number next to each of them. Write 1 if you are certain you understand the word. Write 2 if you think you know. Write 3 if you don’t know at all.
Composition______Bar ______Beat______Repetitive______Tempo______Duration ______Bass ______Snare _____ Texture _____ Sample _____
Write the marks you were given here ___/10 for rhythm ___/10 for ensemble Total______NC level _____
Comment here on your standard of work and your views on your final result
Teacher Comment and possible future targets
Signed Student……………………………….. UNIT 6
MEDIEVAL MUSIC What is this unit about?
This unit is designed to introduce students to the various ‘periods’ of music. They will learn the names of the periods and then concentrate on the medieval period, learning keywords and features as they go along. It is intended to include some practical work.
Most students will be able to identify characteristics of medieval music. They will be able to use appropriate language and perform a simple piece in a medieval style.
Some students will not have made as much progress and will be able to use simple words to describe sounds heard. They will be able to identify medieval music and perform a basic piece in a medieval style
Some students will have progressed further and will be able to identify characteristics of medieval music and use appropriate language effectively. They will be able to perform a more complex piece in a medieval style.
Key Words (To be added to throughout the unit)
Medieval Drone Mode Harmony Polyphonic Monophonic Homophonic Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Accompaniment Keyboard Student Diary
Date What have I learnt today? Teacher Comment Can you write down the rhythm of your drone? You may use: = crochets (“tea”) – 1 beat each
= quavers (“cof-fee”) – ½ beat each
= minims (“milk”) – 2 beats each
Your rhythm must add up to no more than 4 beats Please write your rhythm in the box below: Assessment for Learning
Here is a list of keywords you should know now you have completed this topic. Using the following code, write a number next to each of them. Write 1 if you are certain you understand the word or activity Write 2 if you think you know. Write 3 if you don’t know at all.
Time Signature______Treble Clef______Bass Clef______Stave______Mode______Bar______Bar Line______Double Bar______Where the notes go______What the notes are called ______Dates of the Medieval Period ______Drone______Tonic ______Dominant______
Write the marks you were given here ___/10 for accuracy ___/10 for harmony Total______NC level _____
Comment here on your standard of work and your views on your final result
Teacher Comment and possible future targets
Signed Student………………………………………… UNIT 7
12 BAR BLUES What is this unit about?
This unit is designed to develop students’ knowledge of the keyboard through performing and improvisation. They will also learn the historical and geographical information behind blues music.
Most students will be able to identify characteristics of blues music. They will be able to use appropriate language and perform a simple piece using the 12 bar blues chords and improvisation.
Some students will not have made as much progress and will be able to identify blues music. They will be able to use some of the language and perform a simple piece using the 12 bar blues chord sequence.
Some students will have progressed further and will be able to identify characteristics of blues music and use appropriate language effectively. They will be able to perform a more complex piece in a blues style.
Key Words (To be added to throughout the unit)
Chord Sequence Improvisation Blues Jazz Emotion Instrumentation Accompaniment Keyboard Rehearse Timing Bar Beat How to play the blues…
12 Bar Blues Chord Sequence:
Blues Scale:
C Eb F F# G B Student Diary
Date What have I learnt today? Teacher Comment
Assessment for Learning Here is a list of keywords you should know now you have completed this topic. Using the following code, write a number next to each of them. Write 1 if you are certain you understand the word or activity Write 2 if you think you know. Write 3 if you don’t know at all.
Chord Sequence_____ Improvisation_____ Blues_____ Jazz_____ Emotion_____ Instrumentation_____ Accompaniment_____ Keyboard_____ Rehearse_____ Timing_____ Bar_____ Beat_____
Write the marks you were given here ___/10 for accuracy ___/10 for harmony Total______NC level _____
Comment here on your standard of work and your views on your final result
Teacher Comment and possible future targets
Signed Student………………………………………… How Will Your Work Be Marked?
Solo Performance 0 No work presented 1-2 Very poor Accuracy: 3-4 Some weaknesses - extremely simple 0 No performance offered 5-6 Acceptable - perhaps rather ordinary 1-2 Very little learnt OR Extreme inaccurate 7-8 Very good RH only 9-10 Imaginative and impressive 3-4 Significant sections of the music not learnt OR Significant errors of pitch and/or Notation: rhythm 0 No work presented 5-6 Some inaccuracy and hesitation OR RH 1-2 Extremely poor with frequent errors and only played accurately omissions. Virtually not performable. 7-8 Mostly Accurate (one or two slips) 3-4 Not really expressing the intentions of the 9-10 No errors of pitch or rhythm composer (rather brief) 5-6 One or two more significant errors. (Misses Impression: important detail) 7-8 Some small inaccuracies or missing details 0 No performance offered but still quite a good representation. 1-2 A highly reluctant performance OR a 9-10 Very clear, accurate representation. nervous hesitant performance 3-4 Very uneven and hesitant OR Melody: A few minor hesitations, mostly secure 5-6 Some noticeable hesitation: a nervous 0 No work presented performance OR confident and impressive 1-2 Shapeless and disorganised 7-8 One or two minor hesitations 3-4 Limited, very mechanical, some errors and 9-10 A confident and impressive performance oddities. 5-6 Acceptable. Perhaps rather dull. Ensemble Performance 7-8 Good but with just one or two doubtful moments. Accuracy: 9-10 Excellent, having style, character and appropriateness. 0 No performance offered 1-2 Very little learnt OR Extremely inaccurate Rhythm: RH only 3-4 Significant sections of the music not learnt 0 No work presented 5-6 Serious inaccuracies and hesitation OR RH 1-2 Very poor awareness of the concept only played accurately 3-4 Some serious errors 7-8 Mostly accurate (one or two slips) perhaps 5-6 A few small errors or misjudgements slightly hesitant 7-8 Good and appropriate 9-10 No errors of pitch or rhythm 9-10 Exactly right, showing some originality.
Ensemble: Style: 0 No performance offered 0 No work presented 1-2 Extreme difficulty in playing with the rest of 1-2 Confusing changes of style the group. Little sense of direction. 3-4 Some awareness of the needs but many ideas 3-4 Little sense of performing within group; conflict and confuse great difficulty in restarting after getting 5-6 Some inconsistency or oddity that detracts lost. from overall impression OR very short 5-6 Difficulty in keeping up with group; may 7-8 A piece with the occasional inconsistency or need prompting to find place in music. short consistent piece 7-8 Hesitation at beginning of phrases but 9-10 Style is maintained effectively throughout. shows a general feeling of playing within the group. Harmony: 9-10 Kept in time with group, a good sense of 0 No work presented balance and shows good awareness of place 1-2 Very limited understanding with frequent in score. errors of judgement Composition 3-4 Significant errors which undermines general effectiveness Overall Impression: 5-6 Average but with small errors and no great feeling for style 7-8 Good-more limited but with no major errors 9-10 Appropriate for style and shows good use of chords