Minutes of the Meeting of Talgarth Town Council Held on Wednesday, 10 October 2012, In
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PRESENT:– Cllr A Lord (Mayor) (In the Chair), Cllr J Wilding (Deputy Mayor), Cllr N K Bally, Cllr A Bufton, Cllr J Hopkins, Cllr J Lilly, Cllr R Reid, Cllr Pip Turner, Cllr W Powell (Town & Powys County Councillor)- joined meeting at 9pm.
APOLOGIES: Cllr Z Argent, Cllr M Dodds, Cllr G Jones
IN ATTENDANCE: PC602 Andy Pole PCSO 8188 Emma Jackson Mrs Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk
15/252 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – There were 3 Declarations of Interest – Cllr A Lord, Mayor and Cllr A Bufton in respect of Planning Application 15/1804/FUL – “Conversion. Part of former barn providing tourist accommodation” – Trefecca Farm, Trefecca – Previously declared an interest so no forms signed.
15/253 MINUTES: Minutes 14 October meeting - Previously circulated, Cllr A Lord, Mayor, sought adoption. Proposed by Cllr R Reid and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, that the Minutes of 14th October 2015 be signed as a correct record.
15/254 Police visit – PC602 Andy Pole & PCSO 8188 –Cllr A Lord, Mayor, welcomed PC602 Andy Pole & PCSO 8188 to the meeting. Discussion took place on the following matters. Speeding issues - Speeding issues were again discussed and it was suggested that we request another Traffic Survey via Dave Joseph for South Powys. It was noted that we are awaiting the 30mph speed monitor device on the Bronllys Road. Youths vandalising the Monkey Bridge 19 Oct – Cllr J Wilding had forwarded a picture to Town Councillors and reported the incident to the Police (Crime ref: DBH/0959/18/10/2015/01/C), of a youths vandalising incident of a fire on adjoining land to Monkey bridge, made with the wooden railings maliciously broken off the Monkey Bridge - leaving the bridge in a positively dangerous state which was reported to the BBNPA for urgent repair. Noted work has now been completed. She attended this incident and spoke with the lads who were identified. They denied causing the damage and starting the fire but were taken in for interview. PCSO Emma Jackson encouraged all to report any incidents to the Police by dialling ‘101’. CCTV camera in the car park – The Police suggested we see if we can get the camera up and running via community/the Police in order to help stop the anti-social driving in the town/car park. Shelters with Wifi – PCSO Emma Jackson said she would find more information about these type of Shelters. Man trying to open car doors on the bridge on Bell Street & house doors in Regent St – Clerk reported to the Police via 101 on 26 Oct, an incident which had been reported to her by a local resident from Regent Street, who had witnessed a man trying people car doors by the bridge on Bell Street. Then when he got home he found a different man try house doors in Regent Street. Both of them ran off when challenged. PCSO Emma Jackson said she would try and find the outcome of this reported incident.
15/255 CORRESPONDENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA: PCC - Firework Reception Invitation – Dering Lines, Brecon – Fri 6th Nov – Noted Cllr Andy Lord, Mayor and wife attended. Cllr A Lord reported that, at this event Cllr Rosemary Harris & Liz Trow spoke about a grant fund to any project that has a military connection. Cllr J Wilding, Deputy Mayor, reported that she was attending a meeting on 24th Nov – Foundation in Wales re Grant funding. Powys Budget Challenge – Public Consultation - As reported in the local press and in this month’s PAVO E-Briefing, Powys County Council (PCC) is currently running an on-line public consultation exercise regarding the choices it faces in making £27m worth of savings over the next three years. The consultation runs until 30 November 2015. You can make your response at: https://powyscc.budgetsimulator.com/, it will take about 10 minutes to complete. PCC - Potential Funding - The Regeneration Service within PCC are currently looking at potential funding streams that may support schemes/projects for communities within Powys. They would welcome any Plans that have been developed by Town Councils, eg Town Plans, Regeneration Plans etc. Many funding streams require a robust plan to support an application, and they would be happy to go through any plans and advise on any potential funding that may fit projects you are looking to delivery. There are many new funding programmes coming out over the next twelve months. PCC asking us to email our plans to them and they will collate and advice on any funding opportunities available. PCC - Community Centre/Village Hall Annual Revenue Grant 2014/2015 - Note £950 received for 2014/2015. We understand these grants will be halved each year for the next 3 years until eventually gone. PAVO - New round of funding available for 2015-2016 for Gwirvol Youth Led Grants - Funding is now available for youth led grants projects running up to end of March 2016. Grants of up to £600 are available for projects that provide volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 to help their communities in Powys. The applications have to be written by young people. A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications. Application forms are available to download on the PAVO website – deadline for applications 26 Oct. Noted Cllr A Lord, Mayor, has forwarded this information to Sam Organ, Chair, TADSCA.
15/256 PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND PLANNING ISSUES – (a) Planning Application 15/1804/FUL – “Conversion. Part of former barn providing tourist accommodation” – Trefecca Farm, Trefecca – Town Council comments – Noted Cllr J Wilding Chaired the meeting for this Planning Application to be discussed as both Cllr A Lord, Mayor and Cllr A Bufton declared an interest. Proposed by Cllr R Reid and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour to support this Planning Application. (b) Planning Application 15/12891/FUL – “To erect a steel frame agricultural building – 18.280m long x 8.550m wide x 3.660 to eaves and 4.860 to ridge – to be used as a hay/silage/ implement/seasonal lambing shed and to replace existing pole barn” – Dolfawr Farm, Cwmdu – Town Council comments - Proposed by Cllr R Reid and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour to support this Planning Application. (c) Article 4 Direction. Permitted Development Rights – Agreed to chase response from Rosie Burton before discussing further. (d) Block Wall along the River Bank Nr The Rocks – Response received from Rosie Burton on 19th Oct to our suggestion that we do feel that painting would provide only a temporary fix as paint flakes in no short order especially when a wall is wet throughout as retaining walls are. The Town Council feels that a rough cast or coloured render would provide a more acceptable longer term solution. It is more likely long term to blend in when colonized by lichens. It is understood of course that this would be more expensive than just paint and that the grant may not be available but it is the approach the Town Council could support. Rosie agreed to discuss our proposal with Ryan Greaney and get back to us asap. She also reported that she had spoken to Bruce Williams who suggested that perhaps if we could find some trainees and persuade the owner, we could get part at least done in the stone and she said she has a contact with a company that runs training courses and they are always looking for projects so will speak to them as well.
BBNPA – PERMISSIONS For Development 1. Planning Application 15/12527/FUL – “High head micro-hydro scheme, with turgo runner in turbine house. System consisting of intake weir and adjoining forebay tank, pipeline, turbine house and discharge pipe and export cable” – Address: Pwll Y Wrach Nature Reserve, Hospital Road, Talgarth LD3 0DT 2. Planning Application 15/12456/FUL – “Repairs to Boundary Walls around the Churchyard of St Ellywe’s Church. The Works include complete demolition of the existing south boundary wall and its reconstruction. All other wall receive repairs” (Full Application) at St Ellywe’s Church, Llanelieu, Talgarth LD3 0EB
BBNPA Planning Application WITHDRAWN 1. Planning Application 15/12654/FUL – “Domestic garage extension to existing house and new boundary wall” – Site within the boundary of house at Bryn Garage Site, Pont Blaenau, Cwmdu 15/257 VERBAL REPORTS – COUNTY CLLR WILLIAM POWELL AM – Update received from Cllr W Powell, in advance of the meeting stating that much of this month’s update relates to different aspects of education provision locally. Firstly, Talgarth School’s new acting head Samantha Toone has adjusted readily to her new responsibilities and the school has had a positive first half term. The Governors’ Standards Panel, made up of Ruth Ryan as Chair, Heather Summerfield and Cllr W Powell had a fruitful meeting with Hayley Smith, Head teacher of Llangattock C in W School, their mentor appointed by PCC, on the subject of data and how it is best deployed and presented in the cause of school improvement. Secondly, recent weeks have brought welcome news from Welsh Government of the approval of the strategic outline case for the £24,000,000 investment under the Twenty First Century Schools Programme to deliver 5 new primary schools in the Gwernyfed High School catchment area: Bronllys/Talgarth; Clyro; Hay on Wye; Llangorse and Llyswen. This is excellent news, although the process has been protracted, and construction is due to commence early in 2017. If this is to be achieved, we will need to maintain the pressure on the local authority. The next Governors’ meeting takes place on Thursday, 19th November, and will start with a meeting with Gareth Jones, Schools Reorganisation Manager. Cllr Powell forwarded the letter he recently received from the Minister, Huw Lewis AM, confirming the news of the Welsh Government’s announcement. Finally, following the sad death of Cllr Powell’s nominee as LEA Governor, Mrs Audrey Skyrme, PCC alerted him to the need to identify a new LEA Governor to join the team at this vital time. Following consultation with both the Head and Chair of Governors, Cllr Powell’s nomination of the Rev Richard Walker has been approved by the Cabinet Member for Schools. Noted the future of Gwernyfed High School is to the subject of another SORP meeting at the school on 23rd Nov, which Cllr Powell plans to attend. He strongly supports the views expressed by Cllr. Andrew Jones of Gwernyfed Community Council in the recent email exchange he had with Cllr Arwel Jones, PCC Cabinet Member for Schools, and which has been circulated amongst Town Councillors by our Town Clerk. Alongside Cllr James Gibson-Watt, Cllr Powell challenged Cllr Jones and the Leader of Council, Cllr. Barry Thomas on this issue of community engagement at the SORP meeting at County Hall in September. It seems very unwise for the Council to proceed any further with its analyses of the various options from an educational perspective without carrying out a comprehensive community impact assessment at the same time. When you have a school such as Gwernyfed, where so much community activity takes place (over 30 community and sports clubs use the school and site outside school times), failing to consider at an early stage in the review process what wider social and economic impacts will occur should a major change in school provision take place, seems positively reckless. Leaving it to a later phase would, in his view, lay the Council open to the fair charge of proceeding, as it has been accused previously by Michael Imperato of Watkins and Gunn lawyers, of contravening its statutory duties under the School Organisation Code 2013. Even if it were not, it would simply be bad practice. Also PCC should not consider educational provision in isolation, as it is currently seems to be intent on doing in the case of the Gwernyfed and Brecon HS catchments. Cllr Powell is urging the Cabinet to consider now the community engagement and impact issues and commit PCC to engaging in a meaningful, wide-ranging community impact assessment and consultation at the next meeting of the SORP on the 23rd Nov. This has to be before any draft recommendations are made to the Cabinet. This would represent a significant step forward in regaining the trust of the communities in our area that PCC has forfeited in recent months. There have been significant concerns raised with Cllr Powell regarding the new three weekly bin collections and he is keen to have feedback on these issues from Town Council colleagues. TALGARTH PRIMARY SCHOOL – Noted the next Governors’ meeting is 19th Nov with the first part of the meeting to be attended by Gareth Jones PCC Schools Reorganisation Manager. Talgarth School Newsletter – Nov Newsletter received. Festival Group – Noted AGM Tues 17 Nov 7pm in Committee Room, Town Hall. Tourist Information & Resource Centre (TIRC) – No new update. Xmas Lights Group –Proposed by Cllr J Wilding and seconded by Cllr Pip Turner, all in favour, to pay the following invoices for Xmas Lights maintenance: Factory Shop – £6.00, Bright Lightz £15, Amazon Xmas Lights - £47.25 + £3.99 package/posting = £51.24, Foglish Electrical - £7.08 + £1.42 VAT = £8.50, Edmundson Electrical – £18.66 + £3.73 VAT = £22.39 Clerk reported that we have received the Bunting Licence for the Xmas Lights over the highway – fee paid £102 and the Road Closure Licence for Sat 28th Nov - fee paid £330. TOWN HALL – Town Hall Clock/switch & regular tests etc – Cllr A Bufton agreed to show all Town Councillors Town Clock switch etc and other necessary meters at 6.15pm Wed 9th Dec prior to the meeting. Cleaner & Gate Opening – Agreed to pay Invoice of V W Cleaning Services for Oct – Town Hall Invoice 443 – Deep cleaning 17.50 hrs @ £10.50 per hr = £183.75 + Open/Close gates 10 mins per visit – Total £53.60 – Total £237.35. Luncheon Club Xmas Dinner – Invitation to Mayor and Town Councillors, Josephine & partners received to Xmas Dinner on 1st Dec in Town Hall. 8 Emergency Lights & ¼ly Fire Alarm & Emergency Light Testing – Tenders invited and quote: Quotes received from: Brecon Fire & Security – Replacing the 8 new Emergency Lights – Cost £270 + VAT. Quarterly Fire Alarm & Emergency Light Testing - £95 + VAT per visit. Skyrme Electrical Solutions – Replacing the 8 new Emergency Lights – Cost £274.20 + VAT. ¼ ly Fire Alarm & Emergency Light Testing–Per Visit-3 x ¼s @ £112.50 + 4th¼ @ £180+ VAT. Proposed by Cllr R Reid and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, to accept the cheapest Tender of Brecon Fire & Security. Noted it is a more cost effective way to replace the 8 Emergency Light units than battery units. Town Hall Valuation – Agreed to a valuation being undertaken when renovation work is complete. Piano Tuning – Noted Piano to be tuned by Mr O Day on 20th Nov – Cost £50. Noted Talgarth Community Choir offered to pay 50% as they did last year. Piano Trolley – Quote received from David Beven to fit a type of ‘trolley’ on the Piano - £100 + £20 VAT. Agreed to accept quote and to request 4 swivel castors on the trolley. Boiler breakdown - Cllr Bufton reported that No 1 boiler (nearest the window) is dripping. Clerk reported to Alan Walters who attended on 27 Oct – the drip had appeared to have stopped and the surface below dry and he will monitor the situation. Table Tennis Club – Clerk reported that neither Cliff Arnall or the Clerk has been able to contact Gareth Walters, former leader of the Talgarth Table Tennis, in order to get the bank details and paperwork signed over to the Town Council. We note that Cliff Arnall is happy to assist in transferring control of the Talgarth Table Tennis Club and its funds over to the Town Council when the required paperwork is to hand. Agreed to Cliff’s suggestion that a good time to re-commence the Talgarth Table Tennis Club would be after Christmas and suggested Mon 11th Jan 2016. It was noted that Mrs Heather Summerfield of Talgarth (who also leads the Talgarth YFC) has agreed to run the re-instated Talgarth Table Tennis Club with Cliff’s assistance when possible and with any other interested persons – an advertisement has been put in our Talgarth Town Council Newsletter. Pictures/Certificates etc – Noted Cllr A Bufton agreed to meet with Cynthia, Luncheon Club, to agree re-positioning of her certificates etc in the Town Hall, after the Notice Board has been put up Frames for official documents and for Chairmen names etc – Cllr Bufton to seek suitable frames. Heating Options, Town Hall – Noted Cllr J Lilly looking into heating options etc. Talgarth Luncheon Club MacMillan Afternoon Tea – Tues 27 Oct 2.30pm – 5pm in the Town Hall, Talgarth – Noted £1420.00 was raised and that Town Council gave free Hall Hire for event. Regeneration Group – Noted last meeting held on Tues 3 Nov 7pm and 6th Oct minutes and notes re Talgarth Sports Event July 2016 received. Noted next meeting Tues 1 Dec 7pm. Xmas Markets – Sat 5 Dec in Town Hall – Cllr J Wilding reported the event is well in hand. WWI Tea/Dance in Town Hall – Sat 24th Oct – Cllr J Wilding reported that this event went well. Flix in the Stix – Sat 21st Nov- ‘Jurassic World ’. New Curtains/Blinds etc for Town Hall – Awards for All Grant Application – Cllr J Wilding reported that both she and the Clerk had prepared the Application form and awaiting some final costs for window curtains and blinds & stage curtaining and rails from the Black Mountains Interior Shop, who gave the best initial quotation. WALKERS ARE WELCOME GROUP – Received Agenda for meeting Wed 4th Nov 7.30pm, & Minutes 1 Sept & draft WAW Festival Programme Fri 29th Apr – Mon 2nd May. Noted next meeting Wed 16 Dec 7.30pm in Town Hall.
15/258 PROPOSED CLOSURE OF GWERNFED HIGH SCHOOL – Update dated 21st Oct received from Andrew Jones, Gwernyfed CC and on circulation. 15/259 TOWN HALL GROUND FLOOR MAINTENANCE WORKS/ACCESS ONTO MILL YARD Fire Escape onto The Mill Yard – Letter dated 5th Nov received from Bryan Craven on behalf of The Mill Directors, confirming that further to our discussions about the fire exit ramp the Board of Directors has sought legal advice and been advised that there are irregularities with the Town Council lease which could render it invalid and anticipating full written advice in the next few days but in the meantime their solicitor recommended that they inform us about this situation. He stated that they are sure that we would not wish to proceed with building the ramp without the legal right to do so and hoped that we can cooperate in resolving this matter. Proposed by Cllr J Hopkins and seconded by Cllr A Bufton, all in favour, that we ask our Solicitor to deal with The Mill’s Solicitor direct regarding the Mill Board’s letter in order to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. Some further questions were raised by The Mill and responses sent by Cllr A Lord, Mayor. Cllr A Lord, Mayor also confirmed that the Talgarth Town Council can confirm that the new access to the ground floor of the Town Hall is for emergency egress use only. It is not to be used for access to the Town Hall ground floor. All users of the ground floor will be required to undertake, as part of their hire agreement, to keep the door shut at all times during normal use. Fire Door from Town Hall basement onto The Mill Yard – Planning Application 14/11096/FUL –Cllr Bally, on behalf of the Town Council, agreed to deal with Rosie Burton BBNPA re a change to the Fire Door as it has now transpired that the design was not instructed by the Town Council and there were a few misunderstandings with the architect. The door does not need glazing as it is an emergency exit door only and should match the Committee Room door style which is a lap, brace and frame door. It should open outwards and only have a push bar on the inside. This door is strictly not an entrance but is an exit. Paul Tambling Architect has been instructed to draw the revised plans with specifications. Agreed to pay invoice of £100 to Architect for drawing up revised plans for new door. Agreed to BBNPA Application fee £95 to re-discharge this condition on the planning permission. Noted there was no fee on the listed building consent. Lock for Gate – Agreed to get the Fire Service advice on how to secure the Gate. Noted Cllr R Reid agreed to look for suitable locks for the gate Smiths Builders - Agreed to pay Smith Builders £23,592.90 Invoice 349 work to end Oct 15. Noted the Builders have been put on temporary hold whilst resolving this issue. Lease – Bruce Williams/Town Council – Noted £1 peppercorn rent paid by due date 1/4/2016.
9pm Noted County Cllr William Powell joined the meeting.
15/260 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8th NOVEMBER – Clerk reported that the Remembrance Sunday 10am Service at St Gwendoline’s Church and 11am Service at the War Memorial with the Talgarth Army Cadets leading the march from the Church to the War Memorial, was again well attended. Noted Cllr A Lord, Mayor read the names of the Fallen and placed the Poppy Wreath on the War Memorial on behalf of the Town Council. Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr W Powell, all in favour, that we pay British Legion Invoice - £18 for Poppy Wreath an 8 x £2.50 for Poppy Crosses for War Graves - £38 total and also that we donate £30 to the Talgarth Army Cadets towards their funds for their attendance. War Memorial – Winter Flower plants – Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr R Reid, all in favour to pay £37.48 for the winter flower plants for the War Memorial gardens and to write a letter of thanks and appreciation to Brian Evans, Trefecca Road, for planting up and watering the War Memorial gardens all year.
15/261 BLACK MOUNTAINS LIONS GROUP – DONATION OF A DEFIBRILLATOR – Noted the installation of the Defibrillator was to take place by Clive Meredith Electrician, on behalf of the Black Mountain Lions Group, the following week.
15/262 PCC HIGHWAY/TRUNK ROAD AGENCY ISSUES – Belisha Beacon – Trefecca Road – Noted the one light was out but Clerk had reported it to PCC and it was fixed today. Proposed Pavements in Penbont Road area – Cllr W Powell reported that he was approached recently by one resident of Penbont Road on this topic in his advice surgery and as the individual concerned is now away from Talgarth on an overseas journey for many months, he has not prioritised the matter and has not liaised with anyone as yet. It was being raised in the context of potential developments at the Mid Wales Hospital site and suggested this issue be included in a future Town Council agenda. Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (Events) - Fee Increases – Received e-mail 16 Oct from Tony Caine PCC stating that PCC is faced with finding significant savings across the Authority and as part of this they now need to ensure they fully cost recover for the work they provide and that the charges for event traffic orders was set back in April 2003 and have not been increased since then, even then it is likely that PCC subsidised the process. Charges for various work/services the Highways, Transport and Recycling department provides has recently been reviewed and approved by the Portfolio Holder for Highways on the 8th Oct 2015 and a copy of the revised charging schedule attached. There is no appeal process as the charges are now set and any future application must be made providing the current charge. Noted we shared this information with OVW and Del Morgan forwarded our Talgarth Town Council concerns to all other Town & Community councils re the Fee Increases and hoped they would write individually, to PCC asking for this decision to be rescinded on the basis that precepts have already been set for this year. Temp Road Closure - C226 High Street, Talgarth – Received both a draft Order, 1st Public Notice and a Plan in respect of the above proposal and on 4 Nov received Sealed Order and the Second Public Notice in respect of the above prohibition which came into force on Mon 2 Nov. Speeding, Bronllys Road, Talgarth – As reported at our 9th Sept & 14th Oct meetings, a response has been received from Edwina Hart to our e-mail 6 July to the North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent, regarding traffic speeds on the A479 at Talgarth. Noted she is aware of this issue and in discussion with GoSafe, the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership, about speed enforcement in Talgarth. In the meantime, she has asked her officials to discuss the installation of a Speed Indicator Device on the trunk road with PCC, who own the devices. Agreed Cllr W Powell chase this matter.
15/263 TALGARTH FLOOD ALLEVIATION SCHEME PHASE 2 – Cllr A Lord, Mayor, gave a short update on the 23rd Oct meeting with Kirsty Williams AM, at the Constituency Office Brecon with Gareth Price & Graham Astley, PCC, Michelle Russ, Welsh Water rep and County Cllr William Powell. He reported that PCC and Welsh Water are putting together a joint scheme.
15/264 POWYS TEACHING HEALTH BOARD & BRECKNOCK RADNOR CHC – Bronllys Hospital Autumn Fair – Church Hall Talgarth 2pm Sat 12th Nov. Bronllys Well Being Park – Update received from Lydia Powell re the Bronllys Well Being Park to be set up in the grounds of Bronllys Hospital and for it to be included in the neighbourhood/ community plan.
15/265 DOMICILIARY CARE IN THE TALGARTH AREA – Cllr A Lord, Mayor thinks we should let PCC know how disappointed we are. Cllr J Wilding agreed to draft a suitable letter to Jeremy Patterson, Chief Executive. It was noted that the Wales Audit Office report should be out in next 2 weeks.
15/266 TALGARTH ISSUES Newsletter – Noted the Autumn/Winter Newsletter is almost complete and going to print by end of the week, for distribution by 19/20 Nov. Town Twinning Project Talgarth/Pizzoferato – Cllr A Lord, Mayor, reported that he had received some material from Eugenio regarding some documents from Pizzoferrato - they cover the application for grants from the European Union to fund projects such as this and the upshot of this is that to make a successful claim, you seem to have to belong to an organisation based in Spain. This costs 750 Euros, currently 538.25 pounds. For this sum the organisation will apply for grants. If they are successful they will take 3200 Euros of the grant. They are apparently very successful with their applications. Pizzoferrato has already signed up and paid the money. Regardless of where the 750 Euros comes from Talgarth Town Council would have to be seen to pay it and sign up to the agreement. Cllr J Hopkins felt it was a legal expenditure for the Town Council. It was suggested that there may be organisations in the UK that can apply for grants. Cllr Lord agreed to pass back this information to Jane Green Co-ordinator. Town Twinning Anniversary Event Fri 20th Nov 7pm at Rugby Club – Noted this fund raising event to take place and both Eugenio and Adriano would be attending and providing some refreshments and wine. Former Mid Wales Hospital – The Mid Wales Hospital Development Brief Scope – Former Mid Wales Hospital – Response 20th Oct received from Ryan Greaney BBNPA agreeing that it would be reasonable to expect that all the issues we raised will be covered in any draft brief and we will have the opportunity to comment on the draft when it is submitted and the developer/landowner will be required to address (in a ‘Schedule of Responses’) any issues we raise. The Mill - Silver Award at the World Responsible Tourism Awards – Agreed to forward Congratulations from the Town Council to Felin Talgarth Mill on the achievement of a Silver Award at the World Responsible Tourism Awards and saying that the Mill has had a huge impact on raising the profile of Talgarth and since the Mill was brought back into use it has added to the sense of vibrancy within the town. The Town Council recognises the huge benefits that this brings to Talgarth. The Town Council offers it's full support to the Mill in its future endeavours and very much hopes it will continue to go from strength to strength. Car Park Charging – Talgarth Car Park – Proposed Car Parking Charges for Talgarth Car Park – Noted Cllr John Brunt PCC’s unfavourable response to Kirsty Williams AM, which mentioned that he had received complaints that Talgarth has ‘free’ car parking. Cllr A Lord, Mayor, on behalf of the Town Council, agreed to send letter of concern to Cllr John Brunt PCC. Agreed to take out a FOI request re details of objectors to Talgarth having free car parking. WAG Petition & Talgarth FYI - Following our decision at our 14th Oct meeting, when it was agreed to ask Cllr W Powell to remove the Petition in respect of this matter from the Talgarth FYI website and withdraw the Petition, Cllr W Powell has responded that the petition that has been initiated does not refer specifically to Talgarth, or indeed to Powys. It is now live, and he believes that it is gathering signatures on paper at locations in Talgarth, elsewhere in Powys and beyond and that it has also attracted dozens of signatures online from all over Wales, from Pembrokeshire to Anglesey, Carmarthenshire to Wrexham, Ceredigion to Flintshire. He sees from the Assembly website that it will continue to be open for signature until the end of next week. As Chair of the Committee which will receive this, he cannot do anything to curtail or amend this. When the time comes, he will have to declare an interest in that he knows the lead petitioner, gave procedural advice as to how to submit and have commented orally and in the local media on the policy principles referred to in the petition. Cllr Powell reported that he cannot take anything off the Talgarth FYI website. It is noted that Town Councillors felt that the petition was and is too muddled to be understood properly and felt that Petitions regarding the Talgarth car park, once the consultation period is ended, should be simple and very clear and suggested that any postings from Talgarth Town Council on FYI:Talgarth should be done via the Town Clerk. Car Park Deeds – Cllr Powell previously agreed to arrange with PCC to inspect the deeds of the car park, in case there is a covenant or other restriction which may help us in this matter. Noted Cllr J Wilding wished to view the Car Park Deeds & those of King George V Playing fields Deeds. Cllr Powell to arrange. Talgarth & District Regeneration Group - Bell Street & Co Op Regeneration - Building sites with Planning Permissions and not developed and Boarded up Properties in the Town of Talgarth & Nat West Bank – No new update. Agreed the Town Council to proceed with Section 215 on these properties in the New Year. Community Asset Transfer of King George V Playing fields to Talgarth Town Council - Talgarth Town Senior Football – Cllr A Lord, Mayor, reported that he had responded to the Talgarth Town Senior Football Club secretary and the Club would like to meet with the Town Council and a meeting has been arranged for 6pm 25th Nov in the Committee Room, Town Hall. Noted Sam Organ Chair TADSCA circulated an update on his meeting end of Oct with the Talgarth Town Senior Football Club, who, in principle, fully support the endeavours of TADSCA but strongly believe that without the income from the bar the Club will fold. Pavilion – Awaiting completion of outstanding work by PCC. Maps of King George V Playing Fields – Received from Eifion Jones BBNPA a definitive map, on circulation. Noted that the Land Registry document is the definitive source for the boundary as this shows the extent of the property owned by PCC – note the footnote at the bottom of the map as inserted by the Land Registry. Dog Fouling problem on Rugby & Football pitches & Other public areas in Talgarth - Dog Control Orders & Byelaw – Control of Playing Fields – Noted people still walking dogs in these areas despite new signage. Agreed to put update on the new signage in Newsletter. Talgarth Car Park - Complaint of Rubbish – Police liaising with Steve Groves on this issue. Woodlands Centre – No new update Woodlands Play area – No new update. GP Biotech Spreading/Injecting – Received notifications on: 15 Oct - Injecting at Cwrt y Plyffin before moving to Great Porthamel later that day or tomorrow. 19 Oct – Injecting at Great Porthamel this afternoon 20 Oct – Injecting at Great Porthamel today. No communication received since 20 Oct. Wye & Usk Foundation – Awaiting full response from Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE, Executive Director, Wye and Usk Foundation re this issue. Clerk to chase. Cllr A Lord, Mayor reported that Simon Evans, Usk & Wye Valley had contacted him but not come back. 1000 LANES ROAD RALLY – Paul Evans reported that he understands a car rally went through Talgarth the weekend before last and that no one in the council, or any Talgarth resident along the route, was advised of the event in advance.
15/267 TREFECCA ISSUES – Proposed Footpath – Trefecca – Talgarth – No new update. Speeding through Trefecca – Request for 30 mph Speeding Device to be fitted through Trefecca Village –Noted Speeding Device Unit is still in use in Trefecca.
15/268 BURIAL GROUND Water Supply at St Gwendoline’s Church – Cllr A Lord, Mayor reported that this was discussed at the Burial Committee earlier this evening and it was decided that the water supply from the Church to the animal trough should be disconnected also that it would only be a matter of a few years before the grazing ground is opened for burial purposes so it is was felt not worth laying on a separate supply. Noted Clerk has informed Mr David Gwynne who grazes the land. With regards to the tap in the Churchyard, it was felt that if the Church wishes this supply to be cut off, it would not be financially viable to lay on a second supply just for the purpose of watering flowers. Tree of Light Service at St Gwendoline’s Church – 4pm Sunday 29 Nov – Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, that we light 3 candles at the Service in memory of the late Lord Livsey of Talgarth, Cllr Mike Mullan and Cllr Vivian Davies – 3 candles x £2.50 each – Total £7.50. Woodland Davies Solicitors – Noted Angharad Woodland, Solicitor is liaising with Jeffreys & Powell Solicitors to enforce the Undertaking they provided in May 2011 relating to the District Valuer's invoice for £276.00 and will keep us informed of progress. Tender for Extra Maintenance Work in Churchyard – Clerk had only received interest from one of the 6 tenderers invited, which was from Huw Morris Garden Services, who requires more information re weed killer to kill overgrowth in the Churchyard. Cllr A Bufton confirmed that he was meeting with Huw Morris on Friday next to clarify matter so that he could submit a Tender for the 9th Dec meeting. Donation of Seat in Churchyard – Cllr A Bufton confirmed at the Burial Committee meeting this evening that he is liaising with Cllr G Jones & family regarding their donation of a seat. St Gwendoline’s Church/Churchyard – Quinquennial Inspection Report Sept 2014 – Awaiting update on Sun dial from Tim Martin and to discuss the remaining contents of the Quinquennial Inspection report that affect the Town Council, at a future meeting. Noted local resident Mr Bill Morgan wished to make a contribution to the cost of the Sun dial repair. Howell Harris’ Father Memorial Stone – No new update from Mervyn Bramley. Tree Planting Scheme at St Gwendoline’s Churchyard – Extension area – Tree / Shrub Planting at St Gwendoline’s Churchyard – Extension area – Cllr A Bufton and Cllr R Reid agreed to meet on site to suggest ideas of suitable path areas etc for Town Councillors to consider . 15/269 CORRESPONDENCE/INFORMATION RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH (NOT ON AGENDA) & DISCUSSED – FOR ACTION/INFORMATION/ON CIRCULATION- WAG - Green Paper: Welsh Government seeking views on healthcare services in Wales WAG - Consultation: Draft Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Bill – Closing date 18 Jan 2016. PCC - Community Greenspace Grants – Arwain – The New Leader Programme in Powys. BBNPA – PAROW - Minutes of meeting Tues 6th Oct – Any comments by 30th Oct. Agenda for PAROW meeting Tues 17th Nov 10 am BBNPA - SDP Forum – Update on Brecon Beacons Destination PR & Visit Wales Year of Adventure & CCC DMP & Forest Holiday Presentations – Minutes to follow. BBNPA - Agenda for Audit and Scrutiny Committee - Fri 30th Oct 10am BBNPA - Minutes for Planning, Access and Rights of Way, Tuesday, 6th October, 2015, 10am – Any comments by 30th Oct. OVW - November Training Sessions 19 Nov – Devolution of Services – Brecon The Ombudsman's Casebook - Issue 22 OVW - Sustainabilty Training- Module 20 – Sustainability - at Bishop Bevan Hall, Church Hall, 11 Lion Street, Brecon. LD3 7DY on Thursday 22th October. The Ombudsman's Casebook - Issue 22 Clerks & Councils Direct – November 2015 Issue 102 PAVO - Review of Revenue Grant Funding to Community and Town Councils – PAVO - "Free" Dementia Supportive Communities, South Powys Network Event on 26th November, 2016 in Elim Church, Brecon. PAVO Members ebriefing - November 2015 PAVO AGM 2015 - Agenda and Ballot for Election of Trustees - PAVO’s 2015 AGM will be held prior to our conference Turning the tables – an opportunity to listen on 12th November. Brecknock Play Network - Talgarth Half-term Play event Woodlands Play Area 10am – 12 noon Wed 28th Oct.
15/270 AMOUNTS RECEIVED Hall Hire – Welsh Water £12.00 Hall Hire – 27/11 £22.00 A V Griffiths & Son – Burial Plot BE dec’d (with late husband HE) £110.00
15/271 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Talgarth Army Cadets – Donation re Remembrance Sunday 8/11 £30.00 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal – Wreath £18 + 8 x £2.50 Poppy Crosses £38.00 St Gwendoline’s Church PCC – Candle of Light Service – Candles @ £2.50 each – Late Lord Livsey, Mike Mullan & Vivian Davies £7.50 Factory Shop – Xmas Lights maintenance items £6.00 Bright Lightz – Xmas Lights maintenance items £15.00 Amazon Xmas Lights – Xmas Lights maintenance items £47.25 + £3.00 p/p £51.24 Foglish Electrical – Xmas Lights maintenance items £7.08 + £1.42 VAT £8.50 Edmundson Electrical - Xmas Lights maintenance items £18.66 + £3.73 VAT £22.39 Edmundson Electrical – Xmas Lights maintenance items £30.19 + £6.04 VAT £36.23 J Rumsey, Clerk – Nov Salary £826.59 Less Tax £165.20 = £661.39 Tel Rent £16.19, Tel calls £3.70, Broadband £16.85, Home Office £35, Post £18.13, Travel £9.45 £760.71 D R Day – Piano tuning £50.00 Brecon & Radnor Express – Printing 800 x Newsletters £240.00 V W Cleaning Services – Town Hall Invoice 443 – Deep/cleaning 17.5 hrs @ £10.50 per hr = £183.75 + Open/Close gates £53.60 – . £237.35 Beven Engineering Development – Piano trolley - £100 + £20 VAT £120.00 Smith Builders – Inv 355 Nov payment – Town Hall - £309.28 + £61.86 £371.14
15/272 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Current Account - £2,291.31 High Interest Acount - £44,058.16
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 10pm.
SIGNED: ……………………………………..
DATE: ………………………………………..