Town of Isle La Motte
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January 20, 2009
Call to order – 6:35pm Members present – Chet Bromley (via phone), Tara Liloia, Heather Luce Also in attendance – Diane Reilly, Karen Groseclose, Beth Hemingway Adjustment to agenda – School use forms to be signed. Approval of minutes – December 16, 2009; Chet Bromley motions, Tara Liloia seconds. Motion passed.
Superintendent’s Report Richard Taylor is not in attendance.
Principal’s Report Diane Reilly reports that the school is running well with Bill Phelps’ new schedule. There is someone coming in the mornings and handling the snow, which has only happened one time.
There is a new professional development program in our school that is being run through the Flynn Theatre called Words Come Alive. Our school is focusing on improving literacy through the program.
On February 17th there is a play coming up.
Board Discussion FY2011 Budget Supply costs are down by 10%. Special Education spending is down. Everyone has a frozen salary. The small schools grant allocation went down slightly.
South Burlington and Essex have recently reduced their announced secondary tuition, which has resulted in a $31,000 reduction in our FY11 budget. Karen Groseclose reports that Essex is also planning to send a bus to the islands next year.
The community use of school fee will be included in the town budget for this year; however, it will be an article to be voted on this year for its inclusion during subsequent years.
Tara Liloia asks about the pros and cons of moving the school budget vote to Town Meeting Day. Chet Bromley says it was done in the past and created contention during the meeting. Heather Luce asks if the Selectboard is considering the same change. The Board would consider this for a future vote.
Chet Bromley asks Karen for an update on how negotiations are going. Karen says that first proposals are being heard on the 27th, they agreed to ground rules and January 6th.
Diane Reilly says that Mrs. Moulton has requested reimbursement for a class, which was in the budget already. The Board says it would be fine to submit the documents to Karen for payment.
Board action Approval of Bills for Payment Motion to pay the bills as presented made by Tara Liloia, seconded by Chet Bromley.
Approve FY11 Budget Motion to approve the FY11 budget as presented made by Chet Bromley, seconded by Tara Liloia.
Approve Article to Explore School Consolidation Motion to approve an article (non-binding) to ask the town if they would like us to explore school consolidation made by Chet Bromley, seconded by Tara Liloia.
Community Use Requests Motion to approve the Community Use of School applications by the PTO and ILMCO made by Chet Bromley, seconded by Tara Liloia.
Chet Bromley motions to adjourn the meeting. Tara Liloia seconds.
Adjourned – 7:08pm
Respectfully submitted, Tara Liloia
______Heather Luce, Chairperson
______Chet Bromley
______Tara Liloia