Mohammad Zareian Jahromi
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MOHAMMAD ZAREIAN JAHROMI No 101. Ghasrdasht Street. Shiraz. IRAN. Hand phone: 0098- 9177913007 E.mail: [email protected]
CURRICULUM VITAE Date of Birth: August 18, 1970 Place of Birth: Jahrom Citizenship: Iranian
» 9/2010- Now Doctor of Philosophy (Molecular Biotechnology) (Institute of Bioscience, University Putra Malaysia, UPM)
Thesis Title: Characterization of IEL NK cells during IBDV infection.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Omar
Final Grade: 4 out of 4
» 9/1996- 10/1998 Master of Science (Immunology) (Mashhad University of Medical Sciences- School of Medicine) Master’s thesis: The evaluation of IL-2 receptor during HTLV-1
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Reza Farid Hosseini
Final Grade: 17.63 out of 20
» 9/1989- 7/1993 Bachelor of biology, (Microbiology Science) Islamic Azad University Jahrom branch Final Grade: 15.22 out of 20
PUBLICATIONS » Mehdi Kargar, Mohammad Zareian Jahromi, A Najafi, S Ghorbani-Dalini. (2014). Molecular detection of ESBLs production and antibiotic resistance patterns in Gram negative bacilli isolated from urinary tract infections. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 57 (2), 244.
» Mehdi Kargar, Mohammad Zareian Jahromi , Mohammad Kargar, Reza Robati. (2014). Prevalence of Pathogenic Genes of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Strains from Patients with Urinary Tract Infections in Iran. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. Vol. 8(5).
» Mehdi Kargar, Mohammad Zareian Jahromi and Mohammad Kargar . (2014). Allele Frequencies for Six STR Loci with Criminals in Fars Province, Iran. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia.Vol. 11(3), 1785-1789.
» Reza Nahavandi, Parivash Hafezamini, Hasan Moeini, Mohammad Zareian Jahromi, MN Shamsudin. (2013). Population of bottleneck and microsatellite: An Analysis Based on genetic diversity of Wild Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) in Malaysia. African Journal of Biotechnology .10 (74), 16715-16719
» Mohammad Zareian Jahromi, M Kargar, M Kargar, S Reyiszadeh. (2013).Frequency of Short Tandem Repeat Alleles in Prisoners in Fars Province, Iran. Journal of Isfahan Medical School 30 (216).
» TMA Haem Z , Meshkibaf MH , Zareian M, Ranjbaran R. (2013). Serum Adiponectin in Women with Gestational Diabetes. Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences l 3 (4), 312-17.
» S Sadr, M Najafian, M Zareian, H Kargar. (2013). Brassica oleracea (Broccoli) Hydro- Alcohoic extract effect on concentration of LH, FSH and testosterone hormones in male adult rats. Jentashapir Journal of Health Research 4 (2), 102-110.
» Z Kargar Jahromi, K Solhjoo, M Zareian Jahromi, H Kargar Jahromi. (2012). Investigation of Sarcocystis Infection in Slaughtered Goats in Jahrom Abattoir. Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences 2 (3), 163-167.
» Mehdi Kargar, Mohammad Zareain Jahromi , Mahmood Najafian, Parastoo Khajeaian, Reza Nahavandi, Sareh Raeiszadeh Jahromi and Mohammad Firoozinia.(2012). Identification and molecular analysis of mercury resistant bacteria in Kor River, Iran. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(25), 6710-6717.
» Mahmood Najafian, Mohammad Zareain Jahromi, Mohammad Javad Nowroznejhad, Parastoo Khajeaian,Mohammad Mehdi Kargar, Mehdi Sadeghi, Amir Arasteh. (2012). Phloridzin reduces blood glucose levels and improves lipids metabolism in streptozotocin- induced diabetic rats. Molecular Biology Reports,39(5), 5299-5306.
» ISSRs: Neglected DNA Markers for Molecular Dissection of Plasmodium Species in Long- tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Parastoo Khajeaian, Soon Guan Tan, Alireza Valdiani, Christina Yong Seok Yien, Mohammad Zareian Jahromi, Noorjahan Banu Alitheen, Jeffrine Japning Rovie-Rian Plos Nglected Tropical Diseases (Under Review)
» Teaching at Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch
Undergraduate, 1998- Now, Immunology and lab, Molecular and cellular biology and lab, Biotechnology
Postgraduate, 2013- Now, Genetic of Eukaryotes, Immunogenetic, Seminar
»11/2010- 09/2011 Research leader, Islamic Azad University Jahrom branch, Research title:
Prevalence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii arranged in thalassemia patients
»10/2009- 02/2011 Research leader, Islamic Azad University Jahrom branch, Research title:
Identification of individuals using STR sequences
» The head of biology department, 2001-2005 and 2007-2009
» 02/2005- 02/2006 Research leader, Islamic Azad University Jahrom branch, Research title:
The isolation and identification of mercury resistant genes in certain bacteria in Fars » 03/2003- 08/2004 Research assistant, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom branch, Research title: Development of a simple and rapid method for isolation of PMN leukocytes with superior purity from whole blood: Specific application for diagnosis of human CMV infection in bone marrow transplant patients. Accepted in the second European congress of virology "Eurovirology 2004" 5-9 september spain Madrid
» 08/2003- 12/2003 Research leader, Islamic Azad University Jahrom branch, Research title: The relationship between humoral and immunity system and aerobic and anaerobic exercises
» 03/2003- 09/2003 Research leader, Islamic Azad University Jahrom branch, Research title: The evaluation of Iron deficiency anemia among pregnant patients in the city of Jahrom.
Cell isolation and culture, Western blotting, Gene cloning, ELISA, Immunophenotyping and Flowcytometry, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry,Working with SPF chicken eggs (hatching, treating and growing), Working with mice (sampling and injection), Different methods for DNA and RNA extraction, The preparation of samples for electron microscopy(TEM and SEM), Virus propagation and titration of IBDV and NDV in SPF chicken eggs, PCR methods (conventional, nested and Quantitative Real time PCR), protein extraction and SDS-PAGE, Bioinformatic, Primer designing
Softwares: Excell, SPSS, Graphpad
» Farsi (native language)
» English (IELTS 6.5)