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Learn about our consumers
Joe Xavier, Director Director's Message
Happy New Year! January always brings excitement and the hope for positive change in the months ahead. As I gear up for the upcoming opportunities to contribute to the advancement of the quality of life for people with disabilities, I pay homage to the work of my director predecessors, colleagues, stakeholders and others before me who make my challenges more attainable. It has been nearly 100 years since the United States formalized its commitment in legislation to vocational education and rehabilitation and throughout the last century we have no doubt "come a long way baby," but we still have far to go.
We are at a pivotal time in our history. We all feel the daunting weight of the moment and the challenges before us. We must establish ambitious goals, improve existing practices and let go of old ways of doing things to make room for innovation. When I consider the challenges of transitions, I find comfort in the knowledge of the outcomes in the history of the disability movement; such as in 1938 when the Fair Labor Standards Act created an incentive for employers to hire people with disabilities. It wasn't optimal because employers could pay less than minimum wage, but it was an improvement from unemployment. In the 60s, people with disabilities were moved from being warehoused in asylums to living in our communities. The 90s welcomed standards for digital access and the Americans with Disabilities Act, which declared that people with disabilities like me, have the same civil rights afforded all citizens.
In 2016, we made more progress. Among our many accomplishments are those that were the results of collaboration and shared goals. We partnered with the State Independent Living Council, the Independent Living Center directors and our communities on the first State Plan for Independent living under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). We joined with our state partners and stakeholders to develop and submit the first Unified State Plan also under WIOA. And, we partnered with the California Department of Education, the Department of Developmental Services, the Health and Human Services Agency and Disability Rights California in developing a Blueprint for Change through competitive integrated employment, which was informed by stakeholders through public forums.
Last year, we also honored colleagues who transitioned into the next chapter of their lives: retirement. We also mourned the passing of loved ones, family members, friends, co-workers and pioneers, each responsible in some way for our accomplishments and who left the world a better place.
As 2017 settles in, we will not sit back, relax and be complacent in our progress. But rather, we will stand up, lean forward, and take giant leaps ahead, with each step quickening our pace to reach our goal: employment, independence and equality for all Californians with disabilities. Join the journey with me
Scrabble tiles spell out V-A-L-U-E-S Core Values Refresh
An organization's core values are the deeply held beliefs that guide the organization in its work and decision-making. The core values of any organization are dynamic and evolve over time.
A little more than a year ago, we examined our existing core values, requested your feedback for improvement and received an enthusiastic response. From that process, we captured five clear and distinct values, to take the place of our current core values that we must demonstrate in our actions and practices:
1. We believe in the talent and potential of individuals with disabilities.
2. We invest in the future through creativity, ingenuity and innovation.
3. We ensure our decisions and actions are informed by interested individuals and groups.
4. We pursue excellence through continuous improvement.
5. We preserve the public's trust through compassionate and responsible provision of services.
These values should be evident in our conversations with the community, when we are developing new strategies whether for vocational rehabilitation or for information technology, and guide our conduct.
Thank you for contributing to this important accomplishment. As always, we welcome comments about these core values or about our forward leaning efforts at any time at [email protected]. DOR Celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month
In October 2016, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, DOR staff and consumers celebrated the contributions of workers with disabilities.
Online, DOR provided information on more than 60 NDEAM public events and encouraged all to participate.
DOR participated in meaningful events such as the Chumash Inter-Tribal Pow-Wow in Santa Barbara, the Disability Advisory Council in Vacaville, the CalTrans Diversity day, the 1st Annual Disability Pride Parade in Downey and the annual Educate, Empower, Employ Recognition Luncheon in Santa Clarita.
Additionally, in coordination with the Statewide Disability Advisory Council (SDAC), the California Highway Patrol held an NDEAM Fair on the Capitol grounds in Sacramento. Several state agencies & community partners participated including: Department of Social Services, DOR, Department of Fish & Wildlife, CalPERS, Department of General Services, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Pride Industries, Canine Companions for Independence, Special Olympics of Northern CA, & NorCal Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The SDAC organized the event to bring focus to the state's efforts to employ Californians with disabilities.
Kudos to staff, stakeholders, and community partners for their continued outreach efforts in pursuit of employment, independence, and equality.
DOR's First Unified State Plan By: Kate Bjerke, DOR Planning Unit
DOR and the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) jointly developed priorities and goals to ensure that Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs are in alignment with WIOA and the California Unified State Plan. Under the new law, programs must include transition services for youth, business engagement, program partnerships, and competitive integrated employment.
On June 24, 2016, the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education approved California's Unified State Plan, as required by WIOA. California's Unified State Plan includes a vision and goals for preparing an educated and skilled workforce, and a strategy for aligning the core programs to achieve the vision.
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) led the development of the Unified State Plan in coordination with the WIOA core partners (DOR, the California Department of Education, and the California Employment Development Department). The Plan covers program years July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2020 and is posted on the DOR and CWDB websites.
Fiscal Year Activity Roundup
Our Services In 2016, DOR delivered vocational rehabilitation and independent living services to more than 140,000 Californians with disabilities while implementing changes associated with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This law brings significant opportunity to improve services for individuals with disabilities, especially youth and students with disabilities. Without additional funding, new services to youth will be established including pre-employment transition services, training, and work-based learning experiences.
WIP Services The Work Incentives Planning (WIP) Services Program at DOR increased the number of job-ready SSI/SSDI consumers earning more competitive wages.
WIP achievements by the numbers: 4,638 consumers enrolled. 985 (or 74 % of all closed cases) closed successfully. Of the successful case closures, 563 (or 57%) of these consumers found jobs, earning competitive wages above Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) or, in other words, working a job that brings in over a certain dollar amount per month defined by the Social Security Association (SSA). Social Media DOR uses social media to make the case for hiring persons with disabilities and position the department as an indispensable resource for job seekers with disabilities in California. DOR maintains a presence on social media websites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. We also feature our consumers on
CaPromise The first two years of the CaPROMISE outreach and recruitment
efforts are now complete. For the fiscal year, total enrollment was 3,273 with 1,627 participants invited to receive typical DOR employment preparation services and 1,646 participants receiving enhanced CaPROMISE services. To measure effectiveness of the new program, CaPROMISE services group members will receive enhanced employment services, education support, and benefits counseling alongside their assigned PROMISE counselor. Members of the usual service group won't have access to PROMISE services, but will be able to receive other services available in their communities. (learning about yourself and the world of work, identifying and exploring potentially satisfying occupations, developing effective strategies to realize your goals)
To date, a few of the employers providing work experience opportunities to CaPROMISE participants are: Kids-R-Us, PetCo, WSS Shoe Stores, Walgreens, and Smart and Final.
As of June 30, more than 70 CaPROMISE participants learned professional and technical skills through part-time paid work, and more than 500 gained job skills through volunteer opportunities.
California Department of Rehabilitation Awarded $8.5 Million Grant To Prepare Students with Disabilities for College, Employment
DOR was recently awarded more than $8 million from the U.S. Department of Education to provide on-the-job training to California students with disabilities. Funds will be used to design work-based learning experiences that prepare students for workplace success.
DOR will introduce the project in four California regions and serve approximately 800 students with disabilities. The program will provide paid and volunteer career-focused work experiences to help students with disabilities gain entrance into post-secondary education and/or competitive integrated employment. The program will also include basic life skills training to assist with job readiness, such as computer literacy, and organization and communication skills.
To implement the program, DOR will be working with San Diego State University's Interwork Institute, Vallejo Unified School District, Whittier Unified High School District, Riverside County Office of Education and Health Sciences High & Middle College, as well as numerous community organizations and local businesses.
New Service at DOR | Career Counseling & Information and Referral
California's priority is to make competitive integrated employment a real choice for people with disabilities. Competitive integrated employment is a job at a workplace among coworkers with and without disabilities. It is full or part-time work at or above minimum wage.
Career Counseling and Information and Referral (CC&IR) services to individuals employed at subminimum wage compliments and supports the overarching intent of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act by ensuring that all individuals with disabilities have the right to receive information and opportunities for competitive integrated employment, education, training and support services to succeed in the modern labor market.
To learn more about this service, or to request DOR CC&IR services at your place of employment, visit our website.
Highlight | Just A Few Recent Strategic Partnerships
Kelly Hargreaves with award winners at the Santa Barbara annual award ceremony And the Winner Is… The Santa Barbara District hosted an annual award ceremony to honor employers who show how #InclusionWorks! Congratulations San Luis Obispo County employers for earning a 2016 Disability Employment Award!
Winners included: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Shell Werfell, Self-Employment Award winner Firestone Walker Brewing Company, Outstanding Effort Award winner Morrison Healthcare at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center, Employment/Accommodation Award winner Sunset Honda, Employer Collaboration Award winner
Walk and Roll Inland Empire District Administrator, Robert Loeun in front of DOR booth at the walk and roll event.
The Inland Empire District participated in University of California, Riverside's Walk & Roll 2016. This event included UCR leadership, representatives from the City of Riverside, DOR and other community partners. Featuring booths with disability resources, and career information positioned along the walking path, the walk and roll began at the flagpole and went throughout the campus.
Left to right is Kristine Giafaglione, Mark Gould, Laurie Fisher, Gwen House, Paty Reyes and Susan Casil Braille Institute Eye Seminar Working with the Braille Institute (BI), members of BFS Unit 8 "Bridges for Success" located in San Diego joined more than 200 people recruiting potential participants and networking with other attendees.
APIDC Conference Bottom left to right: Kim Ha, SVRC-QRP, Patty Tso-Lui (Staff Service Manager-1), Trinh Van Erp (Staff Service Manager-1). Top left to right (Trung Le (Staff Services Manager-1), Steve Icamen (Staff Service Manager-1), Candy Williams (Staff Service Manager-1 DOR recently conferenced with the Asians and Pacific Islanders with Disabilities of California (APIDC). Supporting the effort, DOR employees conducted panel presentations, networked, and provided information on DOR services.
New Leadership at DOR
Chief Deputy Director Kelly Hargreaves has direct oversight of all divisions and administrative units at DOR.
Fariba Shahmirzadi, new deputy director, Administrative Services Division supports our department, our consumers, and other stakeholders by providing essential, accessible and innovative resources and services.
Jennifer Lim, assistant director of DOR Legislative & External Affairs Office returns to DOR to lead legislative efforts, constituent activities, and external communications.
New regional managers Susan Senior, representing the Los Angeles Coastal Bay Region, and Conan Petrie, regional manager representing the Valley Mountain Region, manage DOR's vocational rehabilitation program and supervise the field staff that help our consumers reach their employment goals.
State Releases Draft Final "California Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint" for Public Comment
"Real Work for Real Pay in the Real World"
We are pleased to announce the completion of the final draft California Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Blueprint. The Blueprint is the combined effort of the California Department of Education (CDE), California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), and California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders including Disability Rights California (DRC) with leadership provided by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHSA) to develop a proactive interagency plan to increase opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) to prepare for and engage in CIE and reduce reliance upon subminimum wage jobs and segregated work settings.
The CDE, DOR, and DDS entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to further advance the State's "Employment First" Policy and other federal and state laws to address employment in integrated settings, at competitive wages, for individuals with ID/DD.
In February 2015 the three departments formed a CIE Interagency Workgroup to begin development of a path forward. The Blueprint is the plan for departments to use to identify changes in policies, practices, or regulations that support the achievement of CIE outcomes for individuals with ID/DD over a five-year period. A Steering Committee provided oversight to the workgroup to help guide the development of the Blueprint. The Steering Committee includes Director's and other Executive staff from the CHHSA, CDE, DOR, DDS and DRC.
To gather stakeholder feedback on the Blueprint, the Interagency Workgroup conducted four facilitated teleconferences with stakeholders including consumers, families and advocates, community partners, employers, Local Educational Agency's, regional centers, providers, and business partners. Input has also been received in writing via [email protected].
For more information, visit the California Health and Human Services Agency website.
Consumer Spotlight | Alina Engelman
This quarter we interview former consumer Alina Engelman.
Give us some brief background information-where were you born and raised, and where do you live now? What is your occupation?
I'm currently a tenure-track assistant professor Former consumer Alina Engelman of Health Sciences at California State University, East Bay. I teach courses including Epidemiology, Community Health, Supervised Field Training & Writing, Research Methods and Program Evaluation. I love to travel internationally, and for part of my graduate studies I lived and worked in Kenya.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, where I was diagnosed as deaf at 18 months old. I went to Brown University for my undergraduate degree, Yale University for my master's degree in Global Health, and the University of California at Berkeley for my doctoral degree in Public Health.
How has your experience been thus far with DOR?
I am extremely grateful for the financial support I received from DOR, which included support for books, room and board, and tuition. While I received in-house and external scholarships, DOR's support helped considerably. In addition, DOR covered the cost of assistive devices that were critical to my success, including hearing aids and cochlear implant processors. I would also like to give special thanks to my counselors Toni Solorzano and Richard Goldstein, who helped me access all these resources.
In addition, DOR covered the cost of a Roger Pen, which is a wireless FM microphone that I use every day at work. If I have one-on-one meetings with students during office hours, or a larger faculty meeting, the pen enables me to communicate more effectively. Receivers plugged into my hearing aid and cochlear implants are streamed directly to the pen, eliminating background noise and improving the quality of the audio signal.
DOR made it possible for me to fulfill my ambitions and get a fulfilling position at CSU East Bay.
Do you think you've faced any major challenges in life because of your disability? Any minor challenges?
Support from my family, friends and professors provided a buffer, allowing me to carve my path as I saw fit. Yet, before entering college I encountered well-meaning teachers who either advised me to lower my expectations for my own career path despite my achievement, or treated my success as an anomaly - the exception that proved the rule. One high school advisor once assumed that law school would be out of reach for me due to my disability.
Due to these experiences, I take special care to mentor and support my students, keeping in mind that with some encouragement, even students from the most difficult circumstances can go very far. Some students have been underestimated by teachers not because of a disability but because of barriers or assumptions based on socio- economic, language or cultural differences.
Has being an individual with a disability provided you any unique opportunities?
Yes, both personally and professionally. In general, having a disability gives you a unique opportunity to be resourceful and creative in order to adapt to and participate in such a complex, rapidly changing world.
From a professional standpoint, my disability also gives me a unique opportunity to connect with my students. CSU East Bay is one of the most diverse universities in California and primarily serves first-generation, minority students. Sixty-five percent of students at CSUEB are the first in their family to go to college. I share with many of my students the experience of speaking a different language in my home than in the classroom. I think my disability not only makes it easier for me to connect with these students, but also exposes them to the capabilities of people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing.
It's also given me a unique opportunity to be a member of the Deaf community and get support from such a rich community, both nationally and internationally.
What is one misconception you think you face?
Sometimes people assume, because of my accent, that I'm from a different country.
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New Hires and Retirees (as of December 2016)
JIM ABAD Associate Governmental Program Analyst, DOR DOR Central Office
SARA ABDRABOU Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Van Nuys Foothill District, Van Nuys Foothill District Office
GERI ALLEN Staff Services Analyst, Redwood Empire District, Redwood Empire District Office
LYNDA ALLEN, Senior Account Clerk, San Francisco District, San Mateo Branch
ARIANNA AMOS-EATON Support Services Assistant, Orientation Center for the Blind
MARYLIN ASEMOTA Staff Services Analyst, San Jose District, Gilroy Branch
ASHER ANISHA Attorney, Legal Affairs, DOR Central Office
KRYSTLE ASHFORD Support Services Assistant/Interpreter, San Joaquin Valley District, Merced Branch
ELLEN BAKER Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Legislative and External Affairs Office, DOR Central Office
RUPINDER BAL Accounting Officer Specialist, Accounting-Administration, DOR DOR Central Office
CORTNEE BALLIF Support Services Assistant, Greater East Bay District, Richmond Branch
SONARA BARBER Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Redwood Empire District, Redding Branch LYNNE BARILE Administrative Assistant II, Director's Office, DOR Central Office
LINA BARRERA Personnel Specialist, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
JACQUE BARSAMIAN Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, CaPROMISE - Berkeley
LUCY BARTEL Staff Services Analyst, Greater East Bay District, Antioch Branch
JULISSA BARTON Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Los Angeles South Bay District, LA South Bay District Office
AVALON BATTLES Support Services Assistant/Interpreter, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services, DOR Central Office
CRISTINA BERRY Program Technician II, Santa Barbara District, Santa Barbara District Office
MOLLY BERTRAM Staff Services Analyst, Orange San Gabriel District, Santa Ana Orange Branch
JENNILEE BETZ Associate Personnel Analyst, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
CENON-ANGE BISCOCHO Support Services Assistant, Greater East Bay District, Fairfield Branch PETER BLANCO Rehabilitation Specialist, Greater Los Angeles District, Greater LA District Office
ROBERT BOHRER Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Redwood Empire District, Eureka Branch
DONNA BROWN Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Orange San Gabriel District, Orange/San Gabriel District Office
COREY BULLEN Office Technician - Typing, Northern Sierra District, Laguna Creek Branch
MICHAEL BURCKER Office Technician - General, San Jose District, Capitola Branch
ALLEGRA BURRIS Office Technician - General, San Diego District, San Diego District Office
HANNAH BUSH Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, CaPROMISE - Compton
KRISTINA BYRD Accountant Trainee, Accounting-Financial Reporting, DOR Central Office
TARA CALDERON Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Northern Sierra District, Roseville Branch
DELBERT CANNON Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Los Angeles South Bay District, Mid-Cities Unit LAUREN CASTILLO Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Van Nuys Foothill District, Glendale Branch
ESTRELLITA CASTRO Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, San Francisco District, Menlo Park Branch
JENNIFER CENTIMOLE Seasonal Clerk, Northern Sierra District, Northeast Sacramento Branch
JESSICA CERVANTES Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Information Technology Services, DOR Central Office
SERINA CHACON Office Technician - Typing, Valley Mountain Region, DOR Central Office
SUZANNE CHAN Staff Services Manager III, Operations and Accountability, DOR Central Office
BLAIR COATES Office Technician - Typing, Program Support Branch, DOR Central Office
CHRISTINA COLE Cook II, Orientation Center for the Blind
JOCELYN CONCEPCION Program Technician II, San Francisco District, San Francisco District Office
MELISSA CORKER Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Business Services Section, DOR Central Office
AMY COUCH Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Los Angeles South Bay District, LA South Bay District Office
LUIS COVARRUBIAS Graduate Student Assistant, Los Angeles South Bay District, Mid-Cities Branch
ANGELICA CRUZ Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Inland Empire District, Temecula Branch
MARIA CURIEL Staff Services Manager I, San Joaquin Valley District, Bakersfield Southwest Branch
BETH DANIELS Staff Services Analyst, Greater Los Angeles District, Bakersfield Southwest Branch
KIA DAVIS Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Greater East Bay District, Oakland Branch
JONATHAN DE JESUS Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Santa Barbara District, Oxnard Branch
JONATHAN DEGUZMAN Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, San Francisco District, Novato Branch
ISMAEL DE-LEON Staff Services Analyst, San Jose District, Salinas Branch
JULIA DOMINGUEZ Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Santa Barbara District, Santa Barbara Branch
VICTORIA DOMINGUEZ Seasonal Clerk, Santa Barbara District, Santa Barbara Branch
TIMOTHY DURKEE Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, San Diego District, San Marcos Branch
CARRIE ENGLAND Staff Services Manager I, Independent Living & Assistive Technology District Office
CHRISTOPHE ENRIQUEZ Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Santa Barbara District, Santa Barbara Branch
CRYSTAL FERRER Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Business Services Section, DOR Central Office
CHAIA FLORES Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Inland Empire District, Riverside Branch
MEGAN FLORES Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Business Services Section, DOR Central Office
ATALAITE FREEMAN Staff Services Analyst, Contracts and Procurement, DOR Central Office
FELICIA FRENCH Staff Services Analyst, Los Angeles South Bay District, Mid- Cities Branch
SHARON GALLEGOS Staff Services Analyst, San Francisco District, Novato Branch
MARLO GASTON Staff Services Analyst, CaPROMISE - Westchester CASEY GATES Associate Personnel Analyst, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
SEBASTIAN GEE Staff Services Analyst, San Francisco District, San Francisco District Office
EMILY GERBER Staff Information Systems Analyst (Specialist), Information Technology Services, DOR Central Office
KRISTIN GIAFAGLIONE Office Technician - General, San Diego District, San Marcos Branch
ERLI GOENA CALDWELL Support Services Assistant, Santa Barbara District, Santa Barbara District Office
GLORIA GONZALEZ Seasonal Clerk, Van Nuys Foothill District, Santa Clarita Branch
JUDY GONZALEZ Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Valley Mountain Region, DOR Central Office
JEROMIE GRIDLEY Office Technician - General, Redwood Empire District, Redding Branch
BURGESS GRIFFIN IV Office Technician - Typing, Business Enterprise Program, DOR Central Office
VIRGINIA GUERRA Associate Governmental Program Analyst, San Diego District, San Diego District Office ANGELA GUZMAN Staff Services Analyst, Greater East Bay District, Greater East Bay District Office
GABRIELLE HALL Support Services Assistant , Greater East Bay District, Fremont Branch
CHRISTOPHER GUZMAN Staff Services Analyst, Contracts and Procurement
GARRETT HALL Supervising Cook I, Orientation Center for the Blind
SHANNAN HANSEN Office Assistant - General, Redwood Empire District, Redwood Empire District Office
KELLY HARGREAVES Chief Deputy Director, DOR Central Office
ANGELA HARMON Seasonal Clerk, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
LISA HARRIS Staff Services Manager II, Human Services Coop Program, DOR Central Office
ALLISON HARTLEY Staff Services Manager I, Redwood Empire District, Napa Branch
MARTA HATAMIAN Student Assistant, Van Nuys Foothill District, Van Nuys/Foothill District Office
JOSEPH HERNANDEZ Graduate Student Assistant, San Diego District, South County (Chula Vista) Branch
DONNA HEZEL Staff Services Manager II, San Jose District, San Jose District Office
BREAH HIGGINBOTHAM Seasonal Clerk, Director's Office, DOR Central Office
SARAH HOLGUIN Staff Services Analyst, Van Nuys Foothill District, Van Nuys/Foothill District Office
DIANA HUYNH Seasonal Clerk, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
ROGER JACOBS Staff Services Analyst, Orange San Gabriel District, Santa Ana Orange Branch
MARTHA JIMENEZ Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Inland Empire District, Ontario Branch
MILITZA JIMENEZ Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, San Diego District, San Marcos Branch
RAVEN JONES Office Technician - General, Santa Barbara District, Oxnard Branch
JILL JOSWICK Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Orange/San Gabriel District, Orange/San Gabriel District Office
MEGHANA KAMLE Senior Information Systems Analyst, Information Technology Services, DOR Central Office ASHLEY KELLER Support Services Assistant/Interpreter, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services, DOR Central Office
ARNOLD KIM Office Technician - General, San Joaquin Valley District, Bakersfield Branch
JOHN KOVAL Office Technician - General, Northern Sierra District, Roseville Branch
JUNE KUEHN Staff Services Manager II, Orange San Gabriel District, Orange/San Gabriel District Office
JASON KYOTANI Program Technician II, San Francisco District, San Francisco District Office
SHARON LAU Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Northern Sierra District, Northern Sierra District Office
TRUNG LE Staff Services Manager II, Orange/San Gabriel District, Orange/San Gabriel District Office
ERIC LEE Staff Services Analyst, San Jose District, San Jose District Office
AURACLAIRE LIM Office Technician - Typing, San Jose District, San Jose District Office
JENNIFER LIM Assistant Director of Legislation and External Affairs, DOR Central Office CRISTHAL LOBDELL Seasonal Clerk, Accounting-Fiscal/Systems Reporting, DOR Central Office
MICHAEL LOCKLEAR Staff Services Analyst, Inland Empire District, San Bernardino Branch
MICHAEL LOPEZ Student Assistant, Van Nuys Foothill District, Pasadena Branch
VALERIE LYNN Office Technician - General, San Francisco District, San Mateo Branch
RUBEN MACATANGAY Program Technician II, Van Nuys Foothill District, Van Nuys/Foothill District Office
ANGELIT MADLANSACAY Staff Services Analyst, San Jose District, San Jose District Office
BLESSING MADUAGWU Staff Services Analyst, Orange San Gabriel District, Orange/San Gabriel District Office
DEBORAH MAESTAS Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Inland Empire District, San Bernardino Branch
ALESSANDRO MAIONE Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Greater East Bay District, Oakland Branch
SOLOMITA MALKO Student Assistant, Workforce Development Section, DOR Central Office
JENNIFER MALLOY Associate Governmental Program Analyst, San Jose District, Piedmont Hills Branch
DENICE MARQUEZ Office Assistant - Typing, Business Enterprise, Los Angeles Field Office
MARISOL MARQUEZ Support Services Assistant, Greater LA District, Greater LA District Office
MICHAEL MARTINEZ Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Greater LA District, Greater LA District Office
KATHLEEN MCGAHA Office Technician - General, San Diego District, Laguna Hills Branch
JUSTIN MCINTIRE Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Santa Barbara District, San Luis Obispo Branch
RITU MENGI Staff Programmer Analyst - Specialist, Information Technology Services, DOR Central Office
MCKENZIE METZGER Staff Services Analyst, Greater East Bay District, Oakland Branch
ESPERANZA MOLINA Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Greater Los Angeles District, Norwalk Branch
ROSA MONZON Graduate Student Assistant, San Diego District, San Diego District Office
DANIEL MORAN Seasonal Clerk, Van Nuys Foothill District, Pasadena Branch
MERSADES MOSELEY Seasonal Clerk, Community Resource Development, DOR Central Office
MARIA MURILLO Office Technician - Typing, Van Nuys Foothill District, Antelope Valley (Lancaster) Branch
ALEXANDRA MURRAY Support Services Assistant/Interpreter, Orange San Gabriel District, El Monte Branch
LAURETTA MUZIO Staff Services Analyst, Northern Sierra District, Auburn Branch
KO KO NAING Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Orange San Gabriel District, El Monte Branch
TUAN NGUYEN Personnel Supervisor I, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
TYZIA NORMAN Student Assistant, CCHCS- LAC Medical Records, LA County
MYISHA NORRIS Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, San Diego District, San Diego District Office
MEGHAN OGRADY Dorm Counselor, Orientation Center for the Blind JULIAN ORTEGA Staff Services Analyst, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
TEVIA OSKIN Graduate Student Assistant, San Diego District, San Diego District Office
CARLAYNA OXFORD Seasonal Clerk, Greater LA District, Greater LA District Office
SANDRA PADILLA Office Technician (General), Orange/San Gabriel District, El Monte Branch
YVONNE PALACIOS Office Assistant (Typing), Business Enterprise Program - Northern Region, DOR Central Office
MARC PASSEN Staff Services Manager I, San Francisco District, San Francisco District Office
TRACI PAVLAS Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, San Diego, E County (La Mesa) Branch
KELVIN PEACHES Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Customer Service Unit, DOR Central Office
PATRICK PEARSON Support Services Assistant, Greater Los Angeles District, Greater Los Angeles Branch
TRENIRE PENSY Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Greater East Bay District, Richmond Branch MARIO PEREZ Staff Services Analyst, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
CONAN PETRIE Staff Services Manager III, Valley Mountain Region, Redding Branch Office
ANTHONY PHONG Seasonal Clerk, Program Policy Implementation Unit, DOR Central Office
DIANA PINEDA Seasonal Clerk, Van Nuys Foothill District, Pasadena Branch
JACQUELINE QUIJADA Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Greater Los Angeles District, Westchester Branch
PATRICIA QUINN Staff Services Analyst, Inland Empire District, Temecula Branch
BRONWYN RALPH Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Business Enterprise Program - Los Angeles Field Office
LINDA RAMOS Staff Services Manager I, Valley Mountain Region, DOR Central Office
MARISELA RAMOS Office Technician - General (Limited Term), LA South Bay District, LA South Bay District Office
MONIQUE RASCON Support Services Assistant, Orange San Gabriel District, Orange/San Gabriel District Office
ATYA RATCLIFF Vocational Instructor, Orientation Center for the Blind
CHRISTOPHE REGALADO Office Technician - Typing, Santa Barbara District, Santa Barbara District Office
NATHAN REIMAN Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, San Diego District, E County (La Mesa) Branch
JOANNE REYNOLDS Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Inland Empire District, Temecula Branch
SCOTT ROBERTS Staff Services Analyst, San Jose District, Salinas Branch
MARCOS RODRIGUEZ Staff Services Analyst, Contracts and Procurement, DOR Central Office
IRENE ROMO Staff Services Analyst, Northern Sierra District, Northern Sierra District Office
SARAH ROSE Staff Services Analyst (Limited Term), San Francisco District, San Francisco District Office
CHERYL RUCK Support Services Assistant, Santa Barbara District, Santa Maria Branch
RENE RUIZ Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Valley Mountain Region
YIAN SAEPHAN Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Accounting- Payroll/Revolving Fund, DOR Central Office MICHELE SALAS Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, CaPROMISE - Stockton
CHARLENE SALDANA Staff Services Analyst, Orange San Gabriel District, Orange/San Gabriel District Office
VERONICA SAN JUAN Staff Services Analyst, Santa Barbara District, Oxnard Branch
MELISSA SANDERS Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Redwood Empire District, Redwood Empire District Office
DAVID SCOTTON Staff Services Analyst, San Jose District, Salinas Branch
CANDIDO SERVERA Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Northern Sierra District, Woodland Branch
MARWA SHADIA Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, LA South Bay District, LA South Bay District Office
FARIBA SHAHMIRZADI C.E.A., Northern Sierra District, Administrative Services, DOR Central Office
JANETTE SHEA Support Services Assistant, Inland Empire District, San Bernardino Branch
ERIC SHELTON Seasonal Clerk, Northern Sierra District, Yuba City Branch NELSON SHEYA Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Legislative and External Affairs, DOR Central Office
DIANE SHINSTOCK Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Coop Education Program, DOR Central Office
SARA SLYKER Support Services Assistant, Redwood Empire District, Napa Branch
CHRISEL SOLIS Accountant I - Specialist, Accounting Services Section, DOR Central Office
LUZ SOLIS Office Technician - General, LA South Bay District, LA South Bay District Office
NANCY SOWERS Support Services Assistant, Santa Barbara District, Santa Barbara Branch
LAURIE SPERRY Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Valley Mountain Region, Eureka Branch
BARINDER SUPRAI Associate Information Systems Analyst, Information Technology Service, DOR Central Office
ROBERTA TAFOYA Associate Governmental Program Analyst, San Jose District, San Jose District Office
SANDRA TAMAYO Staff Services Analyst, Los Angeles South Bay District, Pacific Gateway (Gardena) Branch
DHARISHINI THAYALAN Office Technician - General, San Diego District, San Marcos Branch
RUI THOMAS Staff Services Analyst, Redwood Empire District, Ukiah Branch
GABRIEL THOMPSON Associate Programmer Analyst, Information Technology Services, DOR Central Office
ANNALYN TOLENTINO Staff Services Analyst, Greater East Bay District, Antioch Branch
SAYAKA TSUGAI Student Assistant, Santa Barbara District, San Luis Obispo Branch
ROBIN UMEDA Staff Services Analyst, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
CHRISTOPHER VALLE Graduate Student Assistant, San Francisco District, San Francisco District Office
WESTLY VANDERSCHAAF Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, San Diego District, South County (Chula Vista) Branch
PRISCILLA VARELA Associate Governmental Program Analyst, San Joaquin Valley District, Bakersfield Southwest Branch
DAVID VASQUEZ Groundskeeper, Orientation Center for the Blind
MICHAEL VIGIL Office Technician - General (Limited Term), San Diego District, South County (Chula Vista) Branch
SUSAN VOLL Office Technician - General (Limited Term), Santa Barbara District, Santa Barbara District office
LORETTA WALTON Associate Personnel Analyst , Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
YINGJUAN WANG Accountant Trainee, Accounting-Financial Reporting, DOR Central Office
JOANNE WEEKS Personnel Specialist, Personnel Services Section, DOR Central Office
MOLLY WHEAT Graduate Student Assistant, San Diego District, San Diego District Office
BARBARA WIESKAMP Staff Services Analyst, CaPROMISE - Berkeley
AIMAN WONG Staff Services Analyst, Orange/San Gabriel District, Orange/San Gabriel District Office
STEPHANIE WONG Staff Services Manager I, CaPROMISE - Berkeley
SHERRELL WOODS Office Technician - General (Limited Term), Los Angeles County DOR Central Offices, Mid-Cities Branch
CEBALLOS WRISTEN Support Services Assistant, Inland Empire District, Riverside Branch
EMILY XONGCHAO Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Budgets/Fiscal Forecasting/Research, DOR Central Office
MAXINE YOUNGER Rehabilitation Specialist, Greater East Bay District, Greater East Bay District Office
AHMED YUSUFU Support Services Assistant, Greater East Bay District, Fremont Branch
TERESA ALMY Senior Vocational ALTHEA LEE Rehabilitation Counselor Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor LYNNE ARSENAULT Senior Vocational CARL MAIER Rehabilitation Counselor Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor RENEE ATES Personnel Supervisor I ELIZABETH NELSON Senior Vocational PAULETTE BAKER Rehabilitation Counselor Staff Services Manager III ALBERT NUHU ROBIN BEZZERIDES Senior Vocational Staff Services Manager I Rehabilitation Counselor
JEFFREY BURNS PAMELLA OSSMANN Senior Vocational Associate Governmental Rehabilitation Counselor Program Analyst
GRACIELA BURQUE PATRIC PARLIER-COOK Staff Services Manager I Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor CYNTHIA CLARK Office Technician - General TERESA PAULSEN Senior Vocational DORA MAE COOMES Rehabilitation Counselor Office Technician - General ROCKY PERRY LISA CRUZ Associate Governmental Office Technician - General Program Analyst
LYNDA CRYER MICHAEL POE Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Support Rehabilitation Counselor CLAUDIA PORDES CHERYL D'ALESSANDRO Senior Vocational Office Technician - General Rehabilitation Counselor
PRISCILLA DE LEON CASEY PRINGLE Senior Vocational Custodian Rehabilitation Counselor GELINDA QUINTILE PAUL DEMANGE Senior Vocational Community Resource Rehabilitation Counselor Development Specialist JOHN RICHARDS FRANCES FRANKS Senior Vocational Vocational Instructor Rehabilitation Counselor
ROSA GARCIA MARCIA ROWORTH Senior Vocational Senior Program Analyst Rehabilitation Counselor LINDA RYCZEK GEORGE GRAMS Senior Vocational Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Rehabilitation Counselor SHERYL SAAR MICHAEL GULLICK Resource Program Specialist Associate Information II Systems Analyst KIMBERLY SALAS JOHN HAX Office Technician - Typing Associate Governmental Program Analyst ELIZABETH SALERNO Senior Vocational GLORIA HONEA Rehabilitation Counselor Staff Services Analyst STEPHEN SHANAHAN SHIRLEY HOWELL Senior Vocational Staff Services Analyst Rehabilitation Counselor
STEPHEN ICAMEN MARTIN SULTAN Staff Services Manager I Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor JUDITH JOHNSON Office Technician - Typing ROBYN TENENSAPF Senior Vocational DAWN JOHNSTON Rehabilitation Counselor Staff Services Analyst ERIC WATENMAKER DENISE KNIGHT Senior Vocational Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Rehabilitation Counselor
BARBARA LAMB Rehabilitation Specialist
CHARLYNN LANE Office Technician - General
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