Delta United Methodist Church
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November – 2015 Congregation October The 5:30pm Disciple Bible Study 2016 CONNECTION DELTA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship 16 22nd Sunday 17 18 19 5:30pm 5th Street, Bell Choir 7:30am Men’s group 5:00pm Chancel Chimes, 8:30am & 10:45am after Pentecost/Laity 6:00pm Church @ Fellowship Hall Bell Choir Pastor Carol Rhan 6:00pm Choir Practice Sunday Council Office: (970) 874-9501 Office Hours: M-F 9:30am- 8:30am Contemporary 1:30pm Worship Email: [email protected] 477 Meeker 9:30am Sunday Street School/UMYF 10:45am Later Worship Website: Delta, CO 3:00pm Spanish 81416 Congregation 5:30pm Disciple Bible Study Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday23 23rd Sunday 24 25 26 after 5:30pm 5th Street, Bell Choir 7:30am Morning Business 5:00pm Chancel Chimes, Buzz Bell Choir 7:30am Men’s group 6:00pm Choir Practice Pentecost @ C&J’s 8:30am Contemporary 4:00pm Girl Scout Daisy Worship ______Troop Meeting 2 20th Sunday 3 4 5 9:30am Sunday th 31 Newsletter articles after 5:30pm 5 Street, Bell Choir 7:30am Men’s group 9:00am School/UMYF 7:30am-3:30pm School Age @ C&J’s Board 10:45am Later Worship due into the office Pentecost/World Program for Inservice Days 5:00pm 3:00pm Spanish 5:15pm Fire (SAPID) Communion Sunday 6:00pm Choir CongregationPractice 8:30am Contemporary 5:30pm 5th Street, Bell Choir Extinguisher 7:00pm 5:30pm Disciple Bible Study Worship Group ______9:30am Sunday Class ______School/UMYF 30 24th Sunday 10:45am Later Worship Pastor out of the office 12:00pm Missions after 2:00pm Reserved 3:00pm Spanish Congregation Pentecost 5:30pm Disciple Bible Study 8:30am Contemporary Worship 9 21st Sunday after 10 11 12 9:30am Sunday th Pentecost/Children 5:30pm 5 Street, Bell Choir 7:30am Men’s group 5:00pm School/UMYF Sabbath 6:30pm Trustees @ Fellowship Hall Bell Choir 10:45am Later Worship 6:00pm Choir Practice 8:30am Contemporary Columbus Day 6:00pm Finance 3:00pm Spanish Congregation Worship Office Closed Committee 9:30am Sunday 5:30pm Disciple Bible Study School/UMYF 10:45am Later Worship 3:00pm Spanish Pastorz Corner November – 2015 There is an old adage most of us have heard and many have said, remember, as of today (September 22), Advent is only nine weeks and “Time flies when you’re having fun.” I’m writing this on the first day two days away! – Pastor Carol of autumn. Its Colorado, do I put on sandals or boots? Church History and Polity God has created the seasons, like the minutes and hours and days of the year, to remind us that time does pass. Our days are numbered and 2016 Church Conference – “Blessed in Mission Together” our mortal life experiences, are finite. This is not a depressing On November 9, 2016, at 4:30 -5:30 p.m., we will gather with six attitude because with each passing season, minute, hour and day, we other United Methodist Churches (UMC) from Delta and Montrose have the opportunity, and as Christians the expectation, that we will Counties for our annual Church Conferences. It is not uncommon for make choices that honor the gift of time. clusters of UMCs to come together this way to conduct the business According to my readings, the Hebrew Bible had no specific words of their churches. Church Conferences are open to ALL, but only for “past,” “present,” or “future.” The most common word around professing members may vote. This year the District Superintendent this was one that meant the instant or length of time an event has directed that we hold Church Conferences, which is the norm for occurred. Another word referred to immeasurable time, past or future Delta UMC. We will elicit official votes on the Lay Leadership (the election season in the US?). So time in ancient Israel was rather Nominations, Pastor’s Compensation, Membership Roll Updates, abstract. Candidates for Ministry (in writing and requires 2/3 ballot). We will also recognize and sign the 2016-2017 Litany for Now in the New Testament there are two commonly used Greek Connectional Giving. There will be no oral reports from committees words related to time: chronos has to do with its quantity and kairos or teams since these will be printed in our Church Conference has to do with its quality. Chronos limits our time to the modern 24 booklet. hours in a day. Kairos, I propose, has no limits when we are living for and serving a generous and faithful God. We will share in, as a colleague calls it, a “pot blessing” meal afterwards. Every morning when we meet the new day presented to us, our choices are really simple. We can choose to live in the past, waste the Again, everyone, any age, who worships and participates at Delta present and not prepare for the future. Or we can honor the past and UMC is invited to this business meeting. We hope to see our newest learn from it and live in the present for God and family with an eye on professing members, youth and adults attend their first Church our eternal future. Conference and be able to vote! (Note: A Charge Conference (opposed to a Church Conference) The choices are for each of us in this season. We don’t want to look generally is composed only of the members of the church council or back on autumn as another missed opportunity. We want to live board, together with retired ordained ministers and diaconal ministers today with joy and fun so that our future is assured. Because who are members of the church.) -- Pastor Carol November – 2015 October 2016 - A Month of Many Special Extra Special World Communion Sunday – October 2, 2016 Sundays For Adolphe Lumuna Kimanwa, poverty is not just about lacking money. It is about social exclusion: racism, gender marginalization, October 2 – World Communion Sunday - The observance focuses bad government, injustice and limited access to education. the attention of United Methodists on the universal and inclusive The United Methodist Church thinks Kimanwa is the type of leader to tackle those very problems. nature of the church. One half of the proceeds from the offering is for Kimanwa, of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is using his degree World Communion Sunday Scholars administered by the General in development planning and economic management to fight poverty Board of Global Ministries. The remaining one half is to be used for and inequality and to establish food security and water sanitation. His the Ethnic Scholarship Program and the Ethnic In-Service Training scholarship — made possible through generous giving on World Program, which are administered by the General Board of Higher Communion Sunday — will allow him to complete a master’s degree Education and Ministry. in economic policy and development management at the United Nations Africa Institute in Dakar, Senegal. “This World Communion October 9 – Children’s Sabbath - Is an ecumenically celebrated scholarship I have been granted has given me an opportunity I could weekend committed to educating the congregation and community not pursue without the church and the people of God,” Kimanwa said. about the state of today’s children and families in America. Children “The scholarship has enhanced and equipped me with resources, which will enable me to acquire the knowledge and sciences which provide leadership through music and reading of scripture. will be used for the building of God’s kingdom and to end poverty.” (Children’s Sunday, on the other hand, is a day set aside to celebrate Your gift on World Communion Sunday will make it possible for children as active participants in the life of the church. Children serve scholars like Kimanwa to equip themselves with the knowledge they as worship leaders throughout the service, including preaching.) need to fight poverty, hunger, and injustice. -- Lynn Williams October 16 – Laity Sunday - An opportunity to celebrate the Senior Connection ministry of all lay Christians, as their lives are empowered for Thursday, October 6, 1:30 to 3:30 pm, Fellowship Hall. Create ministry by the Holy Spirit. handmade greeting cards to take home with you, or enjoy an afternoon of games and puzzles. Refreshments will be available. All October 23 – Celebration Sunday - A day at this time of year that senior men and women are welcome. -- Lynn Williams Delta United Methodist church sets aside to rejoice in the generosity and giving spirit of the congregation. Calling all Cookie Bakers We are in need of a “million” homemade cookies. No powder sugar is October 30 – Fifth Sunday – This year our focus on this special day allowed, not even a little on top. Bar Cookies are okay. These are for is music: music that leads to RENEWAL, music that REFRESHES The Kairos Prison Ministry. Please deliver to Delta United Methodist our spirit and music that REAFFIRMS our Christian connection. -- Church by Pastor Carol 11:00 a.m., Thursday, October 13, 2016. Thank you Bakers. You never know who you will be blessing and may you be blessed by October Ministry and Service your generosity. – Sherry Lippard November – 2015 Safety October 29 @ 8:00am there will be First Aide/CPR training. Lunch will be served. Please call the office to RSVP by October 24, 970- 874-9501 – Alan Bushman Missions Fellowship Hour DUMC in Ministry in the World If you enjoy the fellowship after the 10:45a.m. worship service, you can thank the groups who have agreed to set up and clean-up after the The Abraham Connection will open for the season on October 15. We snacks. They do not have to provide the snacks. The groups are: will again help with meals as a church once a month. If you would Oct. 2 Education Nov. 6 like to help with this meal please call the church office or Carol Education Phelps 874-7310. If you would like to be trained to volunteer to do a Oct. 9 Missions Nov. 13 shift, please contact Kami Collins at 361-8905. Missions Oct. 16 SPRC Nov. 20 The Lord’s Table will continue through October. If you have extra SPRC produce to share, baked goods or craft projects please bring them to Oct. 23 UMW Nov. 27 The Lord’s Table. As you take items from the table leave a donation UMW that will go toward our many missions here in Delta and the world. Oct. 30 Men’s Group Our church will also be offering the School Age Program for Liturgists Greeters Inservice Days (SAPID). The dates for this program are October 31 Musicians and January 16. If you would like to help with this program please let Oct. 2 Carol Phelps Dot Huff & Gaye Newton the office know. Or if you know of families that this would help Lana Kevan please share the information with them. Oct. 9 Cliff Chastain Owen & Willa Clay Our church is filling and collecting flood buckets to send to UMCOR Sam Kevan for the flood clean-up in Louisiana. Flood buckets need to be to the Oct. 16 Cynthia Herbison Bill & Sallie Sutton church October 13. If you are not able to complete your bucket tape a Dona Lee Cockroft & Marsha Thomas note on the lid of the bucket of what needs to be added to complete Oct. 23 Gayla Clay Lars & Hans Zukaushas the bucket. We will also send individual items if you want to just Janet Freed donate an item or two. And money is always helpful. The flood Oct. 30 Sam Kevan Bill & Beverly Jean Smith bucket list is available in the church office. Janet Freed SAVE THE DATES October 14 and 15!!! Our church will be hosting Adventure in Mission/Where Do I Fit In? workshop for all area churches. Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mairena, United Methodist Missionaries serving as the Western Jurisdiction Mission Advocates will be explaining our global missions. Workshops will be offered in the following areas: Supporting Missionaries, Covenant Relationships, Itineration, Mission Giving, Advance & Spotlight November – 2015 Ministries, Responding to Disasters, UM Volunteers in Mission The D.S. explained that we will first be appointed an interim pastor to (UMVIM). – Carol Phelps serve until next July. Interim pastors are specially trained to fill in for a short time when a vacancy between annual conferences occurs. The UMW expectation is that a permanent pastor will be appointed at Annual Carol Phelps and Cindy Warren attended the Utah/ Western Colorado Conference in June, 2017. The take away from this is that we will District Celebration in Eagle, CO. The Delta UMW was recognize have two periods of adjustment, one with an interim pastor and for their mission work and four reading certificates were awarded. another with a permanent pastor. UMW donated money and items for UMCOR. Gaye Newton Finally, the D.S. asked the committee about housing for an interim crocheted 10 beautiful baby sweaters which were donated to pastor. Since we’re looking at a 6 – 8 month period, it may be UMCOR. Cindy Warren will serve as District Secretary this coming difficult to find housing to lease for such a short time. Please year. consider possibilities for short-term housing in the area. Please keep our congregation in your prayers as we go through these UMW circles have began meeting again. The Susannah Weslyan times of change. Keep the D.S., the Bishop and her entire cabinet in morning meets the 3rd Thursday at 9:30 am. The Esther Evening prayer as they search for a pastor for us, not just in the interim , but circle meets the 4th Thursday evening at 6:00 pm. – Cindy Warren for the long-term as well. Also keep the need for housing in your SPRC Committee prayers. – Barb Sanford The SPRC met with the District Superintendent on September 7 to From Your Administrative Council begin the process of searching for a new pastor. His first request of The Church Council meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00pm. the committee – and of the entire congregation – was that we The next council meeting will be October 17 at 6:00pm. For those surround this process with prayer. who wish to read the minutes in their entirety they are available in He then explained how the Bishop and the Cabinet will meet to the church office. For mailing purposes, only the new business was discern candidates and select a candidate to meet with SPRC. The printed. committee reiterated to the D.S. that DUMC cannot, at this time, afford to pay a full-time pastor salary and health care benefit. Our New Business: ability to pay is limited to a three-quarter time salary. While this Church Conference 11/9 @ 4:30 - Bishop will be at our limits the available pool of candidates, the D.S. understood our church! concerns. Christmas Home Tour - 12/9 We discussed the importance of limiting the congregation’s DUMC will NOT be hosting the annual Christmas dinner for expectations of a three-quarter time pastor. It will be important for us the community as no one has stepped forward to organize/run to remember that means 30 hours per week. Most congregations, ours it. Should someone in the church be interested in doing so included, expect a lot from a pastor. However, if we pay a pastor to please let the church office know ASAP. We are reaching out work 30 hours per week, we cannot expect more than 30 hours of to other organization in the community to see if they are work. We will also need to remind the pastor of this because pastors interested in hosting. Funds left over from last year will go to are typically people who want to help others and will have trouble the new organization as they were donations from the limiting themselves when they see a need. community. November – 2015 DUMC will not be participating in the Whole Church The Christmas Home Tour will be held on Friday, December 9th. If Initiative you would like to have your home and Christmas decorations October 9 is Children's Sabbath showcased to our congregation and community or if you know of a -- Darnelle Place-Wise home and family that would be perfect for the tour, please call the Finance Committee News church office with this information. This event is a major fundraiser for our church, please plan on participating in some way. Thank you! Through the efforts of many, the building loan refinancing project is –Becky Tallent complete! The building loan is now financed through the Rocky Mountain United Methodist Foundation. Looking Ahead at Dates to Remember The loan documents were signed on September 15th at the closing held at Land Title Guarantee Company in Delta. The signors were October 2016 Terry Hughes, Trustee Chairman, and Janeen Pullins, Trustee November 2016 Secretary. Aaron Clay and Pastor Carol were present to oversee the 2 – World Communion Sunday 1 – All proceedings. Our monthly payment in the amount of $2519.62 will Saints Day be paid on the first day of each month beginning October 1st. Thank 7 – 9 – Children’s Sabbath Celebration 4 – World you for your continued faithfulness and generosity in giving to our Community Day
Building Fund. We still have a long ways to go to having our 10 – Columbus Day 6 – building paid in full, however, our God is FAITHFUL! Daylight Savings Time Ends 16 – Laity Sunday 11 – Our Estimate Campaign is beginning on Sunday, September 25th. Veterans Day The theme this year is “Standing Firm in the Faith, Then & Now”. 31 – Reformation Day 13 – We will be honoring our history and the many generations that have Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday built our church and our presence in the community over the last 20 – Bible century. Please give prayerful consideration to your estimated giving Sunday for 2017 as your participation in completing the Estimate Card is vital 20-27 – to our budget process. National Bible Week We will end the campaign on October 23rd with a celebration potluck 27 – after the second service and the release of our new Church Directory. United Methodist Student Day Our new Church Directory will reflect our campaign theme which is based on Psalm 145:13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, Birthdays & Anniversaries And Your dominion endures throughout all generations. We wish you all a joyous day of celebration! PRAISE BE TO GOD! October Birthdays All committee leaders who need to contribute information to the Anniversaries budget process must have their requests submitted no later than Darnell Place-Wise 10/01 Verna Pretti 10/12 Monday, October 10th to the Finance Committee. Please email Don & Dee King 10/18 budget requests to [email protected] or you may drop off Barbara Hedges 10/04 Barbara Murdoch 10/14 your requests to the church office. Debbie McCarty 10/05 Leda Ebert 10/16 November – 2015 Ernie Widner 10/06 Dwain Bush 10/19 times, in parts of the Mountain Sky Area, autumn is the season for Jeanette Roberts 10/07 Lars Zukauskas 10/21 Nathan Clay 10/09 Tina Miller 10/27 planting the winter wheat that will harvested in the spring. God’s Joyce Scroggins 10/10 June Calhoun 10/30 harvest happens no matter the season or the place. I have found the one constant in the ever-changing seasons to be God’s love. The Lectionary Readings for October hymn O Love, That Will Not Let Me Go has been my anchor when it Oct. 2 – Lamentations 1:1-6 Oct. 9 – Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 feels like all else is swirling around me. This love of God, in turn, Oct. 16 - Jeremiah 31:27-34 enables me to walk through all the changing circumstances of life in Psalms 137 (UMH 852) Psalms 66:1-12 (UMH love, remaining connected not only to God but to those around me. It 790) 2 Timothy 1:1-14 2 Timothy 2:8-152 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Luke 18:1-8 is with this love that I am looking forward to meeting you! I have Luke 17:5-10 Luke 17:11-19 heard a great deal about the ministries of the Mountain Sky Area, Psalms 119:97-104 about how you are extending the love of Christ in your communities or Psalm 19 (UMH in creative and compelling ways, and I know there’s still so much 7 more to hear about! I look forward to learning of the ways you are 50 making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world in ) Oct. 23 – Joel 2:23-32 Oct. 30 – Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 your town, of how you are providing the anchor of God’s love in the Psalms 65 (UMH 789) Psalm 119:137-144 (UMH changing seasons of your community, and of the ways you are 840) embodying love in all your relationships: with those in your pulpits 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 2 Thessalonians 1:1- and pews, with the people living in your neighborhoods who long to 4, 11-12 know that God’s love is real, and with everyone you meet. I pray that Luke 18:9-14 Luke 19:1-10 we live into beloved community, that we live boldly as the body of Christ. and love so fully, so completely, that the neighborhoods in Changing Seasons While Living and Loving Boldly which United Methodists Churches stand in are utterly transformed by August 31, 2016 the love that spills out of these communities. In this changing season Dear brothers and sisters of the Mountain Sky Area, of episcopal transition, may God’s strong, sure love bind us together To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under and prepare us for a future of hope and new possibilities. heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Blessings, Writing this, I am aware of changing seasons: The expansive days of Bishop Karen Oliveto summer are turning into the days of lessening sunlight of fall. The daydreams of August are turning into the focus of September programs. Goodbyes between you and Bishop Elaine are turning into hellos as we begin our ministry together. Seasons don’t always neatly transition, one to the next. There are questions and uncertainties about a new season. But each season offers the promise of new life, and new ways of encountering the world and each other. Just like in biblical